Title of Invention


Abstract Herbal compositions for treatment of AIDS, the compositions (1) to (6) as described hereunder which comprises: a) Composition (1) of at least 500 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (1) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970) &
The Patent Rules, 2003




Ayare Shambabu Devappa


18, Sameer Apartments, Opp.
Railway Station
Near M.E.S. High School,
Taluka: Baramati
District: Pune (Maharashtra)

The following specification particularly describes the invention
and the manner in which it is to be preformed

This invention relates to herbal compositions for treatment of aids and preparation thereof. Background of Invention
The present invention relates to Herbal Compositions for effective treatment of AIDS and preparation thereof. The herbal compositions provided by the present invention are compositions prepared by using various parts of plants and provide non-toxic formulations useful for the treatment of AIDS and HIV.
AIDS and HIV are the most dreaded diseases of the 20th Century and by the end of 20th century an estimated 25 million HIV infected patients were suffering from this dreaded disease and the number of the patients suffering from these diseases is ever increasing. Almost 90% of these patients live in developing countries. Amongst these developing countries also Asian continent has the highest number of patients.
A number of compositions particularly nucleoside analog reverse Transcription inhibitors (NTRIs) and protease inhibitors are available, however the costly compositions prepared therefrom are out of reach of the common patients in the developing countries. These compounds also have severe toxic effects. Till date no effective treatment for these diseases has been found and attempts are being made by the mankind to reduce the hardships of the patients suffering from these disease. Various chemical and other allopathic medicines are available for treatment of these diseases.
For example, the international patent WO 02/32444 provides herbal compositions for treating patients with liver disease and HIV comprising various parts of different plants such as Herba Hedyotidis diffusae, Rhizoma Bistortae, Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati, and Fructus Schisandrae and so on and a method for treatment using the compositions mentioned therein.
Many other International patents such as WO 01/97832, WO 01/66123, and WO 99/51249 also provide herbal compositions comprising dried powders of various parts of the plants mentioned in these patents. The uses of the particular plants taught by these patent applications are representative

of the knowledge of herbal properties in those particular countries of origin of the inventors.
India has a rich wealth of variety of medicinal plants. The present invention provides various compositions prepared from different parts of various plants mentioned hereinafter providing six different types of compositions which when administered to the patients of AIDS provide a synergetic effect to reduce the viral load of such patients and thereby reduce their hardships and allow them to lead a normal life.
The entire medical profession through out the world has been engaged in research for development of various formulations for such treatment. While there are no proclaimed drugs or therapies available to cure the AID and HIV, certain herbal formulations developed and provided by the present invention can reduce the hardships and pains of the said patients and prolong their life span considerably.
There is no specific curative / preventive medicine available so far for AIDS. Whichever medicines are available in the market; do not give desired curative effect. The allopathic medicines used for treatment of AIDS in the form of capsule with a view to boost-up the immunity of human Body. The said treatment is very expensive and has many side effects like loss of appetite, abdominal pain, anemia, headache, dysentery, fever, convulsion, kidney failure & chance of damaging liver.
Even in today's modern medicinal world, no allopathic drugs are available in the market, which can reduce the HIV viral load of AIDS patient. The compositions provided by the present invention for treatment AIDS are cheaper as compared to the other allopathic medicines available in the market and have no side effects. It reduces the HIV viral load to undetectable level i.e. 0 to 20 copies / ml. It also increases the strength of human immunity system to normal.
The main objective of the present invention is to provide herbal compositions for effective treatment of HIV and AIDS.

Another objective is to provide the compositions having no significant toxic effect which can reduce the HIV viral load considerably to undetectable level and increase the strength of the immunization system to near normal.
A still further objective is to provide a method for preparation of these compositions and a method of treatment of HIV and AIDS patients.
Yet another objective is to provide these compositions at affordable prices within the reach of common patients which is necessary to for most of the developing countries. Brief description of the invention
The present invention provides six different compositions which can be administered in most of the oral administration forms such as but not limited to tablets, capsules, syrups etc. Each composition comprises mixture of powders of various parts of plants as mentioned against each of the plant in Table-1 to Table-6. For simplicity the vernacular names of these plants are given in these tables along with the botanical names. The quantity of the dosage of compositions 1 to 6 have been determined depending upon the collective strength of each of the components but is not a critical factor and the quantity of dosage may be varied depending upon the nature, age severity of infection and other factor of the patients which is a general feature in all medical formulations. Detailed description of the invention
Accordingly the present invention provides herbal compositions (1) to (6) for the treatment of HIV and AIDS as described hereunder which comprises:
a) Composition (1) of at least 500 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (1) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Vernacular Name of the plant/herbs in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical names Proportional quantity used in gms. (min-max)
1. Baheda (fruit) Terminalia Belerica (Roxb) 50-150
2. Chitwan (Panchang) Alstonia Scholaris(Br) 50-150

3. Pipal (Fruit) (Root) Piper longum (Linn) 150-250
4. Giloy Gurucha (Stem) (Leaves) Tinospora Cordifolia (Mjars) 50-150
5. Dhekwar (leaf) Aloevera Indica (Linn) 50-150
6. Manjith (root) Rubia Cordifolia (Linn) 150-250
7. Kapuri (bark of root) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br.) 50-150
8. Awala (leaf, fruit, seed) Phyllanthus Emblica (linn) 50-150
9. Dalchini (leaf, bark) Cinnamomum Zeylamicum (Blume) 500-1500
10. Beet (tuber) Beta Vulgaris 150-250
Tota quantity of ingredients 1250-3150
b) Composition (2) of at least 250 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (2) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Vernacular name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding Botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams.
1. Ghoruba(fruit, root) Citrullus Colocynthis Schrad 50-150
2. Sonth (tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 200-400
3. Soupha Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin) 200-400
4. Khurasani Ajwayan (Leaf-Seed Hyoscyamus niger (Linn) 150-250
5. Kakadsingi (leaf) Succedania (Linn) 150-250
6. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 200-400
7. Pipal (fruit) Piper Longum (Linn) 200-400
Total quantity of ingredients 1150-2250
c) Composition-(3) of at least 500 mg dose comprising powder of commiphoria Mukul (hook ex-stock) known in vernacular as Gugul (gum)
d) Compositjon-(4) at least 250 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (3) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Vernacular name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams, (min-max)
1. Mirchkand/ Mugusskaod Corallocarpus Epigaeus (Rottl and Wild) 50-200
2. Jathamashi (Root) Nordostachys 50-100
3. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 50-150
4 Sonth (tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 50-150
5. Giloy Guracha (steam Tinospora Cordifolia (misers) 50-150
6. Ashvagandha (Panchange) Withania Coagulans Dunal 100-300
7. Jesthmadh (root) Glycyrrhizaglabra (linn 50-100
8. Bhuikohala (tuber) Pueraria Tuberosa 50-150
9. Chandan (Steam) Santahim album (Linn) 50-150
10. Davana (Leaf/Flower) Artemisia Sieversiana 50-150
11. Rudrasha (seed) Eleeoarpus ganitreus 50-150
Total quantity of ingredients 600-1750
e) Composition (5) of at least 500 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (4) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams, (min-max)
1. Souph (Fruit) Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin) 50-150
2. Balaikand (tuber) Pueraria Tuberosa 50-150
3. Bhui Awali (Panchang) Phyllanthus niruri (Linn) 50-150
4. Daruhaldi (root) Berberidaceae Berberis Aristata D.C. 50-150
5. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 50-150
6. Dhaniya (seed) Coriandrum Sativum (Linn) 150-250
7. Kadujeera (seed) Vernonia anthelmintica (wild) 50-150

8. Ajwain (seed) Carum Copticum (Benth) 50-150
9. Neem (panchang) Azadirachta Indica A.Juss. 50-150
10. Ishwarimula (root) Aristolochia Indica (Linn) 150-250
11. Chopchini (tuber) Smilax glabra 150-250
Total quantity of ingredients 850-1950
f) Composition (6) of a minimum dose of 500 mgs. comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in table (5) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No Name of the plant/herbs in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical names Quantity used in gms. (Minimum -Maximum)
1. Gavati Chaha (Leaf) Andropogum citratusRose 50-150
2. Pudina (panchange) Mentha arvensis (linn) 50-150
3. Giloy Guracha (steam) Tinospora Cordifolia (Miers) 50-150
4. Kapuri (Root) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br) 50-150
5. Sonth (Tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 50-150
6. Bel (leaf, fruit, Root- bark) Aegle Marmelos Corr 50-150
7. Total quantity of ingredients 300-900
In one of the embodiments of the present invention the process for the preparation of composition (1) comprises washing the respective parts of the plants as mentioned in Table (1) of Terminalia Belerica (Roxb), Alstonia Scholaris (Br), Piper longum (Linn), Tinospora Cordifolia (Miars), Aloevera Indica (Linn), Rubia Cordifolia (Linn) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br.), Phyllanthus Emblica (linn), Cinnamomum Zeylamicum (Blume), drying in atmosphere for 3 to 4 days, pulverizing into powder form to obtain the powders of 10 to 30 mesh sieve, mixing the respective quantities of these pulverized powders of each of the ingredients as shown in Table (1) to obtain a homogenous mixture, simultaneously and separately cleaning the tuber root of Beta

Vulgaris with abundant water, disintegrating it in small pieces, drying in sunrays for 3-4 days, grinding and pulverizing in powder form to obtain powder of size 10 mesh to 30 mesh, mixing the mixture and this powder thoroughly to obtain the composition (1).
In another embodiment the process of preparing composition (2) comprises thoroughly mixing the quantities of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh of each of the respective parts as mentioned in Table (2) of Citrullus Colocynthis Schrad, Zingiber officinale (Rose), Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin), Hyoscyamus niger (Linn), Succedania (Linn), Cyperus rotendus, (Linn) and Piper Longum (Linn), to obtain the homogenous composition (2).
In still another embodiment the composition (3) comprises pulverized powder of 10 to 30 mesh size of Commiphoria Mukul (hook ex-stock) known in vernacular as Gugul (gum).
In still another embodiment the process of preparing the composition (4) comprises mixing respective quantities of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding parts as mentioned in Table (3) of Nordostachys, Cyperus rotendus (Linn), Zingiber officinale (Rose), Tinospora Cordifolia (misers), Withania Coagulans Dunal, Glycyrrhizaglabra (linn), Pueraria Tuberosa, Santahim album (Linn), Artemisia Sieversiana and Eleeoarpus ganitreus mentioned in table-3 to obtain a homogenous mixture, simultaneously and separately cleaning the roots of Corallocaspus Epigaeus (Rottl and Wild) with abundant water, drying in sunrays for 3-4 days, grinding and pulverizing the dried roots to obtain powder of 10 to 30 mesh, mixing the mixture obtained in to obtain composition (4)
In yet another embodiment the preparation of composition (5) comprises mixing thoroughly respective quantities as mentioned in Table (4) of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding part mentioned in Table-4 of Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin), Pueraria Tuberosa, Phyllanthus niruri (Linn), Berberidaceae Berberis Aristata DC, Cyperus rotendus (Linn), Coriandrum Sativum (Linn), Vernonia anthelmintica (wild), Carum Copticum (Benth), Azadirachta Indica A.Juss., Aristolochia Indica (Linn), Smilax glabra to obtain composition (5).

In still another embodiment the preparation of composition (6) comprises mixing thoroughly respective quantities as mentioned in Table (5) of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding parts mentioned in Table (5) of Andropogum citratusRose, Mentha arvensis (linn), Tinospora Cordifolia (Miers), Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br), Zingiber officinale (Rose), Aegle Marmelos Corr. to obtain composition (6)
In still another embodiment the compositions (1) to (6) may be used in any pharmaceutically acceptable form such as but not limited to tablets or capsules.
In still another embodiment the syrups of compositions could be made by any conventional method of preparing syrup using conventional syrup agents.
In a feature of the present invention the method of treatment of AIDS and HIV patients comprises orally administering the respective doses of each of composition (1) to (6) as mentioned hereinbefore, daily in any of the above forms of administration or combinations thereof.
In yet another feature of the present invention the treatment of AID and HIV patients comprises orally administering the compositions (1) to (6) provided by the present invention for a minimum period of 2 to 7 months and a further period of two to three months if so required.
In a feature of the present invention the effect of the treatment of patients with the compositions (1) to (6) is monitored by testing the HIV viral load of the patients periodically.
In still another feature the best results of the treatment by compositions (1) to (6) are obtained if the patient does not smoke, consume alcohol, eat or consume tobacco in any form, follow strictly vegetarian diet, avoid sexual contacts, privatize use of personal effects such as tooth brush, shaving kit, cloths to avoid skin infections and avoid spicy and salty food.
In yet another feature it is advisable to take the dosage in time, continue with the regular exercise as directed by the physician, massage the body with sandal and coconut oil after every 15 days, take fresh vegetable

and fruit juices and drink goat or sheep milk instead of cow or buffalo milk for rapid progress and fast recovery.
In still another feature the compositions (1) to (6) have following properties as given in Table (6)

Composition No. Effects
1 Purify the blood by maintaining blood components eliminating deformities. Boosts CD 4 count
2 and 4 Reduce viral load of AIDS patients.
3 Increases white blood cell count.
5 Has anthelmintic effect.
6 This is a general tonic to boost the effects of all other compositions.
In yet another feature of the present invention it is advisable that the AIDS patient treated with the compositions of the present invention should orally intake e 200 ml. of Cow-Urine in morning hours with empty stomach for the best results.
If AIDS patient is also suffering from any other diseases like TB or Symptoms like fever, dysentery, dehydration, then the patient requires supportive treatment by specific drugs co-related with the treatment of compositions of present invention.
Particularly, in TB cases we can get the progress but viral load does not reduce to desired level. But for better result of the compositions provided by the present invention in cases of TB, it is advised to take necessary treatment along with these compositions.
The compositions (1) to (6) of the present invention were subjected to clinical trials on AIDS patients. The details of the said treatments of the AIDS patients using compositions (1) to (6) of the present invention are described hereinbelow with reference to cases which are illustrative only and should not be construed to limit the scope of the present invention in any manner. Case-1
A 21 years old female patient weighing 46 kgs. was suffering from AIDS accompanied with symptoms like weakness, abdominal pain, anorexia,

indigestion and vomiting etc. Laboratory reports of the patient showed viral load of about 21767 and CD4 count of about 637 on 14-4-2003. the said patient knew that the prognosis was guarded.
This patient was administered the treatment with compositions (1) to (6) continuously daily with the respective dosages mentioned hereinbefore for 50 days. After 50 days the laboratory report of the patient's blood sample showed that the viral load had come down to under reference range i.e. 0 to 20 copies/ml and CD4 count increased to 799 and the weight also increased by two kgs. Case-2
A 32 year old patient weighing 78 kgs. suffered from AIDS accompanied with symptoms like weakness, abdominal pain, anorexia, dehydration was diagnosed in the laboratory to have viral load of 10,500 on 24-4-2003. His prognosis was guarded.
This patient was administered the treatment with compositions (1) to (6) continuously daily with the respective dosages mentioned hereinbefore for 11 days. After 11 days itself the laboratory report of the patient's blood sample showed that the viral load had come down to under reference range i.e. 0 to 20 copies/ml. this shows that the treatment with the compositions provided by the present invention reduces HIV viral load very fast from AIDS patient 's body Case-3
A 32 year old female patient weighing 49 kgs. suffered from AIDS accompanied with symptoms like weakness, abdominal pain, joint pains anorexia was diagnosed in the laboratory to have viral load of 794 on 6-9-2002.
This patient was administered the treatment with compositions (1) to (6) continuously daily with the respective dosages mentioned hereinbefore for seven months. After 7 months the laboratory report of the patient's blood sample showed that the viral load had come down to under reference range i.e. 0 to 20 copies/ml.

A young boy of 16 years old weighing 47 kgs. suffered from AIDS. He felt well but psychologically depressed and was diagnosed in the laboratory to have viral load of 394 and CD4 count of 354 dated 9.6.2003.
This patient was administered the treatment with compositions (1) to (6) continuously daily with the respective dosages mentioned hereinbefore for 5 months. After 5 months the laboratory report of the patient's blood sample showed that the viral load had come down to under reference range i.e. 0 to 20 copies/ml., and the CD4 count has increased to 394. This shows that the treatment with the compositions provided by the present invention reduces HIV viral load very fast from AIDS patient's body.
The main advantages obtained by the treatment of the AIDS patients by the compositions (1) to (6) of the present invention are as follows:
1. The treatment by the compositions of the present invention reduces HIV viral load to undetectable level i.e. 0 to 20 copies /ml by direct or indirect action in human bodies.
2. Improve immunization system to fight against AIDS or any disease.
3. Does not produce any toxic or side effects in AIDS patients.
4. Improves the condition of the AIDS patients step-by-step and increases appetite and shows weight gain.

What is claimed is:
1. Herbal compositions for treatment of AIDS, the compositions (1) to (6) as described hereunder which comprises:
a) Composition (1) of at least 500 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (1) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Vernacular Name of the plant/herbs in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical names Proportional quantity used in gms. (min-max)
11. Baheda (fruit) Terminalia Belerica (Roxb) 50-150
12. Chitwan (Panchang) Alstonia Scholaris(Br) 50-150
13. Pipal (Fruit, Root) Piper longum (Linn) 150-250
14. Giloy Gurucha (Stem, leaves) Tinospora Cordifolia (Miars) 50-150
15. Dhekwar (leaf) Aloevera Indica (Linn) 50-150
16. Manjith (root) Rubia Cordifolia (Linn) 150-250
17. Kapuri (bark of root) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br.) 50-150
18. Awala (leaf, fruit, seed) Phyllanthus Emblica (linn) 50-150
19. Dalchini (leaf, bark) Cinnamomum Zeylamicum (Blume) 500-1500
20. Beet (tuber) Beta Vulgaris 150-250
Total quantity of ingredients 1250-3150
b) Composition (2) of at least 250 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (2) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No Name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding Botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams.
1. Ghoruba (fruit, root) Citrullus Colocynthis Schrad 50-150
2. Sonth (tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 200-400
3. Soupha Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin) 200-400

4. Khurasani Ajwayan (Leaf-Seed Hyoscyamus niger (Linn) 150-250
5. Kakadsingi (leaf) Succedania (Linn) 150-250
6. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 200-400
7. Pipal (fruit) Piper Longum (Linn) 200-400
Total quantity of ingredients 1150-2250
c) Composition-(3) of at least 500 mg dose comprising powder of commiphoria Mukul (hook ex-stock) known in vernacular as Gugul (gum)
d) Composition-(4) at least 250 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (3) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No. Name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams, (min-max)
1. Mirchkand/Mugussk Corallocaspus Epigaeus (Rottl and Wild) 50-200
2. Jathamashi (Root) Nordostachys 50-100
3. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 50-150
4. Sonth (tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 50-150
5. Giloy Guracha (steam Tinospora Cordifolia (misers) 50-150
6. Ashvagandha (Panchange) Withania Coagulans Dunal 100-300
7. Jesthmadh (root) Glycyrrhizaglabra (linn 50-100
8. Bhuikohala (tuber) Pueraria Tuberosa 50-150
9. Chandan (Steam) Santahim album (Linn) 50-150
10. Davana (Leaf/Flower) Artemisia Sieversiana 50-150
11. Rudrasha (seed) Eleeoarpus ganitreus 50-150
Total quantity of ingredients 600-1750
e) Composition (5) of at least 500 mg. dose, comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in Table (4) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said Dlant.


Sr. No. Name of the plant/herb in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical name Proportional quantity used in grams, (min-max)
1. Souph (Fruit) Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin) 50-150
2. Balaikand (tuber) Pueraria Tuberosa 50-150
3. BhuiAwali (Panchang) Phyllanthus niruri (Linn) 50-150
4. Daruhaldi (root) Berberidaceae Berberis Aristata D.C. 50-150
5. Motha (root) Cyperus rotendus (Linn) 50-150
6. Dhaniya (seed) Coriandrum Sativum (Linn) 150-250
7. Kadujeera (seed) Vernonia anthelmintica (wild) 50-150
8. Ajwain(seed) Carum Copticum (Benth) 50-150
9. Neem (panchang) Azadirachta Indica A.Juss. 50-150
10. Ishwarimula (root) Aristolochia Indica (Linn) 150-250
11. Chopchini (tuber) Smilax glabra 150-250
Total quantity of ingredients 850-1950
f) Composition (6) of a minimum dose of 500 mgs. comprising powders obtained from the plants mentioned in table (5) in the proportion mentioned therein against each of the said plant,

Sr. No Name of the plant/herbs in Hindi and the part of the plant Corresponding botanical names Quantity used in gms.
(Minimum -Maximum)
1. Gavati Chaha (Leaf) Andropogum citratusRose 50-150
2. Pudina (panchange) Mentha arvensis (linn) 50-150
3. Giloy Guracha (steam) Tinospora Cordifolia (Miers) 50-150
4. Kapuri (Root) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br) 50-150
5. Sonth (Tuber) Zingiber officinale (Rose) 50-150
6. Bel (leaf, fruit, root-bark) Aegle Marmelos Corr 50-150
fotal quantity of ingredients 300-900

A process for the preparation of composition (1) comprises washing the respective parts of the plants as mentioned in Table (1) of Terminalia Belerica (Roxb), Alstonia Scholaris (Br), Piper longum (Linn), Tinospora Cordifolia (Miars), Aloevera India (Linn), Rubia Cordifolia (Linn) Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br.), Phyllanthus Emblica (linn), Cinnamomum Zeylamicum (Blume), drying in atmosphere for 3 to 4 days, pulverizing into powder form to obtain the powders of 10 to 30 mesh sieve, mixing the respective quantities of these pulverized powders of each of the ingredients as shown in Table (1) to obtain a homogenous mixture, simultaneously and separately cleaning the tuber root of Beta Vulgaris with abundant water, disintegrating it in small pieces, drying in sunrays for 3-4 days, grinding and pulverizing in powder form to obtain powder of size 10 mesh sieve to 30-mesh sieve, mixing the mixture and this powder thoroughly to obtain the composition (1). A process of preparing composition (2) comprises thoroughly mixing the quantities of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh of each of the respective parts as mentioned in Table (2) of Citrullus Colocynthis Schrad, Zingiber officinale (Rose), Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin), Hyoscyamus niger (Linn), Succedania (Linn), Cyperus rotendus, (Linn) and Piper Longum (Linn), to obtain the homogenous composition (2). A process for preparing composition (3) which comprises pulverizing powder of 10 to 30 mesh size of Commiphoria Mukul (hook ex-stock) known in vernacular as Gugul (gum).
A process of preparing the composition (4) comprises mixing respective quantities of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding parts as mentioned in Table (3) of Nordostachys, Cyperus rotendus (Linn), Zingiber officinale (Rose), Tinospora Cordifolia (misers), Withania Coagulans Dunal, Glycyrrhizaglabra (linn), Pueraria Tuberosa, Santahim album (Linn), Artemisia Sieversiana and Eleeoarpus ganitreus mentioned in table-3 to obtain a homogenous mixture, simultaneously and separately cleaning the roots of Corallocaspus Epigaeus (Rottl and Wild) with abandunt water, drying in

sunrays for 3-4 days, grinding and pulverizing the dried roots to obtain powder of 10 to 30 mesh, mixing the mixture obtained in to obtain composition (4).
6. A process for preparation of composition (5) comprises mixing thoroughly respective quantities as mentioned in Table (4) of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding part mentioned in Table-4 of Foeniculum valgare (Gaerin), Pueraria Tuberosa, Phyllanthus niruri (Linn), Berberidaceae Berberis Aristata DC, Cyperus rotendus (Linn), Coriandrum Sativum (Linn), Vernonia anthelmintica (wild), Carum Copticum (Benth), Azadirachta Indica AJuss., Aristolochia Indica (Linn), Smilax glabra to obtain composition (5).
7. A process for preparation of composition (6) comprises mixing thoroughly respective quantities as mentioned in Table (5) of pulverized powders of 10 to 30 mesh size of the corresponding parts mentioned in Table (5) of Andropogum citratusRose, Mentha arvensis (linn), Tinospora Cordifolia (Miers), Hemidesmus Indica (B.Br), Zingiber officinale (Rose), Aegle Marmelos Corr. to obtain composition (6).
8. Compositions (1) to (6) which are used for administration to the patient in any pharmaceutically acceptable form such as but not limited to Tablets and capsules or syrup on conventional medium.
Dated this 22nd day of June 2004




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Patent Number 227674
Indian Patent Application Number 712/MUM/2003
PG Journal Number 10/2009
Publication Date 06-Mar-2009
Grant Date 14-Jan-2009
Date of Filing 14-Jul-2003
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K35/78
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA