Title of Invention


Abstract Electronically controlled Safety Suitcase aimed at a tension free travel without fear of theft of suitcase. An Electronic circuit producing high frequency current at about 100-150V. comprising of a specially designed pin key located in the socket, a specially designed plate made of strong plastic fixed on the lower side of handle, two metal strips fitted on the lower side of plate, connections taken from the said strips to output of the said electronic circuit through a press switch which is located between the topside of the handle and plate. When the pin key is in socket, entire circuit is unoperational. The topside of the pin key is fitted with one end of chain and the other end of chain is fitted onto the hand of owner. When suitcase is seized, during theft, pin key is released from socket and circuit is operational, thereby the two metal strips fitted around the suitcase and parallely connected metal strips at the lower side of plate become energised and the thief thereby gets a shock from the plate and metal strips. The suitcase is released by the thief.
The invention relates to a suit case, which is electronically controlled for safely.
Generally travel outdoor involves carrying silt case. Many a time valuable items and money are transferred from one place to another using suit cases. It is a daily occurrence, that lots of people travel daily carrying suitcases alongwith them and rate of theft is also high during the journey. The loss is enormous when the contents are high value in terms of money or related to commercial documents in business. Whatsoever be the cost of the contents, the loss is definite, since tracing the thief and retrieving the goods is not practical as of date. The only alternate solution would be to avoid the theft - in the first place.
No owner can be literatfy holding the suit case In his hand at all times of the journey, so the owner has to be warned or the thief has to be deterred when attempting to touch the suit case.
The system has to be safe so that the owner can relax during the journey.
it is an object of the invention to avoid the conventional theft of the thief walking away with the suit case when the owner is dozing off or is distracted else where - during the journey.
It is another object of the invention to deter the thief from walking away with the suit case, but no bodily harm is intentional.

It is another object of the invention to make the system working continuously without the owner's interference once the system is switched on. The system can be switched off at the owner's discretion only.
These and other subjects of the invention will be apparent from ensuing description.
It is aimed at a tension free travel suitcase without fear of theft
It deters the tNef from committing the theft by forcing Nm to withdraw himself away from the suitcase, but without actually hurting him. The system is continuous without the need of the owner to intervene after each and every attempt of theft The system Is reliable, simple, easy, economical and safe.
We will not describe the Invention ti detail :-
The safety device essentially has to operate aaalnst theft.
1. when the owner leaves the suit case on the floor.
2. when the owner is holding the suit case by its handle.
The system essentially consists of:-

1. Electronic control circuit two afcafetoe cells (3 voltage).
2. Pinkey with socket and chain.
3. Two sets of metal strips.
4 fHmsvtftch^tfcvwryaortditJan).
5. On/Off switch for (mobile condition).
An electronic circuit which produces high frequency current about 100 to 150 volt, which is from two alkaline cells (3 volt) kept inside the suit case. When a specially designed pin key is removed from the socket by the owner, the circuit through the socket connections wRl be attve. If someone takes the suit case he will get a non-tither shock and thereby force him to with-draw himself from the attempt. A specialty designed plate which is made up of strong plastic is used in the lower side of the handle of the suit case. Two metal strips are fitted in the tower side of the plate and the connections are taken from the strips and it is connected wKh the out put (100 to 190 Malt) of the electronic circuit through a press switch which is placed between the top side of the handle and the plate. White handling the suit case the plate will g> upward and thereby press the press switch, thus the circuit is completed through the press switch and pin key socket Thus the out put voltage will come in the metal strips and the person holding the handle will gat the shock and he will tend to drop the suit case. Once pressed and then released, the plate will return to its initial pcefeton and theieby fitting ready to repeat the process if necessary, if the pin key is placed in its position, the entire circuit will become unopentionaL

While walking with the suit case by the owner, there is a chance to be seized. The top side of the pin key is fitted with one end of the chain and the other end of the chain is fitted with the hand. When the suit case is seized, the pin key will be released faorn the socket which is fitted in the suit case the socket wlu be atfce as before. Two metal strips are fitted around the suit case and itis parallel connected with the metal strips at the lower side of the plate. ThiswUl result for getting a shook from the plate and the metal strips around the suitcase.
A switch is used for getting connection from the output of electronic circuit with out passing the plate.
When the suitcase Is placed in a place, if the suit case is robbed the shock at the lower side of the plate in the hardle is on^ necessary. A switch Is used to disconnect the supply to the metal stripe around the suit case.
VSfe now described below the twanbbn when the suit case is (eft standing on the floor.
The removal of the pin key from the socket will close the drcult through the socket, when the suitcase is on the floor. In this situation, the thief tends to walk off with the suitcase fay lifting it by the handle casuauy. The pressure on the handle will close the press switch in the circuit and circuit is complete. So a shock is generated through the metal strips handle where the tHef Is holding the briefcase.

A plastic plate is fixed at the lower side of the handle. Two metal stripe are embedded on the plastic plate. Between the plastic plate and upper side of the handle, a press switch is fbed. As arid when die pin key is rmoved, tfiedrcuttis enenjzed but gets oompteted when the connection between the press switch and pfn key socket is dosed. In an idle condition, no current flows since the circuit is normally open between socket and press switch due to open condition of press switch. >MienanattamDtisrnadetDa^thesuitcaseDykahs«Kte> the pressure from the fingers witt move the plate fixed at the tower side of the handle upwards and this in turn will press die press switch, leading to completion of circuit The result is current flows through the metal strips and fingers of the holder of the suit case by its handle. The person by natural reaction to die shook will drop the suit case from his hand and handle is released. The release of die handle wilt allow the lower plate to return to its Initial position, and press switch also 1s back In open condition and the circuit is cut-off. The circuit is once again ready to act against next attempt of tfieft A* long as the pinkey is not inserted Indie socket by die owner, die system will work continuously with out any manual interruptions, adjustments or resetting. The system works continuously against any number of attempts of theft of lifting die suit case by Its handle.
Vfc now describe die twention when the suitcase is carried 1n hand.
In die event of die owner walking with die suit case, die attempt is made by the ttiief to snatch and run.

uhrJke In the earlier position, the pinkey cannot be removed and system activated as such since the owner htmaetf has to hold the brief -case by its handle.
A switch meant for completing the drcuit without having to operate the press switch Is switched on. The drcuit ts through another set of metal strips around the suit case. The two sets of metal strips are In parallel. The draft is dosed excepting for the release of the pinkey from the sockets.
Here the pinkey is fitted at one end of the chain. The other end of the chain is to be looped by the owner onto his wrist. Wien the suit case Is being snatched away from the hand of the owner, due to the linking chain of pinkey, the pinkey gets released from the socket and the electronic circuit Is activated to Induce shock. The owner's hand Is removed away from the handle and he 1s safe.
The drcuit 1s complete through the metal strips across the body of the suit case. The thief holding the suit case by Its body gets a shook and this forces him to release the suitcase from Ns hold and drop it

We will now describe the Invention with reference to the drawings.
The alkatine eels are the source of the drcuit. The pinkey with sodcet(3) is part of the drcuit. Removal of pin from the socket(3) leads to completion of drcuit through the socket. The pfh Is fixed at one end of a chain. The other end of

thcchatnhasa toopingdevtcetDbefbcedontnewrtstof the owner. One set of metal strips(1) are fbed at the lower side of the handle to prevent the thief to lift the suit case by Its handle. The second set of metal strlps(2) are fbttdaciofs the body of the suit case, to prevent the thief from snatching and holding the suit case byltsbody. The removal of ptakey acttvetes the dnouft throu^ so^ suit case is stationery on the floor and press switch (4) completes it when the suitcase is lifted by handle to grve shock. In the mobile condition on/off, switoh(5) 1s switched on to energise the circuit, the removal of pinkey from the socket completes the circuit when the suit case is snatched by die thief.
Fig 1 Illustrates the theft prevention operation by means of control circuit when the suitcase is left standm& The system essentially consists of electronically controlled drcuit for Inducing small level shock when necessary from a source of two alkaline cells (3V). As shown in the drawing, the drcuit 1s complete through a press swtoch(4), pin and socket device(3) and two metal set of strips(1,2). The removal of pinkey from the sxket(3) leads to closing of the drcuit at that point through the socket. Metal str»Ds(1,2) are good conductors of current by nature and are fixed at the lower side of the handle. The press switch (4) Is fbcd between the metal strips(1,2) and upper side of the handle. The press swttch(4) is not open condition when handle is free. The press swlteh(4) Is activated only when pressure is applied by the holder through fingers in an attempt to 1ft the suitcase by Its handle. The drcuit is closed. A shock ts felt since the pinkey has been removed from the socket by the owner and at the instant when the press switohf*) is activated and dosed by the thief attempting to lift the suit case.

Fig. 2 illustrates the theft prevention operation by means of control circuit when the suitcase is held In hand. Yhen the owner is walking with suit case held by the handle, the activation diait against attempt of theft Is different. Here the mobile on/off switch for mobility H kept under «0N'condition. UnHkein the case of Pig. 1 where pinkey was activated by owner Intentionally in advance and circuit is completed by the trrief pressing the press switch(4) in an attempt to lift the suitcase, in case of Pig. 2 a parallel circuit is activated here, to give shock to the thief alone along the metal strips(2) fixed across the body. A shock is felt since the owner has intentionally kept on/off(5) switch in 'ON' condition and at the Instant of theft, the pinkey gets removed from its socket due to the snatching of suit case by the thief.
Fig. 3 Illustrates the two separate current paths taken to prevent theft of standing suit case and of carrying suit case.
i) The path 1 is complete.
a. Vihen on/off switch(5) is 'OFF.
b. VNhen the briefcase is stationery.
c. Key pin Is removed from the sooketfJ) by the owner intentionally in
d. Thief activates the press switeh(4) when lifting the suit case by its
handle and gets shook through path 1 via first set of metal strips(1).
ii) The Path 2 is complete
a. On/Off sw*teh(5) is on "OH' condition.

b. Wien the brief to held by handle by the owner.
c. Chain connecting the Key pin is hooked onto wrist of the owner.
d. Thief activates the process fay snatching the suit case and releasing the
key pin from socket (3). This sends a shock through path 2 via second set
of rnetal str1ps(2). TheowrieshMidlsawayffomtheharidteandhels
According to the Invention, an eiectrorscally controlled safety suit case for creating Shockwave in the event df tfftingor snatching of suftcase from a standing position or when carried In hand comprising of:
a body Including a handle,
a first set of metal strips(1) fitted onto uno1ersid> of the handle, a second setof metal strips(2) fitted onto the body, a pin-socket assenbty(3),
a press switch operable by application of pressure on the handle, an oo-off swttch(5) operable manually, and - a power supply means Including a 3 volts supply means(6) and transformer rneans for obtaining 100-150/supply (7),
- wherein the first set of metal strips(1) is connected to the said power supply means via the press swf tch(4) and the pin socket assembt/(3),
- wherein the second set of metal stripsf2) is connected to the said power supply means via the on-off switch(S) and pin socket assembly(3),

- a pin socket assembly means for connecting the arid power source to said first metal strips(1) and second metal sbfos(2), said pin socket means(3) Including a socket responsive to the release of the pinkey therein to connect the said power supply source to said metal strips(1,2), said pinkey having a chain at the other end,
- a press type switch(4) positioned underside of the handle responsive to said suitcase having the pinkey predeceased from the socket(3) to the rjft of said suitcase from a static standing position so as to connect the said power supply source to said first metal strips(1),
- an on-off switeh(5) means manually operable, the said on-off switch(5) in 'ON' position overriding the function of the press swttch(4), said on-off switch(5) responsive to the movement of the said suitcase away from the hand clasping the handle, awiy from the wrist onto which the pinkey chain is clasped so as to then release the pinkey from the sxket(3), and thereby to connect the said power source supply to second metal strips(2),
wherein first path for current flow is through the press switeh(4) and first set of metal strips(1), when the suit case is in standing position, having the pinkey predetached from socketp) and on-off switch(5) in OFF position,
- wherein second path for current flow is through on-off sw)tch(5) and
second set df metal strtos(2), when the on-eff swrtch(5) Is in 'ON'
position, when pinkey gets detached from socket(3) due to movement
of suit case away from the hand onto which pinkey chain is clasped.

The inventionhas been described and frustrated to cover the scope of construction and the manner of operation of the Invention.

be limitative and obvious equivalents are not ©eluded from the description and scope of appended claims.

1. An electronically controlled safety suit case for creating Shockwave in the event of lifting or snatching of suitcase from a standing position or when carried in hand comprising of:
a body including a handle,
a first set of metal strips(l) fitted onto underside of the handle, a second set of metal strips(2) fitted onto the body, a pin-socket assembly (3),
a press switch(4) operable by application of pressure on the handle, an on-off switeh(5) operable manually, and - a power supply means including a 3 volts supply means(6) and transformer means for obtaining 100-150v suppJy(7),
- wherein the first set of metal strips1) is connected to the said power supply means via the press switch(4) and the pin socket assembV(3),
- wherein the second set of metal strips(2) is connected to the said power supply means via the on-off switch(5) and pin socket assembly(3),
- a pm scKftet assembly(3) means lor comectir
to said first metal strips(1) and second metal strips(2), said pin socket means(3) including a socket responsive to the release of the pinkey therein to connect the said power supply source to said metal strips(1,2), said pinkey having a chain at the other end,
- a press type switch(4) positioned underside of the handle responsive
to said suitcase having the fin key pre-released from the socket (3) to

the lift of said suitcase from a static standing position so as to connect the said power supply source to said first metal strips(1), an onrff swifich(5) means manuaUy operable, the said on-off switch(5) in 'ON' position overriding the function of the press switch (4) said on-off switch(5) responsive to the movement of the said suitcase away from the hand clasping the handle, away from the wrist onto which the pinkey chain is clasped so as to then release the pinkey from the socket(3), and thereby to connect the said power source supply to second metal strips(2),
• wherein first path for current flow is through tto P**ss switch(4) and first set of metal stripsfi), when the suit case is in standing position, having the pinkey predetached from socket(3) and on-off switch (5) in OFF position,
- wherein second path for current flow is through on-off switch (5) and second set of metal strips^), when the ontff switeh(5) is in 'ON' position, when pinkey gets detached from socket(3) due to movement of suit case away from the hand onto which pinkey chain is clasped.


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2675-mas-1997 form-62.pdf

Patent Number 201049
Indian Patent Application Number 2675/MAS/1997
PG Journal Number 30/2009
Publication Date 24-Jul-2009
Grant Date
Date of Filing 24-Nov-1997
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A45C13/18
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA