Title of Invention


Abstract Current innovation brings a process for instant curd formation .a process through which dry and powder ingredients are made to form instant curd dissolving in water or in any supporting fluid media. In the perspective of 'Instant curd formation" evaluation that (p<sup>H</sup>) transformation of reconstituting milk powder from 6.6 to 4.6 is the base principle. Current innovation explores that milk powder while reconstituting to milk can be subjected to instant coagulation, result a denatured reconstitution forming instant curd. A composition with edible acid powder or edible substances providing acidification/acid treatment, embodying the principle of transformation of acid strength (p<sup>H</sup>) to the reconstituting milk powder, results instant curd. They dissolve in the same fluid media with Milk powder, producing a change in (p<sup>H</sup>) to 4.6 which other wise would have been milk with (p<sup>H</sup>) 6.6 if only milk powder is allowed to reconstitute. This is an innovative single step capable to derive results of the phases of natural or industrially practiced process of curd formation. Ingredients of the innovation processed to their finished for their normal application converges the activity of the phases and hours of process activity time involved accomplish instantly in perspective of a new utility. With the current innovation this step is explored first time. Current innovation identifies that, in forming instant curd the edible acids like hydroxyl carboxylic acids in the form of tartaric acid/citric acid/ malic acid etc. can also instant coagulation results with milk and milk powder reconstituting to milk. To conclude, a process capable of being made or used in the industry. Derive commercial products like instant lassy, curd milk. Fulfills the criteria of grant of patent. Products form the innovation carry forward shelf life, economy and convenience to find conventional drinks in a ready to use format. Support of external gelling, stabilizing, sweetening, flavouring agents can be taken if desired to achieve certain acceptable properties.
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The present innovation relates to the process of forming instant curd with dry and powder ingredients subjected to instant reaction in a reconstitution medium, result instant curd as denatured reconstitution. The present innovation is exploration of technology involved in a natural process of milk coagulation to form curds , evaluation of an innovative process casting the making of curd in a convenient and ready to make out presence. Innovation defines new utilities exploring the proprietary behavior made to confer on the components of Milk in their value added form to develop an innovative process.
Naturally curds are formed in a duration of few hours with pinches of lime or available curd ( Starter) put in milk at temperatures 37-42 ^ C (termed as optimum) and up to 65 ^ C. the clabbering of milk is due to Lactobacillus , the natural bacteria in milk metabolizes the milk sugar lactose into lactic acid. Lactic Acid so formed decrease pH of fresh milk from pH 6.6 towards the isoelectric point of pH 4.6 brings about precipitation. It is a bio-chemical reaction in a process of coagulation with implants of bacterial fermentation/ incubation. These phases take a time of few hours . Transformation of Milk's pH from 6.6 to 4.6 is identified as principle in curd formation. Current innovation is the exploitation of the principle to a process carrying convenience , compactness in its product raw material and out presence to utilities in conventional out looks.
Triumph of present invention would be principals of its instant coagulation. Transformation of pH of milk from 6.6 to 4.6 with aids of catalysts, reagents chemically and supported by of coenzymes, co-factors biologically if needed.
The present innovation relates to the process of powdered ingredients forming a composition , a composition of Milk powder with edible acid powder, out present 'Instant Curd' as denatured reconstitution while getting rehydrated in aqueous media or in any other supporting fluid media. The process to results 'Instant Curd with ingredients of the composition react with one another in their dissolution/rehydration to find a denatured reconstitution. The phenomenon is an innovative process and never attempted earlier.
To derive process for milk based products, the protein portion is of particular interest. This is because changes in proteins not only affect quality of derived product, but also to produce certain characteristics. The two primary proteins in Milk are Casein, Lactalbumin have characteristics

which are distinct to one another. Methods of preparation and processing of milk products have been specialized to take advantage of either Casein, Lactalbumin, or both. The main protein of fresh milk, casein, noticeable easily. This is partly because casein is roughly 80% of the total milk protein. It is also partly due to the consequence of denaturing casein. To detail a bit more, Casein macromolecule consists of a Calcium Caseinate molecule made up of calcium, alpha-, beta- and kappa-casein, and some phosphate. The exact structure is not known, however, it is a large macromolecule made up of the milk casein proteins, calcium and phosphate in some type of colloid. The protein consists of approximately 82% of the total protein. This is the protein that primarily makes the clabber, curds. Casein is particularly susceptible to denaturation by the enzyme rennin and by low pH. The later told is imparted with the current innovation.
Coagulation in terms of milk is essentially the formation of gel by destabilizing the casein micelles aggregate them forming a network. This may be accomplished with enzymes or Acid treatment or Heat Acid treatment. Chymosin or Rennet is most often used in enzyme coagulation, where Acid treatment employ lowering the pH of whole milk. They result in casein micelle destabilization or aggregation. Acid coagulation is achieved naturally with starter culture, or artificially with addition of mineral acid or Gluconodelatalactone. Gluconodelatalactone has a slow release Hydrolysis, taking tie to acidify. Earlier usage of acid in commercial application was mainly to promote coagulation of whole milk but never used for instant coagulation results of milk powder. For the above processes lactic acid producers and acid strength promoters are used. They can be either Mineral Acids like HCl, CaCl2 where recent applications use GluconoDelataLactone.
The current invention explores ,claims and experimentally proves that ,milk powder which was not used earlier for showing instant curd formation results, on subjected denaturation in its reconstitution result instant curd. The invention identifies the process that, Milk powder made form a composition with edible acid powder when made to react in the process of reconstitution in specified quantity of water at room temperature. Readily forms Curd as the resultant. Edible Acids powder dissolves simultaneously in the same water. The heat treatment in processing of Milk Powder ,used as the prime ingredient in the composition in its Instant ( Agglomerated) and non- Instant ( regular) to certain extent effect the denaturation of Milk Protein . Same with Whey protein at reconstitution . The denatured protein interact with Casein on addition of Acid, Caseinate precipitate with whey proteins. Powdered edible Acids used in the composition dissolving in the same fluid media with Milk powder as evaluated through the above process

result a denatured reconstitution with a change in pH of 4.6 which other wise would have been 6.6 if only milk powder is allowed to reconstitute. The claimed innovation is an economical method to compared to yogurt powder . yogurt powder is processed dehydrating the curd, curd processed for 6-24 hours under Industrial settings are sent for freeze drying process involving 4-9 hours of processing to result Yogurt powder. Yogurt powder gets rehydrated when subjected to reconstitution. Where the current innovation is a process to readily make curd with dry and powder ingredients subjected to instant reaction in the reconstituting medium.
In water, towards transformation of pH to around 4.6, Acids in the Composition are to bring a 75-105 time increase in [H^] (known as H^ ion concentration ) in the volume of water media in which Milk powder directly would have reconstituted with a pH of 6.6. For example, 25 gm Milk Powder ( spray dried ,instantized) with 90% solids and 2% fat reconstitute in 200 ml water as solution of 6.6 pH forming a composition with acid say 'Citric Acid' preferably 3gm by weight( 0.075M in 200 ml water) would result 'Instant curd' in reconstitution time for milk powder on rehydration in the same 200ml water. 1% emulsifying and stabilizing agents in the form of Gelatin, G.M.S and Alginate impart necessary thickness to the tangy fluid curd formed. Emulsifying agents improve the body of the curds formed, they reduce the possibility of synersis, separation of liquid from curds.
The basic concept in instant curd formation with the claimed innovation as described through fore going write-up can be detailed as following. Milk powder in the processed to dehydration in the perspective of current innovation on subjected heat treatment on milk for prolonged heat treatment at sufficiently high temperatures and long duration denatures the whey protein. In the absence of water due to applied dehydration on milk powder they make weak hydrophobic interaction with Casein in Milk powder.
Casein in milk is not coagulated by heat, it is precipitated by acid. Heat treatment of Milk towards processing of Milk powder where microscopic droplets of milk are exposed to heat treatment appears weaken the interaction forces between casein components within the micelles, and consequently micelles dissociated more readily when pH was lowered in reconstitution with subjected reaction with edible acid powder as evaluated through the claimed process innovation.
The processing steps of the innovation with dry and powder ingredients subjected to instant reaction while reconstituting in the fluid media sets pro-line characteristic environment for instant

curd formation. Innovation identifies that when ingredients subjected to reaction in terms of dehydration, transformation of pH of reconstituting Milk powder in the aqueous medium, The denatured whey protein in milk as heat treated conventionally interact with casein and precipitate readily with subjected pH transformation. The recovered whey protein have a greater capacity to bind water, the hydrophilic properties of whey protein the process of reaction accomplish instant draining say as instant whey expulsion which is physically the end out put in the conventional process of coagulation of milk as curd. The above properties made confer on Milk powder due heat processing operation in their processing from milk are termed pre-susceptibility in the perspective of claimed innovation.
Coagulation is essentially the formation of a gel by destabilizing the casein micelles causing them to aggregate and form a network, which partially immobilizes the water and traps the fat globules in the newly formed matrix. This is accomplished instantaneously with the current innovation. The property of instantized Milk powder to readily trap the water, in the perspective of current innovation readily forms network with partial immobilization of water and the components of Milk powder creating a new matrix, forms instant curd with the subjected to dehydration and pH transformation with edible acid powder dissolved in the same medium
Products through the process innovation in T^ Phase would be A solid solution with mix of (1) Milk Powder and (2) edible Acid. Apparently a homogeneous mixture of crystalline and amorphous powders.
Product in 2"^ Phase would be: (Before contents poured in Water): Initial formation of the solution will be solute: mix of milk powder and coagulation agents. Solvent: Water.
Product in 3^^ Phase would be: (When contents poured in Water): Initial solution formed would be (1) Solvent: Milk (Milk powder reconstituted and traces of coagulation agents). Solute: The coagulation agents in the form of edible acids.
Product in 4^^ and final Phase would be: formation of Curd with milk turned milk powder reacting instantly with edible acid sources in aqueous media with support of coagulation agents, co-factors.
The process of coagulation with the invention out present itself with synchronized process of dialysis, dissolution, colloidal dispersion, emulsification and suspension within the reconstituting medium/solution in the limits of iso electric point of reconstituted milk to form instant curds.

Supporting fluid media other than aqueous media towards denatured reconstitution of principle ingredients with current innovation can be whole milk or lemon water or a solution of Orange juice water or vinegar solution or water mixed with some edible acid. The this context, composition of milk powder and edible acid powders forming the composition as analyzed in the proposed innovation should result resultant fluid as Instant curd with a pH on a whole as 4.6 . i.e. composition of acid powders need to be fixed to necessarily increase the [H+] concentration with respect to quantity of milk powder in the composition . Where the proportion of milk powder in the composition if allowed to reconstitute in the same volume of water reconstitutes with a pH in a range 6.6 if it is not part of the above composition.
Edible acid powders part of the composition can be cyclic esters for example like gluconondeltalactone or direct edible acids like citric acid or solidified acids that result on acidification in hydrolysis / solvation contribute to augmentation of acid strength to reconstituting milk to result denatured reconstitution. The edible Acid substances dry and powder form in context with present innovation are termed as edible acid powder in generalized terms in the following documentation of the innovation. Edible acids powders part of the composition with milk powder on hydration or salvation in any supporting fluid media produces acidification when entire composition i.e. With milk powder put to dissolve in water or salvation in supporting fluid media. Characteristics of Acid influential in forming the composition with Milk powder are degree of ionization , dissociation constant pKa that give pH to the Acid. While % solids , % fats ,process of drying (depending on media of Reconstitution desired), % dispersion etc are characters with Milk powder. Characteristics of both these components are fixed to fit together deciding reaching iso electric point on rehydration forming instant curds. In reference to the above, composition vary with product requirements .in regard, the following write up uses terms acid powder and milk powder in the description of the innovation and mention of components of the composition. Where compositions and characteristics are described herein with certain examples.
Innovation analyses that edible acids like hydoxy carboxyl acids which can be tartaric acid/ malic acid/ citric acid, etc forming a composition with Milk Powder can show instant coagulation , instant curd formation results on simultaneous dissolve or rehydration in water or other supporting fluid media say Gluconodeltalactone or Miner acids, which earlier were used to only promote coagulation of milk can be parted with thee composition to show pH transformation results depending on availability and desired characteristics in curds .i.e. In reference to the

characteristics of milk power reconstitute denatured as clabber. Which is accomplished through milk protein aggregation with transformation of pH from 6.6-6 to 5-4 composition of the present innovation can impart permitted emulsifier and stabilizing agents as additive to avoid synersis in the end out put.
Apart the above analyzed free abundant acidification agents , other acidification agents within the scope of the presents innovation as edible powder acids for claimed innovation can comprise of tannic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, glycolic acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid, isocitric acid, pimelic acid, malonic acid, adipic acid, or any combination thereof
Acid Powder in the form of citric acid part in proposed composition as hydroxy carboxylic acid while transforming pH of reconstituting Milk powder from 6.6 to 4.6 forming instant coagulation also with its natural sequestering property with calcium ions arrests loss of Ca^^ , a loss natural with Acid coagulation where Free Ca^^ naturally supports conventional curd formation. In context restricting loss of Calcium, fragility can be opposed . Hold Ca and help rate of formation of coordination complexes (Coagulation, Gelation) While the same permissibly allow to hold in air to clump to the viscosity developed in reconstitution of the Milk Powder with other components of composition. The natural anti-oxidant property of citric acid stabilizes the process in the preservation perspective while the acidity in pH of the range 4 of denatured rehydrated drink work against spore germination or mold growth ^restricts pathogenic bacteria.
Sequestration is the process of forming of coordination complexes of an ion in solution. Sequestration often involves the formation of chelate complexes, and is used to prevent the chemical effect on an ion without removing it from the solution, citric acid acts on Ca^ with same property. It is also used as way of supplying ions in a protected form. However fragility of the results of the acid curd is supported by gelling agents Emulsifying agents ( external) with composition gives apparently homogenous solution.
Citric acid often part of the innovation is recognized as a safe for use in food by all major national and international food regulatory agencies. It is naturally present in almost all forms of life ,and excess citric acid is readily metabolized and eliminated from the body. Similarly Gluconodeltalactone is assigned generally recognized as safe , conferred GRAS status by the US Food and Drug Administration permitting its use in food without limitation.

A single compound having both chelating and acidification properties as such as citric acid, Chelation and acidification can be subjected to take place by separate agents. In that context, proportion of acidifying agents with chelating agents are fixed in the limit that that resultant acidification confer to a pH 5-6 of the out put curd. A non-exhaustive list of Chelating agents within the scope of present innovation composition comprises ethylenediaminotetraacetate, pyrophosphate, citric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, sodium citrate, disodium citrate, potassium citrate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexa metaphosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate which also acts as emulsifier and thickening agent, monopotassium dihydrogen orthophosphate, dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate, tripotassium orthophosphate, monosodium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate, trisodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, sodium aluminum phosphate, sodium potassium tartrate, or mixtures thereof.
Reconstituted Milk pH 6.6 - 6.7
Milk powder at reconstitution has protein as a solution The water-soluble materials are in solution
An appropriate pH 5.2 one begins to see denaturation Through increased viscosity
At pH 4.6, the isoelectric point of Caseinate, there is maximum denaturation. If done correctly, a gel or clabber will be formed
Milk Clabber or Curd
Reconstituting milk /milk normally has a pH of 6.6. At this pH, the casein molecules exist primarily in a charged form, which causes them to repel each other thus preventing coagulation and precipitation. The acid powder dissolved in water with Milk powder,

while reconstituting as Milk lowers the pH of reconstituting milk to 4.6, the isoelectric point of casein, at which time the proteins coagulate and begin to precipitate.

The isoelectric point is the pH at which the protein exists primarily in its 'zwitterion* form that is there is no net charge on the protein molecules
NH3 - CH - COO-
In the above experiment, the greater the percentage of solids present, the greater the number and the closer together the curds. At 13% solids (whole milk), there are fewer curds forming in the liquid, resulting in a slightly thickened liquid containing very evident curds. At 73% solids (normally condensed milk), the milk becomes very thick and smooth looking as the curds are packed very close together. While Non Fat Skimmed Milk Powder in reference to the innovation consist 90% solids. Curds contain the protein casein, fat, some minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.
In brief ,Milk powder is the prime component of the claimed innovation. Milk Powder reconstitutes/ dehydrates forming instant Milk . Milk powder is convenient and compact milk. Milk Powder carries many properties of whole milk and boiled milk, reconstitutes restoring the volume of water removed during processing. Milk Powder as does Milk reconstitute as a solution of pH 6.6. The claimed innovation is a process identifying that characteristic properties can be made to confer on milk powder in the processing from Milk, the same when subjected to denaturation/ coagulation with edible acid powder at reconstitution, which in reconstitution towards transformation of acid strength (pH) form instant curds. The phenomena of transforming pH of reconstituting Milk powder from 6.6 to 4.6 is identified as key step for the reaction and is analysed to obtain instant coagulation results .

Ingredients: Present invention deals with the facet of milk as Milk Powder. Over view of key ingredients with the current invention is analysed here in. The type of milk powder created varies with processing. In turn, processing may have an influence on the quality of the product. Additionally, the market for skim and low fat milks has increased in recent years, perhaps because of lower calories. A desire for an easy to store and/or transportable milk has given rise to NFDM (nonfat dry milk solids) processed through homogenized milk. These engineered products should vary considerably in composition depending upon the particular characteristics desired. Say, have more Antimycolic Agents , enough fat proportion . The reconstitution requirements decides the drying process on milk . Current invention with properties of its other ingredients benefits restricting need of more Antimycolic Agents in Milk Powder. Spray dried whole milk powder can for more thicker curds. Can augment the quantity of whey protein by adding whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate to milk powder, complement the characteristic properties in the out put curd in the form more whey protein to participate in the subjected reaction on milk powder compared to the conventional composition of whey and casein components in milk powder.
Milk powder reconstitutes to milk with properties of its dispersion and allows the formation of instant curds. Following are two categories in Milk Powder in reconstitution perspective.
Reconstitution as a day today process in reference to Milk powder is defined as. Water added to dry milk powder to restore to the volume of water that had been removed during processing. The milk is restored to its original form and composition.
The constituents of milk powder on reconstitution are dispersed as either i) Colloidal dispersion ii) Solution iii) Suspension .For example, the carbohydrate portion is present in solution, and the ash is likely also dispersed as a true solution. There is some indication that calcium phosphate may form a large micelle and have characteristics of a colloidal dispersion. The fat may be present as globules in suspension or emulsified throughout the milk. Protein is colloidally dispersed.
Instantized Milk Powder( analyzed in the following lines here with) serves the role of prime constituent. Instantized milk with suitable proportion of fat would directly turn into milk - make the products described through example 1 & 2 discusses with advantage of no external whipping required on it.

Dried: Water is removed from nonfat milk resulting in a dry powder. The first step is to remove 2/3 of the water from the milk to produce very concentrated milk which runs though evaporator undergoing prolonged Heat treatment ,some time 135- 210 degrees F, at Partial vacuum is practiced, pasteurization is carried in the process along with evaporation operation. Then sent for standardization operation . Standardized which means the different components of the milk are mixed automatically until we have a consistent product. Every batch must be exactly the same composition. The evaporated, condensed milk is turned into powdered milk. Depending on need. Then the concentrated milk is spray dried in a heated vacuum, drying can be through the spray nozzle the newer atomization system where there are many spray dryers in operation. Where spray of a fine mist of condensed milk into 450-400 degree F. swirling air. As the milk droplets fall, the swirling air quickly removes the water out of the droplets of milk until all that's left is a small particle of milk powder not much larger than a speck of dust. As it falls, the air cools to about 300- 250 degrees F until it settles into the funnel shaped hopper in the bottom of the tower where it's removed. The operators can carefully control the moisture level of the finished product by controlling the swirling air in the tower, resulting in a fine dry powder, which can be reconstituted in warm water. The problem with this product is that there is a tendency for the dry milk solids to lump when added to water.
Instantized: The dry milk powder obtained from the above steps is further treated in a process called agglomeration. The dry powder is exposed to moisture a second time and then redried. The final result is an instant milk powder composed of loose and porous particles, which dissolves easily in cold water.
Spray-drying is the principal method used for drying milk in the dairy industry. Most skim milk powders used as ingredients are spray dried and as said above are manufactured in two basic varieties: instant (agglomerated) and non-instant (regular). The instantized spray-drying process gives the powder a larger grain size than regular spray dried powder and renders it instantly soluble when reconstituted in cold water.
Properties conferred on Milk powder in the perspective of claimed innovation is analyzed as here in . Heat treatment of milk appeared to weaken the interaction forces between casein components within the micelles, and, consequently, micelles dissociated more readily when pH was lowered with subjected acidification with the claimed innovation, milk at the processing stage to Milk powder at sufficiently high temperatures conferred unique properties that: The long duration heat treatment denatures the whey proteins which can then be coagulated along with the casein at low

pH and recovered as liquid remaining after the formation of curd . Heat treatment conventionally triggers denatured whey protein to make hydrophobic interactions with casein where in the processing of Milk powder due to the dehydration operation, whey proteins are analyzed to make weak hydrophobic interactions with casein components, i.e due to the absence of supporting water media. The recovered whey proteins have a great capacity to bind water so that a high moisture but firm curd can be produced, hence, another huge yield advantage; Acid coagulation is analyzed to requires less acidification, so the final cheese is much less acid with pH in the range of 5.2 to 6.0 rather than the range 4.4 - 4.8 required normally. The heat treatment applied during the manufacture of specific spray dried milk powders will, to a certain extent, affect the denaturation of the milk proteins, and consequently, their solubility and functionality as milk ingredients. The degree of denaturation is normally expressed by the Whey Protein Nitrogen Index (WPNI) as milligrams of undenaturued whey protein (u.w.p.) per gram of powder. (See Whey Protein Nitrogen Index Table.)

Microbiological requirements : Strict microbiological requirements are placed on the quality of the raw milk that is used in the manufacture of milk powders. Consequently, SMP should be free from bacteria of the genus Salmonella. One gram of powder must not contain more than 50 000 mesophilic bacteria, 10 coliforms and 100 Staphylococcus aureus. These counts correspond respectively to about 5000, 1 and 10 per lire of reconstituted product, provided that contamination does not occur after manufacture. Composition
Skim milk powder (SMP) must contain no less than 95 percent milk solids and must not exceed 4 percent moisture or 1.5 percent of fat, unless otherwise indicated. In the case of instantized SMP, Vitamins A and D are added. Regular and instantized SMP may also contain an anti-foaming agent which not mandatory with the current innovation say for example-2.

Typical Composition for Skim Milk Powder (illustration)

Utilities, the Process innovation is capable of deriving commercial utilities / industrial products like Instant Lassy, Instant Butter milk or Instant crud Milk through a sachet of powder ingredients readily forming amiable out presence. Apart the commercial utilities innovation evaluated analyzed the Characteristic features carried with it's out presence capable to serve as Unique media for Drug Delivery. Where the process innovation confers to the formation of 'Instant Curd' with Dry and Powder/ ingredients on rehydration/reconstitution in a glass of water . Innovation identifies the proprietary characteristics of the ingredients and end out put with the innovation can cater certain drug components, drugs in the form of friendly bacteria , Heath proactive enzymes ,or pharmaceutical application based molecules.
The characteristic features with innovation (basically Curd) out present reconstituting media around a pH of 4.5, which prevents proliferation of other pathogenic Bacteria while product as such support /ingest friendly bacteria. With Acidity (around pH 4-5), medium through the innovation can act for amiable drug delivery system with controlled parameters carrying natural anti- fungal, self preserving property. The process innovation derives the output through fully stabilized, fully standardized ingredients.

Proprietary behaviors of the ingredients with the invention are stable and standardized in there (own) respective states. Few of the Acidic ingredients analyzed to be useful with the innovation, are listed the acceptable as per GRAS.
The anti -Oxidant property of ingredients like Ascorbic acid, part with process innovation, out present media of unique Drug Release system. Ascorbic acid/ anti oxidants are known to defend "free Radicals', inhibiting glucose auto-oxidation (reduce the covalent linking of glucose to Serum protein in vivo), relieving Oxidative stress (due to prolonged exposure to hyper glycoma)
Ascorbic acid analyzed to supplement Ingredient list through innovation say citric acid with its anti oxidant properties acts as a first Une antioxidant defense in plasma. Ascorbic acid made part with ingredients is a powerful inhibitor of lipid peroxidation. It regenerates Vitamin E from its oxidised radical form and indirectly contributes to antioxidant defense.
The components of principle innovation are analyzed capable of serving certain active drug components like few Friendly bacteria that supplement the action of few antibiotic drugs or act themselves as probiotics. The anti -Oxidant property of ingredients like Ascorbic acid, part with process innovation, out present media of unique Drug Release system. Ascorbic acid/ anti oxidants are known to defend "free Radicals', inhibiting glucose auto-oxidation (reduce the covalent linking of glucose to Serum protein in vivo), relieving Oxidative stress (due to prolonged exposure to hyper glycoma)
Ascorbic acid analyzed to supplement Ingredient list through innovation say citric acid with its anti oxidant properties acts as a first line antioxidant defense in plasma. Ascorbic acid made part with ingredients is a powerful inhibitor of lipid peroxidation. It regenerates vitamin E from its oxidised radical form and indirectly contributes to antioxidant defense.
The Biologic or engineered enzymatic/Bacteriological ingredients added to the analyzed composition ,taken in strict limits supports process as the unique drug release system for certain anti- Biotic, conditionally serving few pro-biotic while supporting the (fine-tuned) curd formation (through Powder ingredients)

Example: Amoxycillin Cloxacillin &Lactic Bacillus combination used as anti-biotic drug on post-operative Dental care or Wound healing property can have its out presence through the claimed innovation. 60 -70 million spores of Lactic acid Bacillus adding with principle composition of the proposed innovation in 1 liter Reconstitution medium, exclusively served as drug complements the anti-Biotic. i.e The property of Lactic Acid producing/supporting Bacteria used in best limits of the product can utilize the innovation as a media of unique Drug Delivery System
Properties of selected Lactic Acid Bacteria (e.g. Lactococcus) resistance to bacteriophage, a virus that attacks and breaks open bacteria has been analysed to be used with the innovation as a drug serving media which complements the base process, while out presenting a defending medicine with media of strictly preserved condition.
The antimicrobials (like Lactocin) produced by Lactic acid bacteria can be utilized with the evaluated process. The properties can augment application of the extended process also as media for unique drug delivery system with its antimicrobial property.
Utilityof bio-Engineered enzymes instrumental in releasing glycomacropeptides (as Rennin does in Milk) has been analysed to be used with the innovation to complement the process within the strict limits of the product as an agency of drug serving supporting Protein degradations helping the activity of Food digestion.
Union of the anti microbial molds inhibiting, anti oxidant properties or individual configurations can be evaluated for certain specific drug delivery system. I.e. considering the process innovation for unique Drug Delivery System. Amiability of the media taking help of'whey proteins' can be tested to introduce the product as nutrient hub , a nutriotional.
Microorganism for example Bacteria or enzymatic control, the usual factor with any Dairy Product has no implication with the process innovation or the packaged out put. As the product out presence initiate with standardized ingredients, the process is a safe and foolproof method.
Advantages Invention carry forwards the comfort, stability and convenience factors of milk powder .Reconstituting them to readily form soft curds whenever the need demands allowing no wastage. Freshness is key embodiment with claimed innovation where the conventional curds continue to get ripen to sourness with time.

According to Natural principles of Milk Coagulation At 13% solids (whole milk), there are fewer curds forming in the liquid, resulting in a slightly thickened liquid containing very evident curds. At 73% solids (condensed milk), the milk becomes very thick and smooth looking as the curds are packed very close together. In similar lines there is an analysis for the property of Milk fat and gel strength get inversed . As Milk fat increases , strength of the Milk gel decreases . In line, the process and compositions of present invention with Milk Powder as key ingredient, desired characteristics can be embodied with milk powder .Say, use of skimmed Milk Powder which has low fat and high percentage of solids. Milk powder consist 95% solids as opposed to 13% in whole Milk. Fat percentage is 3.5% in whole Milk as opposed to 1.5% in Milk Powder. Calcium added SMP with the composition of the invention can support good gel formation. Acids in the composition dissolved in water promotes milk solid dispersion of milk powder in on reconstitution & rehydration
Milk (cows) in natural form has a protein value of 3 gm in 100 gm milk, where skimmed milk powder has 25 gm . Skimmed Milk Powder on reconstitution ( 15 gm in 100 ml water) consists 5.5- 6.5 gm while whole milk powder consists 4-4.5 gm. Indicating that with the Process from current invention, more protein is susceptible to aggregation/ coagulation /curd formation with coagulation principle applied to the composition.
Products made of the process analyzed through the invention are stable in all means , the powder ingredients are stabilized embedded with their natural property to dissolve and reconstitute . Acid solutions as known , promote solubility of solutes. To describe in general, composition of the current innovation when put in water, while Milk Powder tend to reconstitute , powder Acid form Acid solutions on dissolving. Acids in the solution promote natural dissolving/hydrating abilities of milk powder. Complement the natural cold water dissolving properties of Milk powder . Ingredients dissolving in cold water through their natural property claims results in cold water ,show its uniqueness. Concept framed with clones of the natural ingredients shows the advantage over coming the constraints of temperature which otherwise is a prime factor for conventional Milk Coagulation.
Proprietary behaviors of the ingredients with the invention are stable and standardized in their own respective states. Ingredients of the analyzed Process innovation initiates at their stable and standardized state . Products with the invention are stable at their packing and out presence with water . Edible acids as known to their preservative property part with the composition analyzed by the invention preserve the product inhibiting mold growth and inactivating enzyme actions

( un favorable). Out put of the process in terms of acid strength around pH 4 would stabilize the product in terms of preservation.
Curd formed through bacterial fermentation after reaching isoelectric point would continuously ripen increasing the sourness with time. Taste and other features are not standardized. Where the current invention provides process for standardized products , give uniform features, taste. Product through the Invention results soft curds gives apparent nature as churned /whipped curd which fits very much to the evaluated applications described in the examples
Advantages of current innovation in comparison to conventional curd preparations made for commercial purposes is analyzed in as herein. Liquid Curds made for commercial applications/ industrially made is the process of destabilizing Milk with Bacteriological/ enzymatic reaction. Which need high precision and control, stream line the positive effects of bacteriological action not to lineup to unfavorable germination. Steps like incubation at optimum temperature levels say at 37 - 42 ^ C need monitoring and control else with increase in temperature curds become increasingly smaller and compact, volume of curd decreases . Monitor and control need tooling which are expensive processing equipment. In comparison with above. Composition framed for the invention relies on Acid Coagulation , standardized ingredients of the composition control preservation and processing to reach isoelectric point of Casein by themselves.
Clabber formed of Bacteriological/ Enzyme reaction has a chance of ripening causing increase in sourness to the product. Rate of ripening is proportionate to the time after reaching isoelectric point. Restrict the same needs shift of product to cooler places after reaching isoelectric point and isolate the same else further growth in bacteria can increase the acidity of the product their by sourness. In compare. Acid coagulation principles imparted with the current invention control the acidity, while anti-oxidant property of citric acid as a part of edible acid in the composition controls/imparts stability at reconstitution.
Advantage with conventional methods of processing can be termed as, formation of thick curds with the process , can take advantage of supportive chemicals to add on it like Calcium Chloride (CaCb, Calcium Phosphate, dilute HCl and other supporting enzymes available in liquid states . thus desired characteristics can be obtained which promote coagulation from the processing of'curds'. Ca^^ support gel formation in enzymatic coagulation while Ca^^ ion is freed from casein with Acid Coagulation.

Prior Art There is no prior art related to invention, the concept is derived through analysis on principle of natural coagulation/ acid coagulation. The claimed innovation form ready curd with subjected reaction between evaluated ingredients in the reconstituting medium. Yogurt powder though completely differ from the concept of the claimed invention is a product targeting similar end product, curds. Production principle of yogurt powder does not reflect the principle analysed for the current invention. The present innovation is the process analysis that milk powder can be subjected to denaturartion/ coagulation with edible acid powder at reconstitution, which in reconstitution towards transformation of acid strength (pH) form instant curds. More over Yogurt powders are not made in India But is taken a reference to discuss economy factors of the present innovation.
Yogurt powder is dehydrated yogurt ( cultured nonfat milk solids). Yogurt in it is cultured milk made with Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. thermophilus , L.bulgarrious or other beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a friendly bacterium , creates beneficial bacteria. The process is imported from the method of making Fermented milk, practiced from earlier times in attempts to naturally preserve milk. Method is warm raw milk cultured of bacteria strains of Streptococcus and Lactobacillus bacteria which are harm-less Lactic Acid producers. They are good in suppressing spoilage and pathogenic organism. The principal method cultures milk to coagulate and forming gels. Cultures are obtained naturally by careful inclusion of previous batch. Curds so formed with strict parametric controls are then sent to freeze-drying. Freeze-drying is termed to be an expensive processing operation, performed utilizing principle of Sublimation. Produce fermented milks.
Yogurt powder need grate care in processing and packaging towards strict moisture barrier and shelf life 'nitrogen flushed double-wall silver foil pack ' or ' double-walled wax-lined paper packs' are used. Packaging material with yogurt powder is an expensive concept. In comparison products defined from the claimed invention carry forwards the economy in packaging applying itself to the packaging technologies suitable for Milk Powders.
Yogurt powder reconstitution takes few minute say minimum of 5-10 minutes to find intended yogurt in water, where the process from current invention , reconstitution time for milk powder is the curd formation time. i.e. time for milk powder which other wise would have reconstituted as milk not part of the evaluated composition of the claimed invention. As a part of the composition defined for the invention. Milk Dowder is made susceotible/ noised to have denatured

reconstitution/rehydration as curd. Yogurt powder are also should be added with external thickener to obtain desired gel strength after reconstitution.
Phenomenal difference between yogurt powder and the current invention is, yogurt powder reconstitute yogurt in water taking back the volume of water lost in dehydration , while with in the claimed invention Milk powder is made to denatured reconstitution as instant curd undergoing acid coagulation reaction in the process of rehydration. Examples
Examples while demonstrating the properties of the invention shows variability of composition in ingredients which are fixed located around to reach around isoelectric point in respective conditions to reach coagulation as prime requisite. Analyses that composition are fixed with conditions and properties of the respective ingredient to react and to result desired out put. i.e. Compositions are fixed accordingto the desired characteristics from the process of the proposed invention. Which substantially concentrate in bringing change in pH of reconstituting milk from 6.6-6 to an isoelectric point reaching to a pH of 5 -4 depending on requirements as out put
A composition of 1) 120 gm Milk Powder with 75-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 8-25 % to the weight of Milk powder embodied of Citric Acid with pH of 1. 5- 4.5 reconstitutable Acid strength in 1 It. water imparting the principle of instant Curd Formation with 1) house hold sugar powder / Sucrose of 20- 40% wt of Milk Powder with 2) 1-2% emulsifying and stabilizing agent to the volume of 1 Lt. of water , put to dissolve in 1 Lt. water resulted ' Instant Lassy' with 15 % sugars as reconstituted product carrying 'Instant Curd formation 'property of the invention.
Lowering the pH of the reconstituting milk to the isoelectric point of the protein casein thereby increasing the tendency for the proteins to coagulate and clump together. The reconstituted milk becomes more viscous and thus more able to hold in air. The increased capacity for coagulation promotes stability of the protein film around the air bubble. Therefore the resulting foam is stiffer and more stable fits to the conventional property of Lassy,

The denatured reconstituted drink should be a sweet, thick ,tangy product ( pH 4.6-4. 9) . specifications of Milk Powder in the composition , Spray Dried Skimmed Milk powder ( carries nearly 38 % protein ) or partially Skimmed Milk Powder ( 20-30 % Protein) with Fat proportion of 5- 28%. While whole Milk Carry 20-25 % Protein. Reconstitution / Serving requirements say serve with cold water decides use of Sweetened Spay dried agglomerated (Instantized) Milk Powder .Any fruit powder can be added to augment the taste.
Example -2
A composition of 1)100 gm Milk Powder with 70-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 15% to the weight of Milk powder embodied of Malic Acid ,Citric Acid and Tartaric Acid in 27 % ,41% and 42% proportion respectively, all put to dissolve in 0.850 Lt. water resulted Instant Butter milk carrying 'Instant Curd formation 'property of the invention when added with 1) normal table salt in 15-20% wt of Milk Powder with 2) 0. 5% Spice powder and 3 ) 1-10% emulsifying and stabilizing agent to the volume of 0. 850 Lt. of water,
Some what tart, low fat Drink ( pH less than 4.6). Milk Powder in the composition was Spray Dried Skimmed Milk with Fat proportion of 5-10%. Reconstitution / Serving requirements say serve with cold water or Luke warm water can decide whether to use Spay dried agglomerated or spray dried regular .
A composition of 1) 100 gm Milk Powder with 75-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 8-25 % to the weight of Milk powder embodied of Glucono Delta Lactone, Citric Acid with pH of 1. 5 - 4. 5 reconstitutable Acid strength in 1 It. water imparting the principle of instant Curd Formation with an added mixture of 1) Glucose powder ( Dextrose) of 40- 60 % wt of Milk Powder with 2) 0.1-2% emulsifying and stabilizing agent to the volume of 1 Lt. of water , put to dissolve in 1 Lt. water resulted ' Instant Energizer Lassy' as reconstituted product carrying 'Instant Curd formation 'property of the invention.
The Following example analyzed the utility of the innovation as unique drug deliver system with taking renown supportive pharmaceutical components suitable with characteristic properties of

the claimed innovation. Where the out presence of the other pharmaceutical components for the out presence , results are to be tested .
Characteristic enzyme / Molecule with pharmaceutical application to serve on human body , which need a controlled agency to cater them to Human Body can be applied with products formed with invention. The process restricts contamination's and external/ internal microbial growth with imparted property of Acid strength around pH 4 . Unlike Capsule or tablets , injecting medicine through much amiable edible format of the invention would be convenient and innovative option. Claims the claimed innovation as media of unique drug delivery system. A composition of 1) 100 gm Milk Powder with 75-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 6-20 % to the weight of Milk powder embodied of Glucono Delta Lactone, Citric Acid , Malic acid with pH of 1. 5- 2, 5 reconstitutable Acid strength in 1 It. water imparting the principle of instant Curd Formation packed added with 1) pharmaceutical molecule like Ascorbic acid in a proportion 0.01- 5 gm in powder form put to dissolve in 1 Lt. water result ready to serve drug in an amiable media as Instant Curd.
Example -5
A composition of 1) 100 gm Milk Powder with 75-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 6-20 % to the weight of Milk powder comprising Glucono Delta Lactone, Citric Acid or a mixture there of with pH of 1. 5- 2. 5 reconstitutable Acid strength in 1 It. water imparting the principle of Instant Curd Formation packed added with 1) 0.1-45 mg enzyme like lipase powder put to dissolve in 1 Lt. water result ready to serve drug in an amiable media as Instant Curd, further adding 2) Glucose powder ( Dextrose) or Table sugar in a proportion 20-40 % wt of Milk Powder to the above composition or added to output curd results a unique drug delivery system in a much amiable form like instant Energizer Lassy .
Example -6
A composition of 1) 100 gm Milk Powder with 75-95% solids & reconstitution pH of around 6.6 with 2) Acid powder 6-20 % to the weight of Milk powder embodied of Glucono Delta Lactone, Citric Acid , tartaric acid with pH of 1. 5- 2. 5 reconstitutable Acid strength in 1 It. water imparting the principle of instant Curd Formation packed added with 20 -90 million spores of bacteria like lactic acid bacteria in powder form like 1) Lactobacillus pentosus, lactic acid bacteria, as a composition of 30 -60 million-spores/1 liter Reconstitution medium result ready to serve drug in an amiable media as Instant Curd, further adding 2) Glucose powder ( Dextrose)

or Table sugar in a proportion 20-40 % wt of Milk Powder to the above composition or added to out put curd results a unique drug delivery system in a much amiable form like instant Energizer Lassy .
The Packaging in reference to the above applications should be strict moisture barrier and shelf life providing encapsulation properties like properties through ' Vacuum packaging in Silver foil' or ' Vacuum packaging in food grade Aluminum foil ' or 'nitrogen flushed double-wall silver foil pack ' or ' double-walled wax-lined paper packs'.
Supporting process, composition of powder enzyme / Bio-engineered Enzyme bacteria /starter Culture to be added with the composition of ingredients analyzed with the present invention to take better out put in terms desirable characteristics in clabber and gel formation. The support process can be applicable in conditions say process out put can be in Luke warm water , temperature 35-42 ^C and not less than 10 ° C or above 65^C. In the above conditions and emphasizing the exploration that milk powder can subjected to denaturation, the process can be composition of Milk powder, Powder Enzymes , coenzyme, catalyst which result instant Curd inline natural clabbering, following is the analysis on the process .
Supporting Process-1, Rennin is an enzyme which coagulates milk proteins to form a gel. The same is case with Bio- Engineered Rennet the 'Chymosin' .though a non- bio engineered enzyme Mucor mihei is also in use. Rennin comes from rennet^ a salt extract from the stomach of milk fed calves. Rennin is responsible for releasing Glycomacropeptides from the kappa casein of milk. Glycomacropeptides are extremely hydrophilic; this accounts for rennin stabilizing properties. Enzyme cleaves the peptide bond between Phenylalanine and Methionine in Kappa Casein. This hydrolyzes the Kappa Casein and an insoluble gel is the result. Because milk protein is 82 percent casein, rennin proves to be a very effective thickening agent. I.e. Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme. It is capable of destabilizing the casein micelle, which results in the precipitation of the protein, or the formation of curds. The enzyme eliminates the protective function of K casein in the casein micelle, thus promoting curd formation. The complete reaction takes place in two steps.
Step - 1 : The Enzyme stage
Ca Phosphocaseinate ► Ca Sensitive Ca Pasphocaseinate
In this reaction, the enzyme acts on K Casein, altering it so that it become sensitive to the free Ca^^ in the milk.

Step - 2 : The non-enzyme reaction
Ca Sensitive Ca Phosphocaseinate ► Ca Pasphocaseinate (Precipitate)
The modified Casein micelle is precipitated by the free Ca^^ in the milk resulting in the formation of a gel.
Increased Ca activity, addition of CaCb are factors affecting in terms coagulation and with enzyme. Dephosphorylation of the casein micelle results in formation of a soft curd and Consolidation of coagulum involves interactions between Ca^"^ ions and phosphate groups of the casein proteins. They result good Gelation
Supporting Process -2, lactic-acid-producing bacteria such as Streptococcus lacti. Lactobacillus acidophilus^ Lactobacillus bulgaricus, or Streptococcus thermophilus, bacteria (which may benefit digestion). Specially selected lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus, generally used for 'starter cultures. These Antimicrobials Nisin and other new ones being developed (e.g. pediocin, lactocin) are produced by lactic acid bacteria they can also extend shelf life of the product . Inculcate the suitable with the process of current invention, incubate milk along with principle of acid coagulation of current invention.
Process of current invention with Milk Powder and Acid Powder can be well supported with the above two process. Else the two process can be two exclusive process with milk powder in conditions of reconstitution say in Luke warm water, zero contamination media and environmental support ( fit in conditions of low temperature atmosphere).
In reference to improve the and under conditions absolute need to naturally improve gel strength and in strict packaging conditions of product from the process, add 1) conditionally supporting enzyme in 0.5- 25 mg /ILt reconstituting medium in he form of Bio-engineered rennet 'Chymosin' or non Bio-Engineered enzyme Mucor Mehei 2) conditionally supporting Bacteria available in powder form in 60 -70 million spores /ILt reconstituting medium in the forms of Streptococcus Lacti cultured with Lacto Bulgarious, Lacto bacillus acidophilus or Streptococcus thermophilus put in as supplementary ingredients on process forming instant Curds . Edible acid in the composition as Citric acid in the proposed composition with rennet/chymosin / Mucor Mehei increases the rate of reaction, citric acid lowers the reconstituting milk powder partially denatures milk protein and with its sequestering property supplies Ca++ ions setting up

characteristic environment for the rennet reaction. Calcium sensitive casein, where partially denatured casein with action taken on its protective function due to lowered pH turns it sensitive to calcium, with free Ca++ ions obtained due to initial partial denaturation precipitates into larger curds. The lactic acid supportive bacteria added to the principle composition producing lactic acid can complement the claimed process innovation. The above claim is optional with respect to the current invention.
How ever control of bacteriological /enzymatic reaction need precision and acute care. In context, the above process is taken as possible consideration to support the much economical and easy to make process with prime invention under select condition of temperature and pressure at out presence/ reconstitution. Process as a support means to acid Coagulation underlines that powdered ingredients with the composition prove to result instant curd as well.

I claim Claim 1 :
Claim the process for Ready to Make curd with dry and powder ingredients in the form of Milk powder and edible acid powder as principle ingredients. Innovation claims the process for instant curd formation with a subjected reaction on Milk powder made to carry the properties of pre-suseptibilty to curd formation with edible acid while reconstitution in water or in any other supporting fluid media. Process innovation Readily forms curd barring the temperature and time constraints with milk in the conventional process of curd formation. Subjected reaction can be termed as, form instant curd subjecting milk powder to denaturation while reconstituting in supporting fluid media say, water, transforming its pH strength from 6.6-6 to 5- 4.6. I.e. subject milk powder to transformation of its pH from 6.6 to 4.6 with respect to water in its reconstitution to have denatured reconstitution as instant curd. A composition of prime ingredients for the reaction is 1) Milk Powder as 8-60 parts by weight to the weight of water as reference reconstituting medium Milk Powder with (65-95 %) solids, (10-40%) Protein, (5-35%) fat, carrying the properties of presuseptibilty & reconstitution pH of around 6- 6.6 with 2) edible Acid powder 3-25 % to the weight of Milk powder with pH of 1. 5- 4.5 reconstituting Acid strength with reference to water in 1 liter. The composition here after is termed as principle composition with reference to the following claims 1-17 . Milk powder in the composition can be Spray-dried Whole Milk powder or Spray-dried Skimmed Milk powder or Partially Skimmed Milk powder or a mixture thereof. The termed presusceptibility of Milk Powder in the claim can be described as the characteristic properties made to confer on the components of Milk powder suitable for the innovation in its processing from the stage of Milk. The prime components of Milk in the perspective of coagulation or curd formation are casein and whey protein. In the absence of water, with the operation of dehydration in producing milk powder, these components subjected to the heat treatment, are made to access for direct interaction through the claimed innovation. The evaluated results of Heat treatment is described as herein, Casein in milk is not coagulated by heat, it is precipitated by acid. Heat treatment of Milk towards processing of Milk powder where microscopic droplets of milk are exposed to heat treatment appears weaken the interaction forces between casein components within the micelles, and consequently micelles dissociated more readily when pH was lowered in reconstitution with subjected reaction with edible acid powder as evaluated through the claimed process innovation. Where whey protein does not aggregate upon acidification of milk or reconstituting milk. Every microscopic droplet of milk exposed to high temperature swirling air. Or prolonged Heat treatment at sufficiently high temperatures and long duration as evaporation ( 50'C-95°C), dehydration (225'C- 1D5°C), agglomeration( 225°C" 80°C)

operations carried in the processing of instantised Milk powder will made to denature, partly unfold, the whey protein, triggering hydrophobic interaction with other proteins and the formation of disulfide links between whey protein and between whey protein and casein micelles leading to aggregation with other milk protein at the subjected low pH. The dehydration for producing Milk powder makes the analyzed components made available for the claimed innovation in susceptible denatured form to get ready/instant exposure to the subjected low pH transformation reaction. These processing operations on milk powder from Milk are analyzed pro-line in congruence with processing of curd with respect to current innovation. Termed as pre-susceptibility in the perspective of current innovation, susceptibility attained by Milk powder carrying them a stable permanent property to readily form instant curd on subjected pH transformation by the edible Acid Powder readily in the process of reconstitution. Innovation identifies, claims that milk powder subjected to analyzed susceptibility can be subjected to instant coagulation. Innovation claims the Processing steps of the claimed process in terms of powder ingredients subjected to reaction in reconstituting medium sets characteristic environment for instant curd formation. The characteristic properties embodied by claimed process innovation with its dry and powder ingredients to readily form instant curd claims pharmaceutical application which can carry and cater certain suitable pharmaceutical components in the form of anti-biotics, probiotics, enzymes, process innovation can give its utility as an amiable media for drug delivery compared to conventional tablet or capsule or injection mode of drug delivery. Claimed process can derive Ready to Make process for conventional food drinks sweet lussy in a ready to make, powder drink format embodying 20-40 %sugars to the weight of water added to the composition of above principle ingredients. Process innovation similarly can derive process for instant buttermilk with addition of 15-20% sah to the out put instant curd.
Claim that the processing steps of the process innovation as claimed in the claim-1 sets pro-line characteristic environment for instant curd formation. Environment for conventional method of curd formation can be put as, formation of a gel destabilizing / Coagulation the casein micelles by lowering the pH of the milk to the isoelectric point of the milk protein casein causing them to aggregate and form a network, which partially immobilizes the water, milk becomes more viscous and thus more able to hold in air and traps the fat globules in the newly formed matrix. Where the claimed process innovation with dry and powder ingredients subjected to instant reaction and simultaneous reconstitution sets up the analyzed characteristic environment when dissolved in water or supportive media, the conditions are pre-accomplished . The Prime

ingredient Milk powder is given larger grain/particle size with .the subjected agglomeration operation on it's processing from Milk. In the perspective of current innovation, the milk powder when mixed with water, the wet particle stick to the dry particle forming air pockets while the property of Instanized Milk powder to readily penetrate, trap the water readily forms a network with partial immobilization of water and the components of Milk powder create a new matrix, characteristically sets the environment supporting the formation of instant curd. The subjected rehydration and pH transformation with edible acid powder dissolved in the same medium, which lowers the pH of milk to 4.6, the isoelectric point of casein, at which time the proteins coagulate. Stability is obtained as following. Coagulated Casein locates itself at the air-liquid interface, thus surrounding the air bubbles. Fat is interspersed in the liquid, and clumped in the film around the air bubble. Rigidity is developed as a result of the clumping of fat globules.
Claim 3
Innovation identifies that ingredients subjected to simultaneous operation of rehydration, transformation of pH of reconstituting Milk powder claims, the whey protein is readily recovered accomplishing instant draining. Conventionally whey protein denatured with subjected heat treatment form hydrophobic interaction with casein, recovered as liquid remaining after the precipitation with casein protein. Where the pre denatured whey protein in milk powder which is due to the heat treatment weakly interact with casein in the absence of hydrophilic medium due to dehydration. Precipitate readily along with casein with subjected pH transformation, rehydration and sets out as liquid remaining instantly. The recovered whey protein has a greater capacity to bind water, the hydrophilic properties of whey protein the process of reaction accomplish instant draining say as instant whey expulsion, which is physically one of the end out, put in the conventional process of coagulation of milk as curd.
Claim 4
Innovation as claimed by claim -1 ,2,3 claims the process innovation for instant curd formation which bares the temperature and time constraints with conventional process for either cold milk or cooled pre boiled milk to form curd, the typical constraints on milk to be heated to 35 ** C - 65° C for the activity of starter culture or Heat Acid treatment and the coagulation time to form curd vary between 6-12 hours is claimed surpassed with instant coagulation result with the claimed innovation.
Claim 5
Innovation as claimed by claim -1 ,2,3 claims ready to make process for Curd barring typical limited or restricted shelf life out put of curd with standardized characteristics

Claim 6
Edible acid powders part of the composition as claimed in claim -1 can be direct edible acids like citric acid or esters like gluconondelta lactone or solidified acids that result acidification in hydrolysis or solvation contributing to augmentation of acid strength of reconstituting milk.. Provide necessary acid strength to milk powder in the analyzed prime composition to result transformation of pH from 6.8 - 6 to a pH of 4.6 - 4 with reference to water as the reconstituting solution. Composition with milk powder proportion can be 3 -25 % to the weight of Milk powder with requisite characteristics of desired curds in a unit volume of water or in any other supporting fluid media in which reconstitution is desired.
Edible acid powder as claimed through claim -1 can be a composition mix of Hydroxy 1 carboxylic Acid in 10 -40%, gluconodelta lactone in 12- 90%, and mineral acids in 10-25% as making as 10-25% to the weight of Milk powder. Or Edible Acid powder for the claimed process can be an exclusive Hydroxyl carboxylic Acid as 10-25% to the weight of Milk powder, which can be either Malic Acid or Citric Acid or Tartaric Acid. Or Edible Acid powder can be, composition of Hydroxy carboxylic Acid would be proportionate mixture of Malic acid, Tartaric Acid, Citric Acid in 20-25%, 30-45%, 30-45% proportions making 3-25% to the weight of Milk powder. Other edible hydroxy carboxylic acid can find place in the composition.
Edible acid powder as claimed in calim-1 for the composition with Milk powder can be Citric Acid carrying its sequestering property with calcium. Citric acid in a proportion 3-25% to the weight of milk powder functionally acidifies the reconstituting milk powder to a ph 4-5 while with its sequestering property accomplishes the characteristic property of acid coagulation to find calcium ion as the resultant of reaction on the casein precipitation. Conventionally casein are held together by calcium ions, calcium restricts fi*agility. Sequestration property with citric acid Prevent chemical affects on Ca"^^ without removing it form solution . The Sequestration property with citric acid involves the formation of chelate complexes with products of the subjected prime reactants. Addition of gelling agents as claimed in calim-9 like Alginate 10-15%» to the weight of Milk powder in the proposed composition gels the components of the reaction and improves on the fragility of Acid out put instant curd. The natural anti-oxidant property of citric acid stabilizes the process.

To avoid synersis, separation of liquid from curds formed through process of claim 1, 2 & 3 and composition in line Claim-4, claim addition of permitted powder emulsifying and Stabilizing agents fit with dairy products to improve the body of the curds formed. Guar Gum, or Alginate or Gelatin or Agar Agar or mixtures thereof known for their stabilizing and emulsifier properties added in a proportion 0.1-20 % in wt to the volume of water in which composition dissolves. The above Emulsifying and stabilizing agents improve the body of the curds formed.
Claim a Ready to Make process for Sweet Lassy as Instant Lassy making a Composition by adding sugar/sucrose (powder/crystalline) to the prime composition analyzed In reference to claims 1,2,3,8 or add sugar to the resultant curd with the claims -1,2,3 to result instant Lassy with 20- 40 % sugars in a unit specified volume of water or in any supporting fluid media . Fruit powders can complement the composition to give variety of flavour and enhancement of taste. The prime process of acid coagulation with the claimed innovation results soft curd apparently as churned curd. Claimed Innovation brings out the Ready to Make process for conventional curd based drinks like lussy, in an easy to make powder drink format. Where the ingredients put to dissolve in a specified volume of water in a container can readily form Instant Lassy. This facet of products with ingredients in dry and powder form with the claimed innovation can give a long shelf life compared to a very finite shelf life of the conventional drink. As claimed, the process innovation bares the temperature and time constraints with conventional process for either cold milk or cooled pre boiled milk to form curd, the pre requisite and principle ingredient in the make of Lassy. The typical constraints on milk to be heated to 35 °C - 65° C for the activity of starter culture or Heat Acid treatment and the coagulation time to form curd vary between 6-12 hours is claimed surpassed with claimed instant coagulation result with claimed innovation.
Claim a ready to make process for conventional drinks Buttermilk, as the process by adding table Salt to the reconstituted fluid through the prime composition analyzed in reference to claims 1,2,3,8 in 15-20% to the weight Milk powder in them to result instant Butter milk in a unit specified volume of water or in other supporting fluid media.
Claim the process innovation as claimed by claim 1-10 as a process for unique drug delivery System. The characteristic properties embodied by claimed process innovation with its diy and

powder ingredients to readily form instant curd, claims pharmaceutical application as capable to carry and cater certain suitable and supportive bacteria like lactic acid bacillus, lactococcus with their known properties to act as anti-biotics and probiotics, or carry supportive drugs, drug components, enzymes like chymosin, lipase suitable with properties of curd and physically suitable to make a combination & composition with physical structure of powder prime ingredients of the innovation . The claimed process out presents curd, an amiable medium with pH 4-5 which also prevents proliferation of other pathogenic bacteria while supporting the friendly bacteria like permitted lactic acid bacteria. Gives utility as an amiable media for drug delivery compared to conventional tablet or capsule or injection mode of drug delivery. Utility of process innovation can be as put herein, the principle composition with the innovation as claimed in claims -1 added with 60 -70 million spores of lactic acid bacillus /I liter Reconstitution medium as water packaged as one unit, can cater lactic acid bacillus, a lactic acid bacteria which is active in a media with pH around 4-6, which works as post operative /wound healing drug component, functions as a wound healing drug. The utility can be further described in other application as, the principle composition with the innovation as claimed in claim-1 added with 60 -70 million spores of lactococcus, /I liter Reconstitution medium as water can cater lactococcus, a lactic acid a bacteria for its property to resistance bacteriophage, a virus that attacks open bacteria, functions as a anti-biotic caterer. Reference of one more utility as unique drug delivery can put as herein. Amoxycillin Cloxacillin & Lactic acid Bacillus combination an anti-biotic medicine, used in post-operative medical care, where 70 million spores of Lactic acid Bacillus complements 250 mg of Amoxycillin catered as Amoxycillin and 250 gm Cloxacillin catered as Cloxacillin Sodium. A unique drug delivery system comprising a composition of 60 -70 million spores of Lactic acid Bacillus added with principle composition of the proposed innovation in 1 liter Reconstitution medium as water packaged as one unit, can complement the above mentioned drug combination served separately as an amiable medium. Similarly the claimed process innovation can cater Lactobacillus pentosus, lactic acid bacteria, as a composition of 30 -60 million-spores/ 1 liter Reconstitution medium as water with claimed Composition of principle ingredients. Lactobacillus pentosus survives in a pH 4-6, is known to activate antigen- presenting cells such as macrophages and dendrite cells, subsequently it helps increase the resistance to bacterial infections.
As claimed in calim-12. The claimed process innovation is analysed capable to Serve supportive of bio-Engineered enzymes like Chymosin or powder enzymes like lipase powder Which can

perform in the Low pH 4 -6 environment with medium conferred through principle ingredients of Instant curd. A proportion 0.5- 25mg of Chymosin or lipase powder made a composition with principle ingredients as analyzed by claim -1 with reference to 1 liter of reconstituting medium can serve its utility as a drug delivery system catering pro-biotic enzymes. The out put media with the claimed innovation with pH a 4-5, allows and activate the supportive drug components, bacteria, enzyme to perform their functional service as medicine. Studies evaluated that lipase is more active in the range pH 3 - 6, can perform in the pH range 3-10. Chymoin is known to be active in an environment with pH 3.5 - 5, in this context the subjected reaction between prime ingredients brings a media with pH 4-5, which activates the added enzyme to perform their functional properties . Similarly proposed utility as drug delivery system through the process innovation can cater supportive enzymes like Aminopeptidases that degrade proteins to smaller pieces preferably in a proportion added with a 05mg-40mg composition with principle ingredients as analyzed by claim-1 with reference to 1 liter of reconstituting medium. The claimed innovation with respect to the above utility can carry enzymes which can be instrumental in releasing glycomacropeptides, act like as drug serving medium supporting Protein degradations, helping the activity of Food digestion or Drug delivery system to cater certain supportive enzymes.
In reference to improve the result through claims 1,2,3,8 under conditions absolute need to naturally improve gel strength and in strict packaging conditions of product from the process, add 1) conditionally supporting enzyme in 0.5- 25 mg /ILt reconstituting medium in he form of Bio-engineered rennet 'Chymosin' or non Bio-Engineered enzyme Mucor Mehei 2) conditionally supporting Bacteria available in powder form in 60 -70 million spores /ILt reconstituting medium in the forms of Streptococcus Lacti, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lacto bacillus acidophilus or Streptococcus thermophilus put in as supplementary ingredients on process forming instant Curds . Citric acid as edible acid in the proposed composition as 3-10% to the weight of milk powder with rennet/chymosin / Mucor Mehei increases the rate of reaction, citric acid lowers the reconstituting milk powder partially denatures milk protein and with its sequestering property supplies Ca++ ions setting up characteristic environment for the rennet reaction. Calcium sensitive casein, where partially denatured casein with action taken on its protective function due to lowered pH turns it sensitive to calcium, with free Ca++ ions obtained due to initial partial denatuartion precipitates into larger curds. The lactic acid supportive bacteria added to the

principle composition producing lactic acid can complement the claimed process innovation. The above claim is optional with respect to the current invention.
The other acidification agents within the scope of the presents innovation as edible powder acids for claim-! along the claimed in claim - 8,9,10 can be used in accordance with current innovation comprise of tannic acid, gluconic acid, glycolic acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid, isocitric acid, pimelic acid, malonic acid, adipic acid, or any combination thereof.
A single compound having both chelating and acidification properties as such as claimed in claim-9,claim Chelation and acidification can be subjected to take place by separate agents. In context, claim the addition of chelation agents in a proportion 1-20% to the weight of Milk powder in the composition. Chelating agents within the scope of present innovation composition comprises ethylenediaminotetraacetate, pyrophosphate, citric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, sodium citrate, disodium citrate, potassium citrate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexa metaphosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate which also acts as emulsifier and thickening agent, monopotassium dihydrogen orthophosphate, dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate, tripotassium orthophosphate, monosodium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate, trisodium phosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, sodium aluminum phosphate, sodium potassium tartrate, or mixtures thereof
Claim the process of augmenting the whey protein by adding whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate to the principle composition as clamed in claim -1 in a proportion 5-35% to the weight of milk powder, complement the characteristic properties in the out put curd in the form more whey protein to participate in the subjected reaction on milk powder compared to the conventional composition of whey and casein components in milk powder. This is an optional claim in reference to the claimed innovation.


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526-che-2004-claims original.pdf



526-che-2004-description(complete) duplicate.pdf

526-che-2004-description(complete) original.pdf


526-che-2004-form 1.pdf

526-che-2004-form 19.pdf

Patent Number 209580
Indian Patent Application Number 526/CHE/2004
PG Journal Number 50/2007
Publication Date 14-Dec-2007
Grant Date 05-Sep-2007
Date of Filing 07-Jun-2004
Applicant Address S/O. MR. P. BHASKARA RAO NO: 60-10-2, P & T COLONY, RAJAHMUNDRY - 533105.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A23 C 9/14
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA