Title of Invention


Abstract A batch mixer having a barrel which forms a cylindrical sealed chamber having a section consisting of two mutually communicated circles, and two rotors housed in the chamber to mix a mixing material by rotation, at least one of the inner wall of the barrel and the surface of the rotor having a plurality of recessed parts or protruding parts. The recessed parts or protruding parts are formed of grooves or projections .extended in the direction crossing to the rotating direction of the rotor rotated in the chamber to mix the material. According to this structure, a batch mixer excellent in the controllability of material temperature during mixing can be provided.
Full Text

BACKGROUND OF THE IKVEXTIQN (FIELD OF THE INVIENITON) The ;: Id! sent invention relates to a batch mixer for mixin:^ material by re .i'itin§' rotoriii in a chsniber. More particularly, the present invention n ates ::o a -itrncture for controlling the internal temperature of the chamber (tlLe teinperi-tuj'e of a material to be mixed), which is raised d'armg mixing, a:::d further ;ii. iiitructure for improving the fLindity of the material in the chamber.
As coa'iventionaily known techniques for batch mixer, for example, a blotch Jidxer is :lisclo$ed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open (Kokai) Ko. 9-2207i;i', Tliis mixer has a barrel winch forms a cylindrical sealed c]I amber ha7.i;i:-j a cross-section consisting; of two mutually communicated ciicles, ajid 'vi; rotors housed in the barrel to mjx a material by rotation, whereirt the ch amber haj= a first hear transfei passage on the outside of the rJ;] amber aiCi.ind each rotor, and extends between both axial ends of the aiamber to 'circulate controlled fluid. The interned temperature of the c]liamber (the t Howev^Er, the barrel inner wall of the batch mixer disclosed in

J::paiie3e Pate:tit AppHcalion Laid-Open No. 9-220718 has a serai-cyhndiical ai; d smooth shape because the chamber diamei;er is constant. Consequently, die material ui;:ider mixmg are apt to slip on. the contact surface with the biirrel inner w:;;dl, Avhich may make the contact surface difficiLit to renew. ;S; imely, sincA the mateiial is hardly evenly mixed in the vicmity of the coitact surfroe^ the temperatut'^; control of the material cannot be efficiently pi:iforn',ed. Fiiirther, the temperature controi is limited because of the liiiited contai::t area between the material and the barrel inner wall.
The prevent invention has been achieved to solve the above-a.-uitioned problems.
Nan; ely, the present invention provides a batch mixer having a barrel w lich form;- a cyhndric^il sealed chamber having a cross-section conisisting; of t,' 0 mutuahv cvirnmunicated circles, and two rotors hou.'^ed in the chamber to n.ix a material by rotation, wherein at least one of the inner waU of the b;j:rel ai:id tlie surface of the rotors ha5 a plurality of recessed parts or ptotrudin^ parts.
Since tlie material can be g-ra&ped without sUppage as the action of e:,ch recessed, part or protruding; part as a slip stepper, the renev/al of the n!ateri;d flcA- is facilitated. Sixice a sufficient shearing force is i^iven to the niateri^d b)' thtii graspmg effect by the protruding- part cr recessed part to i:i::>prove ih^^ (tiiiipersibibxy, the quality of mixing is improved. F'urther, since t!:, e he£:t extinction perfol^tnance through the barrel or rotors is improved by increasing- it. :;;urface area of the barrel inner w^dl or rotors, the mixine .

i;;ri M'gy apphcable to thf materi.:d up to a regelated tUscharge temperature -nil be nici'etised to improve the quahty of mixing.
The i'liic-'iissed part may be formed of a ^pcoove exte)xded in the ddiection crc.^si:ri.g to the rotating' cUrection of the rotor.
The ;n::c«iissed part directed to the rotor axial directioii acros-^ the i'cu-itijtig (hKi-ction promotes tht; flow of the material to the rotor axial dai ecticn, so i;li.5it the renewal of the contact surface of the material with the !::i;:.!n*el iimei "vvail can be effectively performed. Namely, the renev/al of the rnvxeiiixi surface to msJce contact with xhe barrel iimer suiface can be pi )moted to improve the heat extracting eifect, and the distributing property is iinprcved "oy the promoting efl'-act of the material flow by the recessed part. Aicordnigiy mice the controllabihty of matericd temperature can be Li;i;proved, tl:;E' taxing ener^^ apphcable to the material up to the re^miated d]i;:char!je tev:rjp The protruding part may be formed of a projection extended in the di 'ectioi crcsidjig to the rotating iiirection of the rotors.
The pjrotrudmg part directed to the rotor axial directicn across the rt:';:atin§: clirei;;i:ion promotes the flow of the material to the rotor axial di ^ectioQ, so th;i.t the renewal of the contact surface of the material with the b;:rrfel itirier Yr?.ll can be effectively performed. Namely the renewal of the n; iterial suriace to make contact with the barrel inner yux-face can be p: omoted to irnirrove the heat extracting effect, and the distributing property ifi improved by the promoting efiect of the materia] flow by the protruding purt. -'\£;co]:diTi.glj^, since the controllability of material teinperature can be i]itpro\'ed. t\v.i^ mimig energy ai)phcable to the material up to the regulated

di.:(:har!*;e ie]::::ip :BRIEF DESCRIPTION oi^^ THE DRAWINGS
?ig. L is a cross-^sectionaJ. \ievv* sho\ving: the entire structxiie of a batch imi>:er aocor(Li!'i32: to one embcdiment of the piesent invention;
Fig. 2 IS a cross-isection ta^kien alon^ hne Z-Z of Fig- 1:
Pig: 3 (;-i) and (b) are \iews showinjj development exarnples of a barrel ;i.r::ier wall hi the batch mixer of the present invention;
Fi^. 4 is a 'dew .^^hovrong a circumforentinl cro^s-section of a recessed p::itt;
Fig. i: i,i) a ^dew showing im axi^il cross-section of the recessed part;
Fig. *;: is a \iew showmg ;m example of a rotor having recessed parts;
Fig. 7 is a jji'aph showing the relation between temperature of mixing m-iterial antl amount of specific energy suppHed in examinations for a c<: :iventional bi mixer and the batch of present invention> Fig. B i;; a graph shownjj the relation betvreen Mooney viscosity and ajiriount of i^ecific energy supplied in examinations for the conventional b;;;tch itixer axxd the batch mixer of the present invention; and
Fig. 9 it:- a graph shov^ing; the relation between dispersion degree of c:iicbon and mnount of .specific energy supphed in examinations for the ci:* iveniicnal irii:xei' and the batch mixer of the present invention.
Embodiinents of the present invention will next be de^^cribed in Ti;:u3ren :e to ^iccompanying drawhigs.

Fig. ! :.i3 a cross-«ectional \iew sho'/o.ng the e:atire structure of a batch :m:>;er accord:rij;: to an embodiment of the present; invention. Fig. 2 is a cri.ss-$ectioir ixxong Kae Z-Z of Fiij 1.
The b.iicch mixer X has a barrel :i which forms a cyhndrical sealed chamber 8 b.^iviag a cross i^ection consisting of two mutually communicated dulos, and tv-o rotors 4 housed :in the chamber 8 to mix material by rotation.
A material push-in device A is provided above the l)arrel 1, a i:L;,;charijiiig aechamsm B is provided under the barrel 1, and a cooling: lE.f :ohanism C' is pioxided around the barrel 1.
The :::ifiterial push-in de\ice A comprises a feed port 7 provided above tl; - chamber 8, a floating weight 6 to be pushed into the feed port 7, and a ilrating suppori; mechanism for rai^sing and lowering the floatuii^;: weight 6 according to tlie pressure of the c)) amber 8.
A material (rubber, etc.) put into the feed port 7 throug-li a vertically long shoot no;. . The d.).::;':harp'e mechanism B comprises a discharge port 3 provided u::i.der the chamber S, ^^n openable and closable cLt'op door 2 for closmg the d!.5chaige pocc '^l cmd a latch 5 foi keeping the drop door 2 in a closed state.
The drc'p door 2 closes the (hscharge port 3 extended in the axial direction of ili.e rotors 4 and 4under the chamber 8 by a door top 2a to enable tjie mlMing ol tlie .materic^d by the rotors 4 and 4, and rotationalh^ falls do^■^al afound a fulcc'um 2b, after the mmng of the material, to open the dj^scharge p;'rt, £10 that the mixed material can be dischaiged. The opening and

