Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a process of preparation of a novel blood sugar regulating agent, for type-I and type-II diabetes patients, from raw soybean seeds alone comprising the steps of- j) soaking raw soybean seeds for 2 to 24 hours, ii) removing the peel of the seeds after soaking, iii) grinding the soaked and peeled seeds along with water or any other suitable solvent, iv) heating the solution between 50° cto 140°C to get the desired product.
Full Text This invention relates to a process of preparation of a novel blood sugar regulating agent, for type-1 and type-2 diabetes patients, from raw soybean seeds alone.
Diabetes is a disease where the sugar level of the blood inaeases. This increase in the sugar level of the blood causes many other physiological problems. Some of the physiological problems become fatal while others reduce the life span of the individual by 10 to 15 years and in certain cases by e\en more than this. The exact reason for diabetes is not yet known. But its apparent cause and its control give us indication for some of factors like increase in stress, change of the lifesty le. malnourished diet and increase of fatty acids in the bod\. Diabetes is broadly classified in two types, type-l and type-II. Till today diabetes is mainly controlled by allopatliic medicines: which comprises oral drugs and insulin injections. But unfortunately these medicines are not able to control diabetes perfectly rather they increase the severitv' of the disease and many times the side effects of these drugs are fatal 1 have seen many simple diabetes patients just dying because of the adverse side effects of the drugs for controlling diabetes and hypertension.
Blood plasnta can retain only 2% of sugar. When the sugar concentration rises beyond this 2%. blood becomes thick and it cherts pressure at the wall of the blood vesssels. The proteins of the blood come out of the blood to provide space for the extra sugar and tliereby PH of tlie blood falls. This condition many times induces blood pressure The side effects of tliese medicines can be seen widely in diabetes patients. Diabetes patients are left with no option; if they do not control their blood sugar they may die of some other physiological problem and if they take medicines their blood sugar is temporarily controlled but actually they are becoming severe diabetic from mild. I have invented a very simple method where simple food can become a potent medicine for regulation of sugar concentration in the blood without any liamifui side effeas rather it has many positne health effects. In August 2002.1 discovered a highly effective anti diabetes agent. It was glycine max inerr (soyabean) solution. Soaked soyabean seeds when were grinded and boiled in water were found to be highh' effective anti diabetes agent I have tested its validity on seventeen hmnan patients till now and many are taking this by their reference. .After discovering soyabean solution as a highly effective anti diabetes agent I looked for scientific work done on soyabean. Tlie vety recent research done by scientiste was presented at the meeting of the American Physiological Society in New Orleans, Louisiana ( held on April 20-24. 2002, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Centre ). The vesy fist sentence of the first paragraph mentioning their results esactlv states that. " SOYBEAN SIGNIFICANTLY DECREASED TOTAL CHOLESTEROL AND LDL IN BOTH LEAN AND OBESE RATS BUT HAD NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON GLUCOSE " {1). Nowhere in the world soyabean alone is found as an active anti diabetes agent. But when 1 gave soybean solution totype-il diabetes patients, I foimd it higlily effective; and they are taking only sc> bean solution as a medicine for diabetes. I tliink this discovery will prove to be boon for tire diabetes patients. They do not have to take any type of drug for treating their diabetes. This product (soybean solution) would become a part of rheir daily consumption which would also keep them more healthy and free from other drug effects'
Drawbacks of Prior Art:
Nobody before me as per my knowledge has found that unisolated soyabean alone in natural fomi can be used as a
perfect blood sug.ar regulator.
Apparently insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs are considered the most appropriate medicine to reduce blood
sugar and to control diabetes; but they are liamifiil for the body.
(i) They prvoke In-pothalamic stimulation of the vagal nuclei; as a result gastric secretion increases and causes
hypoacidity, which reduces food metabolism: which causes diabetes.
(II) Insulin promotes fatly acid transportation into cells and causes fat formation which causes obcsity. Obesity is
well known to cause diabetes. 'We are curing diabetes to increase diabetes". Fatty cells are resistant to insulin
(III) Fat deposition into cells causes reduction in blood volume. Blood volume per IdloginRi of body weight varies
inversely with the amount of excess body fat. This means that the less fat there is in your body the more blood you have per kilogram of your body weight.
(IV) Fat deposits in liver and causes fatty liver which fiirtlier affects fimctioning of liver cells.
(V) Hyperlipidemia induces vascular damages and promotes atherosclerosis. Diabetics usually have more
triglycerides, intravenous insulin further increases it
(VI) Insulin level in late onset diabetes patients is usually normal or more. Further intravenous insulin injection
causes hyperinsulinaemia, which is another risk factor for hypertension and low HDL cholesterol which again
enhances the risk of Coronary Artery Diseases (heart disease CAD). Hyperinsulinaemia also accelerates
athierosclerosis by causing smooth muscle cell proliferation and increasing the levels of growth honnoue.
(Vll) inappropriate insuhn concentration resuUs in unstable cellular glucose metabolism and this causes intracellular
(IX) Oral hypoglycemic drugs accelerate CAD (Coronary Artery Disease). Animal experiments have shown tlial
tolbutamide causes infiltration of lipids into the myocardium. Lipid infiltration increases the stiffness of the left
ventricular wall and causes cadiomyopathy. Lactic acidaemia and intracellular hypoxia caused by biguanides are
harmful Thus both sulphonyl ureas and biguanides adversely affect myocardial function and facilitate heart disease
m diabetics. Hence oral hypoglycemic drugs should be avoided as far as possible.
It is definite that poor control of diabetes (blood sugar) is associated with higlier cardiovascular mortaUty but at the
same time hypoglycemic drugs and insulin are causing more harmful effect.
Object of Invention :
Oral drags and inailin injections are harmfiil for the body. A diatetes patient who is controlling his/her blood sugar by vanous natmBl plant products are times better than pauent who is controlling his or her blood sugar by drags or insulin injections. The total life span of a diabetes patient who is not faking medicine is more than a diabetes patient who IS taking medicine.
When a specific process is applied to raw soybean seeds atone it ttims to a novel blood sugar regulating agrait for type-1 and lype-II diabetes patients. It controls both the conditions of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Oral drugs and insulin injections are harmful to the body. It promotes fetty acid transportation into cells and causes fat formation which causes obesity. Obesity is well know n to cause diabetes Obesity is well known to cause diatees as latty cells are resistant to inailin action. That is why if a patient .starts with half a tablet a day has to land up one day to insulin injections. Medicines are taken to reduce the disease and not to incr^se it. In the case of insiilin injection also units of insulin keep on increasing rather than decreasing.
But this product processol from soybean contains lecitliin, which is a great natural fat emulsifier. It disperses deposits of fatty materials and cholesterol in certain vita! orgaits. The dose of insulin or hypoglycemic drug wluch a patient take per day sometimes remain adequate sometimes become less and sometimes become more becaase tlie level of the sugar in the blood keeps on changing depending upon several factors. When it is adequate it has limited harmful effect but when it becomes more, patient can become hypoglycemic with % arying degree of moderate to severe, which can put him in coma. Soybean solution on the other hand k^ps the blood sugar normal. Oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin injections cost much more than soybean solution. Taking insulin injection is much more painful while taking soybean solution is like drinking solution, ft tastes well even without putting in additional fla\ or etc. It is a total healti\ tonic.
Summary of Invention: Novelties and Inventive Step :
Inventive step of the process lies in the soaking of the raw soyabean seeds, followed by peeling off of the seed coat and heating the grinded solution.
Soaking of raw soybean seeds are done for 2 to 24 hours. Best results are obtained when it is soaked between 5 to8 hours. Soaking of the raw soybean seeds between 2 to 24 hotxrs induces the Novelity and make the soybean seeds an effective blood sugar regulator. Peeling of the seed coat shotjld not be done before soaking because it rediEces effectiveness. After soaking, peeling of the seed coat is giving an impact on medicine. Soaked and peeled off seeds are grinded and converted into solution. Heating of this Solution is also necessary for achieving this novel blood
sugar regulator. Skipping off of any step reduces its effectiveness significantly. Heating should be done lietween 50° c to 140° c though best result was obtained when it was heated between 70c to 100°c. Soaking of the raw soybean seeds between 2 to 24 hours induces the novelty and make the soybean seeds an eflfective blood regulator. This is first time in the world where I found soybean solution prepared by above mentioned proems is highly eflfectiv e blood sugar regulating agent and controls diabetes perfectly.
Detailed Description of the Invention :
I have found amazing results for sojijean solution on diabetes patients. 250 mL (1 glass) of extract was given to each patient. It reduced tlie blood sugar level of the patients from 17 mg to 185 mg per 100 mL of blood within one to uvo and half-hours.
a) One of my patients is taking soybean solution only twice a da} (morning and evening) since Aug. 25, 2002 as a medicine for controlling diabetes. He is diabetic for the last five years and was taking hypoglycemic drugs before August 25, 2002. He got his blood tested on August 28, 2002. His random blood sugar was 120 mg/dL. On 14tli September, 2002 liis fasting blood sugar WBS 89 mg/dL and after meals blood sugar was 108 mg/dL. Nonnal range of blood sugar for fa.sting is 70-110 mg/dL and after meals is up to 140 mg/dL. His blood sugar is perfectly in the nomia! range in spite of the fact that he is not taking dietary precautions now a days because he wants to be quite sure about the effectiveness of this newly found medicine.
b) Another patient of mine had a blood sugar level of 354 mg/dL (random) on August 11. 2002. when he came under my consultation for tlie first time. His ranctom blood sugar on 14th September was 103 mg/dL. He is taking so> bean solution only as a medicine for diabetes lirom August 25. 2002. The patients who are taking only soybean solution as an antidiabetic medicine liave the following experience:
i) Tliey feel energetic. Now they do not feel tired all the time as they used to feel earlier before they started taking
soybean solution.
ii i One of the patients. who are diabetic for the last five years, sa>s his vision is improv ing after having started
taking this soybean solution.
iii) They say that the\ do not feel thirsty so finequently now as the> used to feel before starting «>ybean solution
Soyabean belongs to the family of pulses. Incidentally all patients were type-II patients. Soybean solution, I found is controlling blood sugar level much better than any other hypogly cemic drug. Soybearr solution is a better alternative to insulin or other h\poglycemic drugs as it does not have any harmful effects like them. Since many people m this countn and abroad already consume soyabean as a food item, so this medicme can be expected to be free from any serious harmful side elfecls; rather it can be a good supplement to improve their health. This food as medicine is ver) cost effective and suitable medicine for poor diabetes patients like those in India and other developing countries. I kg of soyabean available in market for rupees twenr> four, will produce about 2500 ml of soybean solution (Rs. 2.40 per glass). Most importantjy it is found to be a Mghly effecti^-e medicine and can be a great help to the large number of people suffering from diabetes throughout the world. Another positive point of this medicine is that It can be easily obtained/prepared by ambody.
Why I looked for soybean:
In my search for herbal cure for diabetic patients, I looked for plant products rich in calcium, phosphate and essential amino acids particuJariy leucine, lysine and arginine. 1 listed many plants and their contents. I found soyabean highly rich in both calcium and phospliate. It has calcium 240 mg and phosphate 690 mg per 100 gm of edible portion. I found it a rich source of aill essential amino acids and iron. I found that its protein is complete as it contains ail of the essentiaJ amino acids.
Probable reasons for soyabean's action as an antidiabctcs agent:
1. The higher ionic content of calcium, phosphate and presence of all essential amino acids in the aqueous form could be the factors which make soybean solution act as an antidiabetes agent.
Calcium in combination witli essential amino acids sudi as leucine, lysine and arginine is prcAiably helping in curing diabetes in the following ways;
a) It stabihzes cell membrane and it binds witli tlie regulatory proteins or proteins subunits and translates into
changes in cellular fimction. Calmodulin, a membrane protein, is a ubiquitous Ca2+ binding protein that regulates a number of processes including macromolecular antithesis, secretion, cvloskeletal function, catbohj'drate metabolism and ion transport. Ca2+ calmodulin complexes also ^;tivate a number of protein kinases that in turn phosphorylate other regulatory proteins, such as phosphorylate kinase, which regulate carbohydrate metabolism.
b) Half-iife period of insulin in human body is ten minute only. Essential amino acids stimulate insulin secretion in the human body.
c) Ner\es of the brain get constricted during stress and hence reduction of neurotransmitters occur. Calcium helps in tlie release of neurotransmitters.
d) Calcium is required for secretion of granular matraial from exocrine glands and from endocrine glands such as cells of pancreas (insulin).
e) Calcium helps in maintaining acid base balance in the human body, which facilitates normal cellular function
f) Most of the digestive enzymes and hormones are proteins and synthesis of proteins requires calcium.
g) Calcium promotes excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. The presence of phosphate in the diet is essential for optimum absorption of calcium. In human beings calcium absorption diminishc with age. The proportion of calcium absorbed from the gut is reduced with the increased oral calcium intake but the absolute amount of calcium absorbed after oral intake increases with the increase in the amount taken. Tims after a
1000 mg oral load more calcium is absorbed tlian after a 500 rag load.
2. Fatt> acids are tlie main inhibitors of the insulin action. Soyabean has lecithin. Lecithin disperses deposits of fain materials and cholesterol in certain vital organs. It is also an important component around brain and ner\ c cells.
3 With my e.Kperience with diabetes patients I feel that acidity is an important cause for diabetes to occur, hi acidic medium many digestive enz>Tnes become mactive causing diabetes. Soyabean is rich in alkaline bearing salts and hence it should be regarded as a correcti\ e diet for acidit}-. Soyabean stimulates tiie growth. It also remo^ es constipation.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a multidimensional, complex and varied symptom disorder, it is a phj'siologicai disorder, which anses due to many factors acting together. They are:
i. Stressfiil life
2. Inappropriate diet
3 inappropriate eating habits
4 Lethargic life st\'le
Stressful life:
Stress has become a common factor in causation of late onset diabetes. Stress operates very weO when tlie body is under old age and when the body is malnourished. Stress, which is the gift of urbanisation and technological upiiflment, causes hypotlialamic over activity' which leads to sympathetic over artivity. Stress in a systematic network affects various sj'^stems of the body causing hyperglycemia (diabetes), high blood pressure, decreased immunity, decreased digestion, fatty liver and damages pancreas inhibiting insulin secretion. Catecholamines, produced by stress, antagonize insulin by increasing CAMP formation in the iiver, and muscle; this acti\ ates phosphorylase, in the liver, promotes glycogenolysis and leads to diabetes. They promote glycogenolysis in muscle and enhance lactate formation. Lacttite returns via the bloodstream to the liver and is converted to glucose, increasing sugar level in the blood. Fuither catecholamines promote hpohsis in adipose tissue and proteolysis in muscle. High sugar concentration in blood causes protein depletion in plasma which causes high blood viscosity and reduces blood flow, causing oxygen depletion and high blood pressure.
Inappropriate Diet:
Sugar in the blood is mobilized by a hormone called insulia Insulin is produced in pancreas by islet cells and (ittle m kidneys. Insulin is a protein and is stored as granules for hours or days and is released by exocytosis. a process
which depends on tlie presence of Ca2+, ATP and ATPase. The main actions of insulin are exerted on muscle, adipose tissue and liver. Calcium affects membrane permeability. Certain essential amino acids like arginine, leucine. i\ sine activate insulin secretion. Hence food rich in calcium and essential amino acids may reduce blood sugar b> mcreasing insulin secretion.
Inappropriate eating habits:
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) decreases with the increase in the age and people become more prone to certain diseases like diabetes, respiratory- tract infection, cardio\ascular disorders and malignant diseases. Dietar> requirements of an old person differ from those of the young. Senescence is an irreversible process, but so long as physical activity' is imdertaken and proper food with required minerals vitamins (vit C and vit E. antioxidants required m diabetes) ;md energy- requirements of 8000-9000 kJ with an intake of 50-55 gm of protein. 30 gm of fats and 200 gm of cartwhydrate, and sufficient dietar> fiber are taken it can be slowed down. Witlt the increase in age. secretion of enzymes and honnones decreases. Junk food eating habits have increased vastly, causing exponential increase in disorders like diabetes. Tliis fact is realized by experts but public awareness in this regard is very poor With m\ experience with diabetes patients, I have come to believe that acidit> is another firadiimental cause of diabetes .Acidity causes reduced secretion of digesti\e enzymes which further reduces metabolism which leads to diabetes and malfiinctioning of liver. Hence foods which are antacids should be included in the diet of diabetics.
Lethargic life style:
Reduced physical activity also causes diabetes. Lethargic life st}'le has caused reduced oxidation of food reduced
cataboiism and reduced metabolism, which leads to a number of physiological disorders like constipation, acidity.
higli blood pressure and diabetes. These all-further damage ftractioning of vital organs of the body leading to heart
problems, eye damage, liver damage and kidney damage; finally reducing life expectancy by 10-! 5 years.
1 soaked the raw seeds of soybean between 2 to 24 hours. Then I removed the pee! of the seed. After remoMng ihe
peel of the seeds, seeds were grinded in water or art} other suitable solvent. Tliis solution %vas dicn heated at
temperature between 50" c to 140°c. After giving the above treatment soybean seeds are converted into a nc ci blood
Initially when I soaked it for twelve hours i got the resuh. Thereafter various time intervals and ^ arious temperatures
are used to determine the effectivaty. The eflectivity is achieved when it is soaked between 2 to 24 hours and when
tlhe soluuon is heated between temperature 50°c to 14° c.

1. The process of preparation of a novel blood sugar regulating agent, for type-I and type-II diabetes patients, from raw soybean seeds alone comprising the steps of-
i) soaking raw soybean seeds for 2 to 24 hours,
ii) removing the peel of the seeds after soaking,
iii) grinding the soaked and peeled seeds along with water or any other suitable solvent,
iv) heating the solution between 50°c to l40°c to get the desired product.
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein preferable time used for soaking is between 4 to 8 hours.
3. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the peel of seeds are removed after soaking from 2 to 22 hours .
4. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein preferable temperature used for heating the solution is between 60°C to 100° c.
5. A process for preparation of blood sugar regulating agent, for type-II and type-I diabetes patients, from raw soybean seeds alone as claimed in claim 1 substantially as described herein.


Patent Number 197560
Indian Patent Application Number 904/DEL/2002
PG Journal Number N/A
Publication Date
Grant Date 23-Jun-2006
Date of Filing 04-Sep-2002
Name of Patentee DR. MANJU PATHAK
Applicant Address B-506, PMO HOUSING SOCIETY C-58/20, SECTOR-62, NOIDA-201301, INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K 35/78
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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