Title of Invention


Abstract This invention refers to a low-density plastic sand based on recycled or virgin low-density polyethylene, to the obtainment and fabrication process, and to the compositions from by it, the plastic sand obtained through the fabrication process is obtained by using any kind of low-density polyethylene, as for example, disposable straws, glasses and plates, bags, bottles, etc., recovered from trash dumps as solid waste or from any other industrial source where available.
This invention refers to a low-density plastic sand
based on recycled low-density polyethylene and the
compositions formed by it, the use of plastics in the world
has flooded vital spaces, contaminating soil and the water
stratum with a wide variety of waste, which because of their
slow biodegradation, have forced us to search alternatives
for the use of such materials, recycling and withdrawing them
from open-air dumps where, because of effects of the
environment (the sun, air, etc.), they let off gases and
toxic fumes that aggravate the deterioration of soil and
water strata, as well as the creation, accumulation and
proliferation of bacteria and parasite animals; on the other
hand, conventional sand as a basic material for mortar (sand,
cement and water) is used in all constructions to join blocks
and bricks , and the process followed in producing them also
damages and contaminates the environment, in addition to the
high transportation costs, which significantly increase
housing and building costs.
There are different methods of recycling low-density
polyethylene, but none as the one contained in this
invention; this fine sand is obtained or manufactured from
all kinds of recycled low-density polyethylene plastics, that
when smelted are transformed into fine sand that is 53%
lighter than conventional sand and can be used as mortar or
in bricks and concrete parts.
This invention refers to a low-density plastic sand
based on recycled or virgin low-density polyethylene, to the
process of obtainment and fabrication, and to the
compositions formed by it, the plastic sand obtained through
the fabrication process is obtained by using and kind of lowdensity
polyethylene, as for example, drinking straws,
glasses and disposable plates, bags, bottles, etc., recovered
from trash dumps as solid waste, or from any other industrial
source where it can be found. The raw material of the sand of
this invention consists of all kinds of low-density
polyethylene found in trash dumps as solid or industrial
waste, when polyethylene is heated up to the smelting point
or above it is transformed and a change surprisingly occurs,
that is, it become less ramified and less dense, and
therefore, more flexible; this rearrangement of reorientation
of polymer chains in the low-density polyethylene is carried
out through this procedure to produce the plastic sand, once
the plastic which is low-density polyethylene is reunited, it
is placed in a closed container, which is heated when applied
direct fire, the container has a outlet conduct through which
the gases produced from the smelting and part of combustion
produced during this stage come out directly to the nozzles
of the burner thereby eliminating those gases through
combustion, avoiding contamination of the environment, this
container also has a feeding means and a temperature
regulator, the recommended interval temperature to carry out
the smelting process and part of combustion of the plastic is
approximately from 65°C to 90°C, preferably 70°C to 80°C
during 3 to 20 minutes, preferably 3 to 5 minutes, it is
important to not go beyond this range and not go above 100°C,
because if this temperature is surpassed the raw material
will be lost, that is, it begins to burn and becomes carbon,
losing reorientation and the molecular rearrangement of the
low-density polyethylene polymer, enormously affecting its
qualities, that is, it is transformed into ashes in the form
of gas, which are totally eliminated when reaching the
burner, by carrying out this step with the polyethylene, the
highly ramified chains that constitute the polymer are
broken, reoriented and rearranged, forming new non-ramified
chains with new properties, as for example, flexibility, that
is, the plastic becomes less dense and more flexible, to this
plastic material with new chains a predetermined amount of
petroleum in solid form, known as curved tar from waste is
added, in an amount varying approximately from 0.1% to 30%,
preferably 2% in proportion to the weight of the raw material
of smelted polyethylene, leaving the union of these materials
at the same temperature during 10 to 35 minutes.
The tar astoundingly favors the formation of a larger
and more flexible polymeric molecule.
Once having thoroughly mixed the plastic and the tar,
the mixture is taken out of the container to be poured on a
clean surface or in containers until it crystallizes at room
temperature, once it crystallizes, the substrate formed,
which is brittle and therefore forms different sizes of
grain, is lifted from the surface or containers and sieved,
passing it through sieves of different sizes, which allows to
obtain control of the diameter of the grain according to the
requirements or intended use. The size of the crystal or
grain may be vary very fine to one inch, larger grains that
remain in the sieve are collected to be further passed
through a mill, reducing their diameter to be further
If the plastic sand thus obtained must be transported
from one place to another, we recommend providing it a little
dampness to avoid losing it because of its extreme lightness.
The following is a description of the procedure followed
to manufacture or fabricate plastic sand with this invention,
that comprises the following steps:
A) Collect raw material consisting of all kinds of lowdensity
polyethylene found in trash dumps as solid or
industrial waste; B) once having collected the plastic
consisting of low-density polyethylene, it is placed in a
closed container that is heated by applying direct fire, the
container has a outlet conduct through which the gases
released from smelting and part of combustion produced during
this stage come out directly to the nozzles of the burner
thereby eliminating those gases through combustion, avoiding
contamination of the environment, this container also has
feeding means and a temperature regulator, the recommended
interval temperature for the smelting process and part of
combustion of the plastic is approximately 65°C to 90°C,
preferably 70°C to 80°C during 3 to 20 minutes, preferably 3
to 5 minutes, it is important to not go beyond this range and
not reach above 100°C, because if this temperature is
surpassed the raw material will be lost, that is, it begins
to burn and form carbon, losing reorientation and the
molecular rearrangement of the low-density polyethylene
polymer, which enormously affects its qualities, that is, it
is transformed into ashes in the form of gas, which are
totally eliminated when reaching the burner C) a
predetermined amount of solid petroleum known as curved tar
obtained from waste is added, this amount varies
approximately 1% to 30%, preferably 2% in proportion to the
weight of the raw material of smelted polyethylene, and
leaving the union of these materials at the same temperature
for 10 to 35 minutes; D) once the plastic and the tar are
perfectly mixed, the mixture of these materials is taken out
of the container to be poured on a clean surface or in
containers until it crystallized at room temperature; F) once
having crystallized, the substrate formed, which is brittle
and therefore forms different sizes of grain, is lifted from
the surface or containers and is sieved, passing it through
sieves of different sizes, which allows to obtain control in
the diameter of the grain according to the requirements or
intended use; G) The size of the crystal or grain may be from
very fine to one inch, larger grains that remain in the sieve
are collected to further be passed through a mill and reduce
their diameter, to be later sieved according to F) above.
The properties and characteristics of the plastic sand
obtained through this manufacture or fabrication procedure
are obtained in the laboratory, with the results and various
tests mentioned below.
"Granulometry of the sand"
The plastic sand was submitted to the granulometry test
to determine its fineness standard; and in addition, to know
the following elements:
1. Volumetric Weight
2 . Density
3. Absorption
4. Loss through Washing
5. Colorimetry
First granulometry test
For the granulometry of the plastic sand, a 500 gr.
sample was taken, that was passed through meshes numbers 8,
14, 36, 48 and 100, the powder was collected, with the
following results:
(Table Removed)
Fineness standard
For specification of the fineness standard of the
plastic sand, inside meshes numbers 8, 14, 28, 48 and 100.
Mesh •# 100
Mesh •# 100
Fineness Standard = 1/100 £ referred accumulative
Mesh •# 4
Fineness Standard = 218/100
Fineness Standard = 2.18 (fine plastic sand).
This plastic sand may already be classified by its
fineness standard, based on designation 4 by the A.S.T.M,
according to the following table.
Thick sand
Fine sand
Very fine sand
Fineness standard
2.50 to 3.50
1.50 to 2.50
0.50 to 1.50
Weight of sample in
400 to 800
200 to 400
100 to 200
As the result of the fineness standard was 2.18, it
ranges within classification 1.50 to 2.50, and results in a
class of fine plastic sand.
Second granulometry test and determination of the fineness
(Table Removed)Fineness standard
For specification of the fineness standard of the
plastic sand, inside meshes numbers 8, 14, 28, 48 and 100.
Mesh •# 100
Mesh •# 100
Fineness Standard = 1/100 £ referred accumulative
Mesh •# 4
Fineness Standard = (2.49+3.09+23.04+24.43+27.96)7100
Fineness Standard = 81.01/100
Fineness Standard =0.81 (very fine plastic sand).
This plastic sand may already be classified by its
fineness standard, based on designation 4 by the A.S.T.M,
according to the following table.
(Table Removed)As the result of the fineness standard was 0.81, it
ranges within classification 0.50 to 1.50, and results in a
class of fine plastic sand.
Volumetric weight of the plastic sand
The volumetric weight of a material varies according to
the compacting condition of the sample, as well as the
dampness it contains. According to the applicable regulatory
requirements, except for special cases, the material is
always used in a saturated and superficially dry manner to
determine the volumetric weight, without compacting.
In this case, a cubic deposit made of thick nondeformable
wood was used, with a 5-liter capacity. This known
weight deposit (empty weight) was filled with a scoop, it was
softly sieved inside the cube with a molder' s spoon at a
height of not more than 2 inches from the upper edge, and
then levels and weighed, obtaining the following result for
the plastic sand:
W.V. = (total weight - empty weight)/volume
W.V. = (4.566 kg. - 2.320 kg.) 5/ Its.
W.V.4 9 9 kg./m
Density of the plastic sand
To determine the density of the plastic sand, the
Lechateelier or Chapman flask was used, where water was
placed up to the O.C.C. mark, then 50 gr of saturated and
superficially dry plastic sand were deposited in the flask
always continuing to agitate it, with revolving movements, to
eliminate the air bubbles.
The flask was left to rest until the bubbles rose and
disappeared, to be able to apply a new reading, which
correctly gave the volume dislodged by the 50 gr of plastic
sand placed, and resulted in the following:
Density = Weight / Volume = 50 gr/ 23.8 C.C. =2.1
Absorption of the sand
After performing the test on the saturated and
superficially dry sand, a sample is taken with an exact
weight of 500 gr and placed on a tray to be left to totally
dry at a temperature of 60°C. It is then placed in a clean
porcelain and placed to cool in a dryer for 20 minutes, after
which it is weighed again.
The difference between both weights reported the
absorption of water, which is indicated in the percentage of
water with respect to the dry weight, in our case, the
absorption based on the weight of the dry material was:
Absorption = (500 - 497.8) / 497.8)*100 = 0.441%
This test, together with the density test, provide
corrective data in order to obtain a quality control in
producing the concrete.
Saturated and superficially dry plastic sand
Plastic sand has a dark color, and in order to obtain a
saturated and superficially dry sand, 50 gr of this material
to be saturated were placed in water during 24 hours, after
which the highest amount possible of water was removed
through known methods, being careful that powder is not
washed away.
The material then begins to slowly dry on a furnace. To
avoid altering the process, temperatures below 110°C are
recommended, always continuously removing the plastic sand
until all the free water disappears, and then continue with
the drying process caused by the sun or wind, until the
plastic sand no longer forms lumps when squeezed in one's
hand or when pressing a handful between both palms of the
This behavior showed that the material was very near the
condition being looked for, and therefore, the test was
applied with a cone made of sheet.
The cone was totally filled with plastic sand and was
pounded, pressed 25 times on the free surface of a tamper
with a circular section that has an area with a one inch
diameter (2.54 c.m) and a 12 ounce weight.
The mold was filled up to its capacity with plastic
sand, which was carefully withdrawn from it, with the result
that the sand took the shape of the mold. This proved that it
still had superficial dampness that gave it an apparent
The tests of the cone were continued two more times
until the moment when the material obtained the desired
condition, having taken its natural resting angle.
Loss through washing
This test was performed to know the amount of silt the
sand might have, as on some occasions the sand it is not
featured in the sand on the trays and is placed directly on
the ground, which might influence in increasing contractions
of the concrete and in reducing its resistance.
A sample of entirely dry plastic sand with a dry weight
of 600 grams was taken and placed in mesh #200 and washing
was begun, until running water that passed through mesh came
out totally clean.
The washed plastic sand was collected and dried again on
the stove, always taking care that the organic particles
which it might contain did not get burned. Once the plastic
was dried, it was weighed again and the difference with the
original weight gives the weight of the power contained in
the sand, which was expressed in percentage with respect to
the original weight, providing the following data:
Loss through washing = /500 gr of the sample - 487.5/500,)*
100 = 2.5%.
According to standards, the sands accepted must have a
loss below 5%, in this case the result was 2.5%. This result
was because the material used is polyethylene (drinking
straws, disposable plates and plastic bags).
Test to determine dampness in fine sand
To begin this test, the porcelain capsule was first
washed with the intention of eliminating impurities, it was
then placed on the stove for 10 minutes at 100°C, it was
taken out and placed on a glass dryer for about 15 minutes.
The scale was gauged and the empty capsule was weighed,
immediately after the sample was placed in the porcelain was
weighed (the sample weighed 34.3 grams), it was placed on the
stove at 60°C for approximately 2 hours, the sample was
withdrawn and placed on the dryer for approximately 20
The final result was 69.9 grams; consequently, the
dampness content was 0.1 grams.
The colorimetry test provides an index of the content or
organic matter or other elements in the plastic sand, that
may be less or above what a so-called "normal color" is.
The test was performed in a 250 ml capacity suckingbottle,
where approximately 125 ml of plastic sand were
placed per test.
A 3% solution of caustic soda (NaOH) was added (one
liter of water with 30 gr of caustic soda (NaOH) up to the
200 ml mark, level that together with additions of solution
must be kept in the flask after having been vigorously
shaken. It was left to rest for 24 hours, after which the
color of the solution in the bottle is compared with the
normal colored glass.
Data obtained from this test correspond to a minimum of
organic matter, because the polyethylene used in preparing
the plastic sand is obtained from waste.
The analysis of the result of determining ashes at a
975° temperature shows us a low percentage, because the
sample had a 25% of impurity in weight, the reason why the
final percentage of the elements analyzed was as follows:
(Table Removed)The plastic sand obtained is an alternative construction
material, of low cost, fire-proof, insulating, thermal, easy
to handle, lighter than conventional sand, compatible with
conventional sand, in addition to a high resistance to
compression stress and can be used in walls and slabs
together with other materials without affecting their
qualities, as aggregate when used in mortars and concrete in
at least 30%, by being lighter, less dense and even so,
preserves its volume with that of normal sand, plastic sand
preserves a minimum of dampness, which provides consistency,
avoiding that its lightness not be as volatile, avoiding
complications when placing the material together and
transporting it.
Among its chemical qualities, plastic sand contains a
high resistance to fire, of approximately 80 to 100°C, and
begins to melt at one fourth of its amount at 200°C without
changing its structure, characteristic which it shares with
the material with which it is combined, either mortar or in
bricks, providing higher resistance to fire, water, dampness
and wear, extending its useful life 10 times more than
conventional materials.
One of the main characteristics of this product is that,
being very similar to normal sand, it has many uses in the
field of construction, because of its origin from recycled
polyethylene it reduces the costs in any construction or
The following are some of its qualities:
30% cheaper than conventional sand
No specialized material is required in order to
produce it
Does not require skilled hand labor
It reduces the cost of structures up to 50%
- Among the physical qualities, the size of the grain
runs from fine up to % inch (1.9 cm)
Its volumetric weight is 449 Kg/m3
Among its qualities, it is resistant to fire from 80
to 100°C without modifying its structure, it begins to
melt in one fourth part at 210°C
Example 1
The following composition of plastic sand is prepared
with the procedure described above, the plastic sand includes
2% of waste tar, in proportion to the weight of the lowdensity
polyethylene plastic material of 5, 4, 12, 200 and
1000 grams, letting the elements join together at the same
temperature for 10 minutes, by using plastic sand in mortars
(normally water, sand, cement), one must have the following
specification: 50% natural sand and 50% plastic sand, in
addition to water and cement; if it will be used in parks and
gardens, it is important to make a detailed analysis with
experts in the field to be able to mix it as follows, 55%
normal sand and 45% plastic sand.
Example 2
The same procedure as in the previous example, but using
a composition of plastic sand that includes polyethylene,
that may vary between 55, 10, 30, 200 or 500 kilograms with
2% curved tar obtained from waste; with this plastic sand
obtained, several kinds of bricks are produced, that include
Table 1 below provides comparative examples of stress on
compression of different kinds of bricks produced with
plastic sand obtained through this invention.
(Table Removed)Note: Stress obtained through compression tests.
Attached is a report describing materials used to produce the
bricks (samples). Some of these materials correspond to
patent applications being filed simultaneously to this patent
1.- Wood shavings, granulated styrene, sand and type I
2.- Plastic, granulated styrene, clay, sand and type I
3.- Plastic sand, granulated styrene, wood shavings and
type I cement.
4.- Silica, granulated styrene and sawdust.
5.- Newspaper, cardboard, clay, sand, wood shavings and
type I cement.
6.- Styrene, gasoline, clay and sand.
7.- Granulated styrene, clay, wood shavings and type I
8.- Newspaper.
9.- Soot, clay, sand, plastic sand, type I cement.
10.- Sugarcane molasses, plastic sand, clay, sand and
type I cement.
11.- Sawdust, small white seashells and white cement.
This invention must not be considered limited to the
particular examples described above, but must be understood
to cover all aspects of the invention clearly as observed in
the attached claims. Several modifications, equivalent
processes, as well as numerous compositions and procedures to
which this invention may be applicable and shall be clear and
easy for experts in the art on which this invention focuses,
with respect to the time when reviewing the specification.
I put on record that to this date, the best method known
by the applicant in order to put into practice the abovementioned
invention, is the one that results clear from this
de-scription of the invention.
Having described the above invention, the content of the
following claims are claimed as property:

1.- A manufacturing or fabrication procedure of
plastic sand based on recycled low-density polyethylene
plastic, featured for containing the following steps:
A) Collect raw material consisting of all kinds of lowdensity
polyethylene found in trash dumps as solid or
industrial waste; B) once having collected the plastic
consisting of low-density polyethylene, it is placed in a
closed container that is heated when applied direct fire, the
container has a outlet conduct through which the smelted
gases and part of combustion produced during this stage come
out directly to the nozzles of the burner, thereby
eliminating those gases through combustion, avoiding
contamination of the environment, this container also has
feeding means and a temperature regulator, the recommended
interval temperature for the smelting process and part of
combustion of the plastic is approximately 65°C to 90°C,
preferably 70°C and 80°C during a time period of 3 to 20
minutes, preferably 3 to 5 minutes, C) add a predetermined
amount of solid petroleum known as curved tar from waste, the
amount varies from approximately 0.1% to 30%, preferably 2%
in proportion to the weight of the raw material of smelted
polyethylene, and leave these materials to mix at the same
temperature for 10 to 35 minutes; D) once the plastic and the
tar have been perfectly mixed, the mixture is withdrawn from
the container to be poured on a clean surface or in
containers until it crystallizes at room temperature; F) once
having crystallized, the substrate formed, which is brittle
and therefore forms different sizes of grain, is removed from
the surface or containers and is sieved, passing it through
sieves of different sizes, which allows to obtain control of
the diameter of the grain according to the requirements or
intended use; G) The size of the crystal or grain may be from
very fine to one inch, larger grains remaining in the sieve
are collected to further be passed through a mill and be
reduced in diameter, to be later sieved according to step F)
2, The method according to claim 1, featured because the
low-density polyethylene used is selected from any kind, as
for example, disposable straws and glasses, bags, bottles,
etc., collected from trash dumps as solid waste or from any
other industrial source.
3. The method according to claim 1, featured because in
step B) , when heating the polyethylene one is able to break
the highly ramified chains that constitute the polymer,
provoking their reorientation and rearrangement, forming new
non-ramified chains with new properties.
4. The method according to claim 1, featured because
in step C) , the tar added contributes to the formation of a
larger and more flexible polymeric molecule.
5. A plastic sand based on recycled plastic featured
because it contains recycled low-density polyethylene and
petroleum in solid form from 0.1% up to 30%, preferably t%,
all of which must be adjusted to 100%.
6. A plastic sand according to claim 5, featured
because the solid petroleum is selected from curved waste
7. A plastic sand according to claim 5, featured because
the low-density polyethylene is selected from all kind of
low-density polyethylene, for example, straws, disposable
glasses, bags, bottles, etc., collected from trash dumps as
solid waste or from any other industrial source.
8. The use of plastic sand in claim 5 obtained from the
process of claim 1 to manufacture bricks, mortar, concrete,
and in construction.






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Patent Number 257976
Indian Patent Application Number 1759/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 48/2013
Publication Date 29-Nov-2013
Grant Date 25-Nov-2013
Date of Filing 06-Mar-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C08J 11/04
PCT International Application Number PCT/MX2005/000074
PCT International Filing date 2005-09-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PA/A/2004 008451 2004-09-01 Mexico