Title of Invention


Abstract A method for generating and allocating codewords is provided. The method if dudes allocating one of two selectable codewords b1 and b2 as codeword b w ion a preceding codeword a and a following codeword b form a code stream , in which codewords b1 and b2 have opposite INVs which are Parameters irw icating whether the number of '1 s' contained in a codeword is an odd number o an even number and when the code stream of a and b1 is X1, and the code i tream of a and b2 is X2, allocating codewords such that the iNVs of X1 and X2 are maintained to be opposite when a or b1(b2) should be replaced by ai other codewords in compliance with a predetermined boundary condition giver between codewords. According to the method, by using a short codeword hav ig less bits as a main conversion codeword, high efficiency is achieved in re< ording density. Also, when codewords which do not satisfy the run length co ditions are replaced by other codewords, the codewords are allocated so tl at the DC suppression capability of the code stream can be maintained, an i therefore higher DC capability of the code stream is provided.
Field of the Invention
The Present invention relates to an apparatus for allocating codewords. The
present invention relates to generation and allocation of modulation codes of source
codes to be recorded on a recording medium, and more particularly, to a method for
generating and allocating codewords in which codewords having a restricted run length
are generated and the generated codewords are allocated so that the DC control
characteristic of a code stream is maintained.
In a Run Length Limited (RLL) code represented by (d, k, m, n), the performance
of a code is evaluated mainly based on the recording density and the capability to
suppress the DC component of the code. Here, m denotes the number of data bits (the
number of so-called source data bits, which is also referred to as the number of
information word bits), n denotes the number of codeword bits after modulation (the
number of so-called channel bits), d denotes the minimum number of a series of 'Os' that
can exist between T and T in a codeword, and k denotes the maximum number of a
series of 'Os' that can exist between T and T in a codeword. The interval between bits in
a codeword is represented by T.
In a modulation method, to improve recording density it is used to reduce the
number of codeword bits n while regarding d and m as given conditions. In the RLL
code, however, d which is the minimum number of a series of 'Os' that can exist between
T and T in a codeword, and k which is the maximum number of a series of'Os' that can
exist between T and T in a codeword, should be satisfied. If, with this (d, k) condition
satisfied, the number of data bits is m, the number of codewords satisfying RLL(d, k)
should be equal to or greater than 2. Moreover, in order to actually use this code, run
length constraints, that is, RLL(d, k) conditions, should be satisfied in a part where a
codeword is linked to another codeword. In addition, when the DC component of a code
affects the system performance, it is desirable to use a code which has a DC suppression
The ffijwatit,n mason for suppressing the DC component in the RLL
modulated eo* e stream is to minimize a reproducing signal's affect on a servo
band. Herein, ifter, methods for suppressing the DC component will be referred
to as Digital $ mi Vatue (DSV) control methods.
DSV i^ol metres can Deoroadlyc^ssified into two types. One is a
method having a OSV control code itself, where the DSV control code is
capable of corjtrotiing a OSV. The other is a method of inserting a merge bit at
each OSV control time. An Eight to Fourteen Modulation plus (EFM+) code
performs DSV control using a separate code table, while An EFM code or a (1,
7) code per
OSV control
and satisfying]
each of a ph
DSV control by inserting a merge bit
?, the shape of the prior art modulation code group having the
itself capable of controlling suppression tftrw DC conditions described above is as shown in FIG. 1, in which
(mined number of main conversion code groups has a
corresponding, code group for controlling suppression of the DC component
Each main cor version code group and its corresponding code group form a pair
so that the D there are som* characteristics that distinguish codewords of the predetermined
main conversion code groups. That is, there are no identical codewords
between the n ain conversion code groups A and B. If duplicated codes are
used, there mtiht be the conversion code groups C and D for demodulating the
duplicated codes, where there are no identical codewords between the
conversion code groups C and D, but codewords in the code group A or B may
C or D for demodulating duplicated codes. The number of
main conversion code groups A and B and the conversion
be in the code
codewords in1
code groups 0
bits in the toun
If code
and D for demodulating duplicated codes is 2m if the number of
» word before conversion is m.
groups E through H are OC suppression control code groups
used for suppr issing DC components together with code groups A through D,
respectively, tf 9 characteristics of codewords in each of the code groups E
through H are'the same as the characteristics of codewords in the main code
orouos A throuloh D respectively. That is. the same conditions for aeneratina
duplicated codewords or the same conditions for determining the number of
lead zeros in ja codeword are applied to each of the DC suppression control
code groups E through H for controlling suppression of DC components and the
conversion CCH
current Oigitaj
le groups A through D.
For a) ample, the characteristics of the EFM+ code, which is used in
Versatile Discs (DVD), has a run tength condition of RLL(2, 10)
and a codewtrd length (n) of 16 bits, is as shown in FIG. 2. The main
conversion code groups are MCG1 ("A* in FIG. 1) and MCG2 ("B" in FIG. 1) and
the conversion code groups for demodulating duplicated codes are DCG1 ("C"
in FIG. 1) andt>CG2 ("D* in FIG. 2). There are four DSV code groups FIG. 1) which make pairs with respective conversion code groups to control
suppression of
group, MCG2
from the
manner. In
together with
sequence of
DC components. There are no identical codewords between the
four conversis 'i code groups and the four DSV code groups which are code
groups for con rolling DC components.
Atso, code groups s, -e the same, and the characteristics of codewords in each code
group pair thi t can control DC components (MCG1 and the first DSV code
and the second DSV code group, DCG1 and the third DSV code
group, or DCQ 2 and the fourth DSV code group) are the same.
a codeword having a continuous sequence of from 2 to 5 zeros
Significant Bit (LSB) of the codeword is generated using
•ds. This rule is applied to each code group in the same
of the codewords of the first DSV code group for controlling
DC components, which controls suppression of DC components
main conversion code group MCG1, there is a continuous
2 and 9 'Os' from the Most Significant Bit (MSB). In each
of the codewq ds of the second DSV code group for controlling suppression of
DC componen s, which controls suppression of DC components together with
the main cony rsion code group MCG2, there is either 0 or 1 '0' continuing from
the MSB. Son te bits (here, b15(MSB) or b3) in the codewords of the third DSV
code group ft r controlling suppression of DC components, which controls
suppression on DC components together with the conversion code group DCG1
Of DwC icAo/mii ponents
for demodulating duplicate eodss are 'Ob', *tiiie scras bits (hers, &15(MSS) or
b3) in the codewords of the fourth DSV code group for controlling supprsesten.
i, wfitefi corrirois suppression of DC components together with
code group OCG2 for demodulating dupitcaiea codes, some bits
b15(M$B) and b3) are 'ib", in developing 8 to 15 nxsduSatior, code
advantage in the recording density aspect compared to the prior
which us«» the modulation code group shown in
the original characteristics of a cods sirssra change when a change
codeword because of a boundary rule applied to the locations
iich connects a codeword to another codeword.
art modulaticr1 method
FIG. 1or2:
occurs in a
iO ."*
To soi^e the above problems, it is an objective of the present invention
nsthod for generating and allocating codewords in which a
codeword havi TO a njn length restriction is generated sntt tnd codeword is
allocated so th£t the originaf charactehstics of a code stream are maintained
even when a codeword is replaced according to the boundary
nils when a coite stream is aHssated.
To aca mplish the objective of the pra««nt inytntign, there is provided a
method for ger eraitng and allocating codewords of source words which are to
be rdccrdsd »n a recording meciium, ihd ffminod inauaing generating
codewords »«i«fying nmdetermined njn tength condit'ons and grouping
codewords acwding to each run length condition; and allocating the
codewords su$ i thai a c6de\word) for the source word is capable of controlling
suppression of 3G oomponents.
It is pn iferable that when a predetermined boundary condition is not
satisfied in the [code stream, aiiocating codewords such that codewords which
sa»Jsfy the bourtter/ eondflon and maintain the DC contra! characteristics which
are considered when the initial codeword* are allocated replace the init-a!
codewords. ;
!t is ppfarsbie that the step far ganeratiny couewurus inciudes
generating codewords satisfying !h* length of a predetermined first codeword,
and predetermined run length conditions, grouping the codewords according to
each predetermined run length condition to generate a main conversion
codeword tat te; generating DC control codewords satisfying the length of a
predetermine: I second codeword, and predetermined run length conditions in
order to cent ol DC components in the codeword) stream, grouping the DC
control coda* ords, and to generate a code conversion table for cor4rc4ling DC
codewords wt iich satisfy the predetermined run length conditions and are not
needed in the
control codew
provided ano
and generating additional DC control codewords by taking
main conversion codeword table, and grouping the additional DC
accomplish tite objective of the present invention, there is
her method an allocation method for allocating codewords
generated for fcource words to be recording on a recording medium, the method
including wrwm a preceding codeword a and a following codeword b form a
code stream k allocating one of two selectable codewords b1 and b2 as
codeword b, In which codewords b1 and b2 have opposite INVs which are
parameters indicating whether the number of 'Is' contained in a codeword is an
odd number oa an even number and when the code stream of a and bl is X1,
and the code stream of a and b2 is X2, allocating codewords such that the INVs
of X1 and X3 are maintained to be opposite when a or b1(b2) should be
replaced by another codewords in compliance with a predetermined boundary
condition given between codewords.
It Is preferable that when the predetermined boundary condition is that
i ]
the number of (continuous 'Os' between codewords should be at least 2, and
of continuous 'Os1 from the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the
Most Significant Bit (MSB) direction is 0, and the number of
the MSB of the codewords b1 or b2 in the LSB direction is
of either the codeword a or b1(b2) occur to satisfy the
when the
codeword a in
continuous "Os*
1, code
It is preferable that when the number of continuous 'Os' between the
codewords a and b is 1 or 0, the codeword a or b is changed such that the
number of Os forming the boundary is greater than 2 and less than 10.
It is preferable that the codeword "a" of the code stream XI and the codeword "a" of the code
stream X2 are changed to other codewords such that the resulting codewords "a" of code
streams XI and X2 have the same INV value, and as a result, by the INVs of codewords bl
and b2 following the codewords "a" respectively, the INVs of the XI and X2 become
Also, to accomplish the objective of the present invention, there is provided an allocation
method of allocating codewords of source words to be recorded on a recording medium, the
method including when a preceding codeword "b" and a following codeword "c" from a code
stream Y, allocating one of two selectable codewords bl and b2 as the codeword "b",
wherein codewords bl and b2 have opposite INVs which are parameters indicating whether
the number of 'Is' contained in a codeword is an odd number or an even number and when
the code stream of bl and "c" is Yl, and the code stream of b2 and "c" is Y2, allocating
codewords such that INVs of Yl and Y2 are maintained to be opposite when the codeword
bl, b2, or "c" should be replaced by another codeword in compliance with a predetermined
boundary condition between codewords.
It is preferable that when the predetermined boundary condition is that the number of
continuous 'Os' between codewords should be at least 2, and when the number of continuous
'Os' from the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the codeword "c" towards the Most Significant
Bit (MSB) is 1, codeword "b" which does not satisfy the boundary condition and is
xxxxxxxxxxx 1001 or xxxxxxxxxx 10001 appears in both bl and b2.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, an apparatus for allocating codewords
generated for source data to be recorded on a recording medium, characterized in that, the
said apparatus comprising: a memory device containing one or more code tables arranged to
include codewords corresponding to source data; a first checking means for determining
whether a preceeding code word "a" and following code word "b" are connected to form a
code stream "X"; a first allocator being in operational communication with the first checking
means and being arranged to allocate one of two selectable codewords "bl" and "b2" as
codeword "b", wherein codewords "bl" and "b2" have opposite INV values which indicate
whether the number of "Is" contained in a codeword is an odd number or an even number; a
second checking means for determining whether the code stream of "a" and "bl" is "XI",
and the code stream of "a" and "b2" is "X2"; and a second allocator in operational
communication with second checking means and being arranged to allocate code words such
that the INV values of "XI" and "X2" are maintained to be opposite when "a" or "bl(b2)"
should be replaced by another codewords in compliance with a predetermined boundary
condition given between codewords.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein when the predetermined
boundary condition is that the number of continuous "Os" between codewords should be at
least 2, and when the number of continuous "Os" from the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the
codeword "a" in the Most Significant Bit (MSB) direction is 0, and the number of continuous
"Os" from the MSB of the codewords "bl" or "b2" in the LSB direction is 1, code changes of
either the codeword "a" or "bl(b2)" occur to satisfy the boundary condition.
In another embodiment of the present invention, wherein when the number of continuous
"Os" between the codewords "a" and "b" is smaller than a predetermined number, the number
of continuous "Os" between the codewords "a" and "b" becomes greater than or equal to the
predetermined number.
In further embodiment of the present invention, wherein the codeword "a" of the code stream
"XI" and the codeword "a" of the code stream "X2" are changed to other codewords such
that the resulting codewords "a" of code streams "XI" and "X2" have the same INV value,
and as a result, by the INV values of codewords "bl" and "b2" following the codeword "a",
respectively, the INV values of the code stream "XI" and "X2" become different.
In another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the predetermined number is "1".
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the first and second checking
means comprise a comparator.
In another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the first and second allocator is a
The above objects and advantageous of the present invention will become more apparent and
by describing in detail preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the attached drawings
in which:
FIG. 1 is a diagram of an example of the shape of a prior art modulation code group;
FIG. 2 is a table showing prior art code group and characteristics of codewords included in
the code group;
FIG.' 3 is a flowchart showing a method for generating and allocating
codes accor (ing to the present invention. According to the method for
generating a id allocating codewords of source words to be recorded on a
recording m$ jium, codewords satisfying predetermined run length conditions
are generate? and the generated codewords are grouped according to each run
length condH on in step 300. The codewords are allocated so that the
codeword) s| earns for source words are capable of controlling DC components
in step 310. j
are satisfied H
the codeword
while me DC
codewords an
control characteristics which are considered when the original
allocated can be kept.
abies of the codewords for source code conversion are roughly
divided into tt ree types: 1) main conversion tables, 2} conversion tables for
controlling DC components, and 3} auxiliary conversion tables for controlling DC
FIG. End Zero (EZ
LSB of acod codeword in
codewords the
s determined whether or not predetermined boundary conditions
the code stream in step 320. If the conditions are not satisfied,
are replaced by codewords satisfying the boundary conditions
is a table showing a variety of codeword groups of main
conversion tal; es and the characteristics of codewords in each code group. It
is assumed tf at d denotes the minimum run length limit of a codeword, k
denotes the ro, ixtmum run length limit of a codeword, m denotes the number of
bits of source data, n denotes the number of bite of a codeword after modulation,
denotes the number of 'Os' in a continuous sequence from the
word in a direction toward the MSB of the codeword, and LZ
denotes the number of 'Os' in a continuous sequence from the MSB of a
direction toward the USB of the codeword. For example,
satisfy d=0, k*10, m=8, n-15, OS EZ* 8 are divided according
to die following tZ conditions:
1) nurrj m of codewords satisfying 2$ US 10:177
2) num «r of codewords satisfying 1£ LZS 9. 257
3) numl >er of codewords satisfying 05 LZS 6: 360
4} numl ler of codewords satisfying OS LZS 2: 262
If the
codewords for
number of
codewords in
to group 1),
4) are 260, 25
number of
of FIG. 4,
lumber of bits of source data satisfies m=8, the number of
jorwersion shoutd be 256 or more. However, in condition 1), the
the codewords
codewords sat] rfytng
In aacn of the
can be used
FIG. 5
table for OC
group. For
conversion cod
4 groups (con;
1) numl
Each group
have at teast
therefore shout
Since the numbjw
is less than 51
does not amount to 256. Therefore, the number of
(jondition 1) can amount to 256 by taking some codewords from a
surplus number of codewords, in this case, 83 codewords
satisfying group 3)'s LZ condition may be taken and added
i, the numbers of codewords included in conditions 1} through
277(~360-83), and 262, respectively, and satisfy the minimum
modplation codewords, that is, 256 for B-btt source data. In the table
Mai* Code Group 1 (MCG1) is the name of a code group containing
satjsfying condition 1) and some (63) codewords are taken from
condition 3). MCG2 and MCG4 are the names of
condition 2), and 4), respectively. MCG3 is the name of
condition 3), excluding the 63 codewords taken by MCG1.
Train code groups MCG1 through MCG4, only 256 codewords
asjconvarsion codes for source codes.
a table showing a variety of codeword groups of a conversion
control and the characteristics of codewords in each codeword
, assuming that d=2, k=10, m=8, n=17, and tables for controlling OC components may indude the following
wponding to DCG1, DCG2, DCG3, and DCG4 of FIG. 5,
ity) a« wording to the LZ conditions:
of codewords satisfying 2£ LZS 10: 375
2} number of codewords satisfying 1£ IZS 9 546
1} number of codewords satisfying 0£ LZ£ 6: 763
er of codewords satisfying Q£ LZ£ 2: 556
fonjning a conversion table for controlling DC components should
2 codewords that seiecfively correspond to one source data, and
have at least 512 (= 28 +28) codewords for 8-oU source data,
of codewords in the code group satisfying the LZ condition 1)
, code group 1) can take surplus codewords from other code
groups satisfy ng other 12 conditions to amount to the number of 512. For
example, in ft e above embodiment, code group 1) may take 177 codewords
from th« coctelgroup satisfying the condition 3} so as to have 552 (=375 +177}
FIG. of is a table showing a variety of codeword groups of an auxiliary
conversion tel
code group.
n=15, codewo
te for DC control ami the characteristics of codewords in each
:or example, among codewords satisfying d=2, JtstQ, m=»S, and
tls satisfying 9£ EZS 10, the remaining codewords of the main
code conversion groups (MCGs), and codewords satisfying LZ=7, 8 or LZ=4, 5
are used as codewords of ouxiHary code groups (ACGs) for controlling
suppression of DC components. The conditions for generating these
codewords wiff now be explained in detail. The following conditions correspond
to ACG1 th ugh ACG4, respectively, which are names of the auxiliary
conversion tab as for controlling suppression of DC components:
1) 5 e KJewords (satisfying 9S iZ£ 10 and LZ* 0) + the remaining 4
codewords (in [he MCG1) = 9 codewords,
codewords (in
2} 5 he MCG1} » 6 codewords,
15 3) 5 cbdawords (satisfying & EZ* 10 and LZ* 1) codewords
(satisfying 75 J2£ BandOi E2S 8 )=41 codewords,
the remaining • codewords in the MCG1 = 9 codewords,
4) 7 ct dewords (satisfying 9£ E2^ 10 + the remaining 6 codewords in
the MCG4) 4 85 codewords (satisfying 3^LZ^5andO^EZ^8) = 98
When xxJeword a and codeword b are connected, the junction where
the two codewords are connected should satisfy a run length (d, k) condition.
FIG. 7 is a diagram snowing what should be considered for the run length
conditions whan codewords a and b are connected. Satisfying the run length
condition mear s that in FIG. 7 a value obtained by adding the end zero (EZ_a)
of codeword q and the toad zero (IZjb) of codeword b is equat to or greater
than the minin urn run length d and equal to or less than the maximum run
length k.
meaning will
conversion wfjen the
Codeword b
not have
other code
the EZ of
referred to
is a table showing an example of changes in INV (whose
be described below) before code conversion and after code
run length conditions described in FIG. 7 are not satisfied,
determined in a group indicated by the EZ of the preceding
a. When a or b is included tn a code group which does
codewords to meet the condition and takes codewords from
groups, the (d, k) condition may not be satisfied. In this example,
ca eword a changes to satisfy the run length condition, which is
as) the
number of'1s'
change from
according to
paid to allocator)
to selective
the code
to the bounded
two code
be maintained
considering th First, ii
the codeword
selected as
which are
different INVs,
then codeword
boundary rule. Variable INV which indicates whether the
in a codeword stream is an even number or an odd number may
previous 1NV while the codeword a didn't change (unclear),
boundary rule Due to this characteristic, attention should be
of a codeword between code conversion tables capable of
controlling suppression of DC components.
a diagram showing an example of code stream branching due
codewords b1 and b2 for OC control. One of the major features of
conversion of the present invention is that the codewords of two code
that can be selected for DC control are allocated so that they
opposttejlNV characteristics. When the previous INV changes according
^\At-J * vjtntKwise
rule as described above, if the INVs of both codewords in the
tables that can be selected change, then there will be no
, characteristics of codewords having opposite INV cannot
For this reason, a code conversion table is designed
A of FIG. 9, that is, at the junction where the codeword a and
|b are connected to each other, if b1 and b2, which can be
codeword b, are codewords in DCG11 and DCG12, respectively,
regnbuped in the code conversion table DCG1 shown in FIG. 5 after
codewords which correspond to the same source code but have
)f if t>1 and b2 are codewords of MCG1 and MCG2, respectively,
in which LZ_b1 (the number of 12s of codeword b1) and LZJ>2
(the number ofLZs of codeword b2) is 1 are allocated on the location. By doing
so, when the EZ of the codeword a is '0', according to the boundary rule, the
JMV of codeword a changes in both the code stream containing the codeword
bl and the code stream containing the codeword b2, or the INV of codeword a
does not chan je in either the code steam containing the codeword b1 or the
code stream c intaintng the codeword b2, such that the 4NVs of the two code
streams are m, rintained to be opposite. An example is as follows:
source data 250
streaml (before
00000100000' 001(MCG1) 010010010000000(MCG1)
224 27
ccfwersion)000001 streaml (after
000 010010010000000
00000100000' 001(MCB1) code
INV2 ;
codeword c
respectively ir
an MCG2 and
the boundary i
codewords b1
source data
maintained to
source data
1 0
stream2(after conversion)00000t000010001
000 010010000000000
1 1
8 of FIG. 9, that is, at the Junction where codeword b and
connected to each other, if codewords b1 and b2 are
in code conversion tables DCG11 and DCG12, OCG21
5G31 and DCG32, OCG41 and OCG42, MCG1 and ACG1,
MCG3 and ACG3, or MCG4 and ACG4, and
due to the IZ of the following codeword a Therefore, these
b2 are allocated to the location for corresponding same
each table such that the INVs of the two code streams are
i opposite. An example is as follows:
250 152 210
code streamj (before conversion) 000001000010001 (MCG3)
Of000000010G01001(DCG11) 000000100000001(MCG1)
code streaml (fcfter conversion) 000001000010000 01000000010001001
INV1 I 0 0 0
code stream!
codes trearf
[(before conversion)
010010000100 3100t((DCG12}010000001001001^MCG1>
000001000010001 (MCG3)
2(after conversion) 0000010000100000
for thej junctions A and B of FIG. 9, the codewords are first allocated to
the location corresponding same source data in each code conversion table
(DCG11 and Oi JG12 or MCG1 and ACG1) considering above, deferring to the
following exam lie, in point B, according to the boundary rule, the INVs of code
streaml and c streams and code stream* are maintained to be opposite. Also, at point B,
according to the boundary rule, the INVs of code streaml and code streams are
maintained to be opposite and the INVs of code stream2 and code streanvt are
maintained to bp opposite.
source data
code streaml
250 152 7
before conversion) 000001000010001 (MCG3)
100l(DCGtt> D1O100010010001{MCG1>
conversion) 000001000010000 OIOXWOOOOIOOOTOOO
code stream
code strear
01001 OOOOK
0 1 1
conversion) 000001000010001 (MCG3)
^OOt(OCG11) Q1QQ1001QQ1Q001{ACG1)
{after conversion) 0000010000100000
MOOO 010010010010001
0 1 0
[before conversion) 000001000010001(MCG3)
tor conversion) 000001000010000 01001000010001000
0 0 0
{before conversion) 000001000010001 (MCG3)
|1001(DCG12) 010010010010001 (ACG1)
(after conversion) 0000010000100000
MOOO 010010010010001
0 0 1
As desc ribed above, considering changes in the INV of a codeword due
than the prior
rule in a codeword stream, codewords are allocated so that the
a codeword pair after modulation is always be maintained to be
10 is a graph showing the relationship of (NV values of this code
codewords are allocated such that the INV values of a code
always opposite, a codeword can be selected so that a code
DC components between the code stream pair is formed
to the rule that INV values are maintained to be opposite at
9 may occur when source data is from 251 to 255 in the code
. In such exceptional cases, the
codewords are made to be opposite so that the difference
values in the code stream pair is made.
11 a through 11e are main conversion code tables in which
described above.
2a through 12j are code conversion tables for DC control in
are generated and allocated considering conditions described
to the bounds
INV polarities
opposite. FKJ
stream pair,
stream pair a
stream which
point A of FIC
conversion tat to for controlling DC components.
CSV signs
between DSV
codewords arej generated and allocated considering conditions
which codewords
in which
described abo
FIG. 1
according to trj
the frequency
The graph
as the frequen
the present
components a
3a and 13b are auxiliary code conversion tables for DC control
are generated and allocated considering cod words conditions
wta i
sho vs
ooc i
I is a graph showing the difference between the frequency
codewords of the code conversion table for DC control
present invention are used in 25% of all of the codewords, and
pectrum when prior art EFM+ modulation codewords are used,
that in a low frequency band, the frequency spectrum of the
stream according to the present invention is almost the same
y spectrum of the EFM+, which indicates that the code stream of
inrention has almost the same capability of suppressing DC
that of the EFM+ method.
Accord! igly, since the present invention uses 15-bit codes as the main
code and selectively uses 17-bit DC control codes for controlling DC
i present invention has better efficiency in recording density
t EFM+ code and has the same DC suppression capability as
the EFM+ code.
Accoraing to the present invention, by using a short codeword having
less bits as'e main conversion codeword, high efficiency is achieved in
recording density.
Also, When codewords which do not satisfy the run length conditions
are replaced by other codewords, the codewords are allocated so that the DC
suppression capability of the code stream can be maintained, and therefore
higher DC suppression capability of the code stream is provided,

We Claim;
1. An apparatus for allocating codewords generated for source data to be recorded on a recording medium, characterized in that, the said apparatus comprising:
a memory device containing one or more code tables arranged to include codewords corresponding to source data;
a first checking means for determining whether a proceeding code word "a" and following code word "b" are connected to form a code stream "X"; a first allocator being in operational communication with the first checking means and being arranged to allocate one of two selectable codewords "bl" and "b2" as codeword "b", wherein codewords "bl" and "b2" have opposite INV values which indicate whether the number of "Is" contained in a codeword is an odd number or an even number;
a second checking means for determining whether the code stream of "a" and "bl" is "XI", and the code stream of "a" and "b2" is "X2"; and a second allocator in operational communication with second checking means and being arranged to allocate code words such that the INV values of "XI" and "X2" are maintained to be opposite when "a" or "bl(b2)" should be replaced by another codewords in compliance with a predetermined boundary condition given between codewords.
2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein, when the predetermined
boundary condition is that the number of continuous "Os" between codewords
should be at least 2, and when the number of continuous "Os" from the Least
Significant Bit (LSB) of the codeword "a" in the Most Significant Bit (MSB)
direction is 0, and the number of continuous "Os" from the MSB of the
codewords "bl" or "b2" in the LSB direction is 1, code changes of either the
codeword "a" or "bl(b2)" occur to satisfy the boundary condition.
3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein, when the number of continuous

"Os" between the codewords "a" and "b" is smaller than a predetermined number, the number of continuous "Os" between the codewords "a" and "b" becomes greater than or equal to the predetermined number.
4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the codeword "a" of the code
stream "XI" and the codeword "a" of the code stream "X2" are changed to
other codewords such that the resulting codewords "a" of code streams "XI"
and "X2" have the same INV value, and as a result, by the INV values of
codewords "bl" and "b2" following the codeword "a", respectively, the INV
values of the code stream "XI" and "X2" become different.
5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the predetermined number is
Ml "
6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first and second checking
means comprise a comparator.
7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first and second allocator is a










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469-DEL-2002-Others Document-19-05-2008.pdf

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Patent Number 221521
Indian Patent Application Number 469/DEL/2002
PG Journal Number 31/2008
Publication Date 01-Aug-2008
Grant Date 25-Jun-2008
Date of Filing 18-Apr-2002
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H03M 5/14
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2001-21360 2001-04-20 Republic of Korea