doidng of the ciixop door 2 is performed by a drop door control circuit of iri-'chauJic coMt;:t'i;:»l de\ace not shown.
The -'-Itch 5 is presised onto the di'op door 2 to push up the drop door 2 i:.oAard the barrel 1 side, clamps it so as to retain the sealing:property in the cl: 3mber 8 di.;.riiag^ the mixing- of the rnatfjrial, and retreated from the drop door 2 iifter the mixing the material to allow the open (clamp open) of the dr)p door 2.
The c.coling mechanism C is formed by a passage 21 formed on the ciicumf^rence oi the barrel 1 e^^cept. the part provaded with the material p.;ish-m device A and the discha]:ge mechani^sm 3. The pasi^age 21 is a:: canged so :;i:s to carry a coolin;^: medium zigzag in the axtrdl direction of the b:iiael 1 to el:l"ic:!.ently cool the inside of the barrel 1. The cooKng medium is forcedly pas:=i^:!. to the passage 21 m a generals operation. The cooling-;Q::l^:hanism C can perform heating also by passing a heat medium. The pifi^isage 21 :og;!:agged in the axisil direction is formed by vise of a welding ,isii::ket struci -UE:!, a drill structure, a cast hole structure.
The barrel 1 forms the cyhiidj:ical sealed chamber 8, in which the CJ: )S$ sectio]': ,!.s formed in two laterally commuincated circles w;i.th the lower pi:rt of':he fioaitmej weight (material push-hi device A) and the door top 2a of lis? dro]) doc,.;* 2 (the discharge mechanism B) as d;ho^vn in Fig\ 1, ^.nd the si.de :3vrfacei5 are- di>.sed by end plates 21 as shown in Fi.g. 2. The two rotary ]co(,ors -4 and 4 Eire arrang-ed m the charaber S.
A? s.'rio^^/n m Yxg, 2. rotors 15 and 16 in the barrel 1 have two blades ei;ch con:5istA;ig: of ionjj blades 15a and 16a and ;short blades ;i5b and 1Gb. r-ispecr.vely These blades 15a, 16a, 15b and I5b are inclined from both

tijids of t:ae rotors 15 find 16 to the centei: ;::ide m the reversely rotating li: ectioji of tbt rotors 15 and 16, with one-side blades acting as feeding bbides, and i:]nr other as returrnng: blades. Both Iho blades are shifted in pj::a$e :ai the ict.ating direction, and independent to each other.
The :rotc)rs 15 and 16 shown in thti di^avmi^j are of non-iueshm^^ t>^e in v/Mcli they are rotated in dissimilar directions vi^dthout mutiudly inesliing, ;:i;::cl the rotaldii.:? speeds of the dissimilar directional rotations are diifered in a ;:5.xed ratio ;e.g., 1.1.2). The rotors 15 and 16 of the batch :n)xxer of this ej:ii"bodJ,ment ^irii; not Hniited by the above. For example, the rotors 15 and Hi: may be oj: rneshing t>i)e in which they are rotated at the sanie speed, in aiiclition to tne above-mentioned dissixuilar directional rotation. The w mber of blades in the rotors 15 and 16 may be 1 o:*; 3, and the arrang-ement [)f the blades miiiy b(* differed.
In the barrel 1 of Fig. 2, M^here the rotors 15 and 16 are rotated in d;.:>sini:Lla-T db ec:tions, the massive material flow5 in the inchned direction of die Ions:: blades 15a and 16a and short blades 15b and 16b while receiving a :^J!Glaring eife^yl in the tip clearaLice between the blade tips of the rotors 15 a::id 16 and t'le inner wall of the barrel 1 to perform a so-c^illed macro d:i5per$:i0n of O-niformly mixing' additives to the material.
Since tlie rotors, 15 and .16 are rotated in dissiniLla;" directions, the ni::^.tenal al.';0 ilows between th^i lateral chambers. Accordingly, the mixing uiateniil gradually iarfjely circulates as the whole within the barrel 1 as s:::.own by (i) \u Fig. 2 to perform the so-called macro dispersion of uniformly ij'iixin^r the ;inkli.tives to the material.
The ?.n].:er wall of the barrel 1 has, as shov^rn in Fig, 1, recessed Darts ,

9 :I:G the d}.re<::tion crossing to the rotating direction of rotor> Fi?..';: :?bow3 development examples of th«i> niner wall of the barrel L faroo^'iio may be provided vertically (m the a,Kial dxrection of the rotor 4^ to ths roi:a!;:ing direction of the rotor 4 as recessed parts 9a of Fig. 3(a). 0:.her\^i.se, su;ot::ve.3 as recessed parts 9b may be provided spirally with a pr-scribed t^^^ifsting- angle as sliovAi m Fig. 3(b). The tAvistm^' ixngle in Fig-. *:!(iO is 0" , cmA the twisting angle in Fig. 3 (b) is 0-60° ,
The nor..-slip effect of the m.aterial to the barrel mner wall can be obtained by proviiiing' i^rooves. Consequently, the renewal of the contact sv.rface of i:"be mateii pi:omot(!d-
riie above effects can be further improved by providing the g-rooves e:i.tended hi the direction crossing to the rotating direction of the rotor as S'iKjwn in Fi;;;:- 3. The recesised parts shov/n in Figs. 3 (a) and (b) are easy to \^'l irk bfcau.'i.i? o:L the groove shapes.
Each i:M3::e5sed part 9 is formed of a CLt^rvdar 'f^ii'oove having a radius E.;.. a.nd xt U arranged every unifonnly thvided angle a on the c.:i 'cumierence, as shown in Fig.. 4, so as to be in contact ^^dth an inscribed d:i :i.meter D2 i.a:i:ger by a clistance H than the inside diameter Dl of the barrel 1, The chsrance H is as shallow as 1.0-2.0 mm, for example, m laboratory

sire, ab;hou!;:'h it is varied depending on machine sizt^. The ratio of the :i.r.Ki.\de diam«=?t:3r Dl to the distance H is preferably set to 05-2%. The radius Si' is a^; lariiio as 3 times or more the distance H, Therefore, the recessed p^irt 9 is forried as a shallow and mxie groove. According to such a sti ucture, the: material iB never stayed in the recessed part 9. VVlien the uriformly divided angle a is narrovv^ed, and the radius Rl is increased, the ni'iossed pa::! 9 c^n be made wider than the remaining protruding part (bitilc-like jitoT.nulhig part, etc.) of the racUus Dl. By constituting' the rC'i-essed pa:t': t(i be relatively small to the protruding part in ttds way, the !!jt.;;Lying of thii n^aterial in the recessed part can he minimized-
As s'nov/n in Fiij, 5. both the axial ends of the recessed part 9 are p:i')vide'l apai;t from the end plates 21 by prescribed distances? Ll and L2. LI 15 longer i;h:3,n L2; and located on the short blade side of the rotors 15 and IQ, and L3 i.s Iocat In the latch mixer of the above structure, the material is supplied tiim the verticiiuly long' shoot mounted on the feed port 7, and pushed ijito tl;:i2 chambex B sealed by the drop door 2 and clamped by the latch 5 by ki'verin^ the floatrng weight 6- The pushed material is mixed by each rotor 4, 4 wk.ch is roliated so as to sweep the iiDier WEH of the barrel 1 having the ri:,':essed pa)'!-) !;), After the end of miiang, the latch 3 is retreat^sd from the d: op door 2 t:3 release the clamp, and the drop door 2 is rotated downward a:.cund the fulcrum 2b and op'i^ried dQ\^rti to discharge the mixed material I:V>>m the dischi^vrge port 3. After the material is discharg-ed, th^ drop door 2

Is rotated upv/Eird around the fulcriim 2b to block the discharge port 3 of the ::::l:.anibec 8 in preparation for the foliowng" mixing. Wlien the cbop door 2 is d;sed: ^:he drop door 2 is pushed by the latch 5 ;ind clamped to retain the St! ihng property in the chamber 8. The mcvterid is newly p.u.^«hed into the chmihet: 8 through the feed port 7 by the Heating" weight 6, and the mixing is .::;t;Lrted, Tb.r' ::i.i:a].ed mixing maclune X of the above structure repeats such a i:n;ijang cyde,,
The .:i;!'e.=i of the inner wall of the barrel I is mcrea^^edby the recessed p;uts 9 prov:(;l.eiiin the barrel 1 cf the batch mixer in this embodiment, and i;}; ^ material ran be graispedby the action of the groove-lilie recec-ised parts 9 a;;i slip i;toppr!r;: The axial material flow can be promoted by providing the lip')0ve-]ike i.'c'ic-E^ssed pa]'t.'> 9 in the aAi;.^l direction of the barrel 1. By these ^ III ians, the renewal of the mac(;rial surface to make contact w:ith the inner 3ijiface of t})if barrel 1 ifJ accelerated, and the heat extraction performance by the cooling ir^et-haiiism C of the barrel 1 is impr^^ved- The mi?dng ener^ aj;phca]'jle to the material up to the 3'egulated discharge temperature can be ii:.;rea;i'id b;; Ibis improvement in heat extraction performance to improve (;]t.-' quality of mixine:.
Fur"h.!a:t, since a sufficient shearing* force is given to the material by ihe grc\spin;5 effect by i:he p'oove-Uke recessed parts 9 to improve the di:5pei\*5:Lb:Uii:y, and the ilsuibuting property is miproved by the promoting ei-oact of the jUtLterial flow by ths groove-like recessed parts 9, the quality of n I .Xing' is fiiri;h::!r improved.
The rec:i*ssed part 9 has a circular section in Fig 1. The same effect O'lii be obtajijietii even if the radius of this circular arc is properly changed, or

til :J nivoafcer oi circidar arcs is .increased. Further, a V-shaped section or Dpdonaj. cuiVtid section (e.g., corrugated shape), although not shown^ is adaptafc'le to improve the con troll ability of the material temperature because tl: .i area of tli:? barrel inner wall can be extended. The recessed parts 9 are i(>:i'3feral)ly g-roove-shaped,, but the same effect can be obtained even if dent-liive miepeTLdifat recessed pans are scattered. A shape such that :p:!';)trudLng-parts are scattered in a wide rt-^cessedpart, although not shown, is £ilso adaptc'ible to .improve the controllability of the material temperature b'^^cause the a Lea of the barre] inner wall can be extended.
Althcivgh only the recessed part V3 described m the above, the same Bl;;ix;ct can hi- obtaiaed even if the recessed part 9 is chanered to a protruding* pi:rt (bErrkdike protrudinr^'part, etc.).
The rec^:;!ssed part may be provided on the I'Otor as shown in Fi^. 6. N imely, in \i batch mixer ha\in^v a barrel which forms a cylindrical sealed diamber ha\nn;;f a section consisnng of two inutUcOJy communicated circles ai::d two rol:'Vr:? housed in the chmnber to mix a material by rotation, a pi.irality of* 3:^; cessed parts may be provided on the surface of the rotors. The Tiiicessed part-is inay be formed of grooves extended in the direction crossing to tli£- rotEiting: crrection of the rotors.
As sl:iO'V'-ri in Fisj. 6, the rotor 4] has a space 45 for ciji'cidating' the c::cling: med;;i:ii:::i in the center P. Recessed parts 42 are pro\dded on the SI- rface of the: rotor 41 to extend the surface area, whereby the recessed parts 4:: can g^^iisip the material as slip stoppers, and the heat extraction puformance can be improved. The rece^^sed parts 42 are provided on the S'.;rface exc
J • .- '\ > .■ 4 : I AJ. 'J I_: 'J 'J ■_ 'j \ -. ^

■j^'JC :. 10/00

d; recti on ;sid=: of the rotor 41.
Siucf;.' a sufficient sheariag" force is given to the mai:.erial by the g;:a.sping efioct by the recessed parts 42 to improve the dispermbility of the rX: iterisJ, tht-: o^Cintrollabihty of material ternperatx^re is improved.
Each VFicessed part 42 has a circular section m Fig. 6, but the same eJ:'ect can b:' c-btained even if the radius of the circular arc is properly CJ: ringed, or the number of circular BVQS is iracreased. A V-£;hape or any c'jrved shape (e-g., corrug:ated shape), although not shown, is also adaptable to improve the controlIabili.ty of the material temperature since the area of tlje barrel irn..e:f: wall ca:n be extended.
P'urt;,b.e:c, g:roovei$ are provided vertically to the rotating direction of tlie rotor 41 although net showrt, whereby the flow of the msiterial in the a;-iai oirectioi of the rotor 41 c;5ri be promoted. Consequently, i:he renewal o;;' the conti3^cfc ;:=urface of the material \vith the rotor 41 can bo effectively pSirformed, and the improvemenic in lieat extraction performance and iii.provijment in di.stnbutLng' property of the mateiifd can be atta^med.
The ^vaKie can be said when the giooves are spirally provided wth a pi escribed ivristmg angle Accordingh^ since the controUahLLity of the materi^d te:rnperature can be unproved, the mixing^ energy applicable to the materiid up to the regulated discharge temperature can be increased; ajid fc'l: e quality ci mixing can be improved. The reci^ssed parts are easy to work brcausf? of the i^voove shape.
Althouf':h only the recessed part is de^^cribed in the above, the same eifect can be obtained even if the recessed part 42 i.*:i changed to a protruding Ij;irt (bank-Lliie protruding part, etc.).

if,A'ample of ]?>.;).mination)
The 1: ■rtch mLxer ha\aiig" grooves on the barrel inner wall, which has ct:..' stnictuii' .*i"iown in Fig\ 1, and a conventional, batch mixer havincr no ipMOve en the biirrel inner wall were comparatively examined,
;;n F:4. 4, the recessed (circular) parts 9 are provided m a groove dt'Dth (II) of 1. :ni.m on the barrel inner wall of the batch mixer of the present ix.v'enticn used in the exammauon. In this examination, the adjacent rei^essecl parLs 9 axe provided ev^iiy 10" . (a) around the axis P of the rotor 4 la the veri:i.<:ai direction to the axial of rotor and radius ci arc is xnm.> In this exanuriation, tht^ conventional batch mixer and the batch itrjKer of thtr piesent inv(>ntion havhig the same chamber diameter (inside (b imeter Dl: 130 mm) were used, and the di£?charL^e temperatrrre of the n:i aerial was i?oc constant,
M a ■te.'3ult of measurement of the overall heat transfer coefficient of b;j:rrel, it coult] be conjSrmed that the overall heat transfer coefiicient of bi:rrel of die batch mixer of the present inventioxi in 1,6 times or more that of l!i;9 conventioaci.1 batch mixer.
The relation between n:.aterial temperature and specific energ>' sri.pplieil m eximnnation for the conventional batch mixer and the batch n xei of the prc^sent invention is shown in Fig. 7.
A;^ i.'i; a);;parent from Fig. 7, the rriaterieii temperatxu-e in the batch n Lxer of tho ]i:':r':i;sent invention is low. compared with the conventional batch n:.;xer i^the :n€:cifi.c eners;y supphed is equd. Accordingly, the .improvement in the contrcIiisbiLlty of miatenal temperature bv the present invention could »

b'- confi.rrne'i.
Moo"^';iy viscosity and ceirbon liispersibijity, which ai'e evaluated iXV> a.i.;ality, vvexe also measured The relation between Moonev v:isco5itv and 3;i:eci£c ener£;y ■supplied sjid the relation between liispersion de^jiee of carbon a.d sp'Scifit; erierfy supplied in examinations foi the conventional batch !:T: .xer and thii; ];atch mixer of the present invention are shovni in Figs. 8 and 9 respeciivrilj^
As i;-= apparent fi'om Fig. 8, the Mooney vii^cosity of the material is Ic .ver in th*;^ l;;atch mixer of the present invention, compa;:ed with the C'./civenrionaH batch mixei* if the specific energ>' c*;upphed is equfd Since the :av3teri£Ll havini;!; the lo^^'er Mooney \iscosity has the more satisfactory quality, t"::'€: improvenlent \n qui5li.ty of the material by the present invention could be c'.;:ritirra.ed.
Aii 3-i apparent from Fijj. 9, the dispersion degree of carbon of the nva.teiicd is iu.^n in the batch mixer of the present invention, compared with tv:e convention id ])atch mixer if the speci&c energy suppUed is equal: Since tie m:3teri;il having the liigher dispersion degree of carbon has the more satisfactory quality, the improvement in quciJjty of the materi^d by the present inv*a.il:ion could, be confiraied.

1. Ab;.-il;ch ;mixer conipn^nng*:
abai.rel which ibrms a cyliiKbical Sf-iiled chamber ha\'iiig' a sectioxi^
cuo.sistinf_^* ol; i^^o mutusUy communicated circles; aiid
tv/Q ::"ot':ii['3 housed in the chamber to mix a material by roration,
at ItiiSt one of the inner 'v^-all of the barrel and the surface of rhe rotoi*
h;.\itig a ph;rtality of recessed parts or protrudiiig" part.
2. Thi:; "batch mixer ^ccoidong to claim J, '^'herein the barrel inner Willi has a phir.iiJity of recessed parts or protrudini^' parts.
3. Th 4. The batch n:i:;er according to claim 2, wherein the protruding p;.rts are finnied of projections extended in the direction crossing to the njLatinjj (:Urf-ct:tr)n of the totors.

A batch mixer substantially as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings.



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Patent Number 201504
Indian Patent Application Number 203/CHE/2004
PG Journal Number 08/2007
Publication Date 23-Feb-2007
Grant Date 07-Aug-2006
Date of Filing 09-Mar-2004
Applicant Address 10-26 WAKINOHAMA-CHO 2-CHOME, CHUO-KU, KOBE-SHI, HYOGO 651-8585
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B29B 7/18
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2003-066121 2003-03-12 Japan