Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a process for obtaining xylanase from ragi malt wherein several parameters were examined i.e extraction buffer, ionic strength of extractant, number of extractions, detergent, phenolic adsorbent and defined metal ion concentration to yiled high xylanase activity. In this invention Larchwood xylan is used as the substrate and xylanase activity is estimated using dinitro salicylic acid (DNS) method. Process involves steps of adding ionic detergent, phenolic adsorbent and metal ion to dispersed solution of ragi malt, stirring, centrifuging and dialyzing to obtain xylanase.
Full Text The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of xylanase
from ragi malt.
The invention is aimed at obtaining xylanase from ragi malt which yielded
high activity.
Xylanases (E.C. are hydrolases which depolymerize the xylan
backbone of heteroxylans producing xylooligosaccharides varying in their
degree of polymerization (D.P.2-10). Xylan is the major component of the
plant cell walls especially hemicelluloses. Xylans differ structurally in their
composition with respect to arabinose: xylose ratio, glucuronic acid and
percentage of acetic and ferulic acids. Thus the enzymatic degradation of
arabinoxylans to their monomers, i.e. xylose and arabinose is a complex
process involving a battery of enzymes. Endoxylanase and p-xylosidase are
the most important enzymes involved in xylan hydrolysis. Side chain
cleaving enzymes such as ot-arabinofuranosidase, a-glucuronidase and
acetyl xylan esterase play important roles in the removal of side substituents
of heteroxylans. Subtituent groups in xylan are limiting factors in achieving
the efficient hydrolysis of the substrate.
The interest in xylanases has increased greatly in the past decade due to their
potential biotechnological applications, especially in the paper industry. Due
to their growing usage intensive investigations have been undertaken mainly
with xylanolytic enzymes derived from mesophilic fungi and bacteria.
However due to the environmental concern, disposal problems and safety
aspects coming into forefront plant enzymes are being prefered over
microbial enzymes due to the simple cost effective procedures for the
preparation of starting material i.e. cereal malts. Xylanases from cereal malts
are prefered due to their properties which are intermediate between fungal
and bacterial xylanases. So there is ample scope for utilizing the cereal malts
as a substituent for widely used microorganisms for obtaining xylan
degrading enzymes.Ragi malt is used in infant, geriatric and health foods. It
is having more xylanase activity compared to arabinase and 1,3/1,4 P-Dglucanase.
Reference may be made to Cleemput G., Hessing M., Van Oort, M.,
Deconynck, M. and Delcour, J.A. Plant Physiol.1997, 113, 377-386 wherein
xylanase was extracted from wheat flour and reported low activity, whereas,
in the present invention xylanase was extracted from ragi malt to get high
References may be made to Debyser, W., Derdelinckx and Delcour. J.A. J.
Cereal Sci., 1997,26, 67-74; Sungurtas, J., Swantston, J.S., Davies,H.V. and
Mcdougall,GJ. J.Cereal Sci., 2004, 39, 273-281 wherein they have reported
low activity and used Azurine crosslinked (AZCL)- xylan which is a costly
substrate, whereas, in the present invention Larchwood xylan is used as the
substrate for the xylanase assay which is cost effective compared to AZCLxylan
and yielded high activity.
Reference may be made to Liu, W., Zhu, W., Lu,Y., KongJ. and Ma,G.
Proc. Biochem., 1998, 38, 331-336 wherein they have isolated xylanase
from Trichosporon cutaneum SL409 employing enrichment culture, which is
costly, cumbersome, time consuming and involves the usage of more
quantity of chemicals and reported low yield.
Reference may be made to Sengupta et al, United States Patent, 6,569,646,
May 27, 2003, Wherein they have isolated xylanase from culture broth of
Termitomyces clypeatus having accession no. 11CB-411 and consumed
costly media ingredients such as micronutrients, soya- peptone, ammonium
nitrate and bacto peptone.
Reference may be made to Ratanakhanokchai, K., Kyu, K.L., and
Tanticharoen, M., 1999, 65, 694-697, wherein xylanase was isolated from
the culture supernatant of Bacillus sp. Strain K-l, which involves the usage
of costly culture media, viz, Berg's mineral salt media and Tris buffer
whereas, in the present invention acetate buffer is used which is cost
effective compared to Tris buffer and yielded high xylanase activity.
The main object of the present invention is to provide a process for the
preparation of xylanase from ragi malt which obviates the drawbacks as
mentioned above.
Another object of the present invention is to use ragi, which is having at
present low economic value compared to wheat, barley and microorganisms.
Still another object of the present invention is to have maximum xylanase
activity by using acetate buffer which is cost effective compared to tris, MeS
and phosphate buffers.
Yet another object of the present invention is to use Larchwood xylan which
is a cost effective substrate for xylanase assay.
Accordingly the present invention provides a process for the preparation of
xylanase from ragi malt, which comprises the steps of:
a) extracting ragi malt in acetate buffer having pH in a range of 4.5-6.0
and ionic strength ranging from 0.05-0.2 M in order to obtain ragi malt
b) adding reduced glutathione, ionic detergent, phenolic adsorbent and
metal ion to extract solution obtained in step (a) in order to obtain
dispersed solution of ragi malt extract;
c) stirring the dispersed solution of ragi malt extract obtained in step
(b) fo a period in the range of 55-65 min consecutively for two times
at a temperature in the range of 4- 6 degree C;
d) centrifuging, the resultant extract obtained in step (c), at an angular
speed in the range of 6000-7500 rpm for a period of 10- 20 min. at a
temperature ranging from 4- 6 degree C in order to obtain the
supernatant containing xylanase; AND
e ) dialysing the supernatant containing xylanase obtained in step (d)
against the extraction buffer at a temperature in the range of 4-6 degree
C in order to to obtain the said xylanase.
In one of the embodiments the reduced glutathione used in step (b) is
at the concentration in the range of 2.5 to 10 mM.
Another embodiment provides a process wherein the ionic detergent used
in step (b) is preferably Triton X-100 at the concentration in the range of
0.25 to 1 percent (v/v).
Yet another embodiment provides a process wherein the phenolic
adsorbent used in step (b) is preferably polyvinyl polypyrrolidine (PVPP) at
the concentration in the range of 0.25 to 1 percent (v/v).
Yet another embodiment provides a process, wherein the metal ion used
in step (b) is preferably calcium chloride at the concentration in the range of
5 to 20 mM (milli mole).
Yet another embodiment provides a process, wherein the activity of
xylanase obtained is in the range of 1.0-1.55 micro moles per minute
estimated using Dinitro Salicylic acid (DNS) method.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention ragi malt is extracted
twice to get the maximum activity.
In still another embodiment of the present invention ragi malt extract is
dialysed to remove salt and free sugars.
Process in detail:
In the present invention ragi malt was dispersed in acetate buffer (pH 4.5-
6.0) of varying ionic strength (0.05-0.2 M) consisting of reduced glutathione
(2.5- 10 mM), polyvinyl polypyrrolidine (0.25-1.0%), Triton X-100 (0.25-
1.0 %), calcium chloride (5- 20 mM ) and magnesium chloride. (5- 20 mM).
Extraction was carried out consecutively twice using a magnetic stirrer at
4-6 degree C for 55-60 min. and centrifuged at 6000-7500 rpm at
4-6 degree C for 10-20 min. to get the supernatant The supernatants of
extraction 1& 11 were pooled and dialysed against the acetate buffer
overnight at 4-6 degree C. Dialysed supernatant was designated as the
enzyme extract and assayed for xylanase activity. The enzyme extract was
incubated with Larchwood xylan at 50°C for 1 h and xylanase activity was
expressed as the reducing sugar liberated and estimated using dinitro
salicylic acid (DNS) method.
Novelty of the present invention:
1) Use of ragi malt as a source of xylanase.
2) Use of acetate buffer in combination with reducing agent, phenolic
adsorbent, detergent and metal ion in a defined concentration to get
high xylanase activity.
The following examples are given by way of illustration of the present
invention and therefore should not be considered to limit the scope of
the present invention.
Effect of the extractant on the isolation of maximum xylanase activity
Ig of ragi malt was dispersed in beaker containing 3 ml of 0.1 M
acetate buffer (pH 6.0) and stirred on magnetic stirrer using magnetic bar for
1 h at 4 degree C, followed by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for
10 min. Supernatant was collected and dialysed overnight against the
respective extraction buffer at 4 degree C. Xylanase activity in the
supernatant was determined by DNS (Dinitro salicylic acid) method using
Larchwood xylan as the substrate and was highest in acetate buffer
extraction, pH 6.0 (1.33 umol min"1) compared to the rest of the extractions
employed and their values are as follows:
Accordingly ragi malt acetate buffer extraction at pH 6.0 was chosen for
further standardization to isolate the maximum xylanase activity.
Effect of the ionic strength of extractant on the isolation of maximum
xylanase activity
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beaker containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) of ionic strength (0.1 M ), stirred on magnetic stirrer using
magnetic bar for 1 h at 4 degree C, followed by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm
at 4 degree C for 10 min. Supernatant was was collected and dialysed
overnight against acetate buffer (pH 6.0 ) of respective ionic strength at
4 degree C. Xylanase activity in the supernatant was determined by DNS
(Dinitro salicylic acid) method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate and
was maximum in 0.1 M acetate buffer (1.18 umol min"1) compared to the
rest of the extractions and their values are as follows:
Ionic strength
(Table Removed)
Effect of the number of extractions on the isolation of maximum
xylanase activity
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in a beaker containing 3 ml of acetate buffer,
pH 6.0 and stirred on a magnetic stirrer using a magnetic bar for 1 h at
4 degree C, followed by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for
10 min. The extraction was carried out consecutively for two times keeping
all the conditions constant as mentioned above. The supernatants obtained
from first, second and third extractions were collected separately and
dialysed overnight against 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0 at 4 degree C. The
xylanase activity was determined by DNS (Dinitro salicylic acid) method
using Larchwood xylan as the substrate.
More than 90% of the activity was obtained in the first two extractions
.(1.29|iimolniin"1) and the result is as mentioned below:
No: of extractions
(Table Removed)
Effect of reduced glutathione on the isolation of maximum xylanase
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beakers containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) consisting of reduced glutathione (5.0 mM) stirred on
magneic stirrer using magnetic bar for 1 h at 4 degree C, followed by
centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for 10 min. Supernatant was
collected and dialysed overnight against 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 6.0 ) at 4
degree C. Xylanase activity as determined by DNS (Dinitro salicylic acid)
method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate was found to be enhanced
by the addition of reduced glutathione compared to the control (1.1
umolmin"1) and was high with 5.0 mM reduced glutathione (1.41 umolmin'1)
Xylanase activity was found to be varied with different concentrations of
reduced glutathione and the values are mentioned below:
glutathione (mM)
(Table Removed)
Effect of phenolic adsorbent on the isolation of maximum xylanase
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beaker containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) consisting of polyvinyl polypyrrolidine (PVPP,0.5 %) stirred
on magnetic stirrer using magnetic bar for 1 h at 4 degree C, followed by
centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for 10 min. Supernatant was
collected and dialysed overnight against 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 6.0) at
4 degree C. Xylanase activity as determned by DNS (Dinitro salicylic acid)
method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate was found to be enhanced
by the addition of PVPP compared to the control (1.1 (iimolmin"1) and was
high with 0.5% (1.38 umolmin"1) PVPP incorporated extract and the values
obtained with different concentrations of PVPP are as follows:
PVPP (% ) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
Activity (umolmin"1) 1.12 1.38 1.17 1.14
Effect of detergent on the isolation of maximum xylanase activity
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beakers containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) into which Triton-X 100 (1.0%) was added and stirred on
magnetic stirrer using magnetic bar for 1 h at 4 degree C, followed by
centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for 10 min. Supernatant was
collected and dialysed overnight against 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 6.0) at
4 degree C. Xylanase activity was determined by DNS (Dinitro salicylic
acid) method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate and was found to be
enhanced by the addition of Triton X- 100 compared to the control (1.1
umolmin"1). Activity was high with 1.0% (1.33 (umolmin"1) Triton X-100
and the values are as mentioned below:
Triton-X 1 00 (%) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
Activity (umolmin"1) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.33
Effect of metal ions on the isolation of maximum xylanase activity
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beakers containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) into which metal ions, calcium chloride (CaCl2, 20 mM ) and
magnesium chloride (MgCl2, 10 mM ) were added individually and stirred
separately on magnetic stirrers using magnetic bars for 1 h at 4 degree C,
followed by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at 4 degree C for 10 min.
Supernatants were collected and dialysed overnight against 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) at 4 degree C. Xylanase activity was determined by DNS
method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate and was high in the extract
with 20 mM CaCl2 (1.29 umolmin"1).
Xylanase activity in the extracts with different concentrations of CaCl2 and
MgCl2is as follows:
Cone, of metal ions Activity (umolmin").
(Table Removed)
Best conditions chosen for the isolation of maximum xylanase activity
from ragi malt
1 g of ragi malt was dispersed in beaker containing 3 ml of 0.1 M acetate
buffer (pH 6.0) consisting of reduced glutathione (5.0 mM ), polyvinyl
polypyrrolidine, PVPP ( 0.5 % ) , Triton X-100 ( 1.0 % ) and calcium
chloride ,CaCl2 ( 20 mM ), stirred on a magnetic stirrer using magnetic
bar for 1 h at 4 degree C, followed by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm at
4 degree C for 10 min. Supernatant was collected and dialysed overnight
against 0.1M acetate buffer (pH 6.0) at 4 degree C. Xylanase activity was
determined by DNS method using Larchwood xylan as the substrate
(1.55 jimolmin"1).
The main advantages of the present invention are:
1. Obtaining xylanase from ragi malt which yielded high activity.
2. Easy availability of ragi which is used as a source to get xylanase.
3. Ragi, having low economic value at present is used to obtain high
activity xylanasae.

2. The process as claimed 1, wherein reduced glutathione used in step (b) is at the concentration in the range of 2.5 to 10 mM.
3. The process as claimed in claims 1 and 2, wherein the ionic detergent used in step (b) is preferably Triton X-100 at the concentration in the range of 0.25 to 1 percent (v/v).
4. The process as claimed in claims 1-3, wherein the phenolic adsorbent used in step (b) is preferably polyvinyl polypyrrolidine (PVPP) at the concentration in the range of 0.25 to 1 percent (v/v).
5. The process as claimed in claims 1-4, wherein the metal ion used in step (b) is
preferably calcium chloride at the concentration in the range of 5 to .20 mM ( milli
6. The process as claimed in claims 1-5, wherein the activity of xylanase obtained is in the range of 1.0 -1.55 micro moles per minute estimated using Dinitro Salicylic acid (DNS) method.






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Patent Number 256101
Indian Patent Application Number 326/DEL/2006
PG Journal Number 18/2013
Publication Date 03-May-2013
Grant Date 02-May-2013
Date of Filing 03-Feb-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12N 9/24
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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