Title of Invention


Abstract An insecticidal granular composition with enhanced synergistic activity Cypermethrin and Acephate includes Cypermethrin active ingredietn 0.1 to 25%; Acephate active ingredietn 0.5 to 75%; solubilizer 0.01 to 10.0% wetting cum dispersing agent 0.5 to 5.0% anticaking agetn 0.01 to 0.5% wetting cum dispersing agetn 0.5 to 5.0% amticaking agetn 0.1 to 5.0% dye(s) 0.05 to 0.5% and inert filler (s) to make the who;e quanity 100% (w/w). the prefered composition has Cypermethrin active ingredient 0.1 to 10% and Acephate active ingredietn 1.0 to 50% wherein Cypermethrin and Acepahte has been mixed in the ratio of 1:1 to 1:10, preferred ratio of Cypermethrin and Acephae is 1:9 wherein Cypermethrin technical used is having 45-80% of cis-isomers.
Full Text Form - 2
(39 of 1970)
(See Section 10)
We, UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED, a company Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having iti registered Office at 3 - 11, GIDC. Vapl -396 195, State of Gujarat, India and having its offict at Uniphos House, €,D,Marg, Khar (West), Mnrabai - 400 052, State of Maharashtra, India.
The following specification particularly describes and ascertain the nature of this invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.

The present invention relates to a granular insecticidal composition with enhanced synergistic insecticidai activity of two active insecticides Cypermeihrin and Atephate,
The protection of crops and its produce from pest damage is essential in agriculture produce enhancement To help combat these problems, various chemicals their combinations and their formulations were invented in effective management of pests.
Insecticides of many types and groups are reported in the literature and a large number are in use, commercially, for effective control of pests in agriculture.
In many cases, active insecticides have shown more effectiveness in combination than when applied individually, Since the combination demonstrates a potency and activity level exceeding that, which might be expected , from a mere addition of the individual potencies of the components, are there by called as "syatrgisffl". The, present invention highlights the synergistic effect of combination of two known active insecticides "Cypermetltrm" and "Acephate", Both individual insecticides, forming this combination, which is the subject of this invention are known to be potent insecticides, for their activity independent of each other.
in modem agriculture scenario, where insect has attained resistance,, due to indiscriminate and non-judicious use of pesticide, in view to manage insect pests for a desire of higher yields and those insects which are hard to kill by the existing commercial insecticides solely and in cyclic spray mixtures, warrants invention of a potent synergistic insecticidal composition.
Cypermethrln and Acephate in a synergistic composition can have higher potentiation, as insecticide, and is highly effective in controlling pests including even hard to kill pests. The synergic composition gives a quick knockdown kill of the pests. It is comparatively more persistent. It penetrates deep in leaves, killing many internal feeders. Jt is strongly active as a contact and stomach insecticide. It is especially a potent lethal weapon to kill, hard-to-kill, resistance pests, which are normally not controlled by other insecticides. The said mixture of the insecticides can have a good effect for controlling Cotton bollworms and sucking pests. Its toxicity is low and safe for human and animals. Its residue is also small.
The name "CyperiaethriaS an insecticide, belongs to synthetic pyrethroid group describes a chemical "substance having a solubility in water of 0.004 mgfi (at pH7); corresponds to a mixture of cis and trans isomers having following formula ;

So being almost insoluble in water, it is soluble in acetone, chloroform, cyclohexanone, xylene >450 {g/1); ethanol 337 (g% hextne 103 (g/1) at 20°C.
Cypermethriit is presently recognised as the non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. It also exhibits antifeeding action and good residual activity on treated plants, ft is used to control a wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera. but also Coleopiera, Dipetera, Hemiptera and other classes in fruits ( including Citrus), Vines, Vegetables. Potatoes, Cucurbits, Lettuce, Capsicums, tomatoes, cereals, maize, soyabeans., cotton, coffee.. Cocoa., rice., peaeans, oilseed rape, beet, ornamentals., forestry, etc, It is also used for control of flies and other insects in animal houses; and mosquitoes, Cockroaches, housefiies and other insect, pests in public health. It is also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.
Presently Cypermeihrin is most preferably formulated in the form of emjjsifiable concentrate (EC) which consists of Cypermethrin active ingredient dissolved in soivent(s) aiongwith surfactants at a levels required to give maximum stability with the formation of homogeneous emulsion on dilution. The use of organic solvent(s) is disadvantageous from environmental and cost view point, These organic solvents may exhibit toxicity and side-effects which may be adverse to the effect of the agricultural chemical itself or to the plant or crop as a whole or to its parts produced in treated fields. They show hazards during manufacturing, filling, packing, storage, transit, and use. During use dermal and respiratory toxic exposure to user are frequently observed. By using the organic solvents percutaneous toxicity and inflammability may also occur.

It is a systemic insecticide of moderate persistence with residual activity lasting about 10-15 days. It is effective against a wide range of aphids, leaf miners, lepidopterous larvae, sawflies and thrips. It is non-phyisfexic on many crop plants. Technical grade Aeepftate (purity 80-90%) is a colourless solid; melting point 82 -89°C; solubility at room temperature : about 650 g/1 water ; > 100 g/1 acetone, ethanol; The formulation of Aceghate presently in use is Acephate75%, Soluble Powder (sp). consists of Acephate active ingedient 75% (w/w),surtactant1to2%(w/w), inert filter

(Precipitated Silica) to make 100% (w/w), It poses the problems like dust, low
pourability , high transportation cost, high capital manufacturing investment, not easily
measurable, difficulties is packing material disposal, handling problems, nigh risk of
caking and others.

| The present invention minimises dermal and respiratory toxic exposure to users also
Eliminates the percutaneous toxicity and flammability hazard ince it does not contains
I any organic solvent The product provided by this invention is relatively more
advantageous and exhibit very desirable charateristics noted herein after. It is thus, an
object of the present invention to provide dust free granules of insecticide„cypermethrin
containing concentration in the range of 0.1 to_I0.0% Active ingredient + Aceghate„
containing cocerntration in the range of 1.0 to 50.0% of active ingredient. it is a further
object of the present invention to provide a method for a making such granular synergistic inseeticidal composition with dry flow, low compact, dust free granular compositions.
Both of these compounds are capable of controlling a large spectrum of insects especially Lepidoprera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and other class in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals etc. Cypermethrin is distinguished for its sudden shock effect alongwith good residual activity on treated plants. Acenhate is a systemic insecticide of moderate persistence with residual activity and is effective against a wide range of aphids,. ieafininers, lepidoptrous larvae, sawflies and thrips, It is non phytotoxic on many crop plants.
In the present invention, the two effects i.e. residual activity and antifeeding action are synergistically combined into a formulation of improved (high yielding) effidency assuming that the dosage (mass of active ingredients per hectare) significantly lesser than that required, when these two components are utilised separately, under identical conditions, and also reduces the chances of resistance development (which will resuit when a single active ingredient is used for a long time and in high doses), it is also providing a ready to use, compatible plant-mix in an effective synergistic composition along with the improvement in inseeticidal activity
The present invention provides an inseeticidal granular composition with enhanced synergistic activity of ""Cypermethrin"" and ""Acephate"" and the process for preparing the synergistic mixture with solubilizer, wetting cum dispersing agent, disintegrating agent, emetic agent, antifoaming agent, anricaking agent, dye(s) and fjller(s)-
Ths preliminary pilot trials of various strength of Cyperraethrin and Acephate carried to find out the composition, of Cypermeihrm + Acephate, which exhibits optimum synergistic value.
The process for the preparation of granular synergistic inseeticidal composition in the form of dry flow, low compact, dost free granules of Cypsmiethris + Acephate comprises of the folowing steps:

