Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT Direction cum location finder device comprises three geared wheels and two magnetic compasses set in a frame. The first rotatable geared wheel having location map with the desired location at its centre with an arrow shape headed needle touching the centre point and the frame in the bottom with degree marking arums the wheel, can be rotated as the standing location in the map falls in needle line with the centre point and the gear rotation distance is passed through small same gear size second wheel to the third wheel of same size and dial of the first wheel having compass in its centre and degree marking around the wheel. The degree seen in the map on needle bottom east side will be the same in the third wheel at north marked place of the frame and the frame position can be adjusted and set as the third wheel compass needle shows above north marked position of the frame. The direction of arrow shaped fixed needle of first wheel is the direction from standing location to the desired centre location.
Full Text

"Oils invention relates to a direction cum location finder device useful to determine the location of standing point and the direction from there to the centre point on the given ( referred ) one side surface of the earth and to determine the direction from any location to any other location within the same (referred} one side surface of the earth.
The device according to the invention is very useful for persons who travel frequently particularly during night times and need to determine the direction to a particular place from any place they stay when both places fall within one side of the earth. Particularly this device will be more useful when the users are very close to the centre point.
It is known that persons belonging to Muslim religion pray number of times every day turning to the direction of Mecca { Kibla Direction ). A person can determine the direction of Mecca, for example , from any place on the surface of the earth by using the device already invented by the applicant inventor as per patent No. 180592 Dt 20.5.1992
The direction cum location finder device of this application is made more convenient and simple to operate and could be a scientific second check in determining the direction of place at distance and this is the first check newly invented to find the centre point direction in a close radius even in few meter distance.

The direction cum location finder device is made in a frame comprising three geared wheels and two magnetic compasses.
The first rotatable geared wheel is the place for display of the projection map ( changeable ) of full or part of one side of the world showing North/South, E)sat/West directions and location of atleast some important preferred places with the desired location (like Mecca for example ) at its wheel centre point and a fixed needle (removable 85 resettable ) width an arrow shape in front connecting and resting on the centre of the wheel (Mecca) and the frame in its bottom centre showing the east side for indicating the direction of the existing spot location to the desired centre point of Mecca location with direction degree marking of starting *0' (zero) degree from the bottom east to 180 degree on the top west on its both north and south sides.
The second geared wheel is smaller in size but with the same gear size (pitch) for transmitting the same rotation distance from first to third geared wheel.
The third geared wheel is equivalent to the first wheel in dial and size (pitch) attached with a mimetic compass in the centre with the compass needle showing the north pole at all times with the direction degree markings starting 0 degree from north to 180 degree on the south on its both east and west sides.
The second magnetic compass will be a free one connected by chain with
the frame. A free seating provision is also made in the frame with degree
marking starting 0 degree from north to 180 degree on the south on its
both east and west sides. Page 3

The frame said above with three geared wheel and two magnetic compasses could be fit with a prayer mat. When anybody knows his standing location and wants to determine the direction of Mecca from his standing position, he should rotate the first map wheel and make his standing position location in the map falls in the needle line with the centre point of Mecca. When the wheel rotates, the degree shown on the fixed needle foot bottom changes and at the same time, the rotation power passes from the first map wheel to the third geared compass wheel by the in between small geared wheel.
If the first map wheel is rotated to make a particular standing location to fall in needle line and the needle bottom shows 10 degree of north side for example, it means the particular standing location is in the north portion above the centre point. At the same time, the magnetic compass geared wheel also will be rotated to the same distance and the 0 degree north side will come down by 10 degrees. When the frame and the attached mat is turned and set to the position as the magnetic compass needle shows 0 degree north side, the direction of the map wheel needle to the centre point (Mecca) is the direction from the standing point to centre point Mecca.
When the user is standing some where in south below the Mecca (centre point) and the standing location is set on the line of fixed needle of map wheel, the east side bottom will show a south side degree (for example 40 degree) and at the same time by geared rotation force, the magnetic compass wheel also would have rotated and shown the same 40 degree on east side.
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When the traveler goes to any location , he can rotate the map wheel and set that his standing location falls on the fixed needle line showing the centre Mecca point and lay and set the frame and the frame fit mat in the needle shown direction when the magnetic compass needle is on line showing the 0 degree north side.
When the user is using a full or one side map of the world, the accuracy of direction could be more in long distance from the centre point. When he is nearing the centre point, for better accuracy he can use maps of short radius from the centre point. By that time, the map will be big to cover his standing location. When he reaches the centre point much nearer, still close radius maps would be more useful in getting accurate direction. The maps could be made coving radius of full world or one side world or a part with radius of even 4000 cms to few metres. Small radius maps will be more useful when the user is nearer to the centre point, simply his standing location should fall within the radius of the map.
For this purpose, maps with the same centre point (like Mecca for example) but with different radius like 5km, 50km, 200km, 500km, 1000km, 2000km, 3000km, 4000km. Etc could be made and could be kept in the frame or in the wheel itself a spare as the first wheel map could be changed to convenience by lifting the first wheel direction needle and resetting it after changing the map.

The same first wheel maps with different radii could be made in bigger size with direction degree markings on its edges and fit with the frame.
When the third wheel compass needle is showing the north pole direction, the position of the first geared wheel's projection map is the correct setting of the given (referred) full or one side or part of the world and the direction of the fixed arrow headed needle is the direction of the standing location to the centre point Mecca. The location where the user stands lies on the needle line. Crosswise also direction could be found out from one place to another place within he ^ven (referred map).
When the user does not know his standing location and wants to find out the location where he stands, then he has to use the second compass which is let free and connected by chain with the frame. Tlie second compass could be set freely and the exact north direction could be ascertained by keeping it as the needle is on the line with north pole marking. At any point of location when the magnetic compass needle is set to north pole that is the real setting of the map in its north direction. Now, the first geared map wheel could be turned to the position till the third wheel compass needle is showing the same parallel direction of the second free compass needle .
Sometimes, finding the existing (standing) location as it falls on the line of its direction to the centre point i.e on the needle line of first geared map wheel may not be sufficient for the user.
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He may need to know exactly where he stands if he is not in city or known location. It may be a forest, desert, hill or sea. For this purpose, two such frames referred in this invention with full or part of the world map with two different centre points have to be set as the needles of both frames show the direction of the existing (standing) location and its centre points.
By comparison or referring with the bigger map, the existing (standing location could be found. The places where the direction needles cross is the real standing location.
By the device referred above (a)one could find out where he stands in the world (b) find out the direction of his standing place to the desired centre point (c) find out the direction from one place to another place in the earth.
As an embodiment to this invention, a map like VAN DERR'S GRINTEN PROJECTION as shown in Fig,3 Could be made with Mecca as its centre. When the map is set in proper north direction by attaching a magnetic compass and positioning it as the needle shows north pole, the direction of the first wheel arrow headed needle is the direction from the standing point to the centre point. Also the direction could be found out from any place to any other place in the world.
The above such VAN DER GRINTEN'S PROJCTION map could be set in the first geared map wheel as shown in Fig. lb to see the direction from any part of the world to Mecca and that would be scientifically proved spot convincing Kibla direction Instrument.
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Normally, the prayer mat is made with the size of about 2 feet breadth by 4 to 4 Va feet length. To have the frame fit additionally the length could be increased by 4 to 6 inches. The 4 to 6 inch frame can accommodate maximum 3 to 5 inch dia map and wit that map the country territories, important cities, road and geographical map markings cannot be printed with readable size letters and visible pictures.
For the purpose of convenience, big detailed maps could be made with degrees marked as shown in the pictures lb, 2b, 4, 6 8B 7.
The user can first ascertain the degree of direction from his standing position to Mecca and set the first geared pictured wheel in that degree direction as the location may not be very clear in the small map wheel.
To have a double check on the direction, the direction could be checked by MOLLWEIDE'S HOMOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION also as referred by the inventor in his earlier invention patent No. 180592 Dt 20.5.1992
As a further embodiment to this invention, separate maps of full or part of independent country or few countries together could be made in a big size and the degrees could be marked on the one side edges from top north to bottom south. When the user is traveling, if he knows the location, he can refer the map and see the Mecca direction degree given in the map and set the degree in the frame's first rotatable geared (projection map ) wheel accordingly.
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Also as a counter check, he can make use of the second free compass in the map and confirm the direction already set is correct. Scientifically on both ways Mecca direction degree should be perfectly same without any deviation. These sort of single or few country maps would be easy to handle for the user who do not move outside the country or few countries given in the map. For example map of Malaysia and Singapore are given in the Figure 7.
In the direction cum location finder device of a frame with geared wheels and magnetic compasses, clock(s) radio{s) and tape recorder(s) also could be attached with clock(s) having alarm system of one or more time setting possibilities and tape recorder having capacity to give set recorded voice during the set timings.
Also any required part of this device could be coated with radium for giving brightness in the darkness.
At present there are some devices to find the direction of Mecca. It is a normal magnetic compass with degrees marked around it and a printed book-let is given by the manufacturer which wig indicate the direction degree for important places for setting the compass to see the Mecca direction. For places not referred in the book, the instrument will not be useful.
Tlie inventor applicant's earlier invention on this subject based on map and compass patented under Patent No. 180592 in his name, has given way to find the Mecca direction from any place of the world and from one place to another place in the world. But the user can find the direction from his standing place only if he knows where he is standing.
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But this new invention, one can find the direction of Mecca or any such set desired location from any place of the world even with out knowing about the location where the user is standing. From the single frame device the user can find the direction line in which he is standing and with two or more frame devices, in addition to finding the directions to the set desired points, the user can also find the exact location where he is standing in the world irrespective of the factor whether the standing location is a hill, desert, sea or air (to limited height) or any place identifiable and not identifiable by him. It will indicate physically where the user is standing subject to the clarity and accuracy of the map used and the maps of different radii help to find the (Mecca) centre point direction sharply, particularly when the user is nearer to Mecca or any such set desired location.
For better understanding, the direction cum location finder device is illustrated in the accompan3ring drawings.
Fig 1 shows the direction cum location finder device, la shows the frame, lb shows the first geared wheel with map and degree
marking. Ic shows the in between geared wheel. Id shows the third geared wheel with the compass in the
centre with the degree marking around it. le shows the magnetic compass, a free one connected
by chain with the frame. It is kept on the frame
itself in the cavity provision made for it with degree
markings on the frame around cavity.
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Fig If shows the second round compass kept in the frame cavity Ig shows the chain link of second free compass with the
frame. Ih shows the screw which could rotate the first geared wheel, fig Ik shows the prayer mat.
Fig 2a shows the one side world with Mecca as its centre location. 2 b shows one side world with various radii and with
degree marking. 2c & 2d shows the part of one side world map
with different radii and Mecca as its centre. 2e shows one side world full map with Mecca as its centre. Fig 3 shows the world map in full with Mecca as its centre, in the VAN DER GRINTEN'S PROJECTION STYLE.
4 shows the same map shown in fig 3 with degree marking .
5 shows the world map in full width Mecca as its centre
6 shows the same map shown in Fig 5 with degree marking.
7 shows the map showing two countries & degree marking.
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I Claim,
1. A Direction cum location finder device set in a frame having three geared wheels and two magnetic compasses, the first rotatable geared wheel { lb ) fixed in the cavity provision in the having a round location map set on top of it with the desired location in the centre and the west side facing top and degree marking around the map and a fixed needle with an arrow shaped head connecting the centre of the wheel and its bottom firmly fixed with the frame and the full round gear on the wheel outer end bottom connected to a gear at one edge of a small rod having a rotatable head ( Ih) at its other end projecting outside the frame and the round gear on the wheel outer end side connected to a smaller second gear ( Ic) fixed in the cavity provided and having same gear size of the first and third geared wheels, positioned in between and connected on the other side to the third geared wheel (Id) made with the same gear size and dais of the first geared wheel with a magnetic compass set in its centre and degree markings around the wheel and fixed in the cavity provision in the frame and the frame having one more free magnetic compass ( le ) connected by chain (Ig) and having a round cavity provision for its seating with degree marking in the frame around cavity and with general marking of sides in the frame around all round cavities, keeping the west on top.

2. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the same projection map of the first geared wheel is additionally attached with the frame in big size with more additional details and big size letter printings with direction degree marking in its rind edges.


111-mas-1997 abstract duplicate.pdf

111-mas-1997 abstract.pdf

111-mas-1997 claims duplicate.pdf

111-mas-1997 claims.pdf

111-mas-1997 correspondence others.pdf

111-mas-1997 correspondence po.pdf

111-mas-1997 description (complete) duplicate.pdf

111-mas-1997 description (complete).pdf

111-mas-1997 drawings duplicate.pdf

111-mas-1997 drawings.pdf

111-mas-1997 form-1.pdf

111-mas-1997 form-13.pdf

111-mas-1997 form-3.pdf

111-mas-1997 form-4.pdf

Patent Number 198102
Indian Patent Application Number 111/MAS/1997
PG Journal Number 08/2007
Publication Date 23-Feb-2007
Grant Date 10-Jan-2006
Date of Filing 22-Feb-1997
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G0153/52
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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