Title of Invention


Abstract The Invention in general relates to Ozone generator electrode system and more particularly provides a method and apparatos for generating ozone ill high volume with minimum power and effective heat dissipation system. This invention generates ozone by the corona discharge method with the Ozone electrode generator assembly comprising of Outer electrode and loner electrode which joined together with endcaps made of Polybutalane theralate to hold the two electrodes in position, which acts as insulators and inlet/outlet ports. The said outer electrode made of stainless steel with its inner surface of ceramic costed and heat sink is mounted on its outer surface. The said inner electrode includes an outer glass tube with its inner surface of silver costed, an inner core having an aluminium tube with aluminium studs and the gap inbetween is filled with Aluminium'graphite powder mixture. The Orings arranged on the electrodes serves as end sealant for the electrode and provides unifoem air distribution throughout the electrodes. When 6 K V Electric voltage of supply applietaj/jihed between the electrodes a violet glow discharge(arcing) created converts a portion of oxygen molocules present in the oxygen or oxygen containing air into ozone.
Full Text

Ozone is a natural and powerful disinfecting medium and have no side effects. Among the various methods it is intended as per the invention to device a method to produce ozone in. higher volumes with the reliable equipments at. a reasonably low cost. The method adopted as per the invention is a "Corona Discharge" method. Normally adoption ai such method will result in more usage of electricity resulting in more heat and consequent electrical faihire. The invexition has attempted to eliminate this technical defect, in its new ozone generator deaiga.
At the present time, as the corcna discharge method lor ozone generation is with high power consumption, high heat is generated and no satisfactory method for dispersing heat has been envisaged. Unless a suitable and safe method is found, it is probable that the use of corona discharge method for ozone generation will be drastically curtailed and permanently nsstricted.
OBJECT OF Invenstion :-
The object of the present invention is to provide a m.ethod of dealing with and dispersing the heat generation, during the process of ozone generation, In accordance with the invention, shape, configuration and material of electrodes

can be so selected, so as to achieve efficient heat dissipation system, effective drying and an cooling system to prevent moisture at. most economical cost and easy maintenances.
1. In the ozone generator, electrode is considered to be the heart and
lungs, which produces osxnie from the air/oxyBom. As per the
invention mcudmum oeone is produced front mintmum applied
2. The durability of the electrode is longer because of the,
> Electrode construction
> Heat dissipation systems
> Effecting drying and air cooling system to avoid moisture
> The perfectly matched electronic control
3. The ozone output from the generator is very high compared to
other known arts.
4. Economical and lesser maintenance cost.

llie Ozone Generator Electrode assembly comprises of Outer electrode. Inner electrode and end caps having special matmialf shape and configuration.
The part wise description c^ the electrode and end caps alongwith assembly of tlie parts and fitttugs thereof is given below :-
Outer atoetroda:
This is made of stainless steel 3161 mateiial. The outer tmrfHce of this electrode is fitted with heat sink discs made of black anodized Aluminium. The inner surface is coated witli a ceramic medium.
Znner electrode :
This is made of borosilicate glass tube. The innmr surface of this electrode is silver coated. The inner core of this electrode is finbricated using an Aluminium tube with threaded Aluminium studs fitted on both ends. The gap between glass tube and the Aluminium core is filled with a mixture of Aluminium and graphite powder in equal proportions. The gap on both the ends between the g^ss and the Aluminium tubes are sealed with silicon rubber "O*^ rings and pasted with silicon cement.
Knd Cmpu :
Botli the electrodes atis assembled with end caps made of Polybutalene Theralate material which are fitted with two silicon rubber Raskets inside to

prevent air leakage. The end caps keep the electrodes in position, maintain a unifcHrm air gpp, act as end insniaiars ami as a inlet/oiitlet part. The end covers are fiastened with stainless steel screws to the inner core.
The air before entering inside this electrode must undergo pretreatment ie., it must be filtered, dehumidified and chilled. The air is passed inside this electrode at 30 Ipm. The voltage applied to the electrode is at a potential of 6-10 kv at 3000-5000 Hz.
List of components by which the electrodes are assembled to obtain the ozone generator as per the invention.
1. Allen Screw
2. Spacer
3. Endcap
4. Insert
5. 'O' Ring for S8 Tubes
6. Aluminium stud
7. 'O' Ring for Aluminium stud
8. '0' Ring for Glass tube
9. Aluminium Tube
10. Coated Glass Tubes
11. Outer Electrode
12. Heat Sink

The present inventton relates to Ozone gonerator and more specifically to an apparatus and method for geueratiug Ozone.
Accordingly, the broad invention herein is a method of ozcme generation, with edfec^tive heat, disaipartion system.
The present invention does not use UV mercuxy vapor lamps, wfakh is
known in the prior art. The present invention uses the method of corona

discharge method for oczone gfemn-ation on a special apparatus, which consumes minimum power. The present invention further applies effective drying and air-cooling systems to prevent moisture related problems.
The ozone generator comprises of the electrode assembly system, which has an outer electrode and inner electrode jointed tc^iether with end caps.
A Ozone generator as per the invention comprises of :-
(_) an Outer electrode made of stainless steel having ceramic coating on its inner surfiace and heat sink discs mounted on its outer surface;
(_) an Inner electrode including an outer g^ass tube, inner core and the gap inbetween filled with Atuminium-graphite powder mixture and sealed, wherein the inner surface of said glass tube is silver coated, and wherein the inner core further includes Atuminium tube with Aluminium studs assembled on its both ends;
(-) eua end cap made of glass and mounted at outer ends of electrodes such as to hold the two electrodes in position, and further to fasten the electrodes to machines and also to serve as inlet and outlet ports; and

(-) an O-Ring arranged on said outer electrode to serve as end sealant for said outer electrode and to ensure uniform air distribution throughout said inner electrode;
(-) an O-Rtng arranged on inner core of inner electrode such aB to seal the mixture fitted into the said gap of the inner electrode;
(-) an O-Ring arranged on glass tube of the inner electrode such as to hold the outer electrode and the e«i.d caps and also to prevent leakage between end caps and outer electrode;
(-) an Allen screnr fastened on to the end caps and Inner electrodes at both ends such as to prevent air leak.
(-) a spacer assembled on the end caps such that it acts as a washer when tightened and pressure applied on end cap is uniformly applied onto X3* ring of outer electrode.
(-) an insert inaitu molded onto end cap f (-) 6KV electric volta a supply source coupled selectively between the said inner electrode and said outer electrode, thereby creating a violet ^aw

discharge between the two electrodes when connected, which gienerates ozone in the oa^gen or oxygen oontAining air being passed through the area between the said inner electrode and said outer efectrode.
The outer electrodes is made of stainless steel 316 L material, with heat sink disc fitted on its outer surfoce, ceramic coating given on its inner surface and provided with O-rings to act as end sealants. The O-nx^ enhances uniform air distribution throughout the inner electrode. The heat sink disc are made of black anodissed aluminium.
Inner electrode is made of outer borostUcate ^^ass tube with an inner
aluminium core. The inner surface of the glass tube is coated with silver. The gap between the glass tube and the inner core is filled with mixture of aiuminiiun and graphite powder in equal proportion. The O-ring is provided on glass tube, which is made of sOicon rubber and acts as end sealant. The ends are ftirther pasted with sQicon cement. The inxwr alutnTnium core has threaded aliuninhun studs fitte
End caps are made of poly-Butalene tfamralate material. Further two silicon rubber cascades at the two ends of the electrode to prevent air leakafle. The purpose of the end caps is multi-purpose to leoep the diectrode in position to maintain the uniform air gap to acts as end insulators and to act as inlet/outlet port. The end caps are fastened to the aluminium core of the inner electrode with stainless steel screws, which matches the threading given in the aluminium stud describe befm'e. A spacer is also provided in the end caps which acts as a washer for end caps when tightened and pressure applied on end caps is uniformly distributed of the O-ring of inner electrode glass tube. The insert is insitu molded on the end cap and is used as a fastening part for the inlet port and outlet port.
6 K V Electric vohagie of supply is applied between the Glass electrode and outer electrode m.ade up of SS. This create a violot glow discharge (arcing) in between the two electrodes.
When the dry air passed through this area, a portion of osQrgen molecules present in the air is converted to ozone. Oxygen can also be used to get ozone from this electrode which will give three times the ozone output compared to air. Fig. 14 illustrates the above.

Various other objects, features and attendant advantages of the present invention will become more fully appredated as the same becomes better understood when considered in conjunction in the accompanying drawings.
Fig 1: Illustrates the exploded view of the electrode assembly.
Fig 3; Illustrates the 3D view of the Alan Screw.
Fig 3: Illustrates the 3D view of Spacer.
Fig 4: mustrales the 3D ynemr of the end cap.
Fig 5: Illustrates the Inserts and 3D cut section of Inserts.
Fig 6, 8, 9: llhistrales the O' ring and cut section of O' ring.
Fig 7: Illustrates the Aluminium stud and cut section of Aliuninium stud.
Fig 10: Dhitttrates the Ahuninium tube.
Fig 11; Illustrates the Glass tube.
Fig 13: Illustrates the Stainless steel tube.
Fig 13: Illustrates the Heat sink.
Fig 14: illustrates the passage of oxygen and air containing oxygen.
The drawings are illustrated for the purpose of understanding and is not limited by the flimensions therein mentioned in the drawings.

1. A Ozone generator comprising :-
a. an Outer electrode made of stainless steel having ceramic
coating on its inner surface and heat sink discs mounted on its
outer surface;
b. an Inner electrode including an outer glass tube, inner core and
the gap inbetween filled with Aluminium -graphite powder
mixture and sealed, wherein the inner surfaoe of said glass tube
is silver coated, and wherein the inner core further includes
Aluminium tube with Aluminium studs assembled on its both
c. an end cap made of glass and mounted at outer ends of
electrodes such as to hold the two electrodes in position, and
further to fasten the electrodes to machines and also to serve as
inlet and outlet ports; and
d. an O-Ring arranged on said outer electrode to serve as end
seelant for said outer electrode and to ensure uniform air
distribution throughout said inner electrode;
e. an O-Ring arranged on inner core of inner electrode such as to
seal the mixture fitted into the said gap of Che inner electrode;
f. an O-Ring arranged on glass tube of the inner electrode such
as to hold the outer electrode and the end caps and also to
prevent leakage between end caps and outer electrode;

g. an Allen screw fastened on to the end caps and inner electrodes at both ends such as to prevent air leak;
h. a spacer assembled on the end caps such that it acts at a washer when tightened and pressure applied on end cap is unilbrmly applied onto X)* ring of outer efectrode;
i. an insert insitu molded onto end cap for use as fastening part for inlet port and outlet port;
j. 6KV electric voltage supply source coupled selectivoly between the said ianeir electrode atui. said outer electrode, thereby ci*eating a violet glow discharge between the two electrodes when connected, which generates ozone in the oxygen or ojcygen containing air being passed through the area between the said inner electrode and said outer electrode.
2. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 di la, wherein outer electrode is made of stainless steel size - mS * 25 and 316 L material.
3. A Ossone generator aa claimed in claim I & la, wherein outer electrode is made of stainless steel of 316 L materials internally polished and ceramic coated.
4. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 & la, wherein outer electrode is made of stainless steel of 316 L material, polished and ceramic coated intiSrnally and heat sink disc mounted eoctemally.
5. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 & la, wherein heat sink discs are of Annealed Aknuimum Sheet Mack onodizBd and is press

fitted onto and cr/et the outer surface of the outer electrode, to facilitate removal of heat generated on the electrode during ozone
6. A Ozone generatcH- as ckaxnied in daim 1 & lb, wlierein g^aae tube of
inner electrode is made of borosilicate.
7. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 inner electrode is made of borosilicate and inner surface of the tube is
silver coated.
S. A Ozone generator as claimed in daim 1 & lb, wherettn tmier electrode includes outer borosilicate glass tube with its inner sur£ace silver coated aiid an Alumtntum imnsr core.
9. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1, lb Ai 8, wherein Ahiminium inner core of inner electrode includes Aluminium tube with Atuminium studs assembled on its two ends.
10. A Ozone generator as claimed in cUdm I, lb & 9, wheretn Aluminium tube is m^ade of annealed Aluminium..
11. A Ozone genea'ator as claimed in claim 1, lb, 8 & 9, wherein Aliuniniiun stud is made of Annealed Ahiminium and has threaded ends such that the innei* thi-eading facilitate inner electrode electiical connection.
12. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 Ai Ic, wherein end cap is made of poly propylene oi* poly Ehitalene theralate so as to have good electricaA, thermal and ossone resistance properties .

13. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 & Id, wherein O - Ring on outer electrodes i» made of special grade silicO\on rubber .
14. A Ozone grsuerator as claimed in claim 1 & le, wherein O Ring provided on inner core of inner electrode is made of special grade silica rubber.
15. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 fk If, wherein O Ring
provided on glass tube is made of special grade silicon loibber.
16. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 & Ih, wherein spacer is
made of stainless steel.
17. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1 & li, wfaennn insert is made of stainless steeL
18. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1, as described in complete specification.
19. A Ozone generator as claimed in claim 1, as illustrated in the
accom.panytng drawings.


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0378-mas-2002 drawings.pdf

0378-mas-2002 form-1.pdf

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0378-mas-2002 form-5.pdf

Patent Number 198382
Indian Patent Application Number 378/MAS/2002
PG Journal Number 20/2006
Publication Date 19-May-2006
Grant Date 19-Jan-2006
Date of Filing 20-May-2002
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C01B13/11
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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