the required quantify of Cypemefkrin technical is preniixed with required quantity of solubilizer and emetic agent to prepare a spray solution (say A);
the required quantity of Aoephate technical is preniixed with required quantity of wetting cum dispersing agent, emetic agent-, antifoaming agent, disintegrating agent, anticaking agent, dye(s) and required inert filier(s). Thereafter grinded to achieve intimate and efficient mixing of particles. The grinded mixture is then post mixed to have a homogeneous mixture of all these (say B);
thereafter the above prepared spray solution (A) is sprayed on the homogeneous mixture (B) and again mixed thoroughly for sufficient time to have a homogeneous bulk which (on passing quality tests) is feed through a screw feeder into the hopper of granulator for granulation. After which these granules are processed for drying, sizing and sieving. The fines collected are recycled. The product obtained is a granular insecticidal composition in the form of dry flow, low compact, dust free granules of Cypermethrin + Aoephate.
the granules are tested for required quality specifications and on passing filled and packed is desired packing. This granulation technique gives 99.5% of yield conversion. The granules with incorporation of inert ingredients,, by proper choice, enjoys all the formulation advantages as discussed before. All the advantages makes it beneficial from economic aspect, handling aspect and shows a very good performance during application.
The granular composition prepared by the prefered method and prefered compositon of the present invention exhibits the properties like dust free, good pourability, good stability, free fiowability, easy to measure, better bioefficacy eaasy to handle, good dispersibility, good resistance to attrition, less expensive.
The above stated properties provides the benefits like low transportation cost, low capital investment, free from solvent, no exposure to solvent vapours during manufacturing, storage,transit and use; less expensive packing, minimum contamination of the packing material, can be packed in Environment friendly packing like water soluble sachet/bags, best utilization of energy sources, less wastage during processing, easy disposal of packing material, limited risk of caking, safe during storage, transit,and use, semi skilled operators required, less space required for production, with good market potential, easily reproducible during processing. Less risk of inhalation and irritation, spillage is easy to collect and clean, less health hazards to operators, optimum coverage per application, sustained action for longer effect, no need to prepare slurry or paste prior to spraying, use of less surfactants),

We have found that by using (1) Cypermethrin active ingredient; (2) Acephate active ingredient; (3) solubilizer; (4) emetic agent; (5) thereafter spraying a solution of (1), (3), and (4) on a homogenous mixture of (2) Acephate active ingredient and other inert ingredients like disintegrating agent, antifoaming agent, wetting cum dispersing agent,anticaking agent, dye(s), filler(s) and mixing thoroughly to produce homogeneous bulk; (6) feeding the homogeneous bulk (5) into granulator to obtain granules; which are then processed for drying, sizing, and sieving to have granules of synergistic insecticidal composition in the form of dry flow, low compact, dust free granules of Cypermethrin + Acephate which overcomes the disadvantages of emulsifiable concentrates and soluble powders.
This invention give an insecticidal granular composition with enhanced synergistic activity and a process for the preparation of a granular synergistic insecticidal composition in the form of dry flow, low compact, dust free granules of 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm diameter and 1.0 to 10.0 mm long granules of Cypermethrin + Acephate characterized by aging stability of minium two years and with following specific compositions.
Ingredient Quantity (% w/w)
Acephate active ingredient Minimum 1.0 to 50.0 Max
Cypermethrin active ingredient Minimum 0.1 to 10.0 Max
Solubilizer Min. 0.01 to 10.0 Max.
Emetic agent MinO.002 to 0.005 Max.
Disintegrating agent Min 1.0 to 10.0 Max
Antifoaming agent Min 0.01 to 0.5 Max
Wetting cum dispersing agent Min 0.5 to 5.0 Max
Anticaking agent Min 0.1 to 5.0 Max.
Dye (s) Min 0.05 to 0.5 Max
Filler(s) q.s.
Total 100.00 % (w/w)
The preferred Cypermethrin technical is of purity 92.5% (min). Preferably, the
cypermethrin technical has 45 to 80% cis isomer.
The preferred Acephate technical is of purigy 97% minimum.
The preferred solubilizer is a derivative of ethoxylates of vegetable oil or a mixture
The preferred emetic agent is lignocaine derivative or a formulation thereof.
The preferred disintegrating agent is swelling type clays like bentonite, Zeolite,
Attapulgite and inorganic salts like Sodium and Ammonium Sulphate.
The preferred antifoaming agent is Silicone oil derivative.
The preferred Wetting cum dispersing agent is salts of alkyl aryl sulphonate.
The preferred dye is having a sunset yellow colour.

• The preferred fillers is precipitated Silica and diatomaceous earth kaolin in the ratio of l:10to l0:1
The following examples presented to illustrate but not restrict the invention. Parts and percentage are by weight unless otherwise specified.
Cypermethrin 1.0% + Acephate 50 % [51.0% DF] granules can be prepared ss follows:
Composition Ouantitv(% w/w)

Acephate Tech. of 97.0% purily 51.550
Cypermethrin Tech. of 92.5% purity 1.082
Solubilizer 0.300
Emetic agent 0.002
Disintegrating agent 2.000
Antifoaming agent 0.030
A sneaking agent 0J00
Wetting cum dispersing agent 1.000
Dye(s) 0.100
Filler(s) 43.836
Total 100.00 % w/w
For the preparation of a granular synergistic insecricidai composition of Cypermethrin +• Acephate in the form of dry flow, low compact, dust free granules, requires to prepare a spray solution by homogenously mixing the Cypermethrin technical, emetic agent and solubilizer in the right proportion (gay A). Then requires the preparation of a homogenous mixture of Acephate technical, wetting cum dispersing agent, disintegrating agent antifoaming agent, anticaking agent, dye(s) and the filler(s) which is later grinded and thereafter the spray solution (A) is sprayed on the grinded mixture and throughly mixed to have a homogenous mass. This mass is feed throagh a screw feeder into hopper of granulator thereafter the granules are dried and then processed for sizing and sieving to remove fines which can be recycled to obtain maximum yield of granular synergistic insecricidai composition of Cypermethrin + Acephate .

Example - 2

: 9 :
Cypermethrin 5% + Acephate 25 % { 30 % DFJ Granules can be prepared as follows :-
Composition Quantity
Cypennethrin 10% + Acephate 35% [45 %DF] Granules can be prepared as follows ;-
Composition Quantity (% w/w)
Acephate tech. of 97% purity 36.090
Cypennethrin tech. of 92.5% purity 10.820
Solubilizer 3000
Emetic agent 0.003
Disintegrating agent 3.000
Antifearning agent 0,060
Wetting cum dispersing agent 3.000
Anticaking agent 0,200
Dye(s) " 0.200
Filler(s) 43.62?
Total 1000.00
Cypennethrin 10% + Acephate 35% [45 %DF) granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in exaniple-1 =
Example -5
Cypennethrin 2% + Acephate 4§% [50 %DF] Granules can be prepared as follows :-
Composition Quantity {% w/w)
Acephate tech. of 9?% parity 49.490
Cypennethrin tech. of 92.5% parity 2.163
Solubilizer 4,000
Emetic agent 0.004
Disintegrating agent 4,000
Antifoaming agent 0.070
Wetting cum dispersing agent 5.000
Anticaking agent 0.500
Dye(s) 0.200
Fillers) 34.573
Total 100.000
Cypennethrin 2% + Acephate 48% [50 % DF] granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example!,

Example -6
Cypermethria 2.5% + Acephate 37,5% [ 40 % DF] Granules can be prepared as follows
Composition Quantity. f% w/w)
Acephate tech. of 97% purity 38.660
Cypermethrin tech. of92.5% purity 2J03
Solubiiizer 1.000
Emetic agent 0.005
Disintegrating agent 5.000
Antifoaming agent 0100
Wetting cum dispersing agent 3.000
Anticaking agent 1.000
Dye(s) 0.150
Fiiler(s) 4S.382
Tota! 100.000
Cypermethria 2.5% + Acephate 37.5% 140 %DF] granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example - 1.
Example -7
Cypermethrin 5 % + Acephate 45 % [ 50 % DF] Granules can be prepared as follows :-
Composition Quantity (% w/w)
Acephate tech. of 97% purity 46.392
Cypermethrin tech. of 92.5% purity 5.410
Solubiiizer 1.500
Emetic agent 0.005
D isintegrating agent 5.000
A nrifearning agent 0.100
Wetting cum dispersing agent 4.000
Anticaking agent 2.000
Dye(s) 0.100
Fillers) 35.493
Total 100.000
Cypermethrin 5 % + Acephate 45 % [50 %DFJ granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example - 1.

Example -8
Cypennsthnn 5% + Acephate 40% [ 45 % DF] Granules can be prepared as follows :-
Composition Quantify (%wfa)
Acephate tech. of 97% purity 41.237
Cypermethrin tech. of 92.5% purity 5.410
Solabitizer 1.500
Emetic agent 0.005
D isinteg-ating agent 5.000
Antifoaming agent 0.100
Wetting cum dispersing agent 4.000
A ati caking agent 2.000
Dye(s) 0.100
Filler(s) 40.648
Total 100.000
Cypennthnn 5% + Acephate 40% [45 %BFJ granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example - 1.
£xample -$
Cypermethrin 2.5% + Acephate 40% [ 42.5 % DF] Granules can be prepared as follows
Composition Quantity (% w/w)
A cephate tech. of 97% purity 41.237
Cypermethrin tech, of 92,5% purity 2.703
Solubilizer 1.000
Emetic agent 0.003
Disintegrating agent 4.500
Afltifoaming agent 0.500
Wetting cum dispersing agent 2.000
Anticafcing agent 4.000
Dys(s) 0.200
FiHer(s) 43.857
Total 100.000
Cypermthris 2.5% + Acephate 40% [42.5 %DF] granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example - 1.

Example -10
Cypermethrifl 0.5% + Acephate 40% [ 40.5 % DF] Granules can be prepared as follows
Composition Quantity (% w/w)
Acephate tech. of 97% purity 41.237
Cypennetbrin tech. of 92.5% parity 0.541
Soiabilizer " 0.250
Emetic agent 0.003
Disintegrating agent 4.000
A ntifoaming agent 0.100
Wetting cum dispersing agent 5.000
Anticaking agent 5.000
Dye(s) 0.300
Filler(s) 43.569
Total 100.000
Cypennthrin 0.5% + Acephate 40% [40.5 %DFJ granules with above composition can be prepared by following the process as described in example -1.
In the table set forth below, the results of a series of tests are indicated shows synergistic activity between the two classes of compounds which make up the composition of the present invention.
The effects observed by comparing the extent of bollwonn incidence, for sucking pests population per leafia"the test fields treated with raseeticidal combination of the invention against that occurring in untreated and individually treated fields. The crop considered was cotton and insects were Cotton bollwonn and sucking pests

Details of Experiment
a) Design
b) Replications
c) Treatment
e) Variety
f) Crop

Randomised block design (RBD)
Nineteen (19)
4.5 x 4.1 sq.m
NHH-44 - hybrid Cotton

g) Application time : Seven spray
1. 60 days after sowing
2. 9 days after first spray
3. 9 days after second spray
4. 5 days after third spray
5. 9 days after fourth spray 6.10 days after fifth spray 7. 17 days after sixth spray
h) Application rate : Two litres per plot
i) Untreated confrol plots were sprayed with the same quantity of water (i.e. 2 litres
per plot) without insecticides.
j) Spray mixture used : 1000 litres/ha with knapsack sprayer
k) CoBMiion sprays for early
sucking pests Two sprays
a) Sucking Fests:
Five plants per replications were selected and tagged. The number of leaf hoppers, whitefly and aphids were counted on the three leaves from each plant (3,5 and ?ih leaf on the main gtem from top). Population count was made on one day before spraying and four days after spraying. The mean population per leaf per plant for all the sprays was estimated.
Five plants per replication were selected and tagged. The number of fruiting bodies damaged and healthy were recorded. Observation were made on one day before spraying and four days after spraying. The percentage of firuittng bodies damaged is computed. Similarly, at picking, the number of good opened bolls (GOB) and bad opened bolls (BOB) on five tagged plants were recorded at each picking and then the mean values per plant was computed in percent.

; 15 :

% U i

The test results of all the formulated product samples reveals that the samples could be classiied into four groups according to their efficiency.

• The selected synergistic composition of Cypermerhrin (5 0) + Acephate (45) 50% DF (w/w) has:
♦ low residual value ;
* lower loading of toxicant/ha to achieve same results.
• good effect in controlling cotton boll worm and sucking pests.
• The granular composition with enhanced synergistic activity proposed by the present invention is very effective against Cotton bollwoims, leaf hoppers, whitefly and aphids, when used in 1: 9 ratio of Cypermerhrin : Acephate (on active ingredient basis) due to sysergk activity,
* The DF(dry flow) granules when added into water disperses the active content easily.
• The suspension prepared exhibits good stability and helps in uniform distribution of a ctiv e ingredi eat whil e spraying on pi ants,
• The granular product is safe for humans and animals, Conclusion
The overall results and observation from table 1 and 2 shows that Cypenaethrin (5) + Acephate (45) 50%DF (w/w) is showing a good synergic property in comparison to existing formulation of Cypermethrin and Acephate individually.
Aim ; Evaluation of Cypermethrin (5) + Acephate (45) 50% DF (w/w) ready mm against cotton insect pests.
Details of the experiment

a) Design
b) Replications

R.B.D Three
: 18 :

c) Treatments
d) Plot size (net plot)
e) Variety
f) No. of spraying
g) Spray mixture used fa) Common sprays for early Sucking pests,

Methodology :
Sacking Pests

Five plants per replications were selected and tagged. The number of fruiting bodies damaged and healthy were recorded. Observations were made on one day before spraying and four days afler spraying. The percentage of fruiting bodies damaged is computed.
Similarly at the picking, the number of good opened bolls and bad opened bolls on five tagged plants, were recorded at each picking.
Cotton yield per plot was recorded separately and it was computed to quintal/ha.
Sucking insect population
All the various treatment dosage of Cypermethrin 5% DF , Acephate 75% DF and Cypenaethria (5) + Acephate (45) 50% DF, did reduce leafhopper population and they were at par with each other. Untreated control recorded a maximum of 5.72 leaf hopper per leaf.
All the dosage levels of Acephate 75% DF and Cypermethrin + Acephate ready mix combination recorded lower population of wbitefliss and they were with each other and also Acephate 75% SP treatment. Whereas all the dosage level treatments of Cypermethrin 5% DF and Cypermethrin 25% EC were comparable to untreated control is recording whiteflies population. Minimum aphid population was recorded in all the dosage treatments of Acecphate 75% DF and Acephate 75% SP insecticide. Whereas Cypermethrin 5% DF and 25% EC treatments recorded relatively high population of aphids and in ready mix (Cypermethrin + Acephate) aphid population was significantly less than ttie Cypermelhfin alone treatment because inclusion of Acephate. But $iese treatments were comparable to untreated control which recorded 11/35 aphids per leaf. (Table-3)
Percent bollworm incidence.
All the dosage level treataieats of Cypermethrin + Acephate readyaiis recorded lower percent bollworm incidence and they were at par with each other and significantly superior over rest of the treatments. Alone treatments of Cypermethrin 5% DF at 70g a.i./ha treatment records 27.02 % bollworm indicence which was significantly superior over its lower dosage treatments and also Cypermethrin 25% EC and Acephate 75 SP treatments. Untreated control recorded a maximum of 41.77 percent bollworm incidence. (Table-4)

GOB and BOB per plant.
Maximum number of GOBs and minimum number of BOBs per paint were recorded in all the dosage level treatments of Cypermethrifl + Acephate readymix treatments and these treatments significantly supenor over other treatments. Alone treatments of Cypermethrin 5% DF at 70 g a.i./ha treatment recorded 25.0 GOBs aad 10 BOBs per plant respectively which was superior to its lower dosage treatments but comparable to all the dosage level treatments of Acephate 75 DF and SP treatments. Untreated control recorded 11.8 and 14.6 GOB and BOB per plant respectively. (Table-4)
Ready mix treatment of Cypermethrin (3) + Acephate (45) 50% DF at all the dosage levels recorded relatively higher seed cotton yield and its treatments were significantly superior over other treatments. Cypermethrin at 60 g a.i./ha treatments recorded 10.45 q/ha seed cotton which was at par with its higher its higher dosage treatments but superior to its lower dosage treatments. Whereas Acephate 75% DF at 575 g axha treatment recorded 11.42 q/ha seed cotton yield which was at par with both its higher as well as lower dosage treatments and also comparable standard check treatments. Untreated control recorded a minimum of 6.38 q/ha seed cotton yield. (Table-4)
7 - All the dosage level treatments of Cypermethrin (5) + Acephate (45) 50% DF
recorded lowest percent boliwonn damage and higher cotton vield than alone
treatments of Cypermethrin 5% DF and Acephate 75% DF. — Cypermethrin 5% DF at 70g a.i./ha treatment was comparable to all the dosage
level treatments of Acephate 75% DF.
T ab le 3 Bioefficacy of Cypermethrin 5% DF and Cypermethrin 5% BF + Acephate 45% BF ready

: 21 :
nmc against cotton sacking insi

The synergic effect which is the base of of the composition proposed by the present invention has been demonstrated by way of results. The effect is described as follows.
The mentioned numbers for cash component - Cypermethrin + Acephate corresponds to %grams/ kg in the formulation in three different concentration ( 4 + 36; 5+45; 6+54) all in % g/kg were tested using same operating condition as described in example 11,12 except variation in active ingredient in the ratio (by weight) of 1:9 (i.e. 5:95 in parts of a.i, Cypermethrin: Acephate).

Itst : 3
Crop Cotton
Sort of Pest a. Boll worm (Cotton Crop)
b. Jassid.
Experiment! (Percentage of incidence after spraying)

Concentration % (w/w) % of incidence

Bollworm Jassid
Cypermethrin 4+Acephate 36 25.03 16.24
Cypermethrin 5 -$- Acephate 45 18.95 1173
Cypemiethrin 6 + Acephate 54 16.71 10J9

Concentration % (w/w) % of incidence

Bollworm Jassid
Cypemiethrin 4+Acephate 36 26.27 17.03
Cypermethrin 5 + Acephate 45 19.40 12.46
Cypermethria 6 + Acephate 54 17.92 11.31

Concentration % (w/w) Performance Crop Residual

Bollworm Jassid
Cypermethrin 4+Acephate 36 Noraml Normal BDL
Cypermethrin 5 + Acephate 45 Very good Very good BDL
Cypermethrin 6 + Acephate 54 Very good Very good Trace
BDL : Below detectable level

The above experiment on the Cotton for boUworms and Jassids established that Cypermethrin (5) +. Acephate (45) 50% DF & Cypermethrin (6) + Acephate (54) 60% DF are showing the efficiency in controlling at par to each other whereas that with Cypermethrin (4) + Acephate(36) 40% DF shows normal results when used at the required active ingredient, dosage per hectare.
From the above test 3, it is conclused that Cypermethrin (5)"+ Acephate (45) 50% DF is very effective when compared to higher concentration combinations. As it is evident that the higher concentration combination does not exhibit any considerable improvement in effectiveness but it only adds to unnecessary, excess use of active ingredient to cause environment pollution.
The minimum dosage of Cypermethrin (5) + Acephate (45) 50% DF depend upon the type and the evaluation of the tiled of cultivation. The experiments conducted make it possible to recommend the following initial doses,

Crop Pest (type of culture) Dosegm/ha Waiting period in |

a.i. DF days
Cotton American bollworm Spotted bollworm Jassids 400-450 800-900 15 days
aX - active ingredient
DF - Dry flow able granules
Test ;-4
Phototoxicity studies on Cotton
Table - 5 shows the observations taken for ten days on necrosis, epinasty, hyponesty, leaf lip injury, leaf surface injury, vein clearing etc, for evaluation of Cypermethrifi (5) + Acephate (45) 50DF readymix, Cypermethriji 5% DF and Acephate 75DF and SP for phytotoxicity on cotton.
There were no visible phytoxicity symptoms on Cotton Plants treated with various dosage level treatment of Cypermethrin (5) + Acephate (45) 50% DF T Cypermethrin 5% DF, Acephate 75% DF

* The above examples, their results and observations concluded that Cypermethfta + Acephate exhibits synergistic rasecticidal activity in the range of 1:1 to 1:10 (Cypermethrin:Acephate) at the required active ingredient, dosage per hectere.
* The synergistic iaseeticidal composition of Cypennethrin + Acephate can be prepared by followiskng method as described in example 1 to 10.

• It also reveias that optimum synergistic activity is being noticed in the ratio of 1:9 (i,e, 1:9 parts of Cypennethrin: Acephate) at the required active iagredieat dosage per hectere.
• Cypennethrin (5) 4- Acephate (45) 50%DF is very effective among the lower and higher concentration In the same ratio of 1:9 and is very effective against Cotton bollwonn, leaf hopper and sucking pest.
• The synergistic composition of Cypennethrin and Acephate reveals that the active
iagredieat dosage per hectare is sigmfieaatly lesser then thaa that required when
Cypennethrin and Acephate applied individually for same performance.
The synergistic compoisition proposed reduces the chances of resistance development and act as a potent lethal weapon to kill these insects.

The formulated product provides uniform distribution of active on treated plants.

The formulated product of Cypermethrm +. A cephate provides a compatible, plant
mix ready to use synergistic composition.

We claim;

: 27

12. A composition as claimed jn claim (11), Wherein anticaking; agent is arihydrOuj Magnesium sulphate.

13. A composition as claimed suitable colour.

in claim (12), wherein dye(s) sre selected of any

14, A composition as claimed in claim (13), wherein the fiHer(S) are selected from
precipitated silica and diatomaceous earth kaolin in the ratio of 1 : 10 to 10 : 1 .
■ I ■ . .""
15. A composition as claimed in any of the above claims; is substantially as herein
defined and exemplified.
Dated C_ day of *j , 200 .
Company Secretary,
For United Phiosphon limited
Uniphos House, CD Marg,
Khar West, Mumbai - 400 052


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Patent Number 216725
Indian Patent Application Number 1164/MUM/2000
PG Journal Number 13/2008
Publication Date 28-Mar-2008
Grant Date 18-Mar-2008
Date of Filing 27-Dec-2000
Applicant Address REGI. OFF 3-11 GIDC, VAPI 396 195, GUJARAT, UNIPHOS HOUSE, C.D. MARG, KHAR (WEST), MUMBAI 400 052
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A 01N
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA