Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a process for the production of red herbal wine named as Palam Queen from ripe berries of Berberis lycium, herbal wine named Palam Belle from fruits of Pyrus pashia and sweet wines named Rohtang Chill and Thamsar Breeze from ripe fruits of Actinidia deliciosa and Syzygium jambos respectively. The product is a self- preserving nutritive herbal health drink of high valuation and has much commercial value and applications. It is unique with respect to must composition, fruit, water quality of the region, temperature, acidity and duration of fermentation carried out, process for activation and maintenance of the yeast culture and the unique climate and soil conditions of the region offer for producing fine bouquet and maturation to the product.
Full Text Technical Field
The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of red hearbal wine named as Palam Queen from ripe berries of Berberis lycium, herbal wine named Palam Belle from fruits of Pyrus pashia and sweet wines named Rohtang Chill and Thamsar Breeze from ripe fruits of Actinidia deliciosa and Syzygium jambos respectively.
The product is a self- preserving nutritive herbal health h drink of high valuation and has much commercial value and applications. It is unique with respect to must composition, fruit, water quality of the region, temperature, acidity and duration of fermentation carried out, process for activation and maintenance of the yeast culture and the unique climate and soil conditions of the region offer for producing fine bouquet and maturation to the product.
Background and prior art references
About 40 species of berberis belonging to family Barbaridancae are reported, all of which are mentioned as used medicinally. Reference may be made to the book Tndina Medicinal Plants' by Krtikar and Basu, vol. I. Second Edn. 1993, Periodical Experts Book Agency, D-42, Vivek Vihar, Delhi-110032, wherein it is said that all seem to have similar therapeutically properties. Among many species of berberis growing wiled in the Himalayan subs topical belt at altitudes ranging from 1000-2200 m, the most commonly reported ones are B. lyceum, B. asiatica, B. arristata, B. chitria, B. osmastonii, B. insignis, B. vulgaris, B. wallichiana, B. coriaria, B. floribunda, B. himalica, B. jaeschkeana, B. lambertii, B. tinctoria, B. virescens, B. nepalensis, B. Petionolaris and B. umbellate. Reference may be made to the book 'Glosasry of Indian Medicinal Plants'by R.N. Chopra, S.L. Nayar and I.C. Chopra, CSIR, New Delhi, India, 1956, p36 and 'The Wealth of India, Raw Material, vol.2: B, 1998, pi 14-115, wherein species names and descriptions are given.
The plant is very hardy and grows in all types of soils and terrain in Himlayan sub-tropical belt. During summer months (June - July), the plant bears heavy fruit in the form of clusters of berries, which ripen, into lively red-violet fruits in the month of August. The ripe berries find scant attention except that some are eaten by local young and birds, otherwise the produce of the plant goes waste.

The place Palampur in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh amidst majestic
Dhauladhar ranges of Himalayan ecosystem is a natural habitat of Berber is lycium,
locally known as 'Kasmal1 and it's fruits as 'Kasmalu'. Reference may be made to
"Some Useful Wild Plants of Himachal Pradesh by Dr. O.P. Sharma, HPKV,
Palampur, H.P., September, 1976, p5".
The plant is valued mainly for it's roots which are a rich source of alkaloid berberine
and other related alkaloids that find application in eye diseases, as a febrifuge, in
chronic diarrhoea and piles and an extract made from it's roots is locally known as
'Rasaunt' and used in opthalmia. Umbellatine, major alkaloid found in B. lycium root,
is more effective than berberine. Reference may be made to the book 'Glossary of
Indian Medicinal Plants by R.N. Chopra, S.L. Nayar and I.C. Chopra. CSIR, New
Delhi, India, 1956, p36 Wherein these properties are mentioned. In Indo China, the
fruit of the plant is given as a tonic in kidney troubles. Reference may be made to the
book 'Indian Medicinal Plants by Kirtikar and Basu, vol. I. Second Edn. 1993,
Periodical Experts Book Agency. D-42, Vivek Vihar, Delhi-110032, p. 104. The fruits
are used in the traditional medicine, as a tonic for liver and heart and have selective
inotropic activity. Reference may be made to 'Possible mechanism of selective
inotropic activity of the n-butanolic fraction from Berberis aristata fruit. 1999. Gilani-
AH; Janbaz-KH; Nauman-Aziz; Herzig-MJU; Kazmi-MM; Choudhary-MI; Herzig-
JW1. General-Pharmacology, 33:5, 407-414, wherein mention is made of it's
traditional use and it's positive inotropic action on isolated cardiac tissue. Extract of
fruit of berberis plant shows antihistaminic and anticholinergic activity and also
possesses stomachic, astringent, antiperiodic, antipyretic and diaphoritic properties.
Reference may be made to 'Antihistaminic and anticholinagic activity of berbery fruit
(Berberis vulgaris) in the guinea pig ileum.' 1999, Shamsa-F; Ahamadiani-A;
Khosrokhavar-R. Journal of Ethanopharmacology, 64:2, 161-166. and 'Preventive and
curative effects of Berberis aristata fruits extract on paracetamol and CCl4 induced
hepatotoxicity. 1995. Gilani-AH; Janbaz-KH, Phytotherapy-Research. 9:7, 489-494.
The fruits of berberis plant also contain minerals like P, K, Ca, Mg and ascorbic acid.
Reference may be made to 'Biochemical investigation of some wild fruits of Garhwal
Himalayas'. 1994. Rawat-MSM; Pant-G; Sarla-Badoni; Negi-YS; Badoni-S.
Progressive Horticulture. 26:1-2, 35-40, wherein it is said that the highest contents of
crude protein (10.56%), K (1.86%), Ca (0.78%) were recorded in the ripe fruits of B.
asiatica and fruits of B. aristata contained the highest content of Mg (0.73%) and B.
chitria the highest content of crude fat (8.02%) while B. osmastonii the highest
content of ascorbic acid (8.3%) and organic matter (95.05%) and B. lycium the highest
content of P (0.33%).
Pyrus pashia plant locally known as 'kainth' belongs to family Rosaceae and grows
wild in temperate Himalayas at an altitude from 50-2700 m. Its fruits are eaten by
local inhabitants and birds when ripe and soft, whereas, leaves are used as cattle
fodder and wood as fuel. Reference may be made to the book 'Flowers of the
Himalayas' by Olegr Poluninu Adam Stainton, Delhi Oxford University Press, 1984,
p!21, wherein mention is made about plant's use and its growing habit. However,
many useful uses of plant's edible fruits are cited in an old Hindi text which referred it
as useful in treating cough, phlegm, and wind, in breathing troubles and in
tuberculosis, in blood purification, in hiccups and in treating body inflammation.
Reference may be made to the book 'VANAUSHADI CHANDRODAY' Kashi"
Sanskrit Granthamala, 161, In Encyclopaedia of India Botanies & Herbs, Chakhanbha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varansi-221001, India, p.90, wherein curative properties of the
plant fruits are cited.
Pyrus pashia, locally known as 'Kainth', both the species one with large fruits and the
other with smaller ones are commonly found here. Fruits of these plants find scant
attention except eaten by local inhabitants, birds and wild bears. Reference may be
made to "Some Useful Wild Plants of Himachal Pradesh" by Dr. O.P. Sharma, HPKV,
Palampur, H.P., 1976, p. 10.
The plant is a deciduous tree of small and medium size. It is very hardy and grows in
all types of soils and terrain in the temperate Himalayas and is said to reproduce from
root suckers with great freedom. The tree is favoured as a rootstock for common pear
(P. communis) and also for the apple. There are two forms of this species: one bearing
small fruits and the other, larger ones. The fruits remain hard with a firm whitish
astringent flesh until November or December when the flesh begins to ripen and is
edible. They may be gathered, dried and stored for later use when they are ground and
mixed with the flours of either wheat (Triticum aestivum), mandua or ragi (Eleusine
coracana). Ripe fruits contain total solids 25.1%; protein 1.8% and ascorbic acid
3.2mg/100g. As the fruits ripen, the starch is converted into sugars and at full
maturity, these contain 3.3% of sugars. The wood is used for walking sticks, combs,
tobacco pipes, textile mill bobbins and as fuel. Bark contains friedelin (0.5%) and 6-
sitosterol. Leaves contain n-hentriacontane (1%), myricyl alcohol and 6-stosterol.
Reference may be made to the book The Wealth of India', Raw Materials, vol.VIII:
CSIR New Delhi publication, 1982, p.333-334 wherein above cited properties of the
plant are mentioned.
Syzygium jambos plant belonging to family Myrtaceae is an evergreen spreading tree
and is found up to an altitude of 1350 m. it is also referred to as 'Rose Apple'. The
plant flowers during February-April and fruits ripen during June-August. The fruits
are crisp-fleshed, rose flavoured and tasteless and are eaten fresh. These are used for
making candied fruits, jellies and sauces. The fruit contains in g/lOOg of edible pulp:
protein 0.7, moisture 89.1, fat 0.2, fibre 1.2, and other carbohydrates 9.7. The mineral
constituents present in mg/lOOg pulp are: Ca 10, Mg 4, Fe 0.5, P 30, Na 34, K 50, Cu
0.01, S 13, and Cl 4. The vitamins reported in lOOg pulp are: vitamin A 235 IU,
thiamin 0.01 mg, riboflavin 0.05 mg, nicotinic acid 0.4 mg, vitamin C 3 mg and foluT
acid 2.95 mg. The juice of freshly harvested fruit contains alanine, aspartic acid,
cystine or cysteine, glutamine, threonine and tyrosine. Reference may be made to the
book 'Wealth of India. Raw Materials', Vol. X, CSIR Publication, New Delhi 1976,
p. 104-105 and "The Useful Plants of India', 1986. CSIR Publication, New Delhi, p.
614-615, wherein above cited uses of the fruit and its composition are mentioned. The
leaves of the plant are also used in treating diabetes in the form of herbal tea in Porto
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Reference may be made to 'Plants employed in the
treatment of diabetes mellitus: results of and ethnopharmacological survey in Porto
Alegre, Brazil1. 1992. Teixeira-CC; Fuchs-FD; Blotta-RM; Costa-AP-da; Mussnich-
DG; Ranquetat-GG; Da-Costa-AP, Fitoterapia, 63; 4, 320-322. The seed powder of.
the fruit of S. jambos is used in controling blood sugar level. Reference may be made
to Time tested household herbal remidies'. 1994. Shome-U; Rawat-AKS; Mehrotra-S.
Ethnobiology in human welfare: abstracts of the fourth international congress of
ethnobiology, Lucknow, Uttar pradesh, India, November, 17-21, 106. The 60% Of the
volatile constituents of the edible pulp of the fruits of S. jambos contains 3-
phenylpropan-1-ol, (E)-cinnamyl alcohol and other C6-C3 skeleton compounds which
are absent in other Syzygium species. Reference may be made to 'Volatile constituents
from the fruits of four Syzygium species grown in Malayasia'. 1996. Wong-KC; Lai-
FY. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 11:1, 61-66.
The place Palampur located at a altitude of 1300 m and latitude of 32° 20TSI and 76°
50'E in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, India, amidst majestic Dhauladhar
ranges of Himalayan eco system provides favourable climate and soil conditions for
the growth ofSyzygiumjambos, and the fruit is locally known as 'Gulabjaman.'
Actinidia deliciosa plant, commonly known as "Kiwi", belonging to family
Actinidiaceae is reported to be growing successfully in Belgium, France, Germany,
England, USSR, Japan, New Zealand and USA. It has successfully been
introduced in Himachal Pradesh in the year 1963. The plant is a dioecious climber,
which flowers in May, and fruit mature in November. Fruits form one of the
ingredients in Jewel Salad and are also used in decorating ice creams. Other products
are wine, liquor, jam and marmalades. Chemical constituents of the fruit are moisture,
81.2%; protein, 0.79%; fat, 0.07%; carbohydrates, 17.5% and ash, 0.45%. Mineral
elements found in the flesh are (mg/lOOg flesh): Ca, 16; Mg, 30; P, 64; and Fe, 0.51.
Vitamins include thiamine, 0.02; riboflavin, 0.05; niacin, 0.5; vitamin 'C,' 10T
mg/lOOg; vitamin 'A1, 175 I.U. are present in the fruit pulp. Upto 300 mg/lOOg
Vitamin 'C' has been recorded from Indian fruit samples. A proteolytic enzyme,
actidin is also present in the fruit, which prevents jellying when separated in powdered
form and is used as a meat tenderizer. Moreover an ethanolic extract of the leaves of
the plant is found active against gram +ve bacteria. Reference may be made to 'The
Wealth of India. Raw Materials Vol-LA1, CSIR, New Delhi, 1985, p68-69, wherein
description of the plant and its uses are given. The plant is a native of SouthWest
China. It is a rich source of vitamin C & B, and minerals P, K and Ca. Anticancerous
substances are also reported in the fruits which are used for reducing inflammation
and phlegm and in reducing cough. Reference may be made to The exotic Kiwi has
found a home in the midhills of Himachal Pradesh.'1995. Jayant Kumar, S.S. Rana &
H.S. Verma, Indian Horticulture, July Sept. pp. 28-29.
The place Palampur is located at a altitude of 1300 m and latitude 32° 20TSf and 76°
50'E) in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh amidst majestic Dhauladhar ranges
of Himalayan eco system provides favourable climate and soil conditions for the
growth of Actinidia deliciosa more popularly known as 'Kiwi.'
The making and brewing of wines from frui.s is an ancient art as old as the human
civilisation. However, the wine industries around the world are based on
commercially grown fruits, mostly grapes and apples and rarely on wild edible fruits
which endow greater food attributes in terms of chemical constituents and other health
values. Yeast culture for making wines are also maintained on fruit juices mostly on
orange juice. Reference may be made to 'New Scientist', 2 September 1989, p38-43
and the book 'Wine Science. Principles and Applications', 1994, by Jackson-RS.
Academic Press Inc., San.Diego, California, USA. Xiii +475 pp.
Objects of the invention
The main object of the present invention is provide a process for the production of red
herbal wine named as Palam Queen from ripe berries of Berberis lycium, herbal
wine named Palam Belle from fruits of Pyrus pashia and sweet wines named Rohtang
Chill and Thamsar Breeze form ripe fruits ofActinidia deliciosa and Syzygium jambos
Another object of the present invention is to utilise otherwise wasted produce (fruits)
of the wild plants Berberis lycium and related berberis species and convert these into
high value nutritive health products of commercial importance for uplifting local
Still another object of the present invention is to utilise otherwise wasted fruits of the
wild plant Pyrus pashia and related wild species and converts these into high value,
nutritive, herbal health products of commercial importance for uplifting local
Still one more object of the present invention is to utilise otherwise small sized low
grade produce (fruits) of the plant Actinidia deliciosa which does not find favourable
market and convert them into high value nutritive health product of commercial
importance for uplifting local economy.
Another object of the present invention is to utilise otherwise wasted produce (fruits)
of the plant Syzygium jambos which, does not find any market and convert these into
high value nutritive health product of commercial importance for uplifting local
Yet another object of the present invention is to protect valuable biodiversity of the
fragile Himalayan eco-system by finding alternate use of the plant.
Still another object of the present invention is to utilise berberis plant fruits as a rich
medium for making and maintaining large-scale wine yeast cultures for future use.
Still yet another object of the present invention is to use green tea infusion as novel source to activate dormant yeast culture for use in the 'must' for making of the product.
Further object of the present invention is to encourage the cultivation of introduced valuable crops and get sustainable high returns by value addition and product diversification fro better remuneration to the farmers and save them from distress sale.
One more object of the present invention is to save the introduced valuable biodiversity in the region from the onslaught of monoculture being practiced in the fragile Himalayan eco¬system by finding alternate economic use of the plant. Detailed description of the invention
Accordingly, the present invention provides a process for the preparation of herbal wines from ripe Himalayan berries namely, Palma Queen from ripe berries of Berberis lycium, Palam Belle from fruits of Pyrus pashia and sweet wines Rohtang Chill and Thamsar Breeze from ripe fruits of Actinidia deliciosa and Syzygium jambos, said process comprising soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30 min to 4 hrs in 0.1 to 1.0% sodium meta-bi-sulphate solution, draining the water and adding cold boiled water and preparing a pulp by mashing the fruit, the fruit pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose concentration of 10-12% and adding yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and active yeast are added into mixture and allow to ferment under protected atmosphere to avoid any contamination at 17 to 30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down and nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts clearing which is then siphoned of and bottled in sterilized bottles, and if desired the content is decanted into another sterile container and adding sucrose solution to make the final sucrose concentration to 5%, adding active yeast solution and 0.1 to 1.0% sodium meta-bi-sulphate, and the contents are allowed to ferment for about a month at a temperature between 17 to 30°C and the wine so obtained is siphoned off and stored in steriled containers.
In one embodiment of the present A process for the production of red herbal wine named Palam Queen from Himalayan ripe berries of Berberis lycium, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water, and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the pulp so obtained is mixed with
boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose concentration of about 10-12% and adding yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and active yeast are added into mixture and allow to ferment under protected atmosphere to avoid any contamination at 17 to 30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down and nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts clearing which is then siphoned of and bottled in sterilized bottles, and if desired the content is decanted into another sterile container and adding sucrose solution to make the final sucrose concentration to 5%, adding active yeast solution and 0.1 to 1.0% sodium meta-bi-sulphate, and the contents are allowed to ferment for about a month at a temperature between 17 to 30°C and the wine so obtained is siphoned off and stored in steriled containers.
In one embodiment of the present A process for the production of red herbal wine named Palam Queen from Himalayan ripe berries of Berberis lycium, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water, and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the pulp so obtained is mixed with

boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose concentration of about 10-
12% and adding yeast nutrient, pectinace enzyme and active yeast are added into
mixture and allow to ferment under protected atmosphere to avoid any contamination
at 17 to 30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down and nearing the end of
the fermentation, wine starts clearing which is then siphoned off and bottled in
sterilised bottles, and if desired the content is decanted into another sterile container
and adding sucrose solution to make the final sucrose concentration to 5%, adding
active yeast solution and 0.1 to 1.0% sodium meta-bi-sulphate, and the contents are
allowed to ferment for about a month at a temperature between 17 to 30° and the wine
so obtained is siphoned off and stored in striled containers.
In one embodiment of the present A process for the production of red herbal wine
named Palam Queen from Himalayan ripe berries of Berberis lycium, said process
comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0 %
sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water, and adding cooled boiled water
and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the pulp so so obtained is mixed with
boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose concentration to 10-12% and
adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and active yeast solution are added into it the
mixture and allowed to ferment for 3-5 days at 17- 30° C and when the first active
fermentation dies down and the solution clarifies, it is decanted into another sterilised
bottle and sucrose solution is added to make final sucrose concentration to 5% and
active yeast solution is mixed and the solution topped with 0.1-1.0 % sod.
metabisulfite solution and continuing the second fermentation for a month at a
temperature 20-25°C when at nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts clearing;
the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and bottled in sterilised bottles topped
with sod. metabisulfite solution previously made and the final product so made is
ready to drink red wine Palam Queen having alcohol content of 10-15%.
In another embodiment of the invention provides a process for the production of
herbal wine named Palam Belle from Himalayan ripe berries of pyrus pashia, said
process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe and semi-ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4~
hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water, and adding
cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the pulp so
obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose
concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and active yeast
solution are added into it the mixture and allowed to ferment for 10 - 20 days at 17-
30° C and when at nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts clearing; the
cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and bottled in sterilised bottles topped with
sod. metabisulfite solution previously made and the final product so made is ready to
drink wine Palam Belle having alcohol content of 6 - 10 %.
In still another embodiment of the invention provides a process for the production of •
sweet wine named Rohtang Chill from Himalayan ripe berries ofActinidia deliciosa,
said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in
0.1-1.0 % sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water, and adding cooled
boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the pulp so obtained is
mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final sucrose concentration to
10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and active yeast solution are
added into it the mixture and allowed to ferment for 10-25 days at 17- 30° C and when
the first active fermentation dies down and the solution clarifies, it is decanted into
another sterilised bottle and sucrose solution is added to make final sucrose
concentration to 5% and active yeast solution is mixed and the solution topped with
0.1-1.0 % sod. metabisulfite solution and continuing the second fermentation for a
month at a temperature 20-25° C when at nearing the end of the fermentation, wine
starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and bottled in sterilised
bottles and the final product so made is ready to drink sweet wine Rohatang Chill
having alcohol content of 10-15%.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention provides a process for the
production of sweet wines named Thamsar Breeze from Himalayan ripe berries of
Syzygium jambos, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries for 30
minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0 % sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the water,
and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits, the
pulp so so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final
sucrose concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and
active yeast solution are added into it the mixture and allowed to ferment for 3-5 daysT
at 17- 30° C and when the first active fermentation dies down and the solution
clarifies, it is decanted into another sterilised bottle and sucrose solution is added to
make final sucrose concentration to 5% and active yeast solution is mixed and the
solution topped with 0.1-1.0 % sod. metabisulfite solution and continuing the second
fermentation for a month at a temperature 20-25° C when at nearing the end of the
fermentation, wine starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and
bottled in sterilised bottles topped with sodium metabisulfite solution and the final
product so made is ready to drink sweet wine Rohatang Chill having alcohol content
of 10-15% with unique bouquet.
In yet another embodiment of the invention, the active wine yeast is prepared from
mother culture of 'Vinotex' dried wine yeast available commercially from M/s Leigh
Whilliams & Sons, Tattenhall, Mr. Chester, England, maintained on Berberis fruit
medium activated by mixing the mother yeast solution culture in cooled green tea
infusion (5 g / 200 ml w/v) containing 10% sucrose.
In yet another embodiment of the invention provides a method for preparation of
yeast culture medium for making active yeast consists of preparation of green tea
infusion from locally made green tea (Camellia sinensis L/Kuntz))taking 5 g tea in
10% sucrose in a 200 ml conical flask to whicn 50 mg citric acid is added, the solution
is microwave at full energy for 3.0 minutes when solution comes to a boil, the flask is
plugged with sterilised cotton wool and let cool to 23-25° C when the solution culture
of the mother yeast is added and the flask is re-plugged and left undisturbed for 2-3
days at 23-25° C when the yeast gets activated for use.
In yet another embodiment of the invention, optionally, the active yeast solution is
prepared once from dried yeast in this fashion while for repeated usage the dormant
yeast solution culture was obtained after first active fermentation dies down in the
making of wine from berberis fruits, collecting the liquid and keeping in aseptic
Yet another embodiment of invention, the quantity of yeast nutrient used is in the
range of about 20 to 30 mg/1.
Yet another embodiment of invention, the amount of enzyme pectinase used is in the
range of about 30-60 mg/1.
Yet another embodiment of invention, by varying the amount of sucrose at initial
stages, the alcohol content of the wines are adjusted.
Yet another embodiment of invention, all the bottles, flasks and other glass and plastic
wares used in making the product are sterilised by microwaving them for 3 minutes at
full energy in microwave oven, while cotton wool plug is sterilised for 30 seconds and
also the sterilised natural spring water from Dhauladhar mountain is prepared by
microwave boiling.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention the wild Berberis lycium fruits are
collected from Palampur region (altitude 1300 m. and latitude 32° 20' N and 76° 50'
E) amidst Dhauladhar mountain range of Himalayas.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention the wild Pyrus pashia fruits are
collected from Palampur region (altitude 1300 m and latitude 32° 20TSf and 76° 50'E)
amidst Dhauladhar mountain range of Himalayas and natural spring water of the
region is used throughout in the making of the wine.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention other wise small sized fruits of
Actinidia deliciosa finding poor market are collected from Palampur region (altitude
1300 m and latitude 32° 20TSf and 76° 50'E) amidst Dhauladhar mountain range of
Himalayas and natural spring water of the region is used throughout in the making of
this sweet wine.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention the other wise fruits of Syzygium
jambos finding no market are collected from Palampur region (altitude 1300 m and
latitude 32° 20'N and 76° 50'E) amidst Dhauladhar mountain range of Himalayas and
natural spring water of the region is used throughout in the making of this sweet wine.
Yet another embodiment of invention, the final product is matured fast at the
salubrious and ideal climate of the Palampur region.
The wine yeast (Saccharomyces cereviseae) converts fruit sugar into ethanol and
carbon dioxide and by the enzyme invertase secreted by it converts sucrose into two
simple sugars, fructose and glucose to be converted finally into ethanol and carbon
dioxide. Besides, it adds to the nutrient vitamin B-complex group in the process. As
the product is undistilled, all the nutritive natural ingredients of the fruit viz. vitamins,
minerals, tannins, flavonoids, aminoacids etc. remain in the drink thus making it a self
preservative nutritive natural herbal health drink.
The following example is given by way of illustration and therefore should not be
construed to limit the scope of the present invention.
Berries of Herberts lycium are collected (1 kg) for making 2.5 1 of red herbal wine
(Palam Queen), washed thoroughly with running water and again soaking them for 1-2
hours in sodium metabisulfite (0.1% solution) for surface sterilisation of wild berries
prior to further processing. The berries so cleaned are put in sterilised glass beaker of
5 1, capacity and cooled boiled water (1.01) is added to it and finely mashed with
hand held grinder. The mash so obtained is transferred to a sterilised conical flask (3 1)
and boiled sucrose solution (1.0 1) is added to the mash to make the final sucrose
concentration to 12% and flask stoppered with sterilised cotton plug and allowed to
cool to 20-25 °C. To the cooled mash solution, yeast nutrient (30 mg /1) and pectinase
enzyme (45 mg /1) is added and active yeast solution (100 ml) is mixed into it. The
flask is plugged again with cotton wool plug and let stand for 3-5 days at 20-25 °C.
when the first active fermentation dies down, the solution is decanted into another
sterilised bottle of 2.5 1 capacity and sucrose solution (200 ml) is added to make final
sucrose concentration 5% and 50 ml. active yeast solution is mixed and the solution
topped with 10-15 ml sod. metabisulfite solution (0.1-1.0 %) and then the bottle is
corked with an air lock to continue the fermentation at a temperature range of 20-25
°C. The second fermentation may continue for a month when at nearing the
completion of fermentation the wine starts clearing. The cleared wine is siphoned off
and bottled in sterilised coloured bottles ready to drink having alcohol content of 12-
15%. The alcohol content of this herbal health drink can be increased or decreased by
varying the sucrose content at the initial stages of fermentation.
Fruits (1 kg) of Pyrus pashia are collected for making (4.5 1) of herbal wine (Palam
Belle), washed thoroughly with running water and again soaking them for 1-2 hours in
sodium metabisulfite (0.1%-1% solution) for surface sterilisation of wild fruits prior
to further processing. The fruits so cleaned are put in a sterilised glass beaker of 5.0 1
capacity and cooled boiled water (1.0 1) is added to it and finely mashed with hand
held grinder. The mash so obtained is transferred to a sterilised conical flask (5.0 1)
and boiled sucrose solution (1.0 1) containing citric acid (150 mg/1 of wine) is added
to the mash alongwith enough cooled boiled water to make the final sucrose"
concentration to 12% and total volume of the solution to 4.5 1. The flask is stoppered
with sterilised cotton plug and allowed to cool to 20-25 °C. To the cooled mash
solution, yeast nutrient (30 mg/1) and pectinase enzyme (45 mg/1) are added and active
yeast solution (100 ml) is mixed into it. The flask is plugged again with cotton wool
and left undisturbed for 10-20 days at 20-25 °C, till active fermentation dies down and
the wine starts clearing. The cleared wine is then siphoned off and bottled in sterilised
bottles and is ready to drink having an alcohol content of 6-10%. The alcohol content
of this herbal health drink can however, be increased or decreased by varying sucrose
percentage during the initial stages of fermentation.
Lower grade small fruits ofActinidia deliciosa are collected (1.0 kg) for making 2.5 1
of sweet wine (Rohtang Chill) washed thoroughly with running water and again
soaking them for 1-2 hours in sodium metabisulfite (0.1% solution) for surface
sterilisation of the fruits prior to further processing. The fruits so cleaned are put in
sterilised glass beaker of 5.0 1 capacity and cooled boiled water (1.0 1) is added to the
fruit cut into small pieces and finely mashed with hand held grinder. The mash so
obtained is transferred to a sterilised conical flask (3.0 It) and boiled sucrose solution
(1.0 1) is added to the mash to make the final sucrose concentration to 12% and flask
stoppered with sterilised cotton plug and allowed to cool to 20-25 °C. To the cooled
mash solution, yeast nutrient (30 mg/1) and pectinase enzyme (45 mg/1) are added and
active yeast solution (100 ml) is mixed into it. The flask is plugged again with cotton
wool plug and let stand for 10-25 days at 20-25 °C. when the first active fermentation
dies down, the solution is decanted into another sterilized bottle of 2.5 1 capacity and
sucrose solution (200 ml) is added to make final sucrose concentration 5% and 50.0
ml, active yeast solution is mixed and the solution topped with 10-15 ml sod.
metabisulfite solution (0.1%-1.0%) and then the bottle is corked with an air lock to
continue the fermentation at a temperature range of 20-25 °C. The second
fermentation may continue for a month when at nearing the completion of
fermentation the wine starts clearing. The cleared wine is siphoned off and bottled in
sterilized bottles ready to drink having alcohol content of 10-15%. The alcohol
content of this sweet health drink can be increased or decreased by varying the sucrose
content at the initial stages of fermentation.
Fruits of Syzygium jambos are collected (1.0 kg) for making 2.5 1 of sweet wine
(Thamsar Breeze) washed thoroughly with running water and again soaking them for
1-2 hours in sodium metabisulfite (0.1% solution) for surface sterilization of the fruits
prior to further processing. The fruits so cleaned are put in sterilized glass beaker of
5.0 1 capacity and cooled boiled water (1.0 1) is added to it and finely mashed with
hand held grinder. The mash so obtained is transferred to a sterilized conical flask (3.0
It) and boiled sucrose solution (1.0 1) is added to the mash to make the final sucrose
concentration to 12% and flask stoppered with sterilized cotton plug and allowed to
cool to 20-25 °C. To the cooled mash solution, yeast nutrient (30 mg/1) and pectinase
enzyme (45 mg/1) is added and active yeast solution (100 ml) is mixed into it. The
flask is plugged again with cotton wool plug and let stand for 3-5 days at 20-25°C.
When the first active fermentation dies down, the solution is decanted into another
sterilized bottle of 2.5 1 capacity and sucrose solution (200 ml) is added to make final
sucrose concentration 5% and 50.0 ml, active yeast solution is mixed and the solution
topped with 10-15 ml sod. metabisulfite solution (0.1%-1.0%) and then the bottle is
corked with an air lock to continue the fermentation at a temperature range of 20-25
°C. The second fermentation may continue for a month when at nearing the
completion of fermentation the wine starts clearing. The cleared wine is siphoned off
and bottled in sterilized coloured bottles ready to drink having alcohol content of 12-
15%. The alcohol content of this sweet health drink can be increased or decreased by
varying the sucrose content at the initial stages of fermentation.
The main advantages of the present invention are
1. Utilisation of higher value herbal health product, from otherwise wasted edible
produce of plants Herberts lycium, Pyrus pashia, Actinidia deliciosa, Syzygium
jambos and other species of this plant.
2. The herbal product thus formed is self preservative and valuation increases with
the maturation.
3. By way of utilisation of nutritive fruits of plants to higher value natural herbal
product helps preservation of otherwise threatened plant species.
4. Utilisation of source material as culture medium to maintain culture of wine yeast
for future uses.
5. By way of utilization of nutritive fruits of Actinidia deliciosa to high value natural
health product help growers to get high returns by cultivating Actinidia deliciosa
in the land which is otherwise used for growing crops paying low returns.
6. Yeast activation is done on green tea infusion which is rich in flavonoids and this
adds health attributes of tea to herbal wines and adds to it final organoleptic taste
and bouquet.

We Claim:
1. A process for the preparation of herbal wines from ripe Himalayan berries namely,
Palma Queen from ripe berries of Berberis lycium, Palam Belle from fruits of Pyrus
pashia and sweet wines Rohtang Chill and Thamsar Breeze from ripe fruits of
Actinidia deliciosa and Syzygium jambos, said process comprising soaking the
cleaned ripe berries for 30 min to 4 hrs in 0.1 to 1.0% sodium meta-bi-sulphate
solution, draining the water and adding cold boiled water and preparing a pulp by
mashing the fruit, the fruit pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so
as to obtain the final sucrose concentration of 10-12% and adding yeast nutrient,
pectinase enzyme and active yeast are added into mixture and allow to ferment under
protected atmosphere to avoid any contamination at 17 to 30°C and when the first
active fermentation dies down and nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts
clearing which is then siphoned of and bottled in sterilized bottles, and if desired the
content is decanted into another sterile container and adding sucrose solution to make
the final sucrose concentration to 5%, adding active yeast solution and 0.1 to 1.0%
sodium meta-bi-sulphate, and the contents are allowed to ferment for about a month
at a temperature between 17 to 30°C and the wine so obtained is siphoned off and
stored in steriled containers.
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein active wine yeast is prepared from mother
culture of Berberis fruit medium activated by mixing the mother yeast solution
culture in cooled green tea infusion (5 g / 200 ml w/v) containing 10% sucrose.
3. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein, the method for preparation of yeast culture
medium for making active yeast consists of preparation of green tea infusion from
locally made green tea (Camellia sinensis ) taking 5 g tea in 10% sucrose in a 200 ml
conical flask to which 50 mg citric acid is added, the solution is microwave at full
energy for 3.0 minutes when solution comes to a boil, the flask is plugged with
sterilized cotton wool and let cool to 23-25°C when the solution culture of the mother
yeast is added and the flask is re-plugged and left undisturbed for 2-3 days at 23-25°C
when the yeast gets activated for use.
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, wherein, optionally, the active yeast solution is
prepared once from dried yeast in this fashion while for repeated usage the dormant

yeast solution culture was obtained after first active fermentation dies down in the making of wine from berberis fruits, collecting the liquid and keeping in aseptic bottles.
5. A process as claimed in claim 11 wherein, the quaintly of yeast nutrient used is in the
range of 20 to 30 mg/1.
6. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the amount of enzyme pectinase used is in
the range of 30-60 mg/1.
7. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein, by varying the amount of sucrose at initial
stages, the alcohol content of the wines are adjusted.
8. A process as claimed in claims 1 wherein all the bottles, flasks and other glass and
plastic wares used in making the product are sterilized by micro waving them for 3
minutes at full energy in microwave oven, while cotton wool plug is sterlised for 30
seconds and also the sterilized natural Dhauladhar mountain spring water is prepared
by microwave boiling.
9. A process as claimed in claims 1 wherein, the Syzygium jambos fruits are collected
from Palampur region altitude 1300 m and latitude 32° 22°N and 76° 50°E amidst
Dhauladhar mountain range of Himalayas.
10. A process as claimed in claims 1 wherein, the final product is matured fast at the
salubrious and ideal climate of the palampur region of Himalayas.
11. A process for the production of red herbal wine named Palam Queen from Himalayan
ripe berries of Berberis lycium, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe
berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0 % sodium metabisulfite solution draining
off the water, and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing
the fruits, the pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to
obtained the final sucrose concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient,
pectinase enzyme and active yeast solution are added into it the mixture and allowed
to ferment for 3-5 days at 17-30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down
and the solution clarifies, it is decanted into another sterilised bottle and sucrose
solution is added to make final sucrose concentration to 5% and active yeast solution
is mixed and the solution topped with 0.1-1.0% sodium Metabisulfite solution and
continuing the second fermentation for a month at a temperature 20-25°C when at

nearing the end of the fermentation, wine starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and bottled in sterilized bottles topped with sodium Metabisulfite solution previously made and the final product so made is ready to drink red wine Palam Queen having alcohol content of 10-15%.
12. A process for the production of herbal wine named Palam Belle from Himalayan ripe
berries of pyrus pashia, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe and semi-
ripe berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution
draining off the water, and adding cooled holed water and preparing pulpO by finely
mashing the fruits, the pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to
obtained the final sucrose concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient,
pectinase enzyme and active yeast solution are added into it the mixture and allowed
to ferment for 10-20 days at 17-30°C and when at nearing the end of the
fermentation, wine starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off and
bottled in sterilized bottles topped with sod. Metabisulfite solution previously made
and the final product so made is ready to drink wine Palam Belle having alcohol
content of 6-10%.
13. A process for the produciton of sweet wine named Rohtang Chill from Himalyan ripe
berries of Actinidia deliciosa, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe berries
for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution draining off the
water, and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing the fruits
the pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtain the final
sucrose concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase enzyme and
active yeast solution are added into it the mixture and allowed to ferment for 10-25
days at 17-30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down and the solution
clarifies, it is decanted into another sterilsed bottle and sucrose solution is added to
make final sucrose concentration to 5% and active yeast solution is mixed and the
solution topped with 0.1-1.0% sodium Metabisulfite solution and continuing the
second fermentation for a month at a temperature 20-25 C when at nearing the end of
the fermentation, wine starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off
and bottled in sterilized bottles and the final product so made is ready to drink sweet
wine Rohatang Chill having alcohol content of 10-15%.

14. A process for the production of sweet wines named Thamsar Breeze from Himalayan
ripe berries of Syzygium jambos, said process comprises soaking the cleaned ripe
berries for 30 minutes to 4 hours in 0.1-1.0% sodium metabisulfite solution draining
off the water, and adding cooled boiled water and preparing pulp by finely mashing
the fruits, the pulp so obtained is mixed with boiled sucrose solution so as to obtained
the final sucrose concentration to 10-12% and adding, yeast nutrient, pectinase
enzyme and active yeast solution are added into it the mixture and allowed to ferment
for 3-5 days at 17-30°C and when the first active fermentation dies down and the
solution clarifies, it is decanted into another sterilized bottle and sucrose solution is
added to make final sucrose concentration to 5% and active yeast solution is mixed
and the solution topped with 0.1-1.0 % sodium Metabisulfite solution and continuing
the second fermentation for a month at a temperature 20-25°Cwhen at nearing the end
of the fermentation, wine starts clearing; the cleared wine so obtained is siphoned off
and bottled in sterilized bottles topped with sodium metabisulfite solution and the
final product so made is ready to drink sweet wine Thamsar Breeze having alcohol
content of 10-15% with unique bouquet.
15. A process for the preparation of herbal wines from ripe Himalayan berries
substantially as herein describe with reference to examples accompanying this













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Patent Number 232990
Indian Patent Application Number 147/DEL/2003
PG Journal Number 13/2009
Publication Date 27-Mar-2009
Grant Date 24-Mar-2009
Date of Filing 19-Feb-2003
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110001, INDIA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12G 1/022
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA