Title of Invention


Abstract A differential thrust machine powered by substantially unidirectional air or water currents comprising of a plurality of paddles arrangd circularly and colected to an axis of rotation supported on a base structure the paddles -being provided with means for exposing a predetermined surface area of thrust to the said currents on one side and for exposing a different predetermined surface area of thrust to the said curreents on the other side of then axis such that a different thrust is created by the currents an wither side of the axis resulting is totation of the paddles round the said axis
Full Text This invention relates to a differential thrust machine.
When a current of air or water strikes a surface, it creates a thrust, which will move the surface in the direction of the thrust as long as the surface is not fixed against movement
tt two surfaces of the same area are fixed to a rotatable central shaft, wbidi 'a fixed against horizontal movement, such that the two surfaces are on th« diametrically opposite sides of the shaft and in the same plane, there will be no rotation to the ^unit because there will be equal thrust on the surface, which will oppose each other with respect to rotation.
However, if area in one surface, described in the above paragraph is reduced, with respect to the area of the opposing suriace, for an unidirectional flow of a current of air or water directed on to the said surfaces, there will be a rotational movonent of the unit due to the differential thrust on them.
The number of surfaces can be increased around the shaft to give a smooth«-rotation.
Instead of a central shaft a circular structure can also he used, around which the surfaces can rotate either in the inner, outer or both in tbe inner and outer sides of the said structure.
The invention therefore proposes a machine which produces such a differential thrust in the presence of a substantially unidirectional flow of a current of air or water.
Tbe differential thrust machine, according to this invention, powered by a substantially unidirectional air or water currents, comprises of a plurality of sur&ces, henceforth called paddles, arrayed circularly and connected to an axis of rotation supported on a base structure, the paddles being provided with means for exposing a predetermined surface area of thrust to the said currents, on one side of the axis and for exposing a different predetermined surface area of thrust to the said curraits on tbe other side of the axis, such that a difEerential thrust is d'eated by tbe currents on

the paddles on either side of the axis, resulting in the rotation of the paddles around the said axis.
This invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, which illustrate by way of example and not by way of limitation preferred embodiments of this invention, wherein
Fig I. illustrates flap type paddles connected to an axis by arms.
Fig lA. illustrates fbe flap type paddle with through slots and horizontally opening flaps.
Fig IB. illustrates tbc flap type paddle with through slots and voticaJly opening flaps.
Fig IC. illu^rates hinge type paddles connected to an axis by anns.
Fign illustrates coitral shaA type machine with flap type paddles assembly on platforms supported on foundations.
FigUA illustrates central shaft type machine with hinge ^^ paddles assen^ly on platforms supported on foundations.
FtglH illustrates external type machine (Paddles outside the machine) with flap type paddles assembly on platforms supported on foundations.
FiglHA. illustrates external type machine (Paddles outside tbc m»:iune> with tnnge type paddles assembly on platforms supported on foundations.
FiglV illustrates internal type machine (Paddles inside the machine) with flap type paddles assembly on platforms supported on foundations.
FiglVA illustrates internal type machine (Paddles inside the machine) with hinge type paddles assembly on platforms supported on foundations.
Fig A illustrates partial isometric view of the central shaft type differential thrust machine

Fig B illustrates partial isometric view of the external type (Paddles outside the machine) differential thrust machine
Fig C illustrates partial isometric view of the central shaft type differential thrust machine
Various components of the ntachme illustrated in the drawing are identified by the reference numerals given at the end of this specificatitHi befijre the Claims
Here the paddles are fixed to a shaft, either directly or by means of extended arms, to' means of one-way hinges.
The hinge allows the paddle to rotate around the axis of the hinge partially and unidirectionally. The rotation an^e starts on the extended line joining Uw center of the shaft and the axis of the hinge, and is Ihnited. The paddles rotate to either give the foil surfece or angled surftce oa opposing surfaces, according to the direction of flow, thus giving unequal thrust to the opposing sides. (Fig. IC).
Here the paddles are fixed as in type 1, but no hinges are fixed as in type 1. However a number of suitably sized slots are made on the paddle and are covered by hinged flaps. These flaps are fixed to the same side on the entire paddle, and so will be on opposite sides on opposing paddles. These flaps can be made to open either vntically or horizontally, If vertically opening flaps are used, they are to open upwards only, or external systems to return the flaps to its closed position will have to be used. Here the flow of currait opens die flap on one side, giving a reduced surface and on the other side the flaps are closed, giving tlie fiill surface. This causes an unequal thrust, due to the varied area of surface opposing die flow. It is to be noted that the best location of die hinges we on the edges of the flaps and not in betweai. (Fig. I. lA, IB)
NOTE:- For both Type 1 and 11, flie snrfece meeting the flow will vary according to the angle between the surfiice and flie direction of flow. This will cause a variation in the net thrust on the system with respect to time. A large number of paddles

will give much less of such variation. Thus this system requires a large number of
paddles for smooth operation.
The paddles can be fixed to the shaft in one of the following ways:-
Here the paddles are fixed on a central shad as discussed later. This is good for small units. (Fig. U and UA)
Here the whole structure will be in a circular fiinn and shall act as a shaft. The paddles revolve around this structure. Thus the paddles will be outside the structure. The paddles are fixed to the line of revoluti 111- INTERN^ TYPE
Here the structure can be of any shape but the in^e area o{ the structure ^u>uld be hollow and of circular shape. The paddles are fixed inside this circle, and revolve inside the structure (circle) on guide rails fixed to the structure as for extranal type. (Fig.IVandIVA)
This is a combinanon of the external type and the internal type explained above.
Thus six di£fer«it combinations can bo airived at using the above and excluding the combination of external and intonal type, as detailed below; -
• I&^ type - central shaft
• Hinge type - extenud
• Hinge type - internal

• Flap type - external
• Flap type - internal
The siw and number of paddles are dependent on: -
1. The force of the flow of current.
2. The mtrgy output required.
3. Vanation in speed of rotation allowable. (This is mainly linked to the number of paddles. Mtddng the intoxronnecting ring, discussed later, in the case of ettemal and intonal types can also increase smoothness.)
4. Limitations to the external size of the structure (including the paddles length).
For the hinge type paddles, the limitation in rotation of the paddle about its hinge, is dependent on: -
1. The lengitt of the arm fixing the paddle to the shaft.
2. TLe lei^ of the paddle.
3. The qncii^ between the paddles.
4. If the paddles are to return V) the power position by using die current itedf, then the current's ^Ked.
The machine fiuther consists of one or more platforms fixed on suitable foundations. t£ more than one platform is used, the platforms should be one above the other. The optimum number of platforms is three. The minimum height of the platform above the lowest platform is to be k^t above the maximum normal wave height (at maximum high tide) phis the height of the paddle. This is so that the paddles will be completely above wave action, if any repairs are to be done to the padiUes/sbaft, on beiflg lifted np. TMs is so if more than one platfbnn is used. If

only one platform is used, this platform shall be at the minimum height specified above.
If more than one platform is used, the lowest platform shall be above the maximum wave height. This platform is used mainly for repairs and henceforth shall be called the maintenance platform.
The platform can be of any shape, however the maintenance platform shall have a circular opening in the center, which shall be greater in size than the extreme dimensions of dte paddles. Here the foundations shall essentially be outade this circular opening, ss any structure inside this circular opoung will blodc the movement of the paddles. Here there is a liniitatioii in size of paddles, as the cost of structure increases paraboUcally with increase in free span.
A shaft shall be fixed by means of bearings to the platform, centrally with reelect to the opening in the maintenance platform. This shaft should be free to' rotate and also to move vertically. The shaft is to be held in its desired vertical poatioo by means of derrick, jacks or any other such arrangements. This atiangefflent will help in lifting or lowering the paddles to get maximum efficiency and also to lift the shaft along with the paddles out of the water for maintenance.
A set of paddles is to be fixed to the lower ^ of the shaft, either directly or by means of anns. The anns are preferred in the case of lunge type paddles, as keeping the hinges at a distance from the shaft can increase the allowable angle of rotation around its hinges. The movement of die paddles will rotate the shaft.
Power can be transferred ftom the central shaft by means of gear arrangements. This gear arrangemem can be grooved directly into the ^ft or a separate unit fixed around the shaft. It is preferable to have more than one drive outlets, equally spaced, coupled to the shaft, as the tfanut on the gear system will be tudanced. For increi^t^ the number of drives it is preferable to increase the diameter of the gear arrangement on the shaft. This will also allow the spacing of

generators (if used) to be so arran^d, that the will be synchronized with each other. NOTE :-
1) The three platforms are suggested as preferable, as the bearings used to hold
the central shaft can be in two sets, one on each of the top two platforms.
If fixed to a single platform, the bearii^ will have to be huge and the bearing and platfi>nn will have to withstand high bending stresses.
2) Hie shafit/anns holding the paddles can be a niitable hydraulic jack,
which will lift the paddles op and down.
The above two notes ftre true for the other two cases being described below.
EXTERNAL TYPE ff jg m. IIIA and B^
The outer ^ape of the structure should be circular. There is no size limitation as any number of supports can be given internally. Thus this allows utilization of space in the inner area for other utilities, like setting up of manufactuiii^ units, etc.
The paddles are fixed to the lower end of individual shafts, which in turn are fixed to the platfonn by means of guide rails, through arms. In case of hinge type paddles are used, these can be allowed to rotate at the joint of the paddle to the shaft or can be allowed to rotiOe at the joint of the shaft with the arm. Vertical holding is achieved by means of hydraulic jacks fixed to each paddle system, as a common lifting arrangement caimot be used as for the central shaft type.
As each paddle, shaft and arm unit act as an indivi^ial unit, they will not ftinction as required unless they are interconnected, to transfer thrust to each other. For this a ring is to be provided, either inside ^e guide rail or on extension to the aims, thus interconnecting the above units.
The outlet drives ftir power transmission is taken up from the ring intercormecting the paddle units.

Multiple points fbr transferring power is preferable, as a single point of transfer may require a very heavy ring to take up the load.
Access to the structure will have to be provided through a structure fixed out»de the reach of the paddles and inter connected the main structure at a height not interfering with the operation of the paddle units.
The structure can be of any shape. However there shall be a circular shaped opening internally of suitable size.
The paddles shall be fixed as for the external type, but for the fact that the paddles shall be inside the structure (inside the circnlar opening and not outside. This will cause the structure to have a large dimension, as the paddles should not strike each other and there should be a number of paddles for the system to be economical. Thus, this is good for large units.
The ring and drive system shall be as fbr external type.
In common: -
The power offtake can be done on any of the platforms or all of them, excluding the maintenance platform.
It is to be noted that die direction of rotation of the machine is dependent on how the hinges/flaps are fixed and not dependent on the direction of fiow of the current. Thus a unidirectional motion is obtained even in differing direction of
it is essential that the paddles top be below the zone of wave action. This is to negate the buffeting action from waves.
This system can be used as a very cheap source for dectridty generatioit bi case of continuous Sow (as in case of oceans and perennial rivers), the output can be the main supply, but in cases of intermittent flow and -tidal fiow (as in badnvaters, non-peremual rivers etc.) as a booster to the ncwmal dectric sui^ly.

The benefits are:-
1. Highly economical, both for initial investment and for running ejqjenses.
2. Totally non-polluting.
3. As this system is over water, costly and sparse land space can be saved.
4. In case ocean currents are used, this system can be used as a source of energy for starting offshore manufacturing units. This makes use of cheap o£&bore areas, which are not being utilized now, aloi^ with release of costly land areas for other purposes.
5. No non-renewable energy is being used
6. Can be used with adaptations in the Arctic, Antarctic and like areas, where frozen conditions prevail.
7. No heat emission (as in thermal and nuclear plants) nor heat capture (as in solar energy units, wherein portion of the heat that should have reflected off is held back) occurs, thus this system does not increase global warming.
8. The abundant ocean area gives limidcss source.
The following can be added to the system.
1. For hinged type, motors may be used for returning the paddles to the power position for getting higher efficiency.
2. Incase of hinged type, for getting a constant speed, when there is variation in flow rate, the paddles can be arrested from reaching its full power position (i.e. the face of the paddles are not allowed to become perpendicular to the current direction). This can also be attained, for both types, by varying the dqith of paddles, wliere suSicient depth of water is available. However in both the above methods the maximum out put cannot be attained at peak flow conditions. The third choice is to have drive-oudets, which can be added

I Claim:
1. A differential thrust machine, powered by substantially unidirectional air or water currents, comprising of a plurality of paddles arrayed circularly and connected to an and of rotation supported tm a base structure, the paddles being provided with means for exposing a predetermined surface area of thrust to the said cunents, on wie side and for exposing a different predetermined surfece area of thrust to the said currents on the other side of the axis, such that a differential ihnist is (seated by the currons on etthea- side of the axis, resulting in rotation of the paddles around the said axis.
2. A machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein the means comprises one-way hinges fixed to the paddles and to the axis such that the paddles fold on raie side of the axis under the thrust of the said currents, but do not fold under the said thrust on the other side of the axis.
3. A machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein the paddles are connected to the axis by anns and the means comprise one-way hinges fixed to the amis and to the axis such that the paddles fold on one side of the axis imder the thrust of Ae said entreats, but do not fold under the said tfuust on the other side of the axis.
4. A machine as claimed in claim 1 wherein the means ciunprise throu^-slots provided on the surface of the paddles, the slots being provided with flaps fixed over the slots such that the flaps uncover the slots on one side of the axis under the thrust of the wid ourents, but cover the slots under the said thrast on the other side of the axis.
5. A machine as claimed in Claim 4 wherein the paddles are connected to the axis by anns means comprise through-slots provided on the surface of the paddles, the slots being provided with flaps fixed over the slots such that the flaps uncover the slots on one side of the axis under the thrust of the said currents, but cover the slots under the said thrust on the othw side of the axis.

6. A machine as claimed in any one of the Gaims 4 and 5 wherein the flaps
move horizontally to uncover and cover the slots.
7. A machine as claimed in any one of the Claims 4 and S wherein the flaps move vertically to uncover and cover the slots.
8. A machine as claimed in at' one of the preceding Claims wherein the axis is a structure, the paddles being disposed outside the structure and rotatably supported by guides in channels
9. A machine as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims ! to 7 wherein the
axis is a structiu^, the paddles being disposed inside the structure and
rotatably supported by guides in channels.
10. A machine as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims wherein the base
structure is at least one platform supported on foundatirais.
11. A machine as claimed in Claim 10 wherein the base structure oMnprises a
plurality of platform supported on foundations.
12. A differential tfinist machine substantially as herein described witli reference
to and as illustrated in the accompanying drawings.


497-mas-2002 abstract duplicate.pdf

497-mas-2002 abstract.pdf

497-mas-2002 claims duplicate.pdf

497-mas-2002 claims.pdf

497-mas-2002 correspondence others.pdf

497-mas-2002 correspondence po.pdf

497-mas-2002 description (complete) duplicate.pdf

497-mas-2002 description (complete).pdf

497-mas-2002 drawings duplicate.pdf

497-mas-2002 drawings.pdf

497-mas-2002 form-1.pdf

497-mas-2002 form-26.pdf

Patent Number 201622
Indian Patent Application Number 497/MAS/2002
PG Journal Number 08/2007
Publication Date 23-Feb-2007
Grant Date
Date of Filing 02-Jul-2002
Name of Patentee SASI STEPHEN
Applicant Address ANNATTIL, THEVARA, COCHIN 682 013.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E02B9/06
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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