Title of Invention


Abstract This machine newly designed is titled Reciprocating Turbine. A piston is receiprocating in a bore. This utilizes siphon.at in let of siphon, This will be arranged. The outlet will be dipped in water. It has two masses at downwards of two massy wheels. To begin the operation a part of machinery which has middle valve, bottom valve is pressed at middle valve, consequently bottom valve will be opened. Water will be allowed to flow out through siphon, pushing piston forward. This will be "Start of process". Wheels will be roteted. After some time bottom valve stop"s the flow out of water. Then piston comes to downwards in the bore due to power of the massy wheels. This will be ".stop of process". Then middle valve will be pressed. Consequently "Stan" of process comes into effect. Like this the two procedures follow each other.
Full Text NATURE:
The title of the invention is "Reciprocating Turbine" according to its' working process. The field in which the machine can work and, be utilized is hydro power generation. It may be mechanical or electrical. Previous turbines which are already existed in this field have blades or vanes in their construction. This rtiachine does not have blades. This machine have a piston which reciprocates in the bore. If there is a difference between two hight's of water, we can use this machine. This will be performed Using potential energy of water.
There should be a big main pipe. When pipe will be filled with water completely having rro air bubbles in it water will flow through it with a great speed Though its inlet and outlet are at downwards than it's position of the middle part. At the same time the inlet must be at "higher positions and the outlet must be at lower positions.
The machine should be fixed to the inlet of main pipe and it must not be fixed to the outlet. Outlet will be dipped in the water of a small tub. So air will not enter into the main pipe. A care must be taken about air not to enter in the machine also and the water level should be maintained in that way.
The piston has two springs which help to maintain the position of piston valve according to the situation arised when machine is working.

I explain the first stage of machine's working process, hi thi^piston valve will be closed^bottom valve will be opened. Two masses which are fixed to the two massy wheels will be at downwords. Middle valve will also be opened. When it will be under the position that has been said as abo\-e-to start the machine we will remo\'e the (lid)cap. Which is fitted to the outlet of main pipe. Radious of main pipe is greater than the radious of exteriorcase(Bore). It is 2 or 3 times greater When compared. So main pipe must have greater radious. When the cap(lid) is removed water flows through the main pipe and machine. So piston will also nio\'e to the forward(upwards) position with some power until it hit\s the first rod. Then the piston valve will be opened and at the same time the bottom valw will be closed consequeirtTyT Water will not run (flow)through the pipe. This .siiuaiinn iiuiic;ilcs \hc initial position of second stage. The masses of wheels will ho ;il upwaids.
I explain the second stage which is mentioned as abo\e follows the given changes, 'fhe masses of wheels comes to down wards. Consequently piston moves to downwards until it hit's the middle valve. Then the middle valve and piston valve both will be closed and the bottom valve will be opened. This situation indicates the intial position of first stage. The water fiows through the main pipe and piston mo\'es in the upwards direction. Like the above the two stages follow each other consequenth'. Then the turbine will give some power from it's output wheel, which rotates itself around it and about the centre of wheel. Power efficiency may be nearly 60% according to my practicals.

The reciprocating Ibrbine consists of the following 26 Major parts, these are;
1. Bore
2. Piston,
3. Bigmain pipe (Draft pipe)
4. Small TUb,
5. TWo massy wheels together with iWo masses,
6. Piston Valve
7. Middle valve,
8. Bottom valve.
9. Frame,
10. Piston rod,
11. First rod,
12. Lifter
13. era nek shaft,
14. 1st Joint,
15. 2nd joint
16. %cond rod,
17. Piston bar,
18. Bearings,
19. Output wheel,
20. Middle Valve Joint,
21. Bottom Valve Joint,
22. Lifter Joint
23. Iron wire,
24. First bar
25. Cap(ua) (Cover)
26. Bend pipe having aperture,

1) The First stage Is shown in Pig,No, 1 of drawing sheet No, 1
2) The Second stage is shown in Fig, No,2 of drawing sheet No,2
3) The whole machinery is shown In Pig,No,3 of Drawing sheet No,3 A view of massy wheel is shown In Fig,5 and A view of piston is shown in Pig.4 and 6,

#■. At first this machinery is arranged as shown in Fig.3. Then the positions of
different parts of machine are as follows. The masses of two massy wheels
are at down position. The bottom valve will be opened and the piston valve
and middle valve both are closed. The lower end of rod of piston valve is
pressing the middle valve. The pipe is in siphon mode. The outlet of the pipe
is covered by a cap. The out let is dipped in the water of small Tub.
When we remove the cap from the outlet of pipe. Then the water will be
allowed tO; under the influence of atmospheric pressure. So the water will be
drawned to downwards. The piston along with the water moves from it's initial
position When it reaches the first rod. The upper end of the rod of piston valve will
be iiil wilii the llrst ro;id, in such a way that llie piston \a!\o will be opened. Ai the
same lime Second rod iiits the iifler to lilt up liie boiioni \al\e. iiicn liie lifter lift"s
up the bottom valve with the iron wire. So the bottom \alve cover the inlet of bore.
Consequently the water will be stopped to flow. Then there is no,flowing of water.
Meanwhile the piston valve comes to down wards in the bore With the help of
power which is in the running massy wheels. In other words the massy wheels take
the piston valve and piston to downwards. Thenit's lower end Pressed the middle
valve. Then the bottom vahe, which stopped the flowing of water, will be opened and
allows water to flow out. At the same time There is no relation between the lifter
and bottom valve. As soon as the bottom valve will be opened The piston will be
pushed forward along with the water. The masses of two mass\- wheels will be lifted
in the running of wheels Wheeels willbe rotated by means of two joints, rods and
'U' type rod. So then there is "Start of Water". Again the upper end of rod of

the piston valve Hit's the First rod and ;At the same timeicoiTsequently. 1 second rod hit's the lifter and the lifter lift's up the bottom valve and then result's the "Stop of Water", Again massy wheels make the piston to hit t he middle valve. The bottom valve will be opened. Then it result's to start of water. The above procedure of "Stop and Start" follows each other. Consequently machine run's with some power according to it's potential energy of water. We can take the power through the output wheel. Whenever if we need not run the machine we may cover the outlet with cap.
The piston valve will be used to create a hole. When there is "Stop position". So piston comes freely to downwards ie., towards bottom valve. If there is no valve inpiston it become's impossible to reach downwards. This same piston valve is used to cover that hole In such a way that even a single drop of water will not be allowed. So piston will be pushed to forwards when there is "Start Position".

there are two types of pistons. FIRST TifPEi First type piston has Inflexible walls. First type piston has no expanding Walls which are pulled towards the wall of inside of Bore in the reciprocating action. Piston moves in the Bore with some friction In Both directions. This friction is same either in upward or downward. So energy will be consumed to remove the friction in Both directions.
SECOND TyPE; Ihe Second type piston has flexible and expanding Walls (Automatic-expansible walls ) which are pulled towards the wall of inside of Bore in the reciprocating action in upwards movement only due to atmospheric pressure. S© some friction will be there in upward's movement only, So energy will be consumed to remove the friction In that upward's direction only. At the same time tfae Bottom valve will be opened and allows the water. Next In downward* s movement we shut the Bottom valve. S© atmospheric pressure will not be there, as in (Fig.2 of Sheet No.2) Then Walls are not pulled towards the wall of inside of Bote,and keeping soma small gap between the bo'ifft^ piston and Inside of Bore^
Because the wall of piston is Inlts original nature. Then the piston comes freely without having friction. 3© energy will not be consumed. In view of friction in downward's direction only. So this type of piston has beeter efficiency when i*e corrpared with First type piston. This Is shown in Fig.6 of Sheet No,3
TO RUN THE MACHINE TWO CYCLES(STAGES) WIE NECESSARY THEY ARE: I) First cycle, "Start of Flowout" ID Second cycle "Stop of Flowout".
I. START OF FLOW OUT: This will be achieved generally by a part
of a pipe in which two valves are established. If we get the
blocking of pipe at some point in the pipe

by using any of ttese values this will te achieved. Then one valve is so pressed that no wgter will bs allowed through it . Consequently the remaining val¬ve will be opened easily. And the "start of flow out" of Water will te allowed. That is the inter changing of niddle and Bottom valves. Thia Is shown In Fig.a and 9 m drawing sheet N0.4 . The arrow marks indi¬cate the water direction,
II.STCP OF FLOW OUT; This will fce achieved by any of these valves. When we shut any of the valve. Then that valve will be closed. There is no flowing of water to out side finally. I concluded that these two cycles fbllcwed by each other to activate t^e machine.
To get ttfi openinj of tlr»3 val'^'e which is closed in order to stop tire water flow out. We required mor« .power kt the same morrent. This leads to sorre disadv¬antages. To avoid this we arrange the bottom valve as a com.bination of sub valves. Then tVese two effects of two cycles will be achieved according to tY& opening or closing of sab-valves one by one directly in order to activate the receprocating Tirbine. In such system there will be no middle v^lve.
There is relation between the dianetre, length of bore , and diameter of big main pipe. (Draft pipe ) If we ma^ie any variations in these three, or any of three. The out put will be varied at constant hight of Water source. Tb£ power that will bs delivered by the out put wheel will fce varied according to the pot¬ential energy. TTB valves used plane,or triangular or semlsphere shaped solids in their constructions.

Of previous
1. There is no siphon
2. There is no influence of atmos¬pheric pressure regarding the pipe that is used to draw the water from water source to out side.
3. The machinery or turbine fixed at the outlet of pipe to get the Potential energy of water
4. There need not have massy Wheels for it's operation.
5. These don't have a part of ma¬chine in which middle valve and bottom valve are whenever when the middle valve is pressed the bottom valve will be opened Easily.
6. The water hit's the turbine blades continously and there are no "Stop and starts" for the flowing of water
This turbines have blades or vanes for their operation.

of this
1. There must be sipohon
2. There is influence of atmospheric
pressure regarding the pipe that is
used to draw the water from water source
3. This machinery must be fixed at the
inlet of pipe(siphon)to get the
the potential energy of water.
4. This must have massy wheels for It's operation.
5. Unless ihere is this type of
part of machines there is no running of mchine(Turbine).
6. There is no continious flowing of
water to outside there are "Stop
and start's" of water. These stops
and starts will be happened by the
control of system in which middle
valve and bottom valves are fixed
7. This has a piston which reciprocates
In a bore for its operation it has no
blades or vanes


Thejre are two methods to Start and Stop this Reciprocating ibrblne.
FIRST METHOD TO START TOE TURHENEt At first we separate the bottom Valve. Which Is clasped at a point, Inorder that bottom valve become* s free, and Next,we must connpress the middle valve with the edge of piston valve by rotating the massy wheel.When the bottom valve.Closes the Inlet of bore. Then the bottom waive will be opened and the TVirblne will be started usually. Then the masses of wheels are at downwards. At same time water Is flowing to the outside of Thb. This Is shown In Pig 7 of Drawing sheet No.4
FIRST METHOD TO STOP THE TORHTNE: We must shut the Inlet of bore with the bottom valve, and clasp It to some other point,Inorder that it dows not move to downwards. This Is shown In the ^Ig.T of Drawing sheet No.4 ,
SECOND METHOD TO START THE TORBINEt At first we must set the valves of 1\irtalne are as shown In Pig.lOof Drawing sheet No. 5 by rotating the wheel, le., bottom valve la opened and the middle val>« is not conpressed by edge of piston valve and the piston valve Is closed and next we remove the cap (lid) (cover) from the outlet of draft pipe and set aside as shown in Pig.ll of ^ra!>ti.ng sheet No,5. Then the lUrblnB will be started usually. Generally the masses are just above to down wards as shown In Pigl2 of drawing sheet No.5 . At same time water Is flowing to outside of "Hib.
SECOND NETHOD TO STOP THE TORHtNEt if we shut the outlet Of
draft pipe with the cap (or) lid (or) cover. The turbine will
be stopped usually. This Is shown In ^'Ig.No.lO of Drjjwlng sheet No.»/.

This invention relates to a reciprocating turbine and a method of producing electrical energy using the said turbine wherein potential energy of water is converted to electrical or mechanical energy using piston siphon effect.
Various types of turbines are known in the art and so also extraction of power from water. However, the known turbines are very expensive and they often face problem because of their location under water.
It is the primary object of the present invention to provide a reciprocating turbine which is simple in construction, easy to use and cost effective, It will be installed at the upside of water falls.
A further object of the invention is to provide a method of producing electrical energy using said turbine.
This invention thus provides a reciprocating turbine comprising a piston and valve
assembly placed in a bore, a crank shaft placed in a frame, the piston being connected to
the crank shaft through a piston bar, both ends of the crank shaft being provided with a
massy wheel and bearing assembly, one end being provided with an output wheel, the
bore is provided with an inlet for receiving a draft pipe placed in a water tub, said piston
moving in (i) a bend pipe through an aperture, Connecting (ii) a first bar and the
crankshaft, (iii) a piston valve and a middle valve, the piston valve and piston bar having •
a spring system lo set the piston valve to convert the potential, energy into mechanical energy generated in the reciprocal movement of the piston, a bottom valve which is lifted using a lifter provided in the frame through an iron wire, the middle and bottom valve being provided with valve joint, a first rod is provided at the upside of the said bore and a second rod being provided to piston bar.
The invention also provides a method of producing electrical energy using the turbine described above comprising the steps of (a) 'start of flow out' and (b) 'stop of flow out' step (a) being carried out by actuating the upward movement of the piston through the

Output wheel during which the second rod lifts the said lifter there by closing the bottom valve and the piston rod hits the first rod thereby expanding the piston valve to allow the flow of the water from the bore to the draft pipe(b) being carried ouc by actuating the downward movement of the piston due to inertia and the weight of the massy wheels during which the second rod leaves the lifter thereby opening the bottom valve, the end or edge of said piston valve will compress said middle valve thereby closing the piston valve.
This invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings,
Fig. I illustrates the turbine of the present invention during the upward movement of the
piston assembly;
Fig. 2 illustrates the turbine of the present invention during the downward movement of
the piston assembly;
Fig. 3 illustrates the turbine connected to the draft pipe placed in a water tub;
Fig. 4 and 6 illustrates the ordinary and expansible pistons ;
Fig. 5 illustrates the massy wheel having muss;
Fig. 7 illustrates one method to start and stop the turbine
Fig. 8 and 9 illustrate the types of setting of middle and bottom valves
Fig. 10 illustrates the other method to start and stop the turbine
Fig. 11 illustrates the crank shaft assembly and
Fir. 12 illustrates the cap for the draft pipe lower end.
Referring to the figures, it will be clear that the reciprocating turbine has a bore 1 in which is placed a piston 2 which is designed to convert the potential energy into mechanical energy generated in the reciprocal movement executed in said bore 1 during operation. The piston 2 is placed in the bore which has outlet connected to draft pipe 3.

The piston 2 has a piston valve 6 and a piston bar 17 with a spring system and piston rod
10. The piston bar is set movably in the aperture of the bend pipe 26 and is connected to
the crank shaft 13 through a first bar 24. the crankshaft 13 is mounted on a frame 9 and is
provided with two massy wheels 5 and bearing 18 on both ends and an output wheel 19 is
provided at one end of the crankshaft 13 to enable operation of the piston assembly. A
first rod 11 provided upside of bore and a second rod is provided to the piston bar. The
first joint 14 at the crankshaft side and second joint 15 at the piston bar are provided with
bearing (not shown) to enable easy operation. The piston rod 10 is connected to piston
valve 6. A middle valve joint 20 is provided at the lower end of the bore 1. The end
portion of the bore 1 is provided with a bottom valve 8 which is connected to the lifter
through a iron wire 23. the lower end of draft pipe which placed in a water tub 4 and is
preferably provided with a cap 25 at the outlet end. The turbine will be activated when
the said cap 25 is removed and will be stopped when the cap covers the lower end of draft
pipe. /

1. A reciprocating turbine comprising a piston (2) and valve (6) assembly placed in a bore (1), a Crank shaft (13) placed in a frame (9), The Piston(2) being connected to the crankshaft(13), through a piston bar (17) both ends of the crank shaft being provided with a massy wheel having mass(5) and bearing(18) assembly, one end being provided with an output wheel(19), the bore (1) is provided with an outlet for receiving a draft pipe(3) placed its end in a water tub(4), said piston(2) moving in a (i) a bend pipe(26) through an aperture, connecting(ii) a first bar (24) and the crank shaft (13), (iii) a piston valve (16) and a middle valve(7), the piston valve and piston bar having a spring system to set the piston valve(6), to convert the potential energy into mechanical energy generated in the reciprocal movement of the piston, a bottom valve(8) which is lifted using a lifter(12) provided in the Itame through an iron wire (23), the middle (7) and bottom valve (8) being provided with a valve joint each (20,21) a first rod(l I) is provided at the upside of the bore and a second rod (16) being provided to the piston bar(17)
2. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said bore (I) has been designated for reciprocating action executed by the said piston (2).
3. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 and 2, wherein the said draft pipe (3) being firmly fixed to the outlet of said bore through said pipe(26) to draw the water using siphon where water delivered at the outlet submerged in a said small tub (4) having full of water prevents the air into the said draft pipe(3).
4. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 and 3, wherein the said small tub (1) being filled with water in which the outlet of said draft pipe(3) being submerged to prevent the air into the said draft pipe(3).

5. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said two massy wheels (5) together with two masses have been adapted tightly at each end of crank shaft (13) and connected to said piston (2) by means of first bar (24) along with 1"' and 2"*'joints (14, 15) to compress the said middle valve (7) when said piston (2) is activated i«f downwards.
6. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said piston valve (6) is originated in the said piston (2) to create an aperture allowing easy movement of said piston (2) to downwards by means of said piston rod (10) and is being shut in it's upward movement.
7. The reciprocating turbine as clauned in claim 1, 2 and 6, wherein the said middle valve (7) is adhered in the bottom side of said bore (1) and above to the bottom valve (8) and has been designed to expand said bottom valve (8) to start the said first stage of "start of flow out" after getting the compression made by end of said piston valve (6).
8. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, 2 and 7, wherein the said bottom valve is adhered at the bottom portion of said bore (1) to stop the water and to get said second stage "stop of flow out" after being pulled with said lifter (12) to upwards.
9. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 and 2r wherein the said frame has been designated to hold the said crank shaft (13) by means of said bearings (18) and to hold the said bore (1) through the said bend pipe (26).
10. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, 3 and 6, wherein the said piston rod (10) is adhered to said piston (2) by means of said spring system and is designated to hit the said first rod (11) to expand the said piston valve (6).

11. The rsciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, 2 and 10, wherein the said first rod
(11) is adhered to upside of said bore (1) and is designed to hit the said piston rod
12. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, 8 and 9, wherein the said lifter (12) is adhered to said frame (9) and is designed to lift up the said bottom valve (8) by means of said u-on wire (23) and said second rod (16).
13. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1, wherein a bearing is provided in between the first joint (14) and crank shaft (13).
14. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 wherein a bearing is provided in between the second joint (15) and first bar.
15. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 and 13 wherein the said second rod
(16) is adhered to said piston bar (17) and is designated to lift up the said lifter (12).
16. The reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 1 and 15, wherein the said piston bai-
(17) is adhered to said piston (2) at one end and is adapted to said second joint (15) at
other end, and reciprocating tightly through an aperture made in said bend pipe (26).
17. The reciprocating turbineas claimed in claim 1, wherein the said output wheel (19) being adapted tightly to the said crank shaft (13) at one end and is designed to deliver the said output.
18. A method of producuig electrical energy using the turbine described above comprising the steps of (a) 'start of flow out' and (b) 'stop of flow out', step (a) being carried out by actuating the upward movement of the piston through the output wheel during which the second rod Ufte the said lifter thereby closing the bottom valve and the piston rod hits the first rod thereby expandmg the piston valve to allow the flow of the water from the bore, to the draft pipe^aud step (b) bemg carried out by actuating

The downward movement of the piston due to inertia and the weight of the massy wheels during which the second rod leaves the lifter thereby opening the bottom valve, the end or edge of said piston valve will compress said middle valve thereby closing the piston valve.
19. A method for operating reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 18, wherein the said reciprocating turbine has the virtue of non continuity in the flow out of water in it's operation.
20. a method for operating reciprocating turbine as claimed in the claim 18 and 19, wherein the said reciprocating turbine has the equivalent effect regarding the expanding of valve, that stop's the water like said bottom valve (8).
21. a method for operating reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 18 to 20, wherein the said reciprocating turbine will be submerged into the water source where it is to be set and above to the water level of aperture of said bend pipe (26) and to run the said turbine easily.
22. A method for operating reciprocating\as claimed in claim 18 to 21, wherein the said reciprocating turbine being activated primarily by rotating the said wheel (massy wheels) (5) in order to set the said middle valve compressed by the edge of closed said piston valve (6) when the said bottom valve (8) closes the inlet of said bore (I).
23. A method for operating reciprocating turbine as claimedllS to 22, wherein the said reciprocating turbine, being stopped generally if the inlet of said bore has been shut(l) with said bottom valve (8).

24. A nr^thod for operating reciprocating turbine as claimed ll 8 to 23, wherein the
said reciprocating turbine being activated primarily by removing the said cap(25)
from the outlet of said bore (1) when the bottom valve(8) is opened the middle
valve (7) is not compressed by the edge of piston valve(6) and the Piston valve is
25. A method for operating reciprocating turbine as claimed in claim 18 to 24 and 25 wherein the said reciprocating turbine will be stopped generally if we shut the outlet of draft pipe(3) with the said cap(25).
26. The reciprocating turbine substantially as herein before described with reference to the accompanying drawings


361-mas-2003 abstract.pdf

361-mas-2003 claims.pdf

361-mas-2003 description(complete).pdf

361-mas-2003 drawings.pdf

361-mas-2003 form-1.pdf

361-mas-2003 form-2.pdf

361-mas-2003 form-3.pdf

361-mas-2003 correspondence po.pdf

361-mas-2003 correspondence others.pdf

Patent Number 252968
Indian Patent Application Number 361/MAS/2003
PG Journal Number 24/2012
Publication Date 15-Jun-2012
Grant Date 12-Jun-2012
Date of Filing 28-Apr-2003
Name of Patentee M. SAMATHA RAYALU
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F03C1/00 ; F03C 1/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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