Title of Invention


The present invention is generally directed to continuous glass fibers for use in
high temperature applications.
The use of continuous glass fibers in high temperature environments for acoustical
and thermal insulating applications can be in the form of wound strands, packed fiber, or
texturized strands. Texturization is accomplished by injecting the strands into cavities
through a nozzle with compressed air. This process fluffs-up the strands and creates a
fiber pack that is much lighter in density. However, applications that require these
insulating characteristics at temperatures greater than 850°C (1562°F) are Limited in terms
of the glass composition that can withstand the high temperature environment. An
example of a texturized continuous glass fiber product is the use of E-glass and
ADVANTEX®, (available from Owens Corning) glass fiber in mufflers. Texturization
produces a fluffy fiber pack that is a better insulator, both thermally and acoustically.
Filling mufflers with one or more lengths of fiberglass wool is disclosed by U.S.
Patent No. 4,569,471 to Ingemansson. The fiberglass wool is inserted into a space in a
container by feeding a multifilament fiberglass thread into one end of a nozzle and
advancing the thread through the nozzle with the aid of compressed air which is blown
into the nozzle to cause the fibers of the thread to separate and become entangled, so that
the thread emerges from the other end of the nozzle as a continuous length of fiberglass
wool, which is blown by the effect of the compressed air through an opening into the
container space at the same time as air is evacuated from the space.
The standard glass composition for making continuous glass fiber strands is "E"
glass. E glass, is the most common glass for making textile and reinforcement glass
fibers. One advantage of E glass is that its liquidus temperature is approximately 93°C
(200°F) below its forming temperature, the temperature at which the viscosity of the glass
is customarily near 1000 poise. E glass melts and refines at relatively low temperatures
and has a workable viscosity over a wide range of relatively low temperatures, a low
liquidus temperature range, and a low devitrification rate. E glass compositions allow
operating temperatures for producing glass fibers around 1038°C to 1316°C (1900°F to
2400°F) where the liquidus temperature is approximately 1149°C (2100°F) or lower. The
ASTM classification for E-glass fiber yarns used in printed circuit boards and aerospace
applications defines the composition to be 52 to 56 weight % SiO2; 16 to 25 weight
%CaO; 12 to 16 weight % A12O3; 5 to 10 weight % B2O3; 0 to 5 weight % MgO; 0 to 2
weight % Na2O and K2O; 0 to 0.8 weight % TiO2; 0.05 to 0.4 weight % Fe2O3; 0 to 1.0
weight % Fluoride.
However, E-glass fiber containing 5 to 10 weight percent B2O3 is limited to
temperatures less than 680°C to 690°C (1256 °F to 1274°F) since it will "sinter" at higher
temperatures. Sintering is defined as the coalescence of filaments at contact points
through viscous flow. Viscous flow typically occurs at temperatures greater than the
annealing point. The annealing point of a glass is defined as the temperature
corresponding to a viscosity of 1013 Poise. When filaments coalesce, the insulating ability
of the fiber pack is reduced. In addition, a texturized fiber pack becomes brittle after
sintering and can break into fiber fragments when stressed.
Boron free E-Glass fibers sold as ADVANTEX® and disclosed in US Patent
5,789,329 offer a significant improvement in operating temperature over boron containing
E-glass. ADVANTEX® glass fiber fits the ASTM definition for E-glass fiber used in
general use applications which is 52 to 62 weight % SiO2; 16 to 25 weight % CaO; 12 to
16 weight % A12O3; 0 to 10 weight % B2O3; 0 to 5 weight % MgO; 0 to 2 weight % Na2O
and K2O; 0 to 1.5 weight % TiO2; 0.05 to 0.8 weight % Fe2O3; 0 to 1.0 weight % Fluoride.
However, ADVANTEX® glass fiber begins to sinter at temperatures greater than 740°C
to 750°C (1364°F to 1382°F).
Other than fused silica, S-glass is the only commercially available continuous glass
fiber that can operate at temperatures greater than 850°C (l562qF). S-Glass is a family of
glasses composed primarily of the oxides of magnesium, aluminum, and silicon with a
certified chemical composition which conforms to an applicable material specification and
which produces high mechanical strength. S-Glass has a composition of approximately 65
weight % SiO2; 25 weight % A12O3; 10 weight % MgO. S-glass has a glass composition
that was originally designed to be used in high strength applications such as ballistic
armor. Therefore, even though S-glass can perform at high temperatures (up to 900°C
(1652°F) for short periods of time), it is not the optimal composition for a high
temperature insulating glass fiber.
It has been determined that failure of the texturized fiber pack occurs at
temperatures exceeding the annealing point (1013 Poise). A close approximation to the
annealing point is the glass transition temperature, or Tg. Since the annealing point of
most of the glasses presented in this invention are greater than what can be measured by
most commercially available tests, Tg was used as a means of determining the upper use
temperature of the fiber.
Both E-glass and ADVANTEX® experience significant sintering at temperatures
greater than the annealing point. S-glass, however, resists sintering at temperatures above
the annealing point due to phase separation. S-glass fibers are formed by cooling very
rapidly from the molten state into a solid, homogeneous glass. The rapid cooling during
fiber forming does not allow the glass sufficient time to phase separate during the cooling
period. Upon reheating, S-glass will phase separate from a homogeneous glass into 2
separate glasses with different compositions in the temperature range between the glass
transition temperature (Tg) and the miscibility limit. The glass transition temperature is
approximately 820°C (1508°F) for S-glass, whereas the miscibility limit is not known. The
phase separation of S-glass is a slow process that results in a 2 phase glass including a
continuous SiO2 rich phase that has a greater viscosity than the original homogeneous
glass and an SiO2 poor phase which has a lower viscosity. The overall viscosity of the
fiber is determined by the morphology and composition of the SiO2 rich, high viscosity
phase. The higher effective viscosity of the phase-separated glass allows the fiber to
operate at greater temperatures than a homogeneous fiber. Phase separation in S-glass is a
slow process and some viscous flow occurs prior to the development of the continuous
high viscosity phase, which can result in reduced albeit acceptable performance.
The invention, in part, is a glass composition suitable for the formation of
continuous glass fiber that is suitable for use in high temperature applications. The
composition of the present invention may be inexpensively formed into glass fiber using
low cost direct melting technology because of a relatively low forming viscosity and once
formed into fibers resists softening and annealing because of a relatively high glass
transition temperature. The composition of the present invention is more appropriately
expressed in terms of mole percent rather than weight percent due to the dramatically
different atomic weights of the alkaline earth oxides. The composition of the present
invention is 60-72 mole percent SiO2, 10-20 mole percent Al2O3, 14.0 to 22.0 mole
percent RO where RO equals the sum of MgO, CaO, SrO and BaO, 0 to 5 mole percent
ZtO2, and 0 to 3 mole percent alkali. In a preferred embodiment the glass composition is
substantially 61-68 mole percent SiO2, 15-19 mole percent Al2O3, 15 to 20 mole percent
alkaline earth oxide, 0 to 3 mole percent ZrO2, and 0 to 3 mole percent alkali oxide.
The desired properties of the present invention are: a viscosity of 1000 poise at a
forming temperature of from 1371°C (2500°F) to 1510°C (2750°F), a liquidus temperature
at least 28°C (50°F) below the forming temperature, and a glass transition temperature
greater than 825°C (1517°F). The glass transition point (Tg) is a measure of a low
temperature viscosity and the forming viscosity is a high temperature viscosity. One would
expect these viscosities to be related. However, the glasses of the present invention have
reduced forming viscosities and increased glass transition temperatures as compared with
S-glass. This greater temperature dependence of the glass viscosity allows for inexpensive
forming of fibers which exhibit good high temperature characteristics such as increased
resistance to fiber-to-fiber coalescence and slumping of a fiber pack formed of the
inventive compositions.
The present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed
description of the invention and the accompanying drawings which are given by way of
illustration only and thus do not limit the present invention.
Glasses of the present invention were tested against S-glass by isothermally heat
treating fiber bundles for 8 hours at different temperatures. The fiber bundles were
mounted in epoxy after heat treatment and the cross-sections were analyzed using a
scanning electron microscope (SEM) in backscatter mode to determine the extent of fiber
Fig. 1 is a scanning electron micrograph showing S-Glass heat-treated at 903°C
(1657°F)for 8 hours.
Fig. 2 is a scanning electron micrograph showing S-Glass heat-treated at 921°C
(1690°F)for 8 hours.
Fig. 3 is a scanning electron micrograph showing Glass #110 heat-treated at 921°C
(1690°F)for 8 hours.
Fig. 4 is a scanning electron micrograph showing Glass #96 heat-treated at 921°C
(1690°F) for 8 hours.
The fiberizing properties of interest include the flberizing temperature and the
liquidus. The fiberizing temperature is defined as the temperature corresponding to a
viscosity of 1000 Poise (log 3.0 viscosity). Lowering the fiberizing temperature can
reduce the production cost since it allows for a longer bushing life, increased throughput,
and reduced energy usage. By lowering the log 3.0 viscosity, a bushing operates at a
cooler temperature and therefore does not "sag" as quickly. Sag occurs in bushings held at
an elevated temperature for extended periods. By lowering the log 3.0 temperature, the
sag rate is reduced and the bushing life can be increased. In addition, a lower log 3.0
allows for a higher throughput since more glass can be melted in a given period of time
and thus the production cost is also reduced.
The liquidus is the greatest temperature at which devitrification can occur upon
cooling the glass melt. At all temperatures above the liquidus, the glass is completely
The final fiberizing property is referred to as "delta-T" which is simply the
difference between the log 3.0 temperature and the liquidus. A larger delta-T offers a
greater degree of flexibility during fiberizing and helps avoid devitrification.
Devitrification is the formation of crystals within the melt. Increasing the delta-T
also reduces the production cost by allowing for a greater bushing life and less sensitive
forming process.
The glasses of the present invention were melted in platinum/rhodium crucibles
using reagent grade raw materials. Starting batch ingredients include SiO2, Al2O3, as well
as chain modifiers from the source materials MgCO3, CaCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3, ZrO2, and
Na2CO3. The glasses were melted at 3000°C (5432°F) for 6 hours and were stirred every
2 hours to insure compositional homogeneity.
The glass transition temperature in this invention was measured using a differential
thermal analyzer, DTA. The forming viscosity in this invention was measured using a
rotating spindle viscometer. The forming viscosity is defined as 1000 Poise. The liquidus
in this invention was measured by placing a platinum container filled with glass in a
thermal gradient furnace for 16 hours. The greatest temperature at which crystals were
present was considered the liquidus temperature.
To achieve a lower log 3.0 temperature and a higher annealing point temperature
(Tg) the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 family of glasses was selected as a starting point based on the
high Tg"s and relatively low cost raw materials. The compositions lying along the phase
boundary line that connects 2 eutectic compositions were melted and tested. These glasses
are numbers 1,2, 3, and 8. Since these glasses lie on the phase boundary line they have a
low liquidus and a large delta-T. The glass transition temperatures (Tg) of these glasses
were measured to range between 423°C (794°F) for glass #1 and 859°C (1578°F) for glass
Because #3 has such a high log 3.0 viscosity, a direct weight percent substitution
of A12O3 for SiO2 was made in glasses #9, #10, #55, #77, and #81. The A12O3 for SiO2
substitution was used to lower log 3.0 while maintaining Tg. However, this substitution
raises the liquidus which quickly shrinks the delta-T since it also lowers the forming
Both S-glass and glass #9 were fiberized in a single hole laboratory bushing. The
monofilament fiber was wound on a collet to produce about 10 gram of fiber. The fiber
was cut to produce a "hank" of fibers. Both glass compositions were tested separately in a
temperature gradient furnace for 4 hours to determine the temperature at which sintering
began. Sintering is defined as the point at which the viscosity becomes low enough for
fibers to join together. This is roughly the same point at which the fiber-pack would
collapse under its own weight in a high temperature environment such as an automotive
exhaust system. The results of the lab mimic showed that S-glass sinters 30 K lower than
glass #9. Glass #9 outperformed S-glass by about 30 K for the 4-hour test. It was
determined that Tg needed to be between 850°C and 860°C (1562°F and 1580°F) in order
to operate at temperatures similar to S-glass. Reducing log 3.0 and increasing delta-T
were necessary to reduce the manufacturing cost.
Glass #9 was used as the base glass since it outperformed S-glass and had a
superior delta-T. To lower the viscosity, AI2O3 was substituted for SiC>2 °n a weight
percent basis. Although this substitution did not adversely affect Tg, the liquidus was
increased to the point where the delta-T was not acceptable (see glasses #55, #77, and
#81). In order to reduce the liquidus, other alkaline earths such as MgO, SrO, and BaO
were substituted for CaO.
The mole % percent substitution of MgO for CaO has a significant impact on
reducing the liquidus, but also reduces Tg. The log 3.0 is largely unaffected although it
was not extensively measured. This can be seen in Tables 3 and 4.
Therefore the goal is to find the right mix of alkaline earth oxides to meet the
target properties of the glass. Zirconia (ZrCh) can be added in small percentages to
decrease the log 3.0 but at the same time increase Tg. The liquidus is also decreased with
small additions of ZrC>2.
As is understood in the art, the above exemplary compositions do not always total
precisely 100% of the listed components due to statistical conventions (for example,
rounding and averaging). Of course, the actual amounts of all components, including any
impurities, in a specific composition always total to 100%. Furthermore, it should be
understood that where small quantities of components are specified in the compositions,
for example, quantities on the order of about 0.05 weight percent or less, those
components may be present in the form of trace impurities present in the raw materials,
rather than intentionally added. Moreover, components may be added to the batch
composition, for example, to facilitate processing, that are later eliminated, resulting in a
glass composition that is essentially free of such components. Thus, for instance, although
minute quantities of components such as fluorine and sulfate have been listed in various
examples, the resulting glass composition may be essentially free of such components—for
example, they may be merely trace impurities in the raw materials for the silica, calcium
oxide, alumina, and magnesia components in commercial practice of the invention or they
may be processing aids that are essentially removed during manufacture. As apparent
from the above examples, glass fiber compositions of the invention have advantageous
properties, such as low forming viscosities and wide (high) delta-T values. Other
advantages and obvious modifications of the invention will be apparent to the artisan from
the above description and further through practice of the invention.
The addition of alkali oxides, such as Li2O, Na2O, and K2O are known to have a
strong impact on reducing the glass transition temperature. Therefore additions of R2O
should be kept to a minimum. Table #8 illustrates the effect of Na2O additions to
ADVANTEX® glass.

Glasses #96 and #110 were tested against S-glass by isothermally heat treating
fiber bundles for 8 hours at different temperatures. The fiber bundles were mounted in
epoxy after heat treatment and the cross-sections were polished. The polished cross-
sections of the fiber bundles were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
in backscatter mode to determine the extent of fiber coalescence,

SEM micrographs are presented in Figures 1-4 to illustrate the coalescence
described in Table #9. From the micrographs presented in Figures 1-4, it is evident that
both glass #96 and #110 outperform S-glass. S-glass had significant sintering occur at
903°C (1647°F) and extensive fiber coalescence at 921°C (1690°F).
We Claim:
1. A continuous glass fiber having a composition consisting
essentially of:
60 to 72 mole percent SiO2,
10 to 20 mole percent A12O3,
14 to 22 mole percent RO, where RO equals the sum of MgO,
CaO, SrO and BaO,
0 to 5 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 3 mole percent alkali metal oxide,
further characterized by
(i) a viscosity of 1000 poise at a forming temperature 1371°C
(ii) a liquidus temperature at least 28°C (50°F) below the
forming temperature, and
(iii) a glass transition temperature 825°C (1517°F).
2. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, further consisting
essentially of up to 4 mole percent of at least one compound
selected from the group consisting of ZnO, SO2, F2, B2O3, TiO2
and Fe2O3.
3. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, wherein the glass
transition temperature is at least 828°C (1522°F).
4. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, wherein the glass
transition temperature is at least 850°C (1598°F).
5. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, wherein the glass
transition temperature is at least 870°C (1598°F).
6. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
composition consists essentially of:
61 to 68 mole percent SiO2,
15 to 19 mole percent Al2O3,
15 to 20 mole percent RO where RO equals the sum of MgO,
CaO, SrO and BaO with the MgO comprising 3 mole percent,
0 to 3 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 2 mole percent alkali metal oxide.
7. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 6, further consisting
essentially of up to 4 mole percent of at least one compound
selected from the group consisting of ZnO, SO2, F2, B2O3, TiO2
and Fe2O3.
8. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
composition consists essentially of:
61 to 68 mole percent SiO2,
15 to 19 mole percent Al2O3,
15 to 20 mole percent RO, where RO consists essentially of CaO,
BaO or a mixture thereof,
0 to 3 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 2 mole percent alkali metal oxide,
further characterized by
a glass transition temperature 840°C (1544°F).
9. The continuous glass fiber as claimed in claim 8, further consisting
essentially of up to 4 mole percent of at least one compound
selected from the group consisting of ZnO, SO2, F2, B2O3, TiO2
and Fe2O3.
10. A mineral composition suitable for forming the continuous glass
fiber as claimed in claim 1 consisting essentially of:
60 to 72 mole percent SiO2,
10 to 20 mole percent A12O3,
14 to 22 mole percent RO, where RO equals the sum of MgO,
CaO, SrO and BaO,
0 to 5 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 3 mole percent alkali metal oxide,
further characterized by
(i) a viscosity of 1000 poise at a forming temperature 1371°C
(ii) a liquidus temperature at least 28°C (50°F) below the
forming temperature, and
(iii) a glass transition temperature 825°C (1517°F).
11. A mineral composition suitable for forming the continuous glass
fiber as claimed in claim 6 consisting essentially of:
61 to 68 mole percent SiO2,
15 to 19 mole percent Al2O3,
15 to 20 mole percent RO where RO equals the sum of MgO, CaO,
SrO and BaO with the MgO comprising 3 mole percent,
0 to 3 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 2 mole percent alkali metal oxide.
12. A mineral composition suitable for forming the continuous glass
fiber as claimed in claim 8 consisting essentially of:
61 to 68 mole percent SiO2,
15 to 19 mole percent Al2O3,
15 to 20 mole percent RO, where RO consists essentially of CaO,
BaO or a mixture thereof,
0 to 3 mole percent ZrO2, and
0 to 2 mole percent alkali metal oxide,
further characterized by
a glass transition temperature 840°C (1544°F).
13. A mineral composition suitable for forming a continuous glass
fiber as claimed in claim 10, 11 or 12, further consisting essentially
no more than 4 mole percent of at least one compound selected
from the group consisting of ZnO, SO2, F2, B2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3.
A continuous glass fiber having a composition consisting essentially of: 60
to 72 mole percent SiO2, 10 to 20 mole percent Al2O3, 14 to 22 mole
percent RO, where RO equals the sum of MgO, CaO, SrO and BaO, 0 to 5
mole percent ZrO2, and 0 to 3 mole percent alkali metal oxide, further
characterized by a (i) viscosity of 1000 poise at a forming temperature
greater than 1371°C (2500°F), (ii) a liquidus temperature at least 28°C (50°F)
below the forming temperature, and (iii) a glass transition temperature
greater than 825°C(1517°F).






501-kolnp-2003-granted-description (complete).pdf


501-kolnp-2003-granted-examination report.pdf

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501-kolnp-2003-granted-form 3.pdf

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501-kolnp-2003-granted-letter patent.pdf


501-kolnp-2003-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


501-kolnp-2003-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 214092
Indian Patent Application Number 501/KOLNP/2003
PG Journal Number 05/2008
Publication Date 01-Feb-2008
Grant Date 30-Jan-2008
Date of Filing 22-Apr-2003
Name of Patentee OWENS CORNING
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F01 1/24
PCT International Application Number PCT/US01/50995
PCT International Filing date 2001-10-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 09/703,234 2000-10-31 U.S.A.