Title of Invention


Abstract The said invention is based on "Panchang" or almance conbination of five parameters i.e. Yog, Lagna, Grah, Var, Tithi. The complexity of Panchang Almance requires a person to devote his/her time to learn and its significance and the arithmetic calculations, to isolate an auspicious moment or time/muhurta. Thus, the present invention is a horological instrument totally user-friendly. Hence, the dials were invented which carries 24 hours display on the dial to faciltate the user, the information regarding the position, of all the seven influencing plantes throughout the day. It consists of an inner concentric ring representing hourly change in the influential plantes from sunset to sunrise of the next day. A astrological horological dial prediciting auspicious timings for a particular day based on almanical parameters. The present said invention give us a full fledge panchange allow with timepiece which helps us to lead our life and keep it in tune with the planets so as to minimize the hurdles in day today life and making our life easy and harmonious.
Full Text FORM 2

THE PATENT ACT 1970 (39 of 1970)
(See section 10 and rule 13)
ascertaining auspicious moment"
(a) NAME : Sanjay Mahashabde
(c) ADDRESS : Harsha Sankul, 4th floor
Opposite R.I.T.Science College, Civil Lines, Akola 444001 M.S. India
COMPLETE SPECIFICATION The following specification
particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed

Title of Invention :
A horological clock for predicting auspicious timings based on almanical parameters Field of Invention :
This invention relates in general to horological instruments in particular to an invention based on Hindu almanac which is a timepiece for ascertaining the auspicious moment. Today, due to the hectic schedule and also due to the complexity of the teachings and due to its complicated procedures which limit the scope of interpretation of Panchangs it is not possible to refer to an almanac to predict the best or auspicious times (muhurta) for a particular nature of work, to be undertaken. So, a horological instrument is invented to meet to satisfy the individual needs towards Panchang and make it user friendly for whenever and wherever required. Summary of Invention
A horological clock, for predicting auspicious time on a given day, comprises following elements: (i) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (10) for Sundays.
It has an innermost circle (11) in a twin shade of golden yellow
and is illustrated in drawing # 1.

(ii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-squared dial (20) for Mondays. It has an innermost square (21) in sky blue shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 2. (iii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (30) for Tuesdays. It has an innermost circle (31) in blue shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 3. (iv) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (40) for
Wednesdays. It has an said innermost circle (41) in golden yellow shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 4. (v) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (50) for Thursdays. It has an innermost circle (51) in pink shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 5. (vi) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (60) for Fridays. It has an innermost circle (61) in pistachio green shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 6. (vii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (70) for Saturdays. It has an innermost circle (71) in bottle green shade, which is illustrated in drawing # 7.

Description of Invention :
The present invention is not just an horological clock. It is almost the map of the planetary movement everyday so it is to be regarded as a "Map" and so it must be held in position while reading by aligning it to cardinal "North". The instrument is combination of the panchang, or almanac, conventional instrument, Grah Vaar, Shastra with 24 hour dial display system, which gives the user the vital information on the various astrological aspects of that particular day and/or, every hour. It displays the direction that should not be traveled on that particular day. It also displays the colour-code for everyone and anyone on that particular day.
It also describes the nature of work to be undertaken on that particular, day. It also indicates the four important Yog described in the "Panchang" as below:
1. Mrutyuyog
2. Yamaghanta Yog
3. Dagdhayog
4. Amrutsiddhiyog
It also indicates to the user the friendly/anti-friendly planets for all 24 hours. It also displays the rahu kaal with a thick ring demarking 1m hour

The respective dial for that particular day is designed based on the graphical representation of each day as per the almanical parameters as mentioned below:
1. The dial for Sunday (10) is made of circular shape.
2. The dial for Monday (20) is made of square shape.
3. The dial for Tuesday (30) is made of circular shape.
4. The dial for Wednesday (40) is made of circular shape.
5. The dial for Thursday (50) is of circular shape.
6. The dial for Friday (60) is made of circular shape.
7. The dial for Saturday is made of circular shape. Prior Art :
1. Concept of Astrological instrument :-
US Patent no. 6222796
The above cited patent particularly refers to an astrological
instrument which provides a daily horoscope based on ones"s
astrological sign and also matches with its birth sign. It contains a
computer chip and a LCD that provides a daily horoscopes and also
allows the person to read their individual daily horoscope each day.
With reference to the present invention, the horological instrument is
based on Panchang or Almanac combination to view all the

almanical parameters whenever required for the auspicious timings making it user friendly. 2. Function of astrological instrument :-
US Patent no. 4711583 Dated :-1985-07-01
The above cited patent application refers to an instrument which was designed to display by means of indicators of several astronomical magnitudes and driven by means of planetary gear train, which is rotatingly supported by means of a ball bearing within a support ring of the instrument. The drive force as well as the time reference are provided by a mark simultaneously driving the planet-wheel carrier of the planetary gear train & the gear clusters mounted thereon.
With reference to the present invention, the horological instrument is used to view the planetary movements using the Nakshtra plate with the help of Nakshatra wheel and all the components of the date, day and the time are incorporated within the main plate of the instrument with the help of wheels provided for each and every components.
Description of the components of horological instruments:-
1.1 Working principle:
To understand the exact nature of the working of the horological instrument and its principal, let us consider the dial of the horological instrument to be used on Sunday.

7.2.7 For Example; Sunday
The colour of the innermost circle (11) -.yellow orange - indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The white spot (12) on the top of the innermost circle (11) shows the SATVIK. nature of the ruling planet RAVI indicating the SATVIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day like educating students etc. The black arrow (14) indicates the direction west not to be traveled on Sundays. It is clearly seen that if there is a combination of MEGHA Nakshatra on Sunday then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of Anuradha Naksharta on Sunday it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of DWADASHI TITHI on Sunday then it said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there is a combination of HAST NAKSHATRA on Sunday then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (19) of the dial (10) displays the day hours and the internal ring (15) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24 hour and the respective Planetary positions at the particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour

codes ndicated on the dial (10) i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (11) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality. 1.1.2 Monday:
The colours on the horological dial (20) i.e. White and Sky blue indicate the colour code to be used for dressing. The white and yellow - dual colour circle (22) on the top of the innermost square (22) shows the SATVIK and RAJSIK nature of the ruling planet MOON indicating the SATVIK and RAJSIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (24) indicates the direction East not to be traveled on Mondays. It is clearly seen that if there is a combination of VISHAKHA Nakshatra on Monday then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of UTTARASHADHA Nakshatra on Monday it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of EKADAH TITHI on Monday then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there IS a combination of MRUGA SHIRSH NAKSHA TRA on Monday then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user.

The external ring (29) of the dial (20) displays the day hours and the internal ring (25) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24-hour and the respective planet positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour codes indicated on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (21) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.
1.1.3 Tuesday:
The colour on the horological dial (30) i.e. WHITE AND DARKBLUE indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The RED circle (32) on the top of the innermost circle (31) shows the TAMSIK nature of the ruling planet MANGAL indicating the TAMASIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (34) indicates the direction NORTH not to be traveled on TUESDAY. It is clearly seen that if there is a combination of ARDRA Nakshatra on TUESDAY then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of SHATA-TARAKA Nakshatra on TUESDAY it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of PANCHAMI TITH! on TUESDA Y then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user.

Whereas if there is a combination of ASHWININAKSHA TRA on TUESDA Y then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (39) of the dial (30) displays the day hours and the internal ring (35) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24-hour and the respective planet positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour codes indicated on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (31) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.
1.1.4 Wednesday:
The colour of the innermost circle (41) i.e. GOLDEN YELLOW AND WHITE indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The YELLOW circle (42) on the top of the innermost circle (41) shows the RAJSIK nature of the ruling planet BUDH indicating the RAJSIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (44) indicates the direction NORTH not to be travelled on WEDNESDAY. It is clearly seen that if there is a combination of MUL Nakshatra on WEDNESDAY then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of ASHWINI Nakshatra on WEDNESDAY it is said to be reflecting

YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of TRUTIYA TITHI on WEDNESDAY then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there is a combination of ANURADHA NAKSHA TRA on WEDNESDAY then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (49) of the dial (40) displays the day hours and the internal ring (41) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24 hours and the respective planetory positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour codes indicated on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for antifriendly nature and the central dial (41) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.
1.1.5 Thursday:
The colour on the horological dial (50) i.e. PINK, RED, WHITE indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The white circle (52) on the top of the innermost circle (51) shows the SATVIK nature of the ruling planet GURU indicating the SATVIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (54) indicates the direction SOUTH not to be traveled on THURSDAY. It is clearly seen

that if there is a combination of KRUTIKA Nakshatra on THURSDAY then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of MRUGH-SHIRSH Nakshatra on THURSDAY it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of SHASHTHI TITHI (sixth lunar day) on THURSDAY then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there is a combination of PUSHYA NAKSHATRA on THURSDAY, then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (59) of the dial (50) displays the day hours and the internal ring (55) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24 hours and the respective planetary positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour codes indicated on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (50) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.
1.1.6 Friday;
The colour of the innermost circle (61) i.e. PIST A GREEN AND WHITE indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The

YELLOW circle (62) on the top of the innermost circle (61) shows the RAJSIK nature of the ruling planet SHUKRA indicating the RAJSIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (64) indicates the direction west not to be traveled on FRIDAY. It is clearly seen that if there is a combination of RoHINI Nakshatra on Friday then it is said to be reflecting Mrutyuyog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of ASHALESHA Nakshatra on FRIDAY it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of ASHTMI TITHI on FRIDAY then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there is a combination of REV ATI NAKSHATRA on FRIDAY then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (69) of the dial (60) displays the day hours and the internal ring (65) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24 hour and the respective planet positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood by the colour codes indicates on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (60) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.

1.1.7 Saturday:
The colour of the innermost circle (71) i.e. DEEP GREEN AND GRAY indicates the colour code to be used for dressing. The RED circle (72) on the top of the innermost circle (71) of the dial (70) shows the TAMSIK nature of the ruling planet SA TURN indicating the TAMSIK nature of work to be undertaken on that particular day. The black arrow (74) indicates the direction. EAST not to be traveled on SATURDAY. It is clearly seen that it if there is a combination of HASTA Nakshatra on SATURDAY then it is said to be reflecting MRUTYUYOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. Also if there is a combination of HASTA Nakshatra on SATURDAY it is said to be reflecting YAMAGHANTA YOG, which is harmful and cautions the user. If there is a combination of NAVMI TITHI on SATURDAY then it is said to be reflecting Dagdhayog, which is harmful and cautions the user. Whereas if there is a combination of ROHININAKSHA TRA on SATURDAY then it is said to be reflecting Amrutsiddhiyog, which is beneficial and intimates the same to the user. The external ring (79) of the dial (70) displays the day hours and the internal ring (75) indicates the evening or late night hours. In accordance to the 24hour and the respective planet positions at that particular hour the friendly/anti friendly nature could be understood

by the colour codes indicated on the dial i.e. grey colour stands for anti friendly nature and the central dial (70) colour indicates the friendly nature and white shows the nature of equality.
The description maintained in the above paragraphs does not limit or restrict the scope of the present embodiment of the invention. Thus the same assembly can also be used in laptops, wall clocks, digital display clock, Palm tops, Computers, table clocks, mobiles, digital diaries, etc.
In Our Indian Culture all the Nine Planets i.e. Pluto, Neptune, Mercury,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, and Plative were given same importance as any other God or Godess. An Indian offers Prayers to these planets on every important Rites and Rituals like prayers for peace in life. Sacred ceremony, marriage and protection of his or her life and property and before performing "HA WANS" and "YAGYA" seeking mercy and blessings of god. Planetory worships begets prosperity, removes poverty and cures all pains of life. Pleasant and painful happenings of human life are very much related to these nine planets has

been proved. Because of the movement of life giver sun and the planets of it"s encircle moves the cycle of day, night, and seasons. And we experience effect of this cycle on human behaviour and his life. That is why it has been placed in relation with the astrology and importantly with human life. In astrology, numerous remedies based upon the positions and movements of these planets in sky at the time of one"s birth Connecting divine and spiritual influence from mass to mind - are explained in sacred books of Live A Peaceful Happy Life. Believing that this universe and the light and element in it is nothing but a vibration. Every horological instrument has been prepared in special form in accordance with the beneficial effectiveness of the sympathetically situated planetary, using specific metals, forms, & colours. A horological instrument can be used everyday for 24 hrs from sunrise to next sunrise.
Description of Drawings:
Drawing # 1 illustrates the dial (10) for Sundays. Drawing # 2 illustrates the dial (20) for Mondays. Drawing # 3 illustrates the dial (30) for Tuesdays. Drawing # 4 illustrates the dial (40) for Wednesdays. Drawing # 5 illustrates the dial (50) for Thursdays.

Drawing # 6 illustrates the dial (60) for Fridays. Drawing # 7 illustrates the dial (70) for Saturdays.
Best Method for performing the Invention:
1. Insert the appropriate dial for a given day on the clock or any other
suitable device.
2. Align the central vertical axis of the dial selected with north direction.
3. Check the respective readings for a given daytime or a nighttime
hour for a particular task to be undertaken or performed.
4. Select colour scheme for dress to be worn on the given day based on
the colour scheme of the innermost circle/square of the dial selected.

I claim:
1. An astrological, horological clock, for predicting auspicious time on a given day, comprising:
(i) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (10) for Sundays, having an innermost circle (11) in a twin shade of golden yellow, (ii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-squared dial (20) for Mondays,
having an innermost square (21) in sky blue shade, (iii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (30) for Tuesdays,
having an innermost circle (31) in blue shade, (iv) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (40) for Wednesdays, having an innermost circle (41) in golden yellow shade, (v) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (50) for
Thursdays, having an innermost circle (51) in pink shade, (vi) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (60) for Fridays,
having an innermost circle (61) in pistachio green shade, (vii) a stainless steel, triple-concentric-circled, dial (70) for Saturdays,
having an innermost circle (71) in bottle green shade. 2. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Sundays (10) has

(i) a white circle (12) intercepting at top end of the said innermost circle (11) and has a black-bordered circle (13) with a black dot (14) at the centre of the said black bordered circle (13) such that the said black-bordered circle (13) is diagonally opposite to the said white circle (12)and is situated at a short distance inside of the bottom end of the said innermost circle
(11). (ii) a black arrow (14) pointing outward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (11), (iii) the said middle concentric circle (15) and the said
outermost concentric circle (19) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between the two consecutive hourly lines (16, 17), (iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric circle (15) marked in clockwise direction with "Shani (Saturn)",Guru (Jupiter)", "Mangal (Mars)", "Ravi (Sun)", "Shukra (Venus)", "Budh (Mercury)", "Guru (Jupiter)", "Mangal (Mars)", "Ravi (Sun)", "Shukra (Venus)", "Budh (Mercury)" and "Chandra (Moon)",

(v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric circle (19) marked in clockwise direction with Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani and Guru, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the boundary between said middle concentric circle (15) and the said outermost concentric circle (19), the said 12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference of the said middle concentric circle (15) into inwardly black semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric circle (15) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the region of the said outermost concentric circle (19), the said hourly circles measuring at radius 173rd and 273rd respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of the said equal portions, (viii) Budh of the said middle circle (15), Shukra, Shani represented in grey, Budh of the said outer circle (19) in white, Chandra, Mangal, Guru in orange and Ravi in golden yellow shades.

3. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Mondays (10) has:
(i) a white-golden yellow shaded circle (22) intercepting at top
end of the said innermost square (21), (ii) a black arrow (24) pointing inward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost square (21), (iii) the said middle concentric square (25) and the said
outermost concentric square (29) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between the two consecutive hourly lines (26, 27), (iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric
square (25) marked in clockwise direction with Ravi, Shukra, Budh, no mark, Shani, Guru, Shukra, Budh, no mark, Shani, Guru and Mangal, (v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric square (29) marked in clockwise direction with Budh, no mark, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, no mark, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi and Shukra, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 squares on the boundary of the said middle concentric square (25) and the said outermost concentric square (29), the said

12 hourly squares equally divided along the circumference of the said middle concentric square (25) into inwardly black semi-squares lying in the region of the said middle concentric square (25) and into outwardly white semi-squares lying in the region of the said outermost concentric square(29), (vii) all said 12 portions of the said middle concentric square (25)
represented in grey shade, (viii) portion of the outermost concentric square (29) marked Ravi in sky blue and remaining portions thereof in white shades. 4. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Tuesdays (30) has (i) a red circle (32) intercepting at top end of the said innermost
circle (31), (ii) a black arrow (34) pointing upward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (31), (iii) the said middle concentric circle (35) and the said
outermost concentric circle (39) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between the two consecutive hourly lines (36, 37), (iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric

circle (35) marked in clockwise direction with Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra and Budh, (v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric circle (39) marked in clockwise direction with Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra and Shani, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the boundary of the said middle concentric circle (35) and the said outermost concentric circle (39), the said 12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference of the said middle concentric circle (35) into inwardly black semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric circle (35) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the region of the said outermost concentric circle (39), the said hourly circles measuring at radius l/3rd and 2/3rd respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of the said equal portions, (vii)Guru, Ravi, Chandra in sky blue, Shani and Mangal in yellow, Budh in gray and Shukra in white shades in the said 12 portions of the said middle concentric circle (35) and the said outermost concentric circle (39).

5. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Wednesdays (40) has (i) a yellow circle (42) intercepting at top end of the said
innermost circle (41), (ii) a black arrow (44) pointing upward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (41), (iii) the said middle concentric circle (45) and the said
outermost concentric circle (49) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between the two consecutive hourly lines (46, 47), (iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric
circle (45) marked in clockwise direction with Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani and Guru, (v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric circle (49) marked in clockwise direction with Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal and Ravi, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the boundary of the said middle concentric circle (45) and the said outermost concentric circle (49), the said

12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference
of the said middle concentric circle (45) into inwardly black
semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric
circle (45) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the
region of the said outermost concentric circle (49), the said
hourly circles measuring at radius 1/3"1 and 2/3rd
respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of
the said equal portions,
(vii) Shukra, Budh, Shani and Ravi in yellow, Chandra and
Mangal in light gray, Guru in black in the said middle
concentric circle (45) and Guru in white shades in the said
said outermost concentric circle (49).
6. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1,
wherein the said dial for Thursdays (50) has
(ii) a white circle (52) intercepting at top end of the said
innermost circle (51)
(ii) a black arrow (54) pointing downward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (51),
(iii) the said middle concentric circle (55) and the said
outermost concentric circle (59) divided equally into 12
portions such that the said portions are contained between
the two consecutive hourly lines (56, 57),

(iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric
circle (55) marked in clockwise direction with Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi and Shukra, (v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric circle (59) marked in clockwise direction with Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the boundary of the said middle concentric circle (55) and the said outermost concentric circle (59), the said 12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference of the said middle concentric circle (55) into inwardly black semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric circle (55) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the region of the said outermost concentric circle (59), the said hourly circles measuring at radius l/3rd and 2/3rd respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of the said equal portions, (vii) Shani and Guru in yellow, Mangal, Ravi and Chandra in pink both in the said middle concentric (55) and the said outer concentric circle (59), Shukra in black in the said

middle concentric circle (55) and Shukra in white shades in the said outermost concentric circle (59), 7. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Fridays (60) has (iii) a yellow circle (62) intercepting at top end of the said
innermost circle (61) (ii) a black arrow (64) pointing outward at 9 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (61), (iii) the said middle concentric circle (65) and the said
outermost concentric circle (69) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between the two consecutive hourly lines (66, 67), (iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric
circle (65) marked in clockwise direction with Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Budh Chandra and Shani, (v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric circle (69) marked in clockwise direction with Ravi, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru, Shukra, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru and Mangal, (vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the boundary of the said middle concentric circle (65) and


the said outermost concentric circle (69), the said 12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference of the said middle concentric circle (65) into inwardly black semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric circle (65) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the region of the said outermost concentric circle (69), the said hourly circles measuring at radius l/3rd and 2/3rd respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of the said equal portions, (vii) Shukra in yellow, Budh and Shani in pistachio green, Mangal, Ravi and Chandra in light grey, Guru in light grey in the said middle concentric circle (65) and in white shades in the said outermost concentric circle (69). 8. An astrological, horological dial as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said dial for Saturdays (70) has (iv) a red circle (72) intercepting at top end of the said
innermost circle (71), (ii) a black arrow (74) pointing outward at 3 O"clock position,
inside of the said innermost circle (71), (iii) the said middle concentric circle (75) and the said
outermost concentric circle (79) divided equally into 12 portions such that the said portions are contained between

the two consecutive hourly lines (76, 77),
(iv) the said 12 equal portions of the said middle concentric
circle (75) marked in clockwise direction with Shukra, Budh,
Chandra, Shani, Guru, Mangal, Budh, Chandra, Shani, Guru
Mangal and Ravi,
(v) the said 12 equal portions of the said outermost concentric
circle (79) marked in clockwise direction with Chandra,
Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi, Shukra, Shani, Guru, Mangal,
Ravi, Shukra and Budh,
(vi) the 12 hourly positions represented by 12 circles on the
boundary of the said middle concentric circle (75) and
the said outermost concentric circle (79), the said
12 hourly circles equally divided along the circumference
of the said middle concentric circle (75) into inwardly black
semicircles lying in the region of the said middle concentric
circle (75) and into outwardly white semicircles lying in the
region of the said outermost concentric circle (79), the said
hourly circles measuring at radius 1/3rd and 2/3rd
respectively of the circumferential and the angular sides of
the said equal portions,
(vii) Shani in yellow, Budh and Shukra in pistachio green,
Mangal, Ravi and Chandra alternating between black

in the said middle concentric circle (75) and light gray in the
said outermost concentric circle (79), Guru alternating
between light gray in the said middle concentric circle (75)
and white shades in the said outermost concentric circle

Date: 30TH JANVARY, 2004

Sanjay Mahashabde


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104-mum-2004-form 5(28-01-2005).pdf

104-mum-2004-form 9(21-03-2005).pdf


Patent Number 222094
Indian Patent Application Number 104/MUM/2004
PG Journal Number 39/2008
Publication Date 26-Sep-2008
Grant Date 18-Jul-2008
Date of Filing 30-Jan-2004
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G04B19/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA