Title of Invention

A Method for preparation of a drug for curing asthma

Abstract A method for preparation of a drug for curing Asthama comprises steps of:- (a) trituratization of 1ml of mother tincture with powdered sugar of milk in a porcelain mortar wherein the mother tincture comprises pure extract of Tylophora indica leave and the ratio between mother tincture and sugar of milk is 1:100/3, mixing of the extract and sugar of milk with a pestle by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping of the mass thus formed from the bottom of the mortar and pestle for 3 to 4 minutes; (b) addition of same amount of sugar of milk with the spatula followed by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping for 3 to 4 minutes; (c) repeating the process of step (b) one more time to obtain the said drug.
Full Text The present invention relates to a drug for curing Asthma by the Indian herb "Nagvalli" (Botanical name Tylophora Indica and comply known as Indian Ipecac). The methodology for curing Asthma has been perfected by protracted trials on hundreds of faithful and sincere patients during the last 20 years. The feedback of the patients led to this perfection of the methodology. Till date more than 20, 000 patients have been cured of this dreadful disease, which so far had evaded a cure. "Nagvalli" had been used in the treatment of Asthma, Bronchitis and Dermatitis etc. in eastern and southern India since ages.
According to this invention there is provided a method for preparation of a drug for curing Asthma comprises the steps of:-
(a) trituratization of 1ml of mother tincture with powdered sugar of milk in a porcelain mortar wherein the mother tincture comprises pure extract of Tylophora indica leave and the ratio between mother tincture and sugar of milk is 1:100/3, mixing of the extract and sugar of milk with a pestle by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping of the mass thus formed from the bottom of the mortar and pestle for 3 to 4 minutes;
(b) addition of same amount of sugar of milk with the spatula followed by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping for 3 to 4 minutes;
(c) repeating the process of step (b) one more time to obtain the said drug.
The drug of the present invention is prepared by potentising the mother tincture procured from the fresh leaves of the plant Tylophora Indica in the following mannen-
A few leaves of Tylophora Indica are taken and finely crushed and squeezed/pressed in a thick and clean cloth. Pure extract of the leaves thus obtained is called mother tincture. To retain it in good shape without losing the medicinal properties, it is immediately mixed with equal quantity of pure spirit of wine. This is the mother tincture of the medicine. It is kept securely in a tightly corked bottle for 24 hours away.
from sunlight. The clear superincumbent fluid is then separated. All fermentation of the leaf juice is checked by the spirits of wine mixed with it and the medicinal power of the medicine is substantially retained by keeping the preparation in a well-corked bottle further sealed with wax or lac to prevent evaporation and excluded from the sunlight. A small part of the fresh leaf extract to be dynamized, say one ml, is put to grinding with one hundered grams sugar of milk according to the method described below:-
One-third of one hundred grains sugar of milk is put is a glazed porcelain mortar, the bottom is dulled previsouly by rubbing it with fine, moist sand. Upon this powder is put one drop of Tylophora extract to be triturated. The sugar of milk used for dynamization must be of pure quality. For a movement the medicine and powder are mixed with a porcelain spatula and triturated rather strongly, for six to seven minutes, with the pestle rubbed dull, then the mass is scraped from the bottom of the mortar and from the pestle for three to four minutes, in order to make it homogenous. This is followed by triturating it in the same way for 6-7 minutes without adding anything more and again scapping 3-4 minutes from what adhered to the mortar and pestle. The second third of the sugar of milk is not added, mixed with the spatula and again triturted 6-7 minutes, followed by the scrapping for 3-4 minutes and trituration without further addition for 6-7 minutes. The last third of sugar of milk is then added, mixed with the spatual and triturated as before for 6-7 minutes with most careful scrapping together. The powder thus prepared is put in a vial, well-corked, protected from direct sunlight to which the name of the substance and the designation of the first product marked 100 is given. In order to raise this product to 10000, one grain of the powdered 100 is mixed with three parts of 100 grains of powdered sugar of milk and then proceed as before, but every third must be carefully triturated twice thoroughly each time for 6-7 minutes and scrapped together 3-4 minutes before the second and last third of sugar of milk is added. After each third, the same procedure is taken. When all is finished, the powder is put in a well corked vial and labeled 10000. If now, one grain of this last powder is taken the same way, the 1/10,00,000 i.e (1) each grain containing 1/1000,000 the origianl substance. Accordingly, such a trituration of the three degrees requires six time six or seven minutes
triturating and six times 3-4 minutes scraping, thus one hour for every degree. After one hour such trituration of the first degree, each grain will contain 1/1000; of the second 1/10,000; and in the third 1/1,000,000 of the drug used. Mortar, pestle and spatula must be cleaned well before they are used for another medicine. They are washed first with warm water and dried. Both mortar and pestle, as well as spatula are then put in a kettle of boiling water for half an hour. Precaution might be taken to such an extent as to put these utensils on a coal fire exposed to a glowing heat.
One grain of this powder is dissolved in 500 drops of a mixture of one part of alcohol and fouir parts of distilled water of which one drop is put in a vial. To this are added 100 drops of pure alcohol and given one hundred strong sucessions with the hand against a hard but elastic body. This is the medicine in the first degree of dynamization with which small sugar globules may then be moistened and quickly spread on blotting paper to dry and keep in a well-corked vial with the sign of (1) degree of potency. Only one globule of this is taken for further dynamization, put in a second new vial (with a drop of water in order to dissolve it) and then with 100 drops of good alcohol and dynamized in the same way with 100 powerful successions.
With this alcoholic medicinal fluid globules are given moistened, spread upon blotting paper and dried quickly, put in to a well-stoppered vial and protected from heat and sunlight and given the sign (11) of the second potency. And in this way the process is continued depending upon the requirement. Then with 100 drops of alcohol by means of 100 successions, an alcoholic medicinal fluid is formed with which the required dynamization degree is given to properly mositened and dried sugar globules, in which the medicine is retained for long periods of time.
1. Administration of medicine:- Fresh leaf of "Nagvalli" (Tylophora Indica) is sucked orally
in the morning at least one hour before sunrise in tropical regions or at least two hours before breakfast in the U.S.A. or Europe. The leaf is kept in the mouth and is sucked for an hour or so, like toffee. This must be done while lying down, as some patients feel giddliness in the process of sucking the leaf. The reminder is chewed and thereafter swallowed with water.
This is done on three consecutive days. The leaf can be collected on the previous evening so that not more than one sunset passes before the leaf is put to use after plucking from the plant. This is important.
c. Smoke, dust and any thing that causes irritation to the Respiratory system should be
d. Animal Fur: any food or matter known to be causing allergy or irritation to the patient
e. Curd, rice (and its preparations) and Banana are strictly prohibited
f. Medicine of any system being used by the Patient should stop at least 36 hours before
the administration of this medicine. Use of Bronchodilators by way of inhaler, or
Oxygen during status asthmaticus (severe attack) is however permitted even during
the course of treatment.
g. Dinner must be finished before sunset in tropical regions or at least three hours before
going to bed in the U.S.A. of Europe. Dinner should be light with no overeating
h. Leaf must be taken fresh everyday. If it is taken as a Divine Gift, the effect is
i. "Chyavan Prash" an Indian Ayruvedic tonic has to be taken regularly (one
teaspoonful in warm milk or water) in the morning after breakfast everyday for one
3. Side effects:- No serious adverse side effects have been noticed in the patients
during the treatment by this herb. However, tastelessness, nausea and slight itching on the body is generally felt by the patents, which usually subsides within 5-6 days by the Homeopathic medicines prescribed, as per symptoms, from the third day of the treatment.
Bronchodilators can be used with inhaler, as also Oxygen during severe attacks and emergency. If diet has not been controlled for 36 hours before starting the course of this treatment, or if alcohol or tobacco etc. were not given up for at least a week before using these leaves, nausea has been reported by patients. To minimize nauseating feeling the best way is to start following the Dietary restrictions prescribed above for at least 36 hours before taking the first leaf. Alcohol etc. should be given up for at least a week before starting the course. Just because restriction on spices has been mentioned most patients get the impression that they have been prescribed a boiled, salt less and tasteless diet. Though this is not the case. The patient should have good tasteful food cooked to his taste within the perimeters prescribed above. After six months he can gradually shift to the normal life. If vomiting takes place soon after the administration of the leaf, one extra leaf may be taken on the fourth day. This will, however, be not necessary if vomiting takes place 2-3 hours after the administration. All patients report lightness above best after vomiting, which is mostly
The three days course is repeated after three months of the first administration of the medicine.
2. Administration of diet: - These restrictions have been developed and found during the
course of administration of medicine to several patients is due course of time. They must therefore be followed very rigidly without an yexception. Any compromise on these restrictions has been found to have mullified or reduced the effect of the medicine drastically, which inter alia means a repetition of the attack of Asthma.
a. Total absitnenee from chilly, spices and oils including refined oils. Oils and spicy foods are to
be shunned, but not foods fried in ghee. Fresh as well as grounded Coriander, fresh mint,
Heeng, Jeera, Black Pepper and Turmeric can however be used in moderate quantity.
Similarly fired ( and not raw) onions, garlic, tomato and ginger in Ghee can be used. Non-
begetarian foods/green begetables/pulses/puri/fried foods etc. cooked as above, and dry fruits
etc. can also be taken.
b. Total abstinence from alcohol and any drug causing drowsiness or giddiness or
unconsciousness. This includes drugs in allopathic medicines.
accumulated cough. So one need not feel depressed about it, Nausea vanishes as the system is cleansed and the inflammation is cured.
Supplementing the medicine- A) The effect of this medicine is supplemented by administering suitable Homeopathic medicine depending upon symptoms, from the third day of starting the course; for 10 to 15 days.
B) Whole course is repeated after 80 to 90 days of the first administration by a similar
booster dose for three days.
C) Ayurvedic preparation "chyanprash" aids the effect of the medicine, and should be taken for at least one year.
D) Practice of the 21 movements of "Pawan Muktasan" and "Pranayama" regularly, as prescribed during the treatment & thereafter greatly supplements the action of the medicine. "Yog Nidra" also helps in recovery. Subsequently after the body is suitably toned up, the practice of at least the first seven "Kriyas" of the "Kriya Yoga", regularly, perpetuates the effect of the medicine.
5. Analysis of the treatment:- It has been establised by laboratory tests that the leaves of Tylophora Indica contain the alkaloid Tylophorine which exerts a strong antiinflammatory action. In some rgions of India this plant has been traditionally used as a folk remedy for the treatment of Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, and Dermatitis (Reference Health & Healing Archives section of google.com).
2. The use of Bronchodilators by way of inhaler while on the one hand reduce the agony of the patient, they dot not intefere with this treatment. The reason seems to be that by inhaling, the intake of medicine is infinitesimal. However their oral intake does interfere with this treatment.
3. Hahemann believed that the Psoric Miasm when suppressed on the skin goes into the system and causes a number of ailments, including Asthma. "Driving the itch into the body"; is his famous quote. (Ref. Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases- Pages45-54).
The eruption of itching on the skin by the intake of "Nagvalli" leaves, therefore, is a good sign. In this fashion the Psoric Miasm is brought out of the system to the skin, which also, in turn, gets a curing effect by the leaves, supplemented by the Homoeopathic medicines and dietary restrictions. Proper diet generates a suitable atmosphere in the body, for the medicine to act effectively without interference.
4. The Ayruvedic medicine "Chyawanprash" arrests the formation of excessive cough
and gives the required warmth to the sytem thus aiding the action of the medicine.
"Pawanmuktasan" is the accepted method of cleaning the body. In Ayurved the three miasms are known as Cough, Pitt (bile) and Vayu (wind). The 21 movemetns of putting pressure at various joints of the body starting from the big toe to the meek, with "Pranayama" actually cleanses the system of all the three miasms, thus toning up the system in due course of time, "yog Nidra" provides the much needed psychological boost to the sulking patient. So does the feeling of Divine gift.
5. Once the sytem is toned up, it can stand the requirements of "Kriya Yog". The sixth and seventh "Kriyas" of the "Kriya Yog" namely "Mahamudra" and "Mahabhed Mudra" have tremendous curative effects on the system; and when practiced in accordance with the sequence prescribed, they perpetuate the cure of Asthma. Notwithstanding, most patients do well even without it.
6. Almost all the patients have reported total cure of the ailment. Only 6 patients out of approximately 20, 000 treated, reported failure of the treatment after having remained all right for 3-4 months. The cause diagnosed was affluent Hying style with excessive use of perfumes etc. and violation of diet restriction before six months. Amongst the poor class, & patients following the restrictions prescribed rigidly & faithfully, irrespective of their class, the success rate is 100%. An insignificant percentage (18 patients) reported recurrence of attacks after 7 to 12 months of having undergone the treatment for six months, and one reported its lacking effectiveness, particularly during change of season or during extreme humid or cold weather. The reasons were diagnosed to be:-

1. Their leading an abnormal fast life.
2. Their habitat being either too polluted or humib.
3. Sudden exposure to sultry weather dueto their working conditions.
4. Frequent change of seasons due to long distance tours.
5. Over eating at dinners, alcoholism & drug addiction.
In such cases, a repetition of the course with restrictions was suggested and a suitable change of palce and style of living was advised to the patients. Leading a moderate life for a few years puts a seal on the cure.
The above methodology is absolutely rational and has been successfully tested on 20, 000 patients. Therefore, it is safe for universal use. Our basic aim in requesting patent for this method of treatement is, to bring succour to the agony of ailing patients of Asthma, all over the world.

1. A method for preparation of a drug for curing Asthama comprises steps of>
(a) trituratization of 1ml of mother tincture with powdered sugar of milk in a porcelain mortar wherein the mother tincture comprises pure extract of Tylophora indica leave and the ratio between mother tincture and sugar of milk is 1:100/3, mixing of the extract and sugar of milk with a pestle by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping of the mass thus formed from the bottom of the mortar and pestle for 3 to 4 minutes;
(b) addition of same amount of sugar of milk with the spatula followed by trituratization for 6 to 7 minutes, scrapping for 3 to 4 minutes;
(c) repeating the process of step (b) one more time to obtain the said drug.
2. A method for preparation of a drug for curing Asthama as substantially herein




1253-del-2003-complete specification (granded).pdf



1253-del-2003-description (complete).pdf







Patent Number 196938
Indian Patent Application Number 1253/DEL/2003
PG Journal Number 29/2008
Publication Date 26-Sep-2008
Grant Date 15-Dec-2006
Date of Filing 10-Oct-2003
Name of Patentee Shivaji Mahan Cairae
Applicant Address HIG, Flat No.259, Arunodaya Apartment Bodela, Vikaspuri, New Delhi
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
1 Shivaji Mahan Cairae HIG, Flat No.259, Arunodaya Apartment Bodela, Vikaspuri, New Delhi
2 Anjula Laxmi HIG, Flat No.259, Arunodaya Apartment Bodela, Vikaspuri, New Delhi
PCT International Classification Number AG1K 35/78
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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