Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a device for measuring the weld root gap and the gap between the two top edges in a weld consisting of a camera (2), two light sources (3) placed at two different locations, a shroud (4) covering the weld zone and a computer operated through a image processing software when the shroud shielding the image from external light by covering on all the four sides of the camera, wherein the computer collects the image through the camera, the collected image being processes by the image processing software on standard edge detection operations by cropping up first image to include only root portion (zone 2) excluding the top edge, using the cropped zone 2 for edge detection to detect the root (zone 3), cropping a second image (zone 1) to detect the top edges and converting the resultant image to binary image thus detecting the root gap and the distance between top edges.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a device for measuring weld root gap
and distance between edges of an weld using an electronic camera,
software and a lighting source. More particularly, the invention relates
to a device for detecting the root gap and the gap at the top of the joint
in a weld fit-up by machine vision.
Welding is a well-established manufacturing method for joining
components. In welding, the most widely used method is the arc welding
processes where the two parts are set in close contact with each other
such that there exists a specific gap at the abutting surface and is called
the root gap. The root gap is an important parameter in welding
operation and has to be controlled to get good quality in weld. Generally
the parts are set with the required root gap and the two parts are
restrained from moving and they are mechanically joined together using
clamps or similar appliances. The gap, thus set, may still be different
from the required gap since the welding heat may lead to the variation
of the gap in spite of the clamps. Thus the measurement of the gap and
maintaining it are important for the welding operation.

The root gap is measured by different gages such as vernier calipers, screw
gages or weld gages utilizing mechanical arrangements and employing profile
projectors and shadowgraphs using optical and electronic gadgets.
Imaging technology for measurements in medical and mechanical fields are well-
established technologies.
Patent JP11047932 discloses about the measurement of root gap of a weld
especially for two tubes. The two tubes are aligned and by means of two
hydraulic cylinders the two surface positions are located and this is used for the
correction of the misalignment. The invention utilizes mechanical devices
whereas the proposed invention discusses about a machine-vision based system
for the root gap in a weld.
JP8101001 utilizes the mechanical measurement by using rulers for the
measurement, whereas the present invention is totally a non-contact machine
vision based system.
US5026967 describes the welding parameters for the laser welding of dissimilar
materials and does not refer to the weld root gap detection.
JP2000263274 describes the aligning the edges mechanically using a rotating
device and standard reference for a particular job. The present invention uses
the machine vision method to identify the root gap.
JP60257976 refers to the use of magnetic field generated by the welding current
for detecting the root gap. The present invention uses the machine vision for the
root gap measurement using an optical system JP60257976 is working on a
principal of using the magnetic field created in the groove by the welding
current. The present invention does not use magnetic field at all. The proposed
invention also is not involved with any technical character related to any welding
step. Presence of welding current flow is important for the invention as per
Patent JP60257976 but the proposed invention does not require any welding.

Patent GB1449044 discusses about a machine vision based system for detecting
the weld shape. A shadow of an edge is used as a method of finding the root
gap. The protection of a light on varying contoured surface produces a projected
image of the shadow, which is affected by the surface contour. By taking a video
of the shadow of the edge formed on the weld contour, the exact shape of the
weld root and the edges are found. This enables the contour of the surface to be
detected at one particular location. For the next location, the light source is
moved along with the shadow forming edge and again the analysis is conducted.
The root gap or the weld contour of the entire weld is not measured
simultaneously as in proposed invention in contrast, root gap or the weld contour
is measured at various points as number of stages. A wedge [2A] is placed in
front of the light source. A shadow is formed on the job [4]. This image of the
shadow is picked up by the camera [3] at an angle (Fig-2). This method of
employing the light is called "structured lightning" in industrial parlance. The
image captured by the camera is shown in the patent GB1449044 figure (3). The
shape of the groove or that of a completed weld can be checked as shown in the
Figures 4, 6 and 7. However this requires that the image is acquired at every
section of the job for finding the root gap and the gap between the edges at the
top. Whenever a shadow is formed by an edge, there will be spreading of
shadow because of diffraction due to the edge effect on one side and the
measurement may not be at the place intended.
The present invention is based on acquisition of the image of a larger area and
using image processing to detect edges in the larger area at a time for increased
productivity. The present invention uses a light source [1] for illuminating an
area of the job. Since the proposed invention uses larger illuminated area,
diffraction resulted from edge effect due to structured light using edge or slit is

It is therefore an object of the invention to propose, a device for measuring the
gap between the two edges of the root and top of a weld fit up using a non-
contact optical method.
Another object of the invention is to identify the gap for larger areas at a time
for purpose of increased productivity.
Another object of the invention is to propose a device, which will enable
measurement from a far off distance.
A still another object of the invention is to measure the root gap even in the
environment of intense arc light produced by welding.
A yet another object of the invention is to propose a device, which can be used
in a zone just ahead of the weld when the welding is in progress.
A still another object of the invention is to propose a device that ensures that the
measurement is done such that the feedback about the root gap and the gap at
the top of the weld joint can be given electronically.
A still further object of the invention is to propose a device, which will enable the
measurement when the weld root has very little access especially in thick joints.
Accordingly, in the present invention there is provided a device for measuring the
root gap in a weld comprising; an electronic camera for acquiring the image of
the weld groove, suitable light source to illuminate the groove, and a computer
with image analysis software to undertake the analysis; Collect the image of the
weld groove with the

wedge [2A] is placed in front of the light source. A shadow is formed on
the job [4]. This image of the shadow is picked up by the camera [3] at
an angle (Fig-2). This method of employing the light is called '
structured lighting ' in industrial parlance. The image captured by the
camera is shown in the patent GB1449044 figure (3). The shape of the
groove or that of a completed weld can be checked as shown in the
Figures 4, 6 & 7. However this requires that the image is acquired at
every section of the job for finding the root gap and the gap between
the edges at the top. Whenever a shadow is formed by an edge, there
will be spreading of shadow because of diffraction due to the edge effect
on one side and the measurement may not be at the place intended.
The present invention is based on acquisition of the image of a larger
area and using image processing to detect edges in the larger area at a
time for increased productivity. The present invention uses a light source
[1] for illuminating an area of the job. Since the proposed invention uses
larger illuminated area, diffraction resulted from edge effect due to
structured light using edge or slit is eliminated.
Accordingly, in the present invention there is provided a device for
measuring the root gap in a weld comprising; an electronic camera for
acquiring the image of the weld groove, suitable light source to
illuminate the groove, and a computer with image analysis software to
undertake the analysis; Collect the image of the weld groove with the

camera vertically above the weld groove and two light sources located at
an angle above the weld; locating the edge of the root, edge of weld top
by mathematical operations on the acquired image; measuring the
locations of the edge lines at the top and the root and finding the
difference between them to identify the root gap and the weld seam
position using set up variant I(Fig 2 ) through reflected light ;Measuring
the locations of edge lines at the root and finding the difference between
them to find the root gap only, using transmitted light ,using the
measurement set up variant II(Fig 5).
Figure 1- Shows the terminology in a weld joint according to the present
Figure 2- Shows an embodiment of the device according to variant I of
the invention.
Figure 3 - Shows the processed image of the top edge of the weld joint.
Figure 4 - shows the processed image of the root edge of weld joint.
Figure 5 - Shows an embodiment of the device according to variant II of
the invention.

Figure 6 - represents definition of zones in the weld image.
Figure 7 - represents Cropping zones.
The Invention includes a system consisting of an electronic camera for
acquiring the image of the weld groove, suitable light source to
illuminate the groove, and a computer with image analysis software to
undertake the analysis. The image of the weld groove is collected with
the camera placed vertically above the weld groove and two light
sources located at an angle above the weld. The locating of the edge of
the root, edge of weld top is carried out by mathematical operations on
the acquired image. Measuring the locations of the edge lines at the top
and the root and finding the difference between them to identify the root
gap and the weld seam position through set up variant I (Fig 2) using
reflected light is performed through the device setup. Measuring the
locations of edge lines at the root and finding the difference between
them to find the root gap only, using transmitted light, through the
measurement set up variant II (Fig 5) is performed in another set of
The illumination is such that the image of the top surface is brighter
compared to the image of the weld groove and the root gap. The image
of the root gap (zone 3) is darker than that of the sidewall which is

mentioned as zone 1 and zone 3 in the image formation (Fig 6). The
image collected from the camera covers a larger area effectively finding
the root gap and the top edge for a specified length in an area decided
by the camera resolution and the distance between the camera and the
In the present invention, image collected from the camera is processed
by doing the standard edge detection operations using image processing
software. The choice of the saturation levels used decides the separation
of the edges. A copy of the first image is cropped to include only root
portion (excluding the top edge). When this cropped image is used for
edge detection only the root is detected. However, when the second
image which is cropped so that the cropped image includes the top edge
i.e. zone 1 and zone 2 and a portion zone 3, is used for the edge
detection, then only the top edges are detected. Hence by using one
image and two software operations, the root gap and the distance
between the top edges are detected. The nomenclature used in this
specification is shown in fig 1. The distance between point A and point B
is the distance between the edges at the top. The root gap is the
distance between C and D.
There are two variants to the invention and are described below:
In variant I, (Fig 2) the device comprises of an electronic camera [2],
two light sources [3] a shroud [4] covering the weld zone [1] and
computer [5] with a required software. The camera is an electronic type

with required resolution and ability to record and transmit the images to
the computer. Two light sources are placed at two different locations at
an angle such that the two sources, and the camera are aligned along
the length of the weld and such that the camera is in between the two
light sources. A shroud [4] covers on all the four sides of the camera
such that the area covered for the image is shielded from external light.
The computer [5] collects the image through the camera and the image
is further processed. The image collected from the camera is processed
by doing the standard edge detection operations using image processing
software. The choice of the saturation levels used decides the separation
of the edges. A copy of the first image is cropped to include only root
portion (excluding the top edge) referred as cropping zone 2 as per fig
7. When this cropped image is used for edge detection only the root is
detected. However, when the second image which is cropped as per
cropping zone 1 mentioned in fig 6 so that the cropped image includes
the top edge i.e. weld image zone 1 and zone 2 and a portion of zone 3,
is used for the edge detection, then only the top edges are detected.
The resultant edge image is converted to the binary image and is shown
as seen in fig 3 and fig 4. Hence by using one image and two software
operations, the root gap and the distance between the top edges are
detected. Variant II of the invention is as shown in figure 5 wherein the
device comprises of an electronic camera [2], two light sources [3] kept
at the bottom and computer [5] with the required software. The camera
is an electronic type with required resolution and ability to record and
transmit the images to the computer. Two light sources are placed at
two different locations at the bottom such that the two sources, and the

camera are aligned along the length of the weld ( Fig 5 ). A shroud[4]
covers on all the four sides of the camera such that the area covered for
the image is shielded from external light. The computer [5] collects the
image from the camera and the image is further processed. The image is
cropped as per cropping zone 2 as mentioned in Fig 7, so that the
cropped image includes the root. The image is processed by the
standard edge detection operations by the image processing software.
The choice of the saturation levels used decides this separation of the
edges. The resultant edge image is converted to the binary image and is
shown in fig 4. By calibrating computer monitor pixel values with
distance, it is possible to calculate the gap accurately.
The invention as herein defined should not be read and construed in a
restrictive manner, as several modifications, alterations and adaptations
are possible within the scope and ambit of the invention as defined in
the appended claims.

1. A non contact device for measuring the weld root gap and the gap between
the two top edges in a weld consisting of a camera (2), two light sources (3)
placed at two different locations, a shroud (4) covering the weld zone and PC
based image processing system, with the light sources providing adequate light
for the area to be analysed, the shroud shielding the location to be analysed
from external light and the computer processing the image acquired through the
camera and converting the resultant image to binary image thus detecting the
root gap and the distance between top edges without any contact with the weld
joint thus enabling the measurement just prior to the welding operation.
2. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the two light sources (3) are placed
at an angle such that the two sources and the camera are aligned along the
length of the weld and such that the camera is in between the two light sources.

3. A device as claimed in claim 2, wherein the two light sources (3) are kept at
the bottom such that the two sources and the camera are aligned along the
length of the weld.
4. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein when the second image is cropped so
that the image includes the top edge i.e. zone 1, zone 2 and a portion of zone 3
is used for the edge detection, when only the top edges are detected.
5. A device as claimed in claims 1 and 4, wherein by using one image only
through the device and two software operations the root gap and the distance
between the top edges are detected.

6. A device as claimed in the preceding claims wherein measurement of root
gap and top edges of a weld are possible by a non-contact optical method,
enabling measurement from a far off distance from the weldment or even in the
environment of intense arc light produced by the welding or in a zone just ahead
of the weld when is in progress or enabling measurement when the weld root
has very little access especially in thick joints.


This invention relates to a device for measuring the weld root gap and the gap
between the two top edges in a weld consisting of a camera (2), two light
sources (3) placed at two different locations, a shroud (4) covering the weld
zone and a computer operated through a image processing software when the
shroud shielding the image from external light by covering on all the four sides of
the camera, wherein the computer collects the image through the camera, the
collected image being processes by the image processing software on standard
edge detection operations by cropping up first image to include only root portion
(zone 2) excluding the top edge, using the cropped zone 2 for edge detection to
detect the root (zone 3), cropping a second image (zone 1) to detect the top
edges and converting the resultant image to binary image thus detecting the
root gap and the distance between top edges.




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Patent Number 258288
Indian Patent Application Number 1016/KOL/2007
PG Journal Number 52/2013
Publication Date 27-Dec-2013
Grant Date 24-Dec-2013
Date of Filing 18-Jul-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01B21/20
